Member Reviews

DNF. I tried, but it just couldn't get into it. The beginning was so slow, and I kept putting it down, and was reluctant to resume.

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Anyone who knows me knows that I am a Paranormal romance (PNR) junkie. I can not get enough. I love the connection the heroes and the heroines make with one another and the passionate pull towards each other, marking them as unequivocal soulmates. This story had a unique story between an energy vampire and the woman he called his own.

While I enjoyed the writing and the combination of the unique energy vampire/origin storyline, I could not feel a connection between Rafe and Renee in the novel. Furthermore, I was confused quite a bit as the characters and their interactions seemed unnatural. They felt stilted and more mechanical and I could not feel an ounce of affection between then which was disappointing. All in all, this was an interesting concept for a vampire series, but it did not resonate strongly for me.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Loveswept for an advanced copy of this book.

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Energy vampires and their society have remained hidden from humans for centuries; the phant (rogue vamps) are killing humans in sight of witnesses, putting the society in danger of discovery! Also threatening a new worldwide vampire treaty! Renee and James, human detectives are assigned to find the killer(s); Rafe, a negotiator (upper echelon e-vampire) is on the case, as well.Rafe seeks out Renee to discern what she's learned and discovers an unexpected attraction between them...
A fresh spin on vampires. The story drags in spots and is action-packed in others. Liked the characters of Rafe and Renee, for the most part. Loved Halo and was intrigued by Leopold, Draz, and Sensha. A good paranormal romance. Looking forward to book 2.
Book free for honest review.

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Jacquelyn Frank is looking to give vampires a but if an update. Thirst, the first book in her Energy Vampires series, she creates e-vamps. I'm not sure if there is a difference in energy vs blood, but these vampires deferentially use electricity rather than some more traditional weapons. But don't worry, these vamps haven't lost mind control. They do get energy from sunlight. Lawful vampires live communally to share resources, including clean energy sources. These are people that eat organic and don't have vices, like drinking and smoking. It is a capital crime to became a sycophant, or take from "dirty" sources. Frank brought up some very interesting topics with Renee's strong views on some of the different situations.

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I have been a fan of Jacquelyn Frank's writing for a while now. Even though this plot is good, it did not rock my world. It is just average considering the volume of work in this genre. Rafe and Renee's emotional connection is not really convincing to me. It does not have that intense, desperate, throat grabbing emotion which vampires/human relationship has. It is good though. It is a light hearted day's read.

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Five out of Five Stars! I LOVED it! I would purchase this book for a friend.

Jacquelyn Frank has created a whole new race of people on earth, and she has done it very cleverly indeed.

***I don't want to give away any of the plot twists, so I will only speak in terms of the overall experience.***

Energy vampires, or e-vamps as we come to so lovingly know them in THIRST, are a refreshingly new kind of creature. There are no vampire superstitions here: no problems with garlic or holy water or silver bullets. Additionally, no coffins or wooden stakes through the heart. and as an added bonus, instead of the sun causing vampires to disintegrate, energy vampires thrive on the sun.

There is one undeniable and remarkable similarity between e-vamps and the vampires of yesteryear - pure and raw SEXINESS. There is no avoiding it. Rafe DaSilva is one HOT vampire!

Jacquelyn Frank has successfully created a whole new world for us to enjoy with a plethora of fun to look forward to. In book One of her new e-vamp series, she has created interesting lead characters with chemistry galore, a new race of people, and a setting where anything can happen.

I was hooked right from the first page, and reeled into a sexy new world where I can't wait to see what will happen next. Jacquelyn's lead characters in THIRST struggle with their own values, teetering with morality, balancing between clean and dirty.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a little passion, a little darkness, and a little combat.

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Thirst book one of the Energy Vampire series didn't leave me as excited as I wanted to be. The story as a whole was well written and as the reader I was able to get a clear idea of who all the characters were. It was the almost sterile nature in which it was written that threw me off. This entry has very good bones and would make an excellent series but with this one something was off.

Usually, in anything that I read there is one thing the draws me into the story but in the case of this one there is a couple of things that was just ... I don't know ... irritating. I know the sycophants are the bad guys of the story due to their impure nature but the sheer repetition of the term is distracting at best. Also, the constant clean vs dirty thing is chaffing but this is one of the main ideas of the story (clean energy sources vs unclean energy sources). Since, this is the case it is necessary to make this idea understood but it is just repeated so often.

