Member Reviews

4.5 stars

I think Pursued is my favorite book in the series so far. After being slightly disappointed in the previous book, I was a little nervous that this book would also let me down...but it didn't and instead I was hooked and really enjoyed the story.

I loved how the romance that had been teased about in the first two books, finally ended up being a part of the story. I really like both of those characters and seeing them in a relationship is great and makes me happy for them. :)

The suspense was good and kept me turning pages. There were some very intense scenes and even some unexpected events.

All in all, Pursued was a thrilling read. I really liked it and recommend the book.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review. As always, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.*

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I have just read my first, but definitely not my last, book by Lisa Harris, “Pursued”. Nikki is a member of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation specializing in missing persons. She and her team work together to find those who are missing before something bad happens to them.

Nikki is flying home after a long seminar when her plane crash lands at the airport in Nashville. The woman who was sitting next to her leaves the plane and vanishes. The woman is not on the flight manifesto, no one remembers seeing her on the plane. Nikki knows what she saw and whom she talked to and is determined to find her. The FBI contacts her and asks for her help. The same day as the crash she has two other close calls and finds that the woman she is searching for is in a lot of trouble. Besides the dangerous things happening to Nikki, the bodies are falling like leaves. Someone is after something. I will leave the reader to sort this out.

I read this book with one finger preparing to turn the page as fast as I could in order to find out the rest of the story. I will be looking for Ms. Harris’ other books. I’m sure they will be just as entertaining as this one. I received a Kindle copy of this book from in return for my honest review.

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I love Nikki Boyd. I hope I don't have a day like hers. To first get in a plane wreck and then get pulled in to a missing persons case. Her day just keeps going from there. There are many twists and turns throug this book. I love the suspense in this story. There is just a tad of romance also. This is a great story. I received a copy of this book from the author for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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The book starts out with terror in the skies and doesn't let up as Nikki is on the case of a missing woman. What would you do if you were sitting on a plane talking to someone and there is no record of them being on the flight? Nikki knows the missing woman was there and will not stop till the mystery is solved. Who is the man sitting next to him on the plane? I love this character because she is determined, smart , relies on God and is resilient. I loved how the author allows Nikki to be vulnerable at times and allows readers to see in her weakest moments she calls out to God.

I really am not a big fan of flying and the opening scene was so well written I felt like I was on the plane waiting for the crash to happen. The author writes such explosive scenes that pop off the page with heart pounding speed. Nikki has been assigned the case for the missing woman on the plane and gets deeper into a story that had my adrenaline pumping . Nikki and her partner Jack seem to find danger as each turn they take in the case . I began to wonder just how much Nikki was going to be able to endure when she encounters life threatening injuries . The story is a web of deceit, secrets and twists that keep readers on the edge of your seat.

I enjoyed the interactions between Nikki and Tyler. After being apart due to work, they finally hope to spend some much needed time together. Will Nikki's job leave Tyler second guessing their relationship? Can Nikki and her team find the missing woman before disaster strikes? Get ready for action at full throttle in this installment of The Nikki Boyd Files.

I received a copy of this book from Revell Books and Librarything Early Readers Program. The review is my honest opinion.

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This was a fast paced, action packed, biting my fingernails thriller! Just when I think Nikki's search couldn't be any more exciting and dangerous, something else happened to totally surprise me and keep me on my toes. Lisa Harris does a fantastic job of keeping the reader interested, page by page, so much so that you don't want to put it down!

I have loved Nikki's character throughout this series. Sure she's a little stubborn, but that's what brings some of the excitement. But what I love about her even more is that she relies on the Lord when she's in a tough spot. It can be difficult to show this faith in a thriller such as this, but Ms. Harris was able to capture it perfectly.

I would have liked to see a little more between Nikki and Tyler. In the beginning you are set for having this grand reunion, but then the case takes Nikki away and the romantic storyline just kind of faded. But I like the few times they did speak, and what happened when they eventually took time to talk with one another. I'm hoping to see more of them in the future!

Suspense and thriller fans will love this book. Just make sure you read the first two in the series so you can the most out of the characters! I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book starts off running as Nikki 's flight into Nashville crash lands what follows is a series of events that keeps everyone looking. I liked how Nikki was willing to stick with what she believed from the person who she thought was sitting next to her to the motive behind it all. I also liked seeing how her relationship with Tyler progresses. This book is a real page turner and I am really enjoying this series.
I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher but the review is entirely my own.

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If you love a good law enforcement suspense read, look no further. This book is action from the first chapter to the last—the kind of action that has the good guys on the back foot from the get-go, scrambling to find the person they’re supposed to be protecting, let alone trying to get to the bottom of what’s really going on.

Nikki’s arrival in Nashville also coincides with Tyler’s return from a three month posting in Liberia, and she’s anticipating their reunion as the plane comes in to land, but her personal life takes a backseat before she’s even left the airport. Those who prefer an emphasis on the romantic part of romantic suspense may feel a little disappointed that Nikki and Tyler’s relationship didn’t take a more central role throughout the story, but it honestly didn’t need to in this one. That said, the knowledge that Nikki has some serious news that she is yet to share with Tyler does hover in her mind throughout the story, and the fact that this is weighing on Nikki adds to the urgency and tension in several of the scenes, as well as Nikki’s emotional involvement in the case.

