Member Reviews

Tiger has a temper. His mom tells him to "hold his temper." However, Tiger isn't quite sure what that means. This is a funny story about anger management, but it doesn't offer any realistic coping mechanisms for "holding your temper."
Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

"Hold you temper, tiger!" is a wonderful short tale which shows impact of anger. It is common in kids to get angry if things won't go as per their wish. In today's world, kids are over pampered which make them stubborn. Their parents always fulfill their wish, which make them angry if things won't go right for them. Tiger is one such child who used to get angry on little things very easily. But her mother has a magic word which made Tiger calm down. Though his mother was warning him indirectly, but I think somewhat scolding is required to teach kids right and wrong.
Wonderful book and awesome message.

This book sparked my interest because my two older sons sometimes have a hard time controlling their temper. I think this book helped as much as it can in two rambunctious boys. I just hope that the lesson stuck! Thank you to the author for tackling real life.

Colourful book about managing your anger. and temper tantrums

"Hold Your Temper, Tiger" by Carol Roth is an adorable book with very nice drawings. I decided to read this book to my 6 year old son since he also sometimes has trouble controlling his temper. Well, actually he read it to me twice. We both really enjoyed this book and we were also talked about the book and how the little tiger was able to learn to control his temper. The book is not only fun but is also educational as well.
I received a copy from NorthSouth Books via Netgalley for free in exchange for an honest review.

This children's story offers a tangible way to look at expressing anger in a healthy manner from young ages, which is crucial to developing appropriate coping skills for mental well-being.

I teach toddlers so I am always looking for ways to help them identify and manage their feelings. The child in this book is older than a toddler but the story would work for children three and older.
Little Tiger has trouble with his temper. When he doesn't get his way, he has temper tantrums. His parents are apparently clueless on how to handle this but one day his mother tells him to hold it or else. The 'or else' is left vague and that vagueness terrifies Little Tiger so he tries to control his temper. I loved that the illustrator gives form and substance to his anger; that will help some children by helping them give their anger a visual and a form that they can then manage. I didn't love that the book doesn't provide any actual advice or suggestions to help children. Little Tiger's "solution" was impractical - he pretends to stuff his anger in his underwear. Nor do we ever find out what mom's 'or else' was. The book ends happily despite the fact that Little Tiger does not actually learn how to hold his temper. "Hold Your Temper, Tiger!" gets off to a promising start but fails to deliver.

Hold Your Temper, Tiger is a picture book that could be used to help children learn how to deal with everyday anger issues. The phrase "hold your temper" is an idiom that a small child would try to take literally as does the little tiger in the story.
Where should I hold it?
What do I do with it?
This book would be good to read aloud to a class or one child. The illustrations are bright and colorful and the little tiger shows how he deals with his temper!

An excellent and succinct example of how to take a psychological hope and put it simply and well.

Angry little tiger has to try and hold his temper when he doesn't get his own way. Little tiger doesn't behave and his mother tells him to 'hold his temper or else!' Wisely, little tiger gives it some thought and decides not find out what 'or else' will mean. He then finds a place to hold his temper.
A very gentle and amusing short story with lovely illustrations (the 'angry' flames will be great for discussing with younger readers).

This was a really cute story about a hot topic in our house. Although my five year old foot stomper pretended NOT to listen, she was engaged in a discussion at the end of the story about how Tiger "held" his temper, and it opened up some good dialogue about ways that we could think of to hold OUR tempers. The pictures were childlike and easy to like. I enjoyed the way the angry words appeared to come out of the characters mouths. A colorful and quick story about how to manage your temper.

My son is part of a reading challenge at school, his kindergarten class is in a competition with the other grades in the school! So, I had him sit down with me to read this book.
This is a splendid book in regard to a little boy tiger's awful temper and how it displeases his mother every time he stomps, yells, throws things and generally has a mega meltdown. His mother tells him he cannot have treats and she does not like it when he acts like a grumpy tiger.
Little by little he learns his lesson.
It's easy for a more advanced beginner reader to read. The illustrations depict the mood perfectly, it was really a cute read.

Here is a great book for all those little tykes who cannot hold back their temper tantrums, coming from two award winning picture book creators. The tempermental little tiger stomps his feet, cries and yells everytime he is asked to do something he does not want to...until one day, when his mother has had enough and threatens him "You had better hold your temper, Tiger,....or else!..." The little Tiger is a bit shaken. "What could mommy`s "or else" mean?" he thought, "Maybe it meant no playtime / Maybe it meant no dessert" And he decides to hold his temper, but how? And where? From holding it in his pocket to underwear he thinks of many alternatives but finds the best way to hold his temper in the end....
A very short book which is ideal for very young readers. The engaging text is short, simple and funny. And is well supported by colorful illustrations. The anger itself has a firery red image with a face whch is expressive and obviously would keep the young readers occupied! The combination of text and illustrations together makes a strong impact on it`s readers and may make them rethink about their tantrums.

An interesting read. Tiger has a temper. It makes him yell, cry, and stomp his feet. But mama tells him that he must stop the temper “Or ELSE!” Tiger does not want to know what “or else” means, so he looks for the perfect hiding place for his temper. It’s a nice lesson book, but very light. I think the subject has been done better. I do like the illustrations, but they are not out of this world. It’s a nice book for now.
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This is a lovely bright book with some great images. The book is about a tiger who has a bad temper. His mom tells him that he must control his temper, "or else"... I wasn't a huge fan of the wording/phrase "or else" but it was a good way to show the tiger he must control his temperature. My only concern is that "or else" can in some cases mean that the child is being threatened or facing anger if they don't do as they are told.

My four year old thought it a dumb book, and I coldn't really argue with his appraisal. Sorry.

Who hasn't lost their temper at least once in their lifetime? This little Tiger-trantrum cutie is losing it all the time. If he has to have a bath... he grumbles. If he has to clean up his toys he yells, "NO!" "I'M NOT DOING IT!" He stomps, he cries, he throws a fit until one day Mama Tiger has had enough...
"Don't make me ask you again," she said."
"Mama made an angry face and said,'You had better hold your temper, Tiger... or else!' (Of course punctuating that remark with a wooden spoon also helps her cause.)
That stops Little Tiger right in his tracks. What in the world did "or else" mean? He wasn't sure he even wants to find out but he explores his options...
Could it mean no playtime? no books? NO DESSERTS? Oh my!!! Right then and there he has an epiphany. Perhaps he SHOULD hold his temper but where should he hold it?
He tries very hard to find a some place to secure. I know kids will giggle at this part of the story, especially when he thinks maybe his underwear might be the perfect spot. Finally with a loud R-O-A-R-R-R-R-R-R he chooses one. Hats off to Little Tiger but I think he should he keep his hat tightly on!
This is a wonderful book to explain and talk about anger management and how to control this very strong and real emotion. I highly recommend it.

The simple bold color illustrations and a shorter story will hold the lap-sit reading ages attention from beginning to end. The story also imparts an age friendly message about holding your temper. I loved it.

As you can tell from the title, Little Tiger is quite the brat when he doesn’t get his way. He finally learns his lesson because, like most of us, he’s scared of Mom: “Little Tiger didn’t know what ‘or else’ meant. He didn’t want to find out.”
In the artwork there’s a red blob that stands for his temper. He doesn’t know where to hold it, but finally figures something out, saying, “I’ll never lose my temper again. I know exactly where it is.”
Simple but effective story told with simple watercolor drawings.

Extremely adorable story about a hot-tempered little tiger who needs to learn how to control his emotions. It has simple language and a strong message. Highly recommended.