As for the main characters, I wasn't drawn to them and even in their romantic scenes I didn't feel the fire but that isn't to say the appeal isn't there. All and all this is a good start to what should be a good series.

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3.5 Stars

I was very excited to read this book from Jacquelyn Frank because I’ve read every other series of hers and have loved them all. She always builds unique worlds that draw you in. With this book, it took me a little while to get into it though. It didn’t grab my attention as fast as her previous books. I think this was partially due to the need to provide enough background information to set up the series. After I was several chapters into the book, things started to get more interesting.

The lead female, Renee, was a strong woman but at times came off a little over the top. Her need to refuse help when facing a race of beings that can easily overpower her was a little frustrating. But overall I enjoyed her and her interactions with Rafe.

Rafe introduces the reader to a new type of vampire that feeds off the energy of humans. This spin on vampires was good as it also included a catch that they really can’t feed off just any human. They have to be clean. This means that they have to have a healthy lifestyle (eat well, no drugs, etc.) in order to provide the type of energy required by the “good” energy vampires. Although, rogue vampires will feed off anyone. We learn of the struggle within the energy vampire community between the two classes of vampires which is where it started to get really intriguing. The ending of the book was a perfect set up for the rest of the series and makes you want to read the next one. I know that I’m looking forward to it!

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I did a first look for this one over on Heroes & Heartbreakers blog. I've also mentioned it quiet a bit on our latest podcast and I will review it again on my personal blog next week with links back to the HH First Look.

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This was my first Jacquelyn Frank book and while I'm not crazy over vampire books, I do like them every now and again and this one sounded interesting. Renee is a human detective and she fights to find killers. The latest homicide she's working on sounds crazy, even for her. Witnesses are claiming the killer is a vampire. Renee doesn't judge them too harshly, as sometimes the imagination runs wild due to witnessing a crime. But then she meets Rafe. He's unlike other men she's come into contact with and feels drawn to him. He realizes she can provide him energy and he uses her as a food source, unbeknownst to her. But he's just as drawn to her as she is to him and soon they can't get enough of each other. However, circumstances happen that makes it so he has to tell her about who they are. Even though humans aren't aware of their existence, Renee vows to protect both humans and vampires. The book took some crazy turns here and there and while I didn't get sucked into these characters' lives, it was interesting. I would like to read something else from this author and see how I like other books.

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Although I love reading paranormal romance, I thought I was over vampires but Jaquelyn Frank proved me wrong and surprised my in a good way. In Thirst we are introduced to a different kind of vampires, e-vamps, who feed on human energy instead of blood. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding in this book and I liked the fact that these vampires are quite different from the usual bloodsucking breed. I also loved the main heroine, Renee, who is independent, smart, and strong. She doesn't need to be rescued, she is the one who saves the day and I really liked that about her. The chemistry between Renee and Rafe, an energy vampire, is electrifying (literally) and makes for a hot read.

Thirst has a good balance of interesting worldbuilding, hot romance and action. It is a great start to a new series and I am looking forward to exploring the fascinating world of e-vamps. There are quite a few secondary characters worthy of their own stories and I hope we get books for Danton and Halo very soon.

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The Paranormal Genre is one of my favorites. I'm always on the look out for my next favorite paranormal series. After reading the blurb this book caught my attention but sadly it didn't work for me at all.

What didn't work for me:
I didn't feel the connection between Rafe and Renee. It was too much insta lust for me. Renee was supposed to be a headstrong detective but kept going back and forth over her feelings. One minute I don't know him that well. Then the next minute I can't imagine him not being in my life. Ok......

I also had a hard time connecting to either character in this story. I felt everything just happened way too fast and a slower build up would have been better. I felt nothing while reading and if I can't feel anything that's a big problem for me.

What I did like:
I did enjoy the plot about the energy vampires and their fight against the sycophants. I've never read anything like this paranormal wise so I have to give the author stars for creativity.

Even though this book didn't work for me please don't let my review stop you from reading. This could be your next favorite paranormal series.

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Sorry, but I couldn't get into this book. It's just one of many in a storyline that I've read far too many times before. Reminded me of Larissa Ione tales in its similarity.

