Member Reviews

The Author, Catherine Coulter presents another thriller. She has an amazing ability to capture your attention from beginning to end.
I really enjoyed this book. The characters are true to life FBI personnel on a covert mission. The bad guys are evil incarnate. Mix the good and bad and your on a journey through exotic lands and things like volcanos, "natural " weather phenomenal happenings. And of course you have shootings, punching, kicking, knifings, wrestling, lost sacred treasures, treasure hunters, the list goes on and on.
And then you have to figure out who are the herosame and villains and who will win the fight for the world.
In the end you have an action packed adventure you don't want to.put down.
5 Stars

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Another wonderful Britt in the FBI book! Nicholas and Mike are back, along with so many of the characters that Catherine Coulter has introduced us to for the past few years. I love reading these books and the mystery she includes. Coulter is able to take a story and grab the reader from the beginning. With her creative story telling and the twists and turns things just keep going and the reader is kept on the edge of their seat. I hope that she continues to write these stories with JT Ellison, who is a wonderful author as well. great read and can't wait for more!

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4th in A Brit in the FBI series
Genesis Corporation
Koalth family- grandfather Jas
Thief- Kitsune aka the Fox
Her husband -Grant, ex Brit military
Adam- computer wiz kid working with the FBI

This is the fourth book in the A Brit in the FBI series. KItsune, a master international thief also known as the Fox, had stolen an ancient artifact connected to the Ark of the Covenant from the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul for clients located in Venice. However after she delivered the item to the villa in Venice, there were several attempts on her life. She eventually returned to the secret residence she shared where her security expert husband, Grant. There she discovered that Grant was taken hostage to lead Kitsune to the would be assassins.

Kitsune called on Michaela Caine and Nicholas Drummond, 2 FBI Special Agents who are the heads of the FBI's Covert Eyes team, to help her find Grant and free him from his captors. Drummond and Caine agreed to help and brought along the team consisting of Adam, a computer wiz kid and four other talented operatives from the US to Italy.

Once the Covert Eyes team arrived in Venice, they began to uncover information about the horrific acts that the Koath family members and their organization, the Genesis Group, had planned for the world. They then set about to capture the evil Cassandra and Axel and try to undo the series of events that can cause massive destruction.

The story is a fast paced, action packed thriller. It will appeal to those readers who enjoy learning about how events in the the ancient world can potentially affect life today.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this latest adventure of Mike and Nicholas. As always this read was fast paced and full of action, yet tempered by just as much intellectual stimulation. Seeing Nicholas and Mike's relationship as partners, friends, and now supervisors develop has been greatly entertaining. There were several moments where I literally laughed out loud while reading, and overall I had a hard time putting this book down. I am more excited than ever to read about what cases come their way next.

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Another hit out of the park! I love the interactions between Nicolas and Mike. The twins, OMG who could come up with characters that insane? The idea that a device can control the weather - storms, hurricanes, tsunamis - could that really happen? I couldn’t stop reading, even when I know I should have been sleeping.

This review is based on a galley copy from netgalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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What a story! Nicholas and Mike are at it again. This book is a fast paced, non-stop action one. The evil twins are a bit scary, Grandpa is a bit like a wizard, and Nicholas and Mike are a bit steamy. What a perfect combination! Throw in a thief and the book is perfect. Savich even gets a couple lines. This book was a page turner that I just could not put down.

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This series continues to improve, thanks to a break-neck pace of action, and consistent, engaging characters. The writing continues to be uneven at points, perhaps the inevitable result of a collaborative writing effort. My patrons are asking if the next in the series will be as good as the last; I'm happy to reassure them "yes!"d

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Though I haven't read Catherine Coulter, I jumped at the chance to read this because of J.T. Ellison. I devoured the Taylor Jackson books because of Ellison's imagination and the immediacy of the prose. The Devil's Triangle seems to be a bit more distant, possibly because two writers are working on it instead of one. I appreciated Cassandra's mania, but found Ajax a little less sympathetic. Super bonus points for the awesome plot premise and weaving urban legends and myths into a plausible version of scientific reality..

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Always enjoy books by Coulter. This one was no exception. Good fast pace book.

