Member Reviews

4.5 Stars

I enjoyed the first book in this series so much, I was excited to jump into Alec's story. Ms. Naughton once again did not disappoint! I am a self professed wuss when it comes to romantic suspense, but this one kept me reading longer than most. (I usually chicken out when things get dicey and have to put the book down!)

This is a second chance romance for Alec and his ex-wife Raegen. Three years ago, their world was ripped apart when their daughter was taken from them and never found. The stress of everything left little time to heal each other. As new information comes to light, they agree to work together again in hopes of finding their daughter.

The emotional roller coaster this book takes you one will leave your head spinning! So much pain and love and hope! Really heart wrenching at times to see Alec and Raegen struggle to find themselves again. Oh so sweet when they realize their love never ended, just got put on the back burner.

I enjoyed catching up with the rest of Alec's adoptive family members. Looking forward to seeing where life leads them all. Fabulous epilogue!!!

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Can you imagine not knowing where your child is? Then having small hope that shes back?! then ripped away again. The torture that a parent would feel! This book is emotional, I cried. read this at your own broken heart.

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As a mother, I can not imagine anything worse than having your child gone missing, and knowing in your heart, that she is still out there, alive, but not with you. That is a nightmare the parents of Emma, are living with, in “Gone” by Elizabeth Naughton
Because of the subject matter, I was completely breathless, hoping, wishing that the intuition of the mother Raegan, was right and the little girl was fine.
But I also understood the hesitation and desperation of the father to believe her. After all, there was no evidence to contrary, and it had been 3 long years, which made her chance of survival almost zero.
This book lives and breathes inside of that emotional turmoil, the toll it took upon the parents, and the conviction of a mother, that her child is out there, waiting to be rescued.
It broke my heart at times, made me angry at others. Gone deals with real trauma, but also unexpected twists and turns. I love books like that.
Gone is the second book in the series called Deadly Secrets, but can be read as a stand alone novel. I did not read the first book prior to this one and had no problem getting into the story, connecting with all of the characters, and wishing that there was more.
A well-crafted, emotional book, that I highly recommend.

This review will be posted this afternoon on my book blog Within The Pages Of A Book

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This was a different type of read for me, but I am so glad I read it. This was my first book by Elisabeth, but I was not lost at all. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride this book takes you on. It is suspenseful, heartbreaking, and so fast paced, I did not even realized I had finished in one sitting when I was done. I really enjoyed the storyline and the characters were well written. This is definitely an author I will be reading more of.

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Gone is the second book in Elisabeth Naughton’s Deadly Secrets series. Although I did not read the first book, Repressed, I did not feel like I was missing anything. Gone describes how two parents/journalists attempt to move on with their lives after their daughter goes missing from a park several years prior. The emotional turmoil that Alec McClane and Reagan Devereaux endured eventually ruined their marriage and sent Alec into a drunken stupor. To add insult to injury, Alec was sure that his estranged father John Gilbert had something to do with Emma’s disappearance.

As is generally the case, Alec and Reagan are occasionally called in to identify a missing girl that fits the description of their daughter. This time, their encounter appears to set off a chain of events that sets them on a path to possibly find their daughter after all of these years. More importantly, Alec and Reagan get an opportunity to be honest with each other and possibly rekindle the romance and love that neither of them truly wanted to let go of in the first place. Their journalistic powers allow them to notice that there may be some connections between the rash of missing children that has occurred in town over the past few years and their daughter. As they put more and more pieces together, Alec is certain that John Gilbert is a large piece of the puzzle. As they get closer to the truth, Alec and Reagan find themselves in harm’s way more often than not.

Without giving too much away, I will say that Gone was an emotional roller coaster. It was painful to watch all of the parents deal with the fact that they may never see their children again. Alec was always one step closer to hiding inside a bottle of alcohol. And Reagan was constantly having her heart tugged in all directions as she struggled with trying to hold back her feelings for Alec. It was impossible not to hope that they had a happy ending that included them locating their missing daughter. I applauded their persistence and the fact that they refused to deny their love for each other again. I intend to go back and read the first book in this series as well as any books to follow. Gone was an excellent Romantic Suspense.

