Member Reviews

Pursued by Lisa Harris.
The Nikki Boyd Files Book #3.
Nikki Boyd's flight into Nashville was routine--up until the crash landing at the airport. When the dust settles, Nikki discovers that the woman who had been seated next to her on the plane is missing--and no one will admit she was ever there. Erika Hamilton had been flying to Nashville with an air marshal as a key witness in an upcoming grand jury trial. When she flees from the crash, is she running from trouble or straight into it? Before Nikki can even see her family, she and her team are pulled into a missing persons case where the motives are as unclear as the suspects.
I really enjoyed this book. I do like this series. I do love Nikki. Couldn't put it down. 5*.

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When a routine flight suddenly crashes, you normally do take care of persons sitting next to you. But there is something extra strange about Erika - namely the fact that she is scared. And that the man with her is an air marshall. So when scared Erika runs out of the plane and is nowhere to be found, Nikki Boyd looks for her. But suddenly it seems that the flight company knows nothing about her - even that her seat was not occupied at all! But Nikki knows what she saw. So when FBI asks for her help, she does not hesitate, even if that means to postpone her meeting with her ver new boyfriend.
Maybe if she knows what this lookout would turn to, she would not accept the assignment...

The best from the series yet! While I still have few reservations aimed to the holes in the plot, I have to say that this was quite a ride! Erika's case is touching, human, complicated and very readable. The adrenaline from the many turns and swiftly running plot will have you seated until the last pages.
I also like how realistic are Nikki's questions about her reality and her relationship.

The way to go!

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I really enjoyed reading this book! Like the first two books, in this story Nikki Boyd caught another tough missing person’s case. Every case hits close to home for her, but this case really hit her hard. Even though everyone told her to walk away from this case she stayed with it. If you enjoyed her connection with Taylor in the first books, you will be happy to know he’s back.

Pursed is book Three in the Nikki Boyd Files but can also be read as a stand alone book!

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Pursued is the third book in the Nikki Boyd Files series. Although I did read a previous book, I believe it works well as a standalone. The author gives the reader enough of the background details that I’m positive you won’t feel lost if you start with this edition.

Lisa Harris does a spectacular job of bring the characters to life. I got a very good sense of the kind of character Nikki is: caring and yet worried about how her boyfriend will take the news she’s nervous about telling him. She’s also going through so many difficulties in this book, that she is suffering from PTSD. Lisa definitely takes her time showing how this affects her as the book goes on.

If you enjoy Christian fiction that doesn’t contain all the swearing and sex that secular writers put in almost every book, I recommend this author.

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I have really enjoyed this series, as each book is full of action from the first page to the last page. The villain and mystery are more predictable than the previous two stories, but the plot is still exciting. The trauma is non-stop, which makes me wonder how Nikki can withstand the pressure, but she manages to overcome her obstacles while relying on her faith. The search for Nikki’s sister continues as well in the background of the more urgent missing persons case and ties this into the previous novels, although this book could also be read as a stand-alone novel. I am excited to see how Nikki progresses with her relationship with Tyler and her search for her sister in the next book. I recommend this book and the whole series!

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley/Revell Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

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In Lisa Harris’s Pursued, Special Agent Nikki Boyd’s plane crash lands and the woman sitting next to her disappears. When Nikki starts asking questions she finds herself involved in something that is more than she bargained for. Nikki may have survived a crash landing, but will she live long enough to find the answers she is looking for?

Pursued is the third, stand-alone novel in the Nikki Boyd Series and has a riveting, action-packed storyline. The fast-paced narrative keeps the reader turning the pages as the pulse-pounding search for the witness ensues. It is a thrilling read without the peachiness prevalent in so much of Christian fiction.

However, there are two main drawbacks in the book. First, there is an inartful phrase used in conversation that sends mixed signals and may undercut the Christian message of the novel. Secondly, the romantic angle lacks depth and the love interest seems added on and without proper resolution. As a result, the story feels too long and the climax is flat.

In spite of its lack of satisfactory romance, Pursued is a gripping and entertaining venture into Christian fiction.

I was given a free copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this continuing story of Nikki and Tyler. Though I must admit I would have liked to have seen more of Tyler in this story.

