Member Reviews

I thought this was more of a date night thing but it's a bit more of a couple's therapy workbook. That's fine, but it's not necessarily what I thought it was.

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This is a great tool for couples, the questions are thought provoking and could help anyone on a journey to a better self. This journal ask the hard questions, and if answer truthly will give you insight to yourself and your partner. I feel yhis would be great questions to ask a potential partner as well.

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This book was incredibly fun! My partner and I were not able to print it out and actually use as a journal, but I did write a bunch of the questions down, and then we journaled and discussed. it was really fun, and the questions are interesting. We actually had an entire evening of conversation based on just ONE question!

I Definitely would recommend this workbook to new couples or couples that are looking for ways to communicate more effectively.

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I loved these questions! I have a digital copy of the book on my phone, which I liked so I could pull it out during random times where I wanted to evoke conversations. The questions were a blend of deep, and simple, so someone who is not an emotional person like my husband could ease in!

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I absolutely love how this book was written and designed to inspire deeper sharing. My partner and I have spent more than half our lives together and we have a strong relationship that we are always working to improve. We know so much about each other already but these questions are fuel for meaningful connection and provide opportunity to discover more. Not every one of the 150 questions resonate, but there are plenty that do. We’re incorporating them into our walks or other time together rather than writing them out. It’s perfect and I love it!

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This book should be a gift to every married couple as a wedding gift! It is SO fun and the conversations that follow it were fantastic. Wonderfully done!

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I did not read this book from someone in a couple's perspective but as someone who cares about people and connection. This book is as diverse and deep and all the questions you could want. I have used a few in different conversations mostly with friends, some with students. I think it might have been helpful for the question-hesitant to give some more context for why some of these questions are helpful and will provide connection. I think that this could be a fun way to stay engaged with people you care about without resorting to such boring questions as "how are you" or "how was your day?".

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinion are completely my own.

I don't have a significant other, but I randomly asked my friend group questions and we had some nice conversations. I recommend

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This is a cute concept, and I like the aesthetic! However, I do feel that the questions are quite generic and I feel like I’ve seen all of these in games like “we’re not really strangers.” Still a cool concept and it was fun to do, but I wish the questions were more unique!

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I loved it! been using the book for a while, it's super great and inspiring and at a same time it's very well thought to personal growth and relationships growth. super recommend it

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This helpful 150-question journal offers one question a day for couples to answer and discuss. Designed to deepen connections, authentic communication, and a couple's bond, the journal can be a useful tool for new or seasoned relationships. The biggest challenge I see is getting men to participate; my husband intensely dislikes discussing his emotions or feelings. I guess I would just use the journal solo to gain more self-insight.

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These are thoughtful and beneficial questions for discussion. While my husband and I have already talked about a lot of these questions before getting this book, it will be interesting to discuss the others and see if any answers change over time. I appreciated the way that the author gives multiple suggestions for how to use the book, as well as providing context for why each category is helpful to discuss. There were a few questions that seemed, to me, possibly mis-categorized, but they are still great questions - both for self-reflection and for better understanding your partner. I could tell Dr. Senarighi put thought and care into each aspect of the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC; this review contains my honest opinions.

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I put this book to use right away, using it every evening with my husband. I forgot a couple nights, and he comments on it. There are 150 questions, and you can pick it up, open the book and pick a random question, or you can look through and pick what seems appropriate for the day.
This is one I'll be purchasing to add to my collection of physical copies of books.
Thank you to Zeitgeist and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for my honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

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Good discussion/journal prompts, but pretty short book overall so I don't have a ton more to say about it. I could see it being helpful for some couples

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This book offers a thoughtful way to deepen connection. With one question per day, this journal provides an accessible yet impactful tool for enhancing communication and intimacy.

Dr. Senarighi's prompts encourage couples to explore each other's inner worlds, fostering understanding and strengthening their bond. Whether you're newlyweds or celebrating years together, this journal offers a structured yet enjoyable approach to relationship building.

Each question sparks meaningful conversations and reflections, creating opportunities for laughter, exploration, and growth. With space for both partners to journal, "Stay Close & Curious" promotes mutual sharing and understanding, enriching the relationship experience.

"Stay Close & Curious" is a valuable resource for couples seeking to prioritize connection and nurture a fulfilling partnership. Dr. Senarighi's expertise shines through in this accessible and engaging journal, making it a worthwhile addition to any couple's toolkit for love and growth.
I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions included here are my own.

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While named “One Question A Day” this journal offers 150 questions to work on connecting with your partner. I’m actually glad it isn’t 365 questions because that would feel overwhelming to me.
While I want to make this a priority, every day isn’t realistic. Life happens! Setting an intention of making the time to connect and having a journal to guide you is invaluable.

These questions can be fun to bounce around throughout the journal or done in order to I love the flexibility.

Even though we discuss the questions and our answers I love the space for each partner to jot down notes and later reflect.

I can’t wait to purchase this myself to work through with my partner!

Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy to review.

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I haven’t had time to work through the book with my spouse yet, but I’ve read through the questions and there are many thought-provoking prompts. Even having been married for several years, I do not know how my spouse would answer many of them, so I think the book achieves its goal of helping people learn more about their partner, no matter the stage of the relationship. There are some questions that I would find it very difficult to answer without putting significant thought into it. That doesn’t make them bad questions, but if your intention is to spend a few minutes before bed reading questions and discussing your answers, there may be some you have to skip and come back to. If you intend to journal/write essays/not do a question every single day, those questions are better suited to that format. All in all, I look forward to trying this book out.

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I’m really excited to connect with my spouse with this book. We have already started one prompt and it brought a good conversation that we don’t normally think of or have. I love that it brings us together through a writing prompt. Back in the dating days, we used to write longggg love notes and letters and now that seems like a distant memory of the past. Taking time to write down our thoughts and feelings from the prompt really made me stop from my day to day tasks of being a mom and just be present with the journal. Thank you for creating this resource and small reminder for couples everywhere to connect in small but meaningful ways. ❤️

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