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Thank you net galley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second in the series regarding the Mclane brothers. Alec and Raegan are spdivorced after the kidnapping of their Young daughter. When a little girl turns up could it be Emma? With a race against time for answers they try to solve what happened.

I loved this book, it was a great mix of action, crime, romance and love!

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Gone is the second book in Elisabeth Naughton's Deadly Secrets series but can easily be read as a stand alone. This romantic suspense book deals with a tragic plot, characters with plenty of flaws but that are ultimately likable and willing to keep fighting and growing and a suspense story with plenty of twists and turns.

Alec and Reagan are the main characters of this book and they are dealing with a horrific experience of dealing with their daughter's abduction. Their daughter was abducted three years prior to the beginning of this book and that abduction led to their divorce. The sense of tragedy grips the reader from the first page and doesn't let go. Both Alec and Reagan are still dealing with the repercussions of the abduction. Alec is alcoholic and turned to drinking when his daughter was taken while he was with her at the park. He blames himself and that along with other issues from his past has led him to a destructive place in his life. Reagan has tried to move forward and believes that her daughter is still alive. When the couple is reunited at the hospital when another little girl who was abducted is found alive they end up working together to try to get to the bottom of a series of child abductions.

This book definitely pulls on your heartstrings and although the topic is a tough one to read about the author did a great job of making sure the reader understood and sympathized with the challenges, guilt and bad decisions of the main characters as they dealt with their horror, guilt, fear, sorrow and loss. Alec is a deeply flawed character who turned away from and hurt is ex-wife at a time when she needed him most but his behavior was human and I found his character fascinating. Reagan was the stronger of the two and not quite as well developed. As the two work together they begin to find their way back to each other and begin to heal.

The mystery took a few twists and turns along the way although the villain is obvious throughout most of the book. I found this book heartbreaking and dark and although it ultimately showed courage and healing I can't see myself wanting to read it again.

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Gone is the second book in a series. I had not read the first, but it didn't seem to make a difference. From what I can tell, each book in the series seems to focus on a different set of characters that are all somewhat connected.
In this book, we meet Alec and Raegan at the hospital. A girl has just been found in a park and they think that it may be their daughter, Emma, who was abducted three years earlier. The couple split after the abduction but decide to work together to try and figure out who took Emma, if she is still alive and if other kids being abducted are related. They have found patterns between the other abductions, but Emma doesn't fit it. Is her abduction related or is Alec right and his biological father is to blame?
There are a lot of twists and turns in this story and I couldn't put it down once things really started taking off! Definitely a great read if you're into mystery and thrill!
I received a free e-copy of this book from NetGalley in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book
Three years ago, Alec McClane and Raegan Devereaux lived every parent’s worst nightmare: their one-year-old daughter, Emma, was abducted from a park when Alec turned his back for just a moment. Emma was never found, and presumed dead. The crushing trauma, plus Alec’s unbearable guilt, ended the couple’s marriage.

Now a four-year-old girl matching Emma’s profile is found wandering a local park. Alec and Raegan are heartbroken to discover she’s not their daughter but are newly motivated to find closure…and each secretly feels desperate to be in the other’s presence again.

Alec suspects his vengeful biological father is behind Emma’s disappearance. But as Raegan investigates other abductions in the area, she sees a pattern—and begins to wonder if Emma’s kidnapping is actually linked to something more sinister.

As Alec and Raegan race to uncover the truth, a long-burning spark rekindles into smoldering passion, and they realize they need each other now more than ever.​

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I am never disappointed by Elizabeth Naughton. Her latest release GONE was no exception. Thrilling and romantic, this book kept me reading late into the night. Loved it. 5/5 stars.

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Three years ago, Alec and Raegan McClane lived every parent’s worst nightmare: their one-year-old daughter, Emma, was abducted from a park when Alec turned his back for just a moment. Emma was never found, and presumed dead. The crushing trauma, plus Alec’s unbearable guilt, ended the couple’s marriage.

Now a four-year-old girl matching Emma’s profile is found wandering a local park. Alec and Raegan are heartbroken to discover she’s not their daughter but are newly motivated to find closure…and each secretly feels desperate to be in the other’s presence again.

