Member Reviews
Emmy was at the airport waiting to pick up the best man of the wedding that she had spent the last two months organizing. Emmy was letting the best man stay at her farm . Emmy’s sisters didn’t love the farm like she did and wanted to sell their shares of it Emmy was hoping to get a big enough mortgage to buy her sisters out. The best man was Christopher Henderson and Emmy hadn’t known that. It had been two years since Emmy had seen Christopher. Emmy had known him as Kit and they had spent a weekend together and it turned out Kit was Christopher. When Emmy had been with Kit he had bought two tickets to Fiji but Emmy had not went and returned back to the farm. Christopher decided any girl to be afraid to leave home wasn’t for him. Christopher was a travel writer with a syndicated column called Off the Beaten Track. Michelle was Emmy bride and Lewis was her fiance. Christopher and Lewis had been friends since sixth grade. Christopher would be staying at the farm for the next four days. Christopher had a meeting in Hawaii next with with a production company about a television show that would let the viewers view first hand some of the lesser known adventures around the world. The producer wants to make sure Christopher is family friendly. The best way to do that was to be in a committed relationship. Or a fake girlfriend so Christopher decided to find a fake girlfriend at the wedding after all there were six bridesmaids. Christopher and Emmy had met at a christening. Their Aunt Ivy had taken in Emmy and her sisters when everything went bad. Ivy had died of cancer one year ago . As time goes by Christopher and Emmy spend more and more time together and get close. Emmy finally tells Christopher why she did not go with him to Fiji.
I like the story a lot but just didn’t quite WOW me to become one of my favorite stories. But it was a fun read and I enjoyed it. I like small town romances a lot as I was brought up in a small town. I liked how Emmy was determined to to keep the farm no matter what it took. I also liked how she was determined to block Christopher in finding a fake girlfriend at the wedding. I also liked the fact Emmy finally tells Christopher the real reason she didn’t go to Fiji with him. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this story and I recommend.