Member Reviews

Detective Renee Holden gets a call to investigate a homicide where the witness claims she saw a vampire attack the victim. Upon inspecting the body Renee and the coroner find two puncture marks in the back of the victim’s neck that look to be from a bite and they think they’ve come across someone who has had dental work to imitate vampires because there’s no such thing, right?

Rafe DaSilva is an energy vampire, instead of biting and taking a victim’s blood he feeds upon the energy of humans without killing them. When watching at the crime scene Rafe knows that the victim was killed by a rouge sychophant and he needs to find the culprit before he kills again. Deciding to get close to Renee to keep up on the investigation Rafe finds himself falling for the detective and in danger of disclosing the secret world of vampires.

Thirst is the first book in the new Energy Vampires series by Jacquelyn Frank. The story has been created around a secret world of vampires living among humans that instead of feeding on blood are feeding upon energy of their prey. Of course with every society you have the bad mixed in with the good and some rogue vampires still kill their prey and are in danger of exposing the whole secret world.

I’m not sure I’m totally sold on non-blood drinking vampires myself but I thought I would give this series a try. What I found myself is that I had a bit of a problem connecting with the characters and fitting them into the situations at any given time during this book. For example for Renee being a homicide detective she was awfully timid when meeting Rafe but then a complete turn around to the I can take care of myself strong attitude you should expect from page 1.

All in all it was an OK read for the beginning of a series. A lot of world building with the vampire politics and some steamy moments in the budding romance involved but little details here and there kept me from loving this one even more.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I was given ARC copy for review by Netgelley and Loveswept.
Jacquelyn Frank will sweep you into a new world.

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I think the world of this author and the worlds she creates. I was thrilled to see a new series coming out (The Energy Vampires) and couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I was fortunate enough to be able to get an ARC. Sadly, this one was just okay for me. On the up side there was melt-the-page heat between the hero/Heroine which the cover does seem to advertise, although perhaps not as hawt as the cover. This aspect of the story came through as seems to be the strength of this author’s writing. The plotline wasn’t unique with the heroine a cop working a murder that looks to be done by a vampire (or sycophant as the gone-bad vamps are referred to in the novel) and the hero who is a vampire who hunts or polices the “bad” vampires.
I had issues with conflicting characterization points for both characters. Rafe was initially made out to be a womanizing rebel, but then when he interacts with the heroine he is over-the-top polite and not at all the bad boy I expected. Maybe this was the author's attempt at having him be an antiquated guy of a different era? For the heroine she’s a cop but doesn’t come off jaded or as tough as I’d expect for a NYC Homicide detective. On the technical side there significant use of passive phrasing.

This story has echoes of Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series in it, although the method of inhaling essences was intriguing.

Was it a fun read? Yes. Was it like Frank’s other series? No. Would I recommend this: Yes to someone who has not read a lot of other vampire PNR series.

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Renee is a homicide detective who gets pulled into the vampire world through an unusual murder (the victims have “vampire” puncture wounds). Once the clues start to unravel, Renee sleuthing attracts the attention of Rafe, an energy sucking vampire, and the sycophants who feed and murder humans to slake their feeding lusts. While Rafe wants to protect Renee and make her his, his enemies, the sycophants, want to feed.

I loved the original take on energy powered vampires but I struggled with creating any character connection and it seemed to lose me a few times with the direction the plot took and the repetition. I'm chalking this up to it being a new series and I had no investment in the characters when this started. I will continue on because I'm Frank fan.

I received this ARC copy of Thirst from Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept in exchange for a honest review. The review is set for publication Jan. 17, 2017.

My Rating: 3 stars

Written by: Jacquelyn Frank
Print Length: 279 pages
Publisher: Loveswept
Publication Date: January 17, 2017
Sold by: Random House LLC
Genre: Paranormal Romance

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Jacquelyn Frank is back with a seductive new series and she kicks it off in style with Thirst. The title is apt as it will leave you thirsty for more of this world. It was fantastic.

I've been a fan of this author for a very long time. I fell for her writing with her first series and yes for this reader there has been series I couldn't connect with, but this series starter reminded me why I loved Jacquelyn Frank's writing to start with.

There is so much world building mixed perfectly in with master storytelling, mystery, romance and more that you will be hard pushed to put the book down when you start.

Enter the alluring world of the E-Vamps, vampires who feed on energy not the usual blood. One where big changes are happening and not everyone is happy about it.

The main characters in Rafe and Renee are captivating. Both strong, loyal, fierce and so not expecting the other to be the one. Together they are combustible and a formidable pair.

Rafe and Renee scorch up the pages as they fight the attraction that pulls at them all the while chasing a murderer, dealing with repeated attacks on them and the knowledge that their pairing should be happen.

Throw in some secondary characters that you will love, a lot of hot sex, secrets, couple of gasp inducing moments and you have the perfect way to kick a new series off and to keep the reader (yes me) coming back for more. I can't wait for the next book, I'm officially hooked.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley for review.

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I have read a lot of book by this author. There are a few that I love, and a couple that I was bored with. This one was worse than those. I truly was bored out of my mind here. The characters spoke way too politely and formal all the time. Nothing really happens except for talking about everything. And while Rafe was okay, bland but okay, I did not like Renee at all. I really disliked her for so many reasons. The ending picked up, action wise, which was nice. But what happened was not believable. And when we found out where these energy vampires came from, I burst out laughing.

My biggest problem with the book was the author basically saying that anyone who did not only eat natural and organic foods would be considered dirty. And if they were fed from, the vampire would go rogue and start killing indiscriminately. So because I cannot afford to eat that way, I'm a dirty food source. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure I should be offended by that.