This story line sucked me in pretty quick with all the action and suspense. I love books that keep me turning the pages to see what happens next. And Nikki is quite adept at getting stuck in sticky situations!

I love Nikki's tenacity. She is exactly the type of person I'd want investigating because she literally never gives up. I am anxious to hear how her own personal life continues to evolve in these books.

I did feel her character development lacked just a little in this book due to the medical problem she was dealing with. I honestly felt she overcame way too easily but that is just my opinion and didn't detract from my overall love of the book.

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Lisa Harris’ latest installment in The Nikki Boyd Files gives new meaning to the words thrill ride. Non-stop action filled with twists and turns is the order of the day. Neither Nikki nor the reader knows from one moment to the next what will happen, making Pursued a late night page turner.

Special Agent Nikki Boyd is on her way home to Tennessee. She is flying on a plane when they encounter some turbulence. The woman in the seat next to Nikki strikes up a conversation and tells Nikki she is afraid. Before they can continue their conversation, more turbulence strikes and it is discovered that the man next to this woman is dead, then the plane takes a nose dive. After getting off the plane, Nikki notices that the woman has accidentally left her watch in her seat. Nikki tries to find her to return it, but doesn’t see her. She asks for her name of a flight attendant and told that no one was sitting in that seat. There is no record of the woman being on the plane. A mystery begins that will take Nikki on a harrowing journey in the next 24-48 hours.

In addition to this, Nikki is to meet Tyler at the airport. He has returned from overseas just a few days ago after a 3-month contract job. He has a new job offer in Tennessee, but he and Nikki haven’t had a chance to talk about a relationship or the future. With this new case of a missing person, Nikki is whisked out of the airport and taken directly to her office to begin the search for the missing woman as Nikki discovers she was supposed to testify at a trial that would have resulted in a famous philanthropist going to jail. With the search on, Nikki is under pressure to find the woman as well as deal with a personal health issue that might affect her future relationship with Tyler. How will she survive the next couple of days? You will have to read this exciting tale to find out!

Pursued was a great book. The characters were all very likable. I can’t wait for the next book in the series!

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1: My first time reading Lisa Harris! I was not disappointed! The story had great hooks, and the style of writing was awesome!

2: This was one of the most action packed books. From the first line, until the last, it keeps moving. And it all takes place in the space of like two days. So that makes it even more action packed. And the mystery itself was pretty scary. Just the way I like them!

3: Tyler and Nikki's relationship was really something special. Their love for each other was so unconditional. And then add Liam to the mix and it's adorable.

4: I loved how Nikki realized that she wasn't strong enough in herself. She was always leaning on the Lord's strength.

5: Definitely I want to read more of these books, because I want to know if Nikki ever finds Sarah. Talk about a hook

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When the plane that Missing Persons Investigator Nikki Boyd is on crashes, she and the lady sitting next to her, Erika, survive but in all the confusion Erika disappears. When the FBI shows up she asks them about Erika. The FBI hires Nikki to find Erika, who turns out to be an important witness in an upcoming trial.

Will they find her before it's too late?

Nikki and her team, Gwen and Jack, are on the case. Gwen is a whiz iwth computers, and Jack is a great guy who works well with Nikki and always has her back.

Tyler is also back, he understands Nikki's need to help out, and is very supportive of her work. There isn't a ton dialog between them, since a lot of their relationship has been established in the previous books.

Nikki is a strong heroine, and woman of faith. She is brave but also vulnerable, she is dedicated, cool under pressure, resourceful, and treats everyone with consideration. I love her relationship with Tyler's son, Liam.

This is a fast paced read, and everything unfolds over the course of just a few days. There are a lot of surprises, in this intense and dangerous search. Nikki clings to her faith to keep her going. Fantastic addition to the series! Highly recommend reading this series in order.

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Pursued: The Nikki Boyd Files by Lisa Harris

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


Story Notes

Lisa Harris' highly anticipated third Nikki Boyd novel promises danger, suspense and drama but falls a little short in the first two categories.