Alec suspects his vengeful biological father is behind Emma’s disappearance. But as Raegan investigates other abductions in the area, she sees a pattern—and begins to wonder if Emma’s kidnapping is actually linked to something more sinister.

As Alec and Raegan race to uncover the truth, a long-burning spark rekindles into smoldering passion, and they realize they need each other now more than ever.

* * * * *

Talk about a book that you won't want to put aside! It deals with some hard issues including addiction, child abduction and whether love remains after the loss of a child.

Ms. Naughton has done a such wonderful job with the characters that you will find yourself caring what happens to them. Will Alec be able to cope with opening himself back up to Raegan? What will happen to her if he starts drinking again when they finally find proof that Emma is dead? Can they trust each other and their love after their loss? I found myself rooting for them both and wanting to smack Alec along side the noggin more then once.

I really recommend GONE to any of my readers who enjoy an emotionally charged romantic suspense. You can't go wrong with this book and this series.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

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I absolutely loved this book. Well developed characters, I was rooting for them all the way, dastardly villians and unexpected twists I could not have dreamed of. I loved the adoptive family of Alec, the interactions of the siblings and the twisted criminals getting their due. Highly recommend !

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A brilliant story about how love and loss can ruin your life.

The story begins with Alec and Reagan, who used to be married. When their three year old daughter Emma went missing it destroyed them. Reagan believing that Emma is still out there, while Alec believing that she was dead.

Divorcing, Reagan remained in the old family home while Alec moved to the other side of town. They are thrown back together when the body of a little girl is found, but it is not Emma. Reagan decides to investigate cases of other missing children in the area and that is when the book really gets going.

If i had one complaint it would be that I did guess most of the ending.

Lovely heartwarming story.

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I will literally read anything Elisabeth Naughton writes. I first read her work when she wrote Wait for Me and have eagerly read anything she has written that I have come across - this book did not disappoint! Even though this is the second book in the Deadly Secrets Series, it can be read as a standalone (although now, I must go back and read the first book in this series!) Alec and Reagan are haunted by the disappearance of their little girl several years ago, it has torn apart their marriage as they have both taken different sides. Alec firmly believes his daughter is dead and must move on, while Reagan holds onto hope that she may still be alive. Reagan begins to investigate several child disappearances in the area (as she is a journalist) and eventually enlists Alec's help. As they begin to find new clues to their daughter's disappearance, they begin to grow closer again begin to realize they may actually be on to something. This was well-written, fast-paced and just enough suspense to keep the reader intrigued. I look forward to reading any other books in this series!

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Alec blames himself for his daughter's abduction three years ago. A year old at the time, Emma was toddling around a playground when Alec got distracted by another child who needed help. He turns his back for not even a minute, and she's gone. His guilt destroyed his marriage to Raegan and nearly destroyed him as well.

Emma has never been found but is presumed to be dead by everyone except Raegan. She is desperate to believe that her daughter is alive, so when she believes she has found a pattern of sorts involving abductions of other children, she wants to act on it.

Throughout this tightly-wound thriller, Elisabeth Naughton makes it clear that Alec and Raegan still love each other, three years after their divorce. She also makes it clear that they need each other, both to continue healing over Emma's abduction and to investigate disappearances of other children. All the while, Raegan's cautious hope that Emma is still alive lingers over them.

When reading a mystery, I tend to wonder why the police can't figure out what the non-cops can. Alec is a photographer and Raegan a news reporter; they are able to suss out the who's, whys, and hows quicker than the po-po. Naughton doesn't make cops the bad guys, as sometimes happens in books, which is a relief. But they are secondary to Alec and Raegan, who shoulder the burden of this whodunit. And Alec, let's just say, can't really shoulder many more burdens.

Naughton slowly reveals Alec and Raegan's struggles and challenges, just as she lets you see how much they need to be together, both to find these missing children and because they are, trite as it sounds, stronger together. Naughton also weaves together the layers of mysteries: who took Emma? Who is taking these other children? What happened to the children? And is Emma still alive?

There are nail-biting moments, and there are a few moments of levity. Naughton also delivers moments of passion and romance, balancing the tense suspense with the quieter and sweeter.