So basically Renee ends up getting swept into a world of vampires while investigating a murder by one of their rogues. She catches the eye of Rafe, one of the most important vampires in their society. Their attraction is instant and intense. But it's not long until they're attacked and Renee has to learn to deal with a new reality. With bad guys plotting to usurp the crown and time running out, Rafe and Renee luck out when they're kidnapped and are able to turn the tables.

Going into this book with high hopes, it sucks how disappointing it was. And I honestly don't know if I even want to read more of this series, but I'm thinking no.

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The synopsis of Thirst sounded like I would love it, but it ended up not working for me. The dialogue was so formal and stilted, it was off-putting for me and I just could not get into it. Lots of discussion of food choices and the benefits of organics etc. Also, I had a hard time swallowing a New York cop willing to immediately have dinner with a guy she just met at a supermarket. Especially when he matches the description of a suspect in a murder investigation. At the beginning of yet another convo about clean energy, I gave up and DNF'd the book.

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I am a huge fan of Ms. Frank’s Nightwalker series and was happy to see she is starting a new series, or what I hope will be a series, titled Energy Vampire. One of the things I really like about this author’s writing is how engaging the mysteries usually are in her books, and this book wasn’t an exception. I really enjoyed how the main characters worked together as a team to solve the mystery, and how their romance progressed. How Rafe dealt with falling in love Renee with also great and seeing how he dealt with falling in love with what he considers a meal was also very intriguing…which brings me to my next point. At the beginning, I felt that the explanations about the vampires were repeated a little too much. In addition, I felt it was hard to have sympathy for the vampires as they really seemed to have little respect for humans, at least at the beginning. As the book progressed, things smoothed out quite a bit, and I really came to enjoy the book. Sometimes I think setting up a new world, with an interesting twist on the characters, can be hard to do. The book was well-written, the characters interesting, and the action scenes were fun. After a tiny rocky start, this book was great. I can’t wait for the next book in the series and intend to pick it up. Highly recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group – Loveswept for the e-copy of the book. This same review will be posted on both Goodreads and Amazon.

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Jacqueline didn't disappoint. This is a fast-paced sexy book that I couldn't put down. Rafe and Renee were amazing together as far as an unexpected partnership that turns into a love connection.

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I’ve loved and devoured Jacquelyn Frank’s Nightwalkers series years ago and was very excited to read her latest book. Unfortunatly I had a very hard time finishing reading Thirst. The writing felt detached and I couldn’t connect with the characters at all.
The dialogue and emotions felt cold, without emotions and disengaged.
The idea and plot was interesting to a point, but not enough to elevate this book out of mediocracy.
I’m so sorry but I won’t be able to give this book a great rating. Because of that I won’t be posting a review on my blog.

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Thirst is a cross between a gritty crime drama and a vampire saga. Having never read this author before, I wasn't sure what to expect. I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed this book. Jacquelyn Frank weaves a fascinating and compelling story of energy vampires and their twisted cousins, the sycophants, and how they are existing within the human world. The characters are interesting and engaging and they have a way of really drawing you into the story and making you believe in this fantastical world. I was hooked from very early on and remained riveted to the very last page. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an intriguing and sultry read.

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I’m still trying to decide how I feel about this book. Ms Frank was one of my first PNR reads and I was instantly drawn to her amazing writing style and the depth of the characters and world building she created. Unfortunately as time has moved on, Ms Frank’s stories have taken a path and are often very hard to stick with till the end.

I did finish THIRST, but it was definitely not one of my favourites and I found myself going back over paragraphs I had already read, to ensure I understood them correctly, as the story was difficult to get into.

I’m sure this story will appeal to some, but I don’t know that I’ll be continuing this series, as this is barely a 3 Star rating from me.

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A serial killer who bites his or her victims in the back of the neck is on the loose. Renee, a police detective, knows that there are no such thing as vampires but wonders why the killer is biting the victims. Rafe, a 300 year old vampire needs to find that out too. He needs to stop them before they kill again and alert the unsuspecting public to the fact that there are vampires everywhere. Enjoyable paranormal read --

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While I very much enjoy the Paranormal genre.....I have to admit, it was the cover that sucked me in for the book! But it held me with a smoking hot male (Rafe) and a kick-ass female (Renee) as the main characters.

This is my first experience with Jacquelyn Frank's writing and I enjoyed her style. It was a bit fast-paced, but I don't mind that as long as the story holds my interest and this book did. While the story centers around vampires, there is a new spin - e-vampires (in the age of the e-cigs....I thought that was cute); but the "E" is for energy. The new vampires are not nocturnal and actually feed from the sun....

I would like to read the next installation in this series to see what comes of the twist at the end.

**Received from NetGalley for my honest review.**

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Another lovely book by an awesome and prolific writer, I don't know how she does it but her story's always seem to put a fresh spin on things.

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Jacquelyn Frank begins 2017 on a high note. With book #1 in her new Paranormal romance…we’re introduced to a whole new breed of vampire. Rafe DaSilva is an energy vampire sworn to protect his queen. Rogue vampires are out to destroy others like Rafe and to do this they are planning to sabotage the summit meeting that is being held in New York. On top of that, there is a vampire going around killing humans threatening the secret of their existence. It’s now up to Rafe to hunt them down before an Ace Homicide Detective discover the true nature of the serial killer.

Thirst will provide hours of entertainment as you dive into the world of a hidden society. Thirst was a well-developed, fast pace novel. A very strong start to this series. A must read, this reviewer can’t wait to see what happens further along in this series.

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