I was given the first Nikki Boyd story for my birthday last year and really enjoyed the complex mystery and ongoing personal drama that Lisa Harris introduced to her readers. I have since read the second story and was really looking forward to her newest installment, however I was rather disappointed with this story. Ms. Harris began her book with Nikki being on-board a flight to Nashville, Tennessee, anticipating spending some time off with the man she is quickly coming to love, Tyler Grant. They have been through much together in the past few years and their shared tragedies have brought them together for more than friendship. Those plans are quickly shoved to the back burner when Nikki's plane experiences engine failure and has to make an emergency crash landing. After escaping the wreckage with the rest of the passengers, Nikki searches for the woman who had been in the seat next to her who has disappeared. But upon asking the flight crew for the woman's full name, Nikki is told that there was no one in the seat next to her and that no one with the name of Erika was on board her flight. Being a member of the Missing Persons Task Force, however, is Nikki's career and she knows there is something going on here. What her investigation brings her to will test her physical, mental and investigative limits in the most brutal ways possible, and throw her into the middle of a case full of danger and murder. Anticipation and anxiety are meant to be a part of every good mystery and I felt that there was some of those intense feelings that were missing from this story. Like many who read mysteries or suspense stories often, I am looking to be truly terrified or anxious alongside the main characters of the story. I couldn't get there with this story, and it was disappointing as I was "anticipating" a good read with this latest Nikki Boyd story. The main reason it was hard to feel anxiety was that the "danger" or "chase" scenes were not very descriptive or long. The action was not completely described in a way that was tense and "close call" like. I wasn't really scared for Nikki or for the other characters like I had been in the two passed books and that was a little sad for me. The other reason I didn't find it very thrilling is that the "bad guy" was not very well developed or explained. I prefer that my bad guys have some really awful behavior that makes you despise them throughout the whole book. I also prefer that they remain unnamed or if they are named, they have to be very good at getting away with their crimes; and this needs to be described well in the story so I can really understand why he or she is the bad guy. If there had been one of these two that was better done I think I would have enjoyed this book much more. I am choosing to believe this is just a "one-off" for Ms. Harris and the next Nikki Boyd will be much improved in the mystery/suspense department. I was, however, very pleased with the personal growth of Nikki herself throughout the story and am glad she finally sorted out her feelings for Tyler. Nikki carries much guilt and sorrow from her sister's disappearance and supposed murder, which is one of her main drives for taking a position on the Missing Persons Task Force. Although she may never find out the whole story of her sister's disappearance she is ready to move on and make a life with Tyler. Tyler has spent several years sorting through the grief of his murdered wife, trying to raise their son, Liam, and still do the cyber security job he loves. His recent trip to Liberia has helped him sort out his feelings for Nikki and he is looking forward to spending more time with her and Liam. I was so glad to see that Ms. Harris was having their relationship grow as they both grow in their faith. I've been rooting for them to get together since book one and am so excited to see where Ms. Harris will take them next. So, although this book was not as well-developed as I would have liked to have seen, I will still recommend this book as part of the Nikki Boyd series. I would not recommend that it be read as a stand alone as I think it is more of a transitional story rather than one that really drives the series. I will be looking for the next story in the series and hope that it will have more of the "umph" that I'm looking for in my mysteries.

I received this e-book free of charge from Revell Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. I will receive no fiscal compensation from either company for this review.

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Loved it! Although, this is book three in a series, it is a stand-alone. This is the only one I have read (so far) in the series and didn't feel so much was missing that I couldn't enjoy it. So, no worries, if you're like me and haven't read the first two.
Nikki Boyd is a TSI agent on a routine flight back home to Nashville, eagerly anticipating reuniting with her boyfriend after a three month separation while he was overseas. The plane crashes and her seatmate, Erika Hamilton, disappears.
The FBI engages Nikki's help in locating Erika, as she was en route to testify in a grand jury trial to put away her boyfriend. Can they find Erika before the boyfriend and his hired guns do?
Great action packed story. It will keep you on the edge of your seat.
I was given an ecopy of this book from the publisher, Revell, and Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Pursued by Lisa Harris was one I did not want to put down! The chapters kept ending and urging me to read the next chapter. There was a lot of suspense with a hint of romance, which I enjoyed.

This is the first book I have read by this author, and it happens to be book three in this series. I initially thought it was the last one, but it turns out there is going to be another one coming out, which I’m really excited about!

I really picked up this book because of the book description and that it was based in Nashville. I’ve wanted to go to Nashville for a long time and have yet to visit there. I was also in the mood for a suspense book, which this delivered on for sure!