I enjoyed this book. You likely won't be able to figure out whodunit, nor will you likely figure out why. You will be right there with Alec and Raegan, learning as you go.

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well done suspense thriller with a really sad and serious back drop. This is a page turner- thoroughly plot driven. I think it would have benefited from a consistency check/copy edit but on the whole, it's a good read. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC- this is the sort of book you'd especially like for travel or for a lazy afternoon. It's not relaxing (too much tension in the story) but it's very entertaining.

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Their child went missing and their marriage destroyed ,Raegan still believes her daughter is still alive always searching. Alec and Raegan come together when a little girl is found matching her description years later. This sets off a search of abductions as they work to find answers to the past and set the course for their future. This book will keep the reader turning the pages to find the answers with these characters.

Ebook from Netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

3 stars

I think I would have liked this better if it had just been about a couple trying to find their missing daughter and had the romance elements downplayed. The summary for this story was what drew me into reading this. The premise of a couple whose marriage suffered after their only child was abducted, reuniting as they work together to solve the mystery of their daughter's disappearance is believable. This would have been enough of a story. There is a lot of emotion to relay, a lot of mystery to uncover and ideally, a lot of hope that could be fulfilled within that scope of a story. In my opinion, the author took things way too far and added in cliché elements that didn't enhance the story. <spoiler>Alec's entire backstory was not really needed: an abusive, vengeful father, neglectful mother, surprise reunion with his birth parents--it really didn't need to be there. Without all that, you have a man dealing with a traumatic family situation and a failing marriage. Can't that be enough?</spoiler>

I found the idea of a marriage that fails in light of this trauma to be a highly believable premise. I think it could have been played out to better effect with a more subtle reunion and better communication. I am growing less and less tolerant of what I'll call "mental panting" when the author interrupts the action of a story to delve inside a character's mind only indulge in an imaginary lust scene. Sometimes, this type of writing is necessary to illustrate an attraction, but too often the mental panting goes on too long and it takes away from the action that is happening in the story, which is where I felt the writing went in this story. It seemed to me that the romance elements of the story were warring with the suspense elements of the story. The best moments of this story were when the characters were involved in solving their daughter's disappearance. The last third of the book was the best.

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This is Book 2 in the "Deadly Secrets" Series and I really enjoyed it! I was hooked since the very first page and I couldn't put it down!

When a four year old girl is found wandering in a park, the authorities are alerted and Alec and Raegan rush to the hospital hoping that the child who was found is their missing daughter. But she isn't. Of course they are devastated. Sometimes couples going through such a lot of pain become stronger as a couple...In this case, they cannot cope with the pain and they divorce....

Raegan doesn't stop hoping that Emma will return some day. Alec thinks the opposite. He feels their daughter is dead and he starts drinking heavily. He blames himself for Emma's disappearance. Now he managed to stay sober but the struggle is daily...

When they meet again at the hospital,everything comes back to the surface and they will try to find answers to Emma's and other childs' disappearances.

This was a very interesting read! And I really enjoyed it!

I voluntarily reviewed a copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley

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I've read and enjoyed a few of Elisabeth Naughton's books and Gone ranks as one of her best.

The story is about Alec and Reagon whose 1 year old daughter went missing three years ago. The fallout resulted in the breakdown of their relationship but when they get a lead that may result in them finding out what happened to their daughter they start working together to get to the truth. I thought the plotline was fascinating and made for some addictive reading. Was their daughter still alive somewhere and if so would they be able to track her down? It definitely keeps you guessing and there are plenty of twists and turns in the story.

The author has obviously done some research into this and there are lots of facts and figures built in as well as a very serious message about how many children actually do go missing and are never found each year.

Alec and Reagon are both likeable characters, she's strong, independent and very determined to get to the truth and Alec, well it's safe to say Alec has a lot of issues from his past. I did like the relationship between the two of them and, while you can pretty much guess where it's heading it's still an enjoyable read.

It is the second in the series but while a few of the characters from the first book do feature (and you'll figure out the ending) you could read this as a standalone.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with a copy. All views are my own.

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Great second installment in a well crafted storyline.

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