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In Catherine Coulter and J.T. Ellison's Devil's Triangle (Simon & Schuster 2017), next in their highly-acclaimed A Brit in the FBI series, Nicholas Drummond, girlfriend Mike, and a newly created FBI team are called on to help Kitsune, a brilliant criminal they befriended on an earlier mission. When her husband is kidnapped as part of a plan to force her to meet with nefarious crooks, she talks Nick into backing her up when she explains that these crooks are responsible for engineering the vicious sandstorm that is blowing half of the Gobi desert into Beijing. To free Kitsune's husband, Nick and his team of outside-the-box thinkers race through Italy and Egypt and everything in between (after starting in America) in a race to stop two deadly siblings who will spend any money and break any law to achieve their goal. In this case, that's to recover the Biblical Arc of the Covenant.

Indiana Jones aside, I learned a lot about the history and mythical power of the Arc from this book. It would be a worthy read even if the settings weren't as engaging, the plot so tightly delivered, with unique characters who always seemed to do the unexpected.

This review will be posted to my blog March 31st.

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Another fabulous book (A Brit in the FBI series) by these two outstanding authors. I love the characters in this series. A very interesting story. I was entertained from page one to the end.

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I loved the thriller and suspense. Is a must read book.

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Woo hoo - it's "The DaVinci Code" meets "Indiana Jones" - what a doozy of a book! Now that I've finished, seems to me it would make a great movie as well (hint, hint). Should that ever happen, though, my advice, as always, is to read the book first.

Actually, this is the fourth in the authors' "A Brit in the FBI" series. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit apprehensive about how much I'd enjoy it for that reason; would I be lost because I hadn't read the first three? No doubt I missed a few nuances because of my unfamiliarity, but I needn't have worried: the book and I got along famously - to the point that I nearly cheered when heavy duty winds blew out our cable TV, Internet and landline phone service for a few hours, giving me the perfect excuse to finish the last few chapters with no interruptions.

And did I mention it's a doozy? It's got everything I could ask for: almost nonstop action, likable characters and borderline impossible technology that threatens the planet's very existence. Although this book is way better, at times I was reminded of James Patterson's "Private" series (most of which I've enjoyed as well). That, I think, comes from the similar focus on a team and banter among the various members, all of whom enormously like and respect one another.

The characters here form the Covert Eyes team - a group of FBI special agents that includes Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine. They get a surprise call asking for help from an elusive thief known as the Fox (real name, Kitsune, and I gather she appeared in a previous book or books and isn't exactly a friend of Nick or Mike). After she stole an artifact that has ties to the Ark of the Covenant from an Istanbul museum, she explains, the client who hired her is trying to kill her and she's hiding out in Venice. Moreover, she claims to have overheard a conversation suggesting that a recent and very deadly Gobi Desert sandstorm didn't happen by accident.

Intrigued in large part by the notion that someone out there may be controlling the weather rather than saving Kitsune's hide, Nick and Mike and the team convince their supervisors of the need to find out what's really going on. Right from the start, what they find is danger; apparently, Kitsune didn't exaggerate - someone really is out to get her, and they'll be quite happy to take down Nick and Mike in the process. Clues lead from New York to Venice to the Gobi Desert to the Bermuda Triangle, passing too close for comfort to some very unsavory characters including a particularly nasty set of twins.

All told, it's an exciting journey loaded with near super-human efforts, espionage, a touch of what some might call the supernatural and, of course, that weather control thing. Already, I'm all ready for the next installment! A huge thank you to the publisher (via NetGalley) for the opportunity to read and review an advance copy of this one in exchange for an honest review.

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On their first case as heads of their new covert team turns out to be quite a challenge for FBI Special Agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine when the Fox calls from Venice asking for help.

Kitsune has stolen an incredible artifact from the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, and now the client wants her dead. She has a disturbing warning for Nick and Mike about what she overheard regarding a devastating Gobi desert sandstorm that’s killed thousands in Beijing isn’t a natural phenomenon, rather is produced by man. The Covert Eyes team heads to Venice, Italy, to find out the truth.

From New York to Venice and from Rome to the Bermuda Triangle, Nicholas and Mike and their team are in a race against time, and nature herself, to stop an obsessed family from devastating Washington, DC.