Readers who are eagerly awaiting the answers to what happened to Nikki’s sister will pick up one or two more pieces of information here, but the conclusion to this plot will come in the next book in the series, Vanishing Point, releasing in November 2017. Personally, I can’t wait! In the meantime, this was a gripping read, highly recommended for readers of romantic suspense.

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Nikki Boyd’s day starts out with a plane crash and everything goes downhill from there. Things are spinning out of control in every area of her life and she is forced to cling to God and faith that He has put her in this moment to get her through. She gets called in to an urgent case and is so busy she can’t find time to talk to her special friend, Tyler. There is non-stop action and excitement. It’s a riveting book.

As she races to find a missing person, Nikki struggles to answer the questions plaguing her. Is the danger she faces worth it? Is she ready to pursue a family? How will her health issues affect her relationships? Yet she keeps coming back to her desire to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves and sees that she must continue, at least for now.

I really like Nikki’s character. Her authenticity is refreshing. She has health issues…which is rare in heroines. She gets distracted and frazzled and doesn’t always make the right decisions. She knows she is weak and leans on God to be her strength. Even though her line of work is very unique, she is quite relatable.

Thank you to Revell for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

The Nikki Boyd Files:

Book 1: Vendetta

Book 2: Missing

Book 3: Pursued

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This third novel from the Nikki Boyd Files was action packed! The action begins on page one and doesn't let up until the final few pages.

Nikki is traveling on a commercial flight from Houston to Nashville when there is an explosion downing the plane. She is looking forward to seeing Tyler after his return from the Middle East. Instead of spending time with Tyler, she finds herself on a 48 hour ride to find a missing passenger from the plane.

The Nikki Boyd Files series is recommended for fans of suspense.

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Another fabulous read from Lisa Harris! I think Vendetta is probably still my favorite of the series, but this one was excellent too! Can't wait to read Vanishing Point later this year!

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At the recommendation of a Goodreads friend I decided to try out my first Lisa Harris book. I was not disappointed! Despite the fact that it was the third in the series (what is with that? This is now the third book in a row that I’ve read that was the third in a series. I guess they do say ‘three’s a charm’ but seriously! Okay anyway…), it worked pretty good as a stand-alone. I could tell that there were things in the previous books that were referenced, but it never felt like it was hard to follow or anything. I do want to go back and read those though.

This is one of those fast paced books whose chapter titles are marked by hours and minutes on the clock, and the whole thing takes place within the space of about 60 hours. Definitely made it difficult to put down.

There were some unexpected (even disappointing) twists, and I actually don’t feel like there was complete resolution to the main issue, but not sure if that might be something the author continues in her next book. I can’t go into details without giving serious spoilers.

I did enjoy the spiritual side as well. While it wasn’t as strong as others I’ve read, she still brought out some great truths, especially toward the end.

Mrs. Harris is a very talented author and I look forward to reading the next book in the series as well as others she’s written as I get the opportunity.

Overall, I would give this a four star rating!

Disclaimer: I received this book from Revell Books in exchange for my honest review.

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A plane crash, a kidnapping and more than one missing person will make this the hardest case Nikki Boyd has had to tackle yet.

When Nikki Boys flies back into Nashville, she tries to control her nerves. Flying doesn’t bother her; she is excited to see her boyfriend who has been away for over a month. As they prepare to land, the woman sitting next to her is nervous about the flight and landing, especially as they end up crash landing. Chaos quickly envelopes the plane while Nikki looks for her seatmate, Erika Hamilton who is now missing and no one has heard of her or will admit she was ever on the plane. Nikki soon finds out that the man sitting beside her was an air marshal and Erika was set to testify as a key witness in an upcoming trial. Nikki saw the look of panic on Erika’s face and knows she is in danger. Without even taking time to see her family, Nikki and her team work together to find Erika and figure out the deeper, darker secrets this case holds.

This is the third book in the Nikki Boyd series and to me it is the best yet. The stakes are higher and the action is tighter than in the previous. I think one of the things that made this one better was the fact that it was heavier on the suspense than the romance. That is something that has become unusual for romantic suspense novels lately. I enjoy romantic suspense, but they are typically not my favorite because they tend to go with more romance which takes away from the suspense. The relationship was put more on the backburner with this novel making Nikki focus more on the case at hand. Lisa Harris is getting better with each book and this is probably the best one she has written. Fans of her work and who enjoy a good suspense novel with a little romance sprinkled in will not want to miss this one.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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This is the third in the Nikki Boyd series. She is an agent with the missing persons division of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. While this book reads well on its own, I suggest reading the earlier books in the series to understand Nikki's passion for finding missing persons.