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Lots of action and some Science Fiction mixed in. We catch up on what Kitsune has been doing since her appearance in the first book of the series. Mike and Nicholas are in Italy to help rescue Kitsune's husband and to determine if there is someone who is controlling the weather and cause Inc disasters for profit. I really like Mike and Nicholas' characters. They have a great relationship between them. In many ways they are similar to Savich and Sherlock, but yet also different.

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Drummond, Caine, and their Covert Eye team join with Kitsune, a thief known as The Fox, to bring
down the evil Koath twins who will do anything to find Ark of the Covenant.
Coulter and Ellison have used their imagination to create a mystery with many farfetched bits of action
that use real disasters like Katrina or the Burmuda Triangle disappearances, but it is so well written
you are drawn right in, and the farfetched seems believable.
The plot is so full of action and suspense that it holds you on the edge of your seat throughout the book.
All I look for in a crime novel, well developed characters, a strong plot and bucketfuls of suspense, I highly recommend
it to others.

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This was an excellent book. I love the characters Mike and Drummond. Their chemistry heats up the pages, and I have a total soft spot for Kitsune, theif extrodinaire. This is a great continuation of the series and kept me reading late into the night. Loved the Tesla and DaVinci references, they were truly two genius' ahead of their times. The characters just keep getting better, wish I got a peek at Sean, he is the next generation.

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Another great read by Coulter and Ellison. Really like the characters but they story line was a little too sci fi

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Fliippin' fabulous... what a fun and excited read. Catherine Coutler stays true to her characters of Nicholas and Mike. Throws them in a fantastical (and close to very very real) adventure with Kitsune... it's simply breathtaking until the very end! Highly recommended!!!

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Fast paced, twists and turns, intrigue. A little far fetched at times but Coulter and Ellison make it all believable. Edge of your seat read . Hopefully there will be more in this series . You can't go wrong reading anything by these two authors.

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Catherine Coulter might be our most innovative and prolific current author. Her 75 novels, including 70 NYT best sellers, should be a clue as to her popularity. “The Devil’s Triangle,” is a relentless read that indicates just how imaginative Coulter can get, filled with never-ending intrigue, relentless action, and far-out science / detective scenarios. It is, indeed, farfetched, but Coulter, and her partner in writing, J.T. Ellison, a remarkable writer on her own, don’t care and keep the reader totally immersed in its riveting absurdities.

I say absurdities, well aware that fiction writers have unlimited license to advance their stories with as much nonsense as they want to include. Coulter and Ellison do a magnificent job at making the unlikely seem totally credible. It’s up to readers as to how much they want to swallow. These two remarkable imaginers roped me in and stuffed me like a hungry child.

A couple of FBI special agents, Drummond and Caine, and their expert team get involved when a thief known as The Fox, alias Kitsune, calls on them for help. After having stolen a biblical artifact, her client wants her dead. The client has access to deadly storm-producing technology that can destroy huge cities, already hitting Beijing and aiming for Washington, D.C. and don’t want the thief messing up their plans. The team gets involved with a fanatical family who’ll stop at nothing to perpetrate their deadly schemes. That’s all I’ll reveal about the story.

We have a gorgeous pair of twins, a man and a woman, who’re madder than a hatter and totally obsessed with money and power. Their family, a century of similar loons, has the brainpower, knowledge, and resources to affect the weather for their own gains. Vicious bodyguards abound, gunfights fill the air, breathless chases cover the countryside, and violent physical encounters leave serious wounds that are remarkably fast healing. None of it is real and yet the writing duo makes reality happen with their riveting scenarios that are relentless.

I’m not much for farce but somehow I got very involved with this story. I predict that any reader will have a similar experience and the book should do well among dedicated thriller readers

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Coulter does it again! She never disappoints. Great new edition in the series.

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I thought this was a different type of book. I happen to love Catherine Coulter past works and so just blindly clicked - This was not my type of read- thank you for the opportunity.

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Fast paced and exciting, readers who like spy fiction will enjoy this FBI thriller. The Arc of the Covenant is a theme used throughout fiction and this version presents an interesting take on the powerful artifact.

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Loved it! This book is a fun ride, packed with action and adventure. I wanted to call in sick to work so I could finish it. It would make a great movie. Very original storyline.

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