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Catherine Coulter fans will be thrilled with this new entry in her FBI series. She writes great romance laced mysteries and this one even has a touch of the supernatural thrown in. Recommended

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NIck and Mike are on another adventure. A non-stop adventure from start to finish. It is the Covert Eyes team's first case and it may be their last if they don't stop the crazy, obsessed twins. Kitsune has stolen an artifact from the Topkapi Museum and it started a chain of events that brought Nick and Mike to her rescue. Not only did they need to rescue Kitsune, but the rest of the world as well.

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I enjoy Catherine Coulter's FBI series and so far, so good with her "Brit in the FBI" series, too. This novel continues to feature Nick Drummon and his partner/lover Micaela Crane as covert operatives for the FBI. They're running a new division and have a supporting cast of experts to assist them with forensics, surveillance, IT, weaponry, etc. In this book, the team travels the world seeking trying to rescue the husband of one of their criminal informants, only to stumble on a much bigger conspiracy tied to controlling the weather and achieving global domination through the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant. Yes, it's farfetched, but it's amusing and an easy escape read. With each book, the characters and their relationships are more fleshed out. I hope this trend continues as it will make the books more interesting given the kind of outlandish plot lines. Having said all this, I'm ready for book #5.

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Great book! I was glued all the way through and even sorry to reach the end. I look forward to more of these characters.

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This book is a welcome return to 'The Brit in the FBI' series by these two authors .

Nicholas Drummond and his partner Michaela Caine are now part of a handpicked team of top-notched operatives known as'Covert Eyes' .
He receives a call for help from 'Kitsune' , a master thief from his past,who has carried out a daring theft of the 'Staff of Moses' from the Topkapi Museum .
But everything has gone wrong , on handing over the staff to her Clients they promptly attempt to kill her . Now her husband has been kidnapped in an attempt to draw her out .
The Clients are part of a 'family' directly descended from Moses himself , who are in pursuit of the Ark of the Covenant and will kill anyone in their way to achieve their ends - THEY HAVE A SECRET WEAPON !!
The Covert Eyes team head to Venice to meet/capture Kitsune but find that nothing is as it seems , they don't know who to trust as bullets are flying everywhere .
The action takes the Team from New York to Venice and from Rome to the Bermuda Triangle in their quest to rescue Kitsune and her husband and perhaps prevent a Global catastrophe .

I enjoyed this book as a conventional thriller but found little of the character interaction that I usually expect to find in a Catherine Coulter novel , the little asides that make me smile were sadly missing .Other than her name on the title and the characters appearing in previous books I would not have known that this book was one of hers . That being said I did enjoy the book and would probably buy more in the same series .

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I got this book as an Advanced Reader's Copy with the understanding that I would read and review it.

After struggling to get into a smash-hit novel that is awfully written, I turned to Catherine Coulter and J. T. Ellison' "The Devil's Triangle," the fourth in A Brit in the FBI series. I'd never read any of the other books in the series, but didn't let that deter me.

I was able to follow the plot and deduct the backstory easily enough. Unfortunately, it wasn't particularly engaging, believable, or well-written. The dialogue is cliched and stilted and the plot is, at times, absurd.

The crack extra-legal FBI team headed by Drummond and Mike are hot on the heels of diabolical and insane twins who are scions of a wealthy family with an evil secret-- the ability to control the weather and profit from the aftermath of these "natural" disasters.

All in all, 2 stars. I debated giving it 3, but the dialogue and one-dimensional characters reinforced my initial rating.

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Typical of Coulter, lots of action, likable characters and well plotted. She is one of the best chick lit authors around today. Thanks to Net Galley and Simon and Schuster for an ARC for an honest review.

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Ths is the fourth book in the series. FBI Special Agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine work for the government's Covert division. The team goes to Venice, Italy to solve a case and keep the world safe. I am a real Catherine Coulter fan and love her writing and her FBI series. Add JT Ellison and it's even more suspense. I highly recommend this read.

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The Devil’s Triangle by Catherine Coulter and JT Ellison

The newest thriller in the Brit in the FBI series is out next week. Catherine Coulter and JT Ellison’s book The Devil’s Triangle is a rollercoaster of a ride. Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine are back. Their new agency Covert Eyes is getting ready to take on their new roles. The team is called by their friend, the “Fox”, her husband has disappeared and she is being hunted. Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine and their team are ready to roll and help their friend. Only she seems to be embroiled in something even bigger including a giant sandstorm in the Gobi Desert. The team flies into Venice only to be surrounded and attacked. The problem is all about how they all fit together.

