Member Reviews

This was a fun YA novel with characters that teenagers could definitely relate to.

YA is a new genre for Susan Hatler. I like it and I don't always like YA. Poppy is supposed to be perfect - or so she thinks. She is a high achiever with not desire to let anyone down UNTIL she starts writing the column for her school. Now free to express herself she grows in new ways.
A fun book on navigating high school including all the bumps and bruises.

Poppy Pinkleton is a typical high school girl trying to stay under the radar and make it into her dream college. Poppy decides that to help boost her college applications that she will start a psychological experiment by starting an online advice column. With the support of her advisor Poppy starts he anonymous column under her alter ego of Aubrey. The column is a success but how will people feel if they find out one of the least popular girls is giving them advice? Read this book and find out what happens! Poppy is very relatable and I would love to see how she does in the future!!!

This was a fun romp back to all the craziness and hard moments of being a teenager. So many choices, how will your friends, your enemies and just random people at school interpret what you say, do, how you dress, act, or how you don't do any of those things. I can honestly say that I'm glad I'm way past those moments. Susan Hatler did such a great job portraying all of those moments and especially the emotions and the consequences that circle round and round. How those consequences, unbeknownst to many, have many effects on people you wouldn't think, or on many more than just the one, single, individual you thought it would.
Reading this brought back some of those emotions and consequences that I experienced. Ah those fun learning moments that sometimes make us feel like the world is going to come crashing down....but wait, the world doesn't, it keeps on spinning round and round even through all our moments.
To become an advice columnist....hmmmm...what better way to get out all your thoughts and feelings and just state it like it is for whoever wants to ask you a question for their troubles? Yes, that's the perfect thing for Miss Poppy Rose Pinkleton to do.
After getting the ok from her teacher to use the advice column as a psychology experiment and receive credit for doing it, Poppy is taken on a whirlwind adventure. She soon learns that sometimes having carte blanc to say what you want(most in a positive and kind way) can cause undue stress, create ripples to all those around you, but most importantly affect herself in many ways she never thought would happen. How can she show everyone who she really is, instead of this quiet obedient child, but someone who has desires and an opinion and is funny. She's not a geek just because she's smart but unfortunately school life has not been too kindly to Poppy for many years. She must learn to step up and be her true self even if that means coming out of her comfort zone and having real conversations with real people. But at what cost? Will her alter ego be discovered by the students at school? Or can she keep her cover and solve all the world's problems while doing so? Clarke Kent eat your heart out, here comes Aubrey, err, Poppy, errr SuperPoppy!
There's drama and romance, hidden identities, lies, truths, heartache, crushes, love, relationships, sports, anger, and all around high school times to be had when reading this novel. It may cause some nostalgia for your own days as a teenager in school...hopefully not all crazy and hard but some good too.
Life has been busy and nonstop going that when I had a quiet day today, I decided to enjoy and fly through several review books. I read straight through this one with no pausing and really enjoyed it. I've read several other of Susan Hatler's adult fiction books but this was my first YA book by her and I have to say she was just as good writing in this genre as her other books. I will definitely continue reading her books from these different genres.
Content: Great clean read, with a few kisses, and one I'd recommend for teens who need something, or someone(Dear Aubrey) to relate to, and answer a few of life's questions for those tentative years of life, learning and growing. I'd also recommend for adults who love to read YA, especially for those adults who work around teens(I know it's written by an adult woman but it's spot on-IMO).
I received a copy from Hatco publishing in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Happy Reading!!!