Member Reviews

An honest review thanks to Netgalley. This book was well thought out, and I loved the plot and characters that were put into play. The only reason this book didn't get more stars is that the chemistry between the two characters was extremely lacking. The plot was great, but the romance that was thrown in just diving make sense as there wasn't enough chemistry for me to believe and want those two to get together. The plot and suspense in this book though are great and is worth checking out.

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This was cool. A thriller and a romance all rolled into one.

Emma is an NSA Agent who has been tasked with creating a team of cyber warriors to combat hackers that pose a threat to the US and US Security.

Her boss is Catherine Winters, the current President of the United States, and she gives Emma a direct order, put Paxton James, a grey hat and humongously good at it, hacker, on her team.

Of course, even that's not easy for Emma because Paxton is stuck in an Indonesian jail after being set up for drug possession.

Emma and Paxton are attracted to one another right away, but they don't totally trust each other for quite awhile (and have some other things going on as well).

At some points the romance story seemed a little off balance towards Paxton, but overall it was an enjoyable story.

The characters were all super unique (and I'd love to see another thriller with them or some of them in it) and the thriller parts of the story definitely kept me on the edge of my seat!

I got this galley via Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

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I really enjoyed the original and interesting premise, engaging plot, and well developed characters. The book is well written and the language is not too jargon-y. The romance takes a backseat to the action but I didn't mind. Those interested in cyber security and hackers should definitely read this book.

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review and is rated 18+

*This review is cross-posted at Otakus and Geeks.

The NSA orders Dr. Emma Thorpe to put together a team of hackers - off the books - in order to help the US government fight cyber terrorism. One of the people tapped is Paxton James, currently in an Indonesian jail because she was set up for a crime she didn't commit. Paxton is willing to deal as long as it gets her out of jail and it doesn't hurt that Emma is hot. But trust won't come easy to the betrayed Pax or the hardened agent Thorpe and they must learn to deal with their mounting attraction and fight a cyber criminal with ties to Pax's criminal past.

If you like your romances a little slow, this is a good example of the main couple having an instant attraction but not the insta-love so many romance novels tend to use as a trope. The situation these characters are in gives them some real issues to deal with so the real focus of this novel is the cyber crime. Quinn has created some smart, interesting, and fun characters who are a pleasure to get to know but somehow, it all comes off a little rushed. Granted, they're chasing a cyber-criminal trying to kill people so it's not like they have time to sit around and have tea to discuss their feelings. There is enough here to enjoy a quick, romantic thriller with some strong female characters. If I had one real gripe, it's that Pax must be part terminator because every ten seconds she's getting injured and recovers unrealistically fast. 3.8 out of 5.

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I really enjoyed this book - it wasn't perfect but it was a damn good read. Paxton is an excellent character - rounded, well drawn and likeable. Some of her actions make you wonder how damaged she is and at times whether she is a goodie or a baddie but you always remain sympathetic to her plight. Emma is also credible and the relationships "feel real". I like the presidential aspect and the taking over of aeroplanes as a plot idea. There is a lot of good stuff in this story and I enjoyed it despite knowing nothing about computers or cyber warfare, black/grey hat hackers or anything techie. It reads as a good old fashioned "will they save the world in time" thriller and on that basis highly recommended. In amongst all that there is also a romance...

I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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What a wonderful suspense book! I was drawn into Counting to Zero by the second page. If I hadn’t had to sleep and eat, I would have read the entire book without stopping. This is not the first book by Ms. Quinn I’ve read and it certainly will not be my last.
The character development was great! It felt as though you could sense what the main characters were experiencing. The early chapters dealing with the prison experience were surreal and made one think that international travel (especially Third World) might need to be reconsidered. Other countries deal with crime much differently than the U.S.
The threat of cybercrime is a real. The author dealt with this topic in a very believable way and leaves you thinking about similar events after the story has ended. I only hope that we have an Emma and Paxton to see us to a safe conclusion of such an event.
There is romance in this book, but I am glad that Ms. Quinn did not make it the central theme. Yes, there was a great deal of attraction between Emma and Paxton, however their love making was not the hot, erotic type that is often pushed on readers.
This book was written in such a way that I feel a sequel could be done in the future. I highly recommend this book and give it 5+ stars.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes in return for an honest review.

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This book is an engaging chronicle of cyber-security; including quirky hackers and enforcers. It’s refreshing to read about female computer geeks. The story has action, adventure and attraction and is an entertaining read.

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