The Devil’s Triangle by Catherine Coulter and JT Ellison is a great read. The constantly changing situation with the constant fast moving pace and action. Once again, you are dragged along with the story as more information is discovered and Nicholas and Mike are following right behind. This is a book not to start on a Sunday night - as Monday morning will come way too soon.

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The Devil’s Triangle by Catherine Coulter and J.T. Ellison

“The Devil’s Triangle” is the fourth in the “Brit in the F.B.I.” series, but the first one I have read. I had no trouble at all catching up with the characters and enough of the backstory to enjoy the ride. And it’s quite a ride.
We more often hear it referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, and this talented duo of authors have devised a very clever explanation regarding all those mysterious disappearances, and a lot of nasty weather. The novel feels a bit Dan Brownish, and a bit like an Indiana Jones adventure - never a dull moment and lots of action.
F.B.I. agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine have just started with a new unit, Covert Eyes, when they hear from the Fox, also known as Kitsune, a criminal who previously escaped their pursuit. She desperately needs their help - when she accepted a job, little did she know she was working for two of the most evil people, twins who believe it is their birth right to find, possess and use the Ark of the Covenant. They are ruthless, greedy and without conscience. Their family has developed a way to control the weather and have been using it to cause natural disasters which keep them well-funded, since they are able to manipulate the stock market with advance knowledge. Deranged criminals and mind-blowing technology combined with some fancy footwork by the F.B.I. make for a highly entertaining, very readable adventure.
Coulter is best known for more romantic novels, and there is a bit of romance in the mix but it certainly doesn’t slow the pace. She and Ellison make a powerful pair in the thriller genre.
My thanks to Netgalley for a free e-galley of this in exchange for an honest review.

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There was a lot of rip roaring action going on while I read this book. And it did not stop. Evil twins set out to rule the world and anybody who got in their way, family or not, they would be dealt with. These twins were psycho. Their grandfather had found a way to control the weather. However, he wasn't using it like they thought he should.

The FBI had ticked them off and they wanted a tsunami, the biggest one ever, to hit Washington, D.C. Their grandfather just wasn't listening to them. They had to find a way to get him to listen to them. They knew he kept the answer they needed in his vault. They just needed to get in there and get it.

Prior to that, they also knew that they were the last Koath's alive. They also knew that if they found the Ark of the Covenant they would have powers greater than any known to man. Their mission was to find that Ark. No matter how many hundreds of thousands dead it took to do so.

Naturally a team of FBI were called in. This team were the good guys and they seemed pretty cool and had worked together before. Of course, they were very likable and I was cheering them on from the very beginning.

Yes, this book had me on the edge of my seat and I was whipping through those pages, holding my breath, sometimes having to go back and making sure that yes, I did read that right. The good guys were in the lake and they almost lost one. My pulse was going so fast that I reading faster than I could comprehend, I was so nervous for my friends trying to take these evil twins down. And the race through the tunnels, I thought I was going to need a defibrillator. My mind couldn't keep up with the words. It was so intense! Yes, this was definitely a great book.

Thanks to Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoy the world this series explores, of jewel thieves and international intrigue. I would have liked to see more character building, and fewer supporting characters to juggle. The support team wasn't overly memorable and it felt like there were a milllion of them. I do really like the subject matter, and I enjoyed the complex backstory of the antagonists.

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Phenomenal book that I LOVED! If you like a well crafted plot with plenty of action and a hint of romance, this one's for you! The FBI team is contacted by a renowned thief, the Fox, for assistance. Not something most criminals would do, but this is no ordinary criminal.

The Covert Eyes team flies to Venice to meet with her, but are met with an unpleasant welcome that has the fighting for their lives. As they investigate and begin putting the puzzle pieces together, they begin to suspect that the problem is much more sinister than anything they could have imagined. What follows is a compelling tale that had me turning pages just as quickly as possible.

The authors have created a well researched novel with actual historical and biblical data woven into it. The result is a novel that kept me on the edge of my seat and totally immersed in the story. I could never have predicted the twists and turns that took place and that made me enjoy it so much more.

This is a must read for fans of the genre...and if you're not a fan of the genre, this might just change your mind. Put this one at the top of your list.

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I forgot to mention that JT. Ellison was co-author in my review. I don't know how co-authors work, who writes what, but it seems to be working for these two. Keep them coming.

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While reading this book I continued picturing it as an exciting movie. The action and visual scenes would be perfect. The story is exciting and compelling. I hope to read more stories about Mike and Nicholas

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