While this is the third book in the series, I did not have any trouble figuring out what was going on. There were references to what I assume happened in the other books, but there was enough explanation that it made sense. I also don’t think the explanation would be boring to someone who has read the other books. I felt the author did a nice job with this.

There were a lot of people who got killed in this book. At times it felt like a lot, but it did increase my adrenaline as I read the book and increased the stakes for Nikki.

I was glad that the romance was most subtle, yet moved forward. Many times in these types of books I feel like the romance can get in the way of the story, but it did not do that here.

The entire book takes place over a very short time span. I liked how the author gave the time and location at the start of the chapters. I found this to add to the detective aspect of the book. I also liked that the times weren’t all even numbers, which made the chapter setup more believable.

I was hooked on this story from the opening chapter. I did want the first few chapters to get moving because I wanted to find out about Erika, so it felt like it was moving a tad slow, but I think that was my impatience and the author doing a great job of making me yearn for answers.

I’m really glad I read this book. It was a quick read and one I didn’t want to put down. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series and hopefully finding out more about Nikki’s sister.

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Revell and NetGalley provided me with an electronic copy of Pursued. This is my honest opinion of the book.

Special Agent Nikki Boyd of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation ends up involved in inexplicable mystery after the plane she is on crash lands. Missing from the manifest, Nikki's seat mate Erika ends up disappearing from the air field in the midst of the chaos and confusion. As Nikki's inquiries of concern meet with silence or double speak at every turn, she finally becomes aware that Erika was under the protection of the FBI as a material witness. Becoming involved in the search for Erika, Nikki has only 48 hours to get the missing witness to the grand jury before her dangerous boyfriend catches up with her. Drawing parallels to her own sister's disappearance years before, Nikki is determined to find out the truth about Erika and help in any way possible.

Although I found the major premise and the missing person's case to be interesting, the involvement of Nikki's personal life split the focus too much, in my opinion. The investigation into Erika's disappearance was intriguing and evolved naturally during the book. Overall, Nikki Boyd's strength and determination came through, despite the fact that the author kept bringing her romantic life into the plot. Having not read the previous books, I would be interested in seeing the progression of the character from the beginning.

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Nikki Boyd is a missing person investigator who happens to be on a plane that has a crash landing. WHile on the flight, she chatted it up with the woman sitting next to her.....who disappears after the crash landing. Nikki and her partner Jack, along with the FBI begin to unravel something much larger than just a missing persons case.

Does anyone else wish that Goodreads allowed for 1/2 stars? I would have given this one 3 1/2 stars. I rounded up because it was better than 3 and closer to 4 (how's that for being clear!) I adored Nikki and her partner Jack, I enjoyed how they developed and how well they play off of each other. I just couldn't get on board with Tyler, the best friends husband turned boyfriend after she died. They had zero chemistry. It had that uncomfortable awkward feel of high school sophomores trying to navigate a crush and just rubbed me the wrong way. I see this is a series so hopefully they'll grow into each other as the series progresses.

The plot kept the pages turning and moved quickly. A light read that most anyone should enjoy

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Pursued starts with a bang, literally, as Nikki Boyd’s plane crashes. No one notices the woman she was sitting beside disappear in the confusion following the crash, and when Nikki questions investigators, they seem to think she is traumatised and hallucinating, because the flight manifest says the seat next to her was empty.

That’s soon cleared up, and now Nikki has two days to find the missing Erika Hamilton. The race is on, and the pace never lets up. There are constant twists and turns as Nikki and her partner follow a trail of clues to find Nikki … and realise she’s not the only person they need to find. It’s a great plot, and a great read.

Pursued is the third book in The Nikki Boyd Files, and I hope it’s not the last! The series has an overall storyline of Nikki joining the police force to find her younger sister, who went missing ten years ago. There is also the romantic element, with her developing relationship with Tyler, the husband of Nikki’s dead best friend. I’d like to see these storylines resolved before I say goodbye to Nikki.

Pursued is a standalone novel and you don’t have to have read the earlier books in the series to understand it. But if you’re a suspense fan, you’ll want to read them all and it would be best to read them in order: Vendetta, then Missing, then Pursued. Recommended for all Christian suspense fans.