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I loved the unique take on vampires in this series. They are nothing like I've read before. I felt the author succeeded in introducing a new species instead of harping on the same stereotype. They feed off of energy in a person rather than blood. You get a full explanation at the end of the book about how and why. Add to that, Renee could actually feel Rafes energy spark through her body when they were intimate. I thought that was brilliant of the author since that makes their sex scenes more intense and very hot!

I did have a few minor issues in the story. I didn't like how much it talked about how humans are mostly just a food source. Rafe even thinks about how they see humans like a human would see a cow. It was thought of more than once and it kept throwing me off. Hard to sell an attraction with that. The other thing that kept throwing me off was it felt like Renee was trying to be the man in the relationship. I'm all for girl power and I did like how she proved herself capable but I think we needed to see a more feminine side to her. Rafe was great and is the only reason I could see a softer side to her.

Overall, I liked this fresh new take on vampires and I will definitely read Halo's story. He intrigues me because of how much he's feared. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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Not for me.

I like vampires but Rafe extremely pissed me off. He would drain his woman and then make her forget and walk around like he was superior. Show some manners! Ask before you suck dude!

I didn't like the characters their conversations were robotic and I just couldn't care about them. It just didn't peek my interest.

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Exciting new take on Vampires, great new series. I would recommend this book.

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The quality of the writing was good and the dialogue flowed well, but I just didn't connect with the characters. In fact, I got bored and didn't finish due to lack of interest. Sorry.

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Interesting take on the vampire myth. I can't wait to see where this series goes. Ms. Frank always writes great books and I have no doubt that this will be among the top series she has written.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Ms. Frank's so very different and quirky take on familiar paranormal species keeps me coming back every time I hear she has a new release.  This time it's energy sucking vampires who walk in the sun and their arch enemies the sycophants who set the stage for what will make an interesting series.
Renee has seen a lot of really weird and bad stuff on her job as a homicide detective in New York but the latest murder she's called out to investigate has her puzzled. There's no apparent motive, no conventional cause of death except twin puncture marks on the victim's neck. Vampires only exist in a writer's imagination and not wandering the streets of New York, right?
Rafe Silva is in the upper echelon of the vampire government.  He's trying to keep the lid on a crime scene that might expose his secret world.   The energy vampires as they are called are on the cusp of a historic peace agreement that their enemies will do everything they can to prevent from coming to fruition. A few murders are just the icing on an energy filled cake.
What do the police know about the murder?  Rafe sets off on a reconnaissance mission to get into the head of the lead detective on the case. He engineers a chance encounter at the grocery story leading to dinner for both of them. Renee's energy intoxicates Rafe and suddenly he finds himself bending the rules and laws he's architected to keep her with him and safe from the attention of his enemies.
Readers get an interesting education into Ms. Frank's brave new world that shake up some of our long held beliefs about vampires. There are some suspenseful moments as Rafe and Renee team up to stop the sycophants from further killing.  The author leaves us on a cliff hangar which leads me to believe that there will be more books in this world by Ms. Frank though none are announced yet.

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Detective Renee Holden gets a call to investigate a homicide where the witness claims she saw a vampire attack the victim. Upon inspecting the body Renee and the coroner find two puncture marks in the back of the victim’s neck that look to be from a bite and they think they’ve come across someone who has had dental work to imitate vampires because there’s no such thing, right?

Rafe DaSilva is an energy vampire, instead of biting and taking a victim’s blood he feeds upon the energy of humans without killing them. When watching at the crime scene Rafe knows that the victim was killed by a rouge sychophant and he needs to find the culprit before he kills again. Deciding to get close to Renee to keep up on the investigation Rafe finds himself falling for the detective and in danger of disclosing the secret world of vampires.

Thirst is the first book in the new Energy Vampires series by Jacquelyn Frank. The story has been created around a secret world of vampires living among humans that instead of feeding on blood are feeding upon energy of their prey. Of course with every society you have the bad mixed in with the good and some rogue vampires still kill their prey and are in danger of exposing the whole secret world.

I’m not sure I’m totally sold on non-blood drinking vampires myself but I thought I would give this series a try. What I found myself is that I had a bit of a problem connecting with the characters and fitting them into the situations at any given time during this book. For example for Renee being a homicide detective she was awfully timid when meeting Rafe but then a complete turn around to the I can take care of myself strong attitude you should expect from page 1.

All in all it was an OK read for the beginning of a series. A lot of world building with the vampire politics and some steamy moments in the budding romance involved but little details here and there kept me from loving this one even more.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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