This novel has a good combination of action and investigative techniques. Nikki is a capable investigator but she is plagued with disrupting thoughts. I did get a bit tired of Nikki thinking of something in the past, then someone saying something jerking her back to the present. Nikki is not quite the effective policewoman I am used to having in novels with female leads. Readers who like extended accounts of character thoughts that interrupt the flow of the action will like this novel. Interestingly enough, when Nikki does come out of her thoughts, she rises to the occasion as a good and forceful agent.

This is a good investigative procedural novel. There is also a bit of romance. There is a little Christian influence but it is not strong. I recommend it to readers who do enjoy suspense with a good dose of troubled character thinking as well.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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Pursued, third in the Nikki Boyd Files series by Lisa Harris, is a book you will need to fasten your seatbelt for. The breakneck action, taking place over just two short days, begins in the first chapter with a plane crash and doesn't quit til the last chapter with sniper gunshots and a race to another airfield. Tucked in between are a myriad of other edge-of-the-seat, breath-holding scenes. Can Nikki and her team find the woman she met on the plane and who is now missing? A woman who authorities say doesn't even exist! Is she just chasing ghosts just like with her missing sister's case? And what about her relationship with widower Tyler? Will they ever have time to make it blossom into a romance? The author has written a plot that crackles with energy and tells an entertaining and suspenseful story. The characters are realistic (although I was beginning to wonder if the determined and driven Nikki might be a smidge superhuman!--but she has her foibles too--balancing her work life and her personal life leaves Nikki feeling pulled in too many directions), intense, and evocative--you definitely are rooting for the good guys to catch the bad guys and to catch them in time! Through all the action and drama, a thread of faith in a God who cares is woven into the story, reminding readers that God can be relied on for strength and wisdom in times of stress. I can't wait to read more of this author's books.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from Netgalley. A review was not required and the opinions are my own.

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I did enjoy this book but it seemed to drag in the middle. Lots of action

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This is the 3rd book in the Nikki Boyd series and this one starts off intensely. Nikki was flying into Nashville and everything seemed fine, until the plane crashed. Then in the chaos of the aftermath, Nikki is unable to find the lady that was sitting next to her on the plane, and according to everyone there was never anyone sitting there. Nikki gets pulled into an intense case with locating this missing woman who is running because she is a witness in an upcoming trial. Nikki and her team is in a race to find the missing woman before the people who want her killed do.

This book is thriller for sure. So many intense scenes and Nikki has been through a lot with surviving a plane crash but puts her all into solving this case of the missing woman. I did appreciate the few little synopses’ that were towards the beginning reminding people what happened in the last book. It’s hard to remember all of the details of previous books in series when there is so much time between releases. Overall, a great next book to the series and can’t wait for another book!

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This is the first book in the series Nikkie Boyd Flies I have read. I was worried I would be lost jumping into a series. I wasn't because Lisa Harris was able to bring the past and present together quickly keeping reader engaged in the the current story while giving new readers a chance to catch up.
Lisa Harris is able to keep readers engaged though out the story while building the different characters who readers will become attached to quickly.
While the plot line is pretty predictable the author is able to keep reader engaged with the strong characters who seem understand who they are in the creation of the Lisa Harris world.
Pursued is well throughout book that will have reader rereading the book for enjoyment.
Advance Copy from Netgalley

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What a rush! Pursued kicks off with a horrific plane crash and the adrenaline just keeps pumping. Nikki knows someone was sitting next to her when the plane went down, but the evidence isn't on her side. Is she suffering from a concussion, or is someone lying. Good luck trying to figure out the end before Nikki does! Loved Pursued from start to finish!

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Pursued, what a grab your imagination/attention immediately and I do mean immediately. For example the very first sentence is, "Nikki Boyd grabbed the armrest of the aisle seat as the plane hit another air pocket and the FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS light flickered on above row 29 on the airbus." Now, believe it or not, this is the most tame you have it in the whole book - isn't that great? - and I am going to tell you this - the author starts right off giving you things that you need to know - remember - She is awesome - she sure knows how to write Nikki and Tyler - Nikki's best friends widowed husband. They are finding each other slowly, not in an all fire hurry, a rush - it is truly romantic how she has these two pining for each other, and how they honor Nikki's dead best friend. Nikki is on a plane that crash lands. She has a girl who is seated nexct to her freaking out, so Nikki sees her through it. They get separated after the crash so Nikki tries to find her - she cares plus she has her grandmothers watch she wants to give back to her - well the freaky thing about it is that the manifest and everyone there says that there was no one there - no girl in 29B. So, now Nikki has to do her thing - what happened to this girl Erika? Who was she? How could it say she wasn't there? What is going on? All Nikki knows is she can do 2 things - one - she can always turn to and trust Tyler and two She can always ALWAYS trust, rely, count on, GOD to be there - to lead her - to direct her - protect her - to be her all. HE is her all in all - that is the way it should be - right y'all? This is an awesome - incredible book - a must read - seriously.

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This was a fast paced story from the first page. The entire book took place in a little over 48 hours. It was action filled throughout the whole story. In my opinion, it was a bit unbelievable that everything could take place in such a short time span but that did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the story. I have appreciated the other two books in this series and this one also, did not disappoint. Highly recommended!

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