Thanks to Revell and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.

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This is the first Nikki Boyd book of the series I've read. I'm shocked at myself that I haven't read the others yet, since I love suspense and she's an excellent author. Now I have to backtrack and read the previous Nikki Boyd books. Even though I didn't read the previous books, I didn't feel like I missed anything, even in the romance department.

The plot was fast-moving and intense. The writing flowed well and kept me turning the pages. I finished the book in less than 24 hours.....which may be a record for me.

The character of Nikki Boyd is pretty amazing. Tough, smart, detail-oriented, yet compassionate and vulnerable. She's become one of my favorite heroines. Tyler is an admirable character, as well, but I didn't get to really meet him or see him in this book. Perhaps the earlier books sketched him better so that the reader is comfortable with who he is by this time in Nikki and Tyler's relationship.

The thread of faith and hope was evident and well-placed throughout the story.

I'm thinking there will be more Nikki Boyd books to come.....since Nikki and Tyler's relationship is just blossoming. I'm looking forward to the next book. And if there isn't another book in the series, I'll just have to find more of Lisa Harris' books to consume.

I was given ARC from Revell via NetGalley. I was not required to give a favorable review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.

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This is the third book in the Nikki Boyd series, I have read books 1 and 2...this one does not disappoint. The story begins with Nikki on a plane coming home to Nashville, excited to see Tyler after him being gone 3 months for a work thing. Where book 2 ends with Tyler leaving, asking Nikki to wait for him, book 3 begins fast forward 3 months when he returns. While Nikki anticipates seeing Tyler, knowing he's waiting to pick her up, something goes wrong with the plane and it crashes. After the crash, Nikki is asked to locate someone who was on the plane but isn't accounted for, the woman just...disappears. So the story really takes off as Nikki and her team try to find the missing passenger.

Lisa Harris sure does have a thing for suspense let me tell you. She has the ability to grab your attention with her writing, and keep it throughout the entire book. The characters are very complex, the plot intricate and I found myself saying out loud, "Whaaaaatttt??" on various occasions. Ha Ha.

You want Nikki to find what and who she is looking for and feel her frustration every time she discovers the villain is one step ahead. This book also took a deeper look at Jack,a member of Nikki's team, and there was not so much Tyler. As books 1 and 2 seemed to have him involved in the mysteries as well.

I adore this series and am sooo excited to read and review the prequel due to come out soon where we find out what happened to Nikki's sister, Sarah, who was abducted 10 years before and is the reason Nikki became an agent.

**This ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
Thank you Revell and Baker Publishing.

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Another excellent installment in the Nikki Boyd series. These books are so addictive! I love Lisa Harris's writing, and it's great that the stories are squeaky clean, too. Plenty of thrills and danger without sensuality or curses. Happy face!

Do yourself a favor: when you start book one, have two and three all lined up behind them. Definitely recommended.

Nikki has a lot to deal with in this story. The main suspect appears to have his finger in every pie, yet is so charming and innocent in person that he couldn't possibly be the one...could he? Is there another plausible suspect with fingers in every pie? Harris definitely kept me guessing with the layered characters.

Though the romance is still understated, it ticks up quite a bit between Nikki and her man. Also, though it's evident that Nikki is a reliever, there's less of a faith message than in the previous two books. But I'm okay with that because of understanding Nikki's faith from the other stories.

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Nikki Boyd is returning to Nashville on what should be a routine flight. Then the plane crashes. Suddenly Nikki finds herself in the midst of chaos. When the woman who was seated next to her disappears, the FBI ask Nikki to help. But it's a race against time, and the FBI won't share all of the details. Can Nikki and her team find answers before it's too late?

I've enjoyed each book in this series and this one was no exception. I loved how fast paced this book was. The twists and turns that the case followed had me eagerly turning the pages.

What I found different than the others in the series was that Nikki was a victim this time as opposed to the investigator. Seeing her attempt to separate herself from her job was interesting. Especially when she was trying to figure out her relationship with Tyler.

I recommend this series to anyone who enjoys romantic suspense.

I received the Kindle copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of giving my honest opinion. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

Recommended to fans of romantic suspense, Irene Hannon

Rating - 4 stars

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