Member Reviews

Any long-time romance reader probably has a favourite type of hero. Protective alphas, arrogant arseholes, smooth spies and men of action… and then there are Anne Stuart heroes, who, as anyone familiar with her work will know, are a mixture of all the above with the aresholery often dialled up to the max. But you know what? They’re my blind spot. They’re so full of testosterone, over-the-top masculine and fiercely protective of their women (albeit not quite at caveman levels) that they’re almost caricatures… but I still don’t care – I love ‘em.

The big saving grace is probably that your Anne Stuart alpha-hole hero isn’t a Neanderthal. He’s highly-intelligent, well-educated, frighteningly competent, seriously hot – and ultimately redeemable. Yes, any sane woman would probably run a mile in the opposite direction if she met one, but fortunately, this is highly stylised fiction, and Ms. Stuart always manages to redeem these ruthless men admirably. But I can accept that her particular brand of gamma hero is an acquired taste, and if those types of characters aren’t for you, then I’m not likely to persuade you otherwise.

But for those of us who do drink this particular brand of Kool-Aid, Malcolm Gunnison, the hero of Wildfire - the third in the author’s current Fire series - is another in a long line of those guilty-pleasure heroes we love to hate. Mal is sent by the Committee - a covert, international organization that paid no attention to legal or moral implications in its quest to make the world a safer place - to the Caribbean island of Isla Mordita to meet with Archer MacDonald, international arms and drug dealer, and the man behind the development of a new biological agent, RU48 (also known as Pixiedust!) which is unlike any chemical weapon previously developed. Mal’s cover as an ex-Committee agent now acting as the middle-man for a potential buyer works perfectly to convince Archer that he’s dealing with a man every bit as dangerous as himself.

Mal’s job is to find out everything he can about the weapon, kill Archer and get out – and it’s up to him whether he gets the man’s wife out with him or leaves her there. A former CIA and State Department agent, Sophie Jordan was in the early stages of her Committee training when she was made part of a team sent to undertake surveillance on Archer and made the mistake of falling in love with and marrying him - only to discover, too late, that the man was a ruthless psychopath. When Archer discovered she had been a Committee agent, he ordered her murder. Sophie narrowly escaped death, but the bullet damaged her spine and for the past two years, she has been confined to a wheelchair, a literal prisoner on the island subject to the not so tender mercies of her husband, who takes delight in playing psychological games, and abusing her both emotionally and physically. But a year ago, she began to regain the use of her legs, and without anyone knowing, has been building her strength and training for the day when she will kill Archer and get the hell outta Dodge.

When Archer insists she join him in welcoming their latest guest to the island, Sophie is not at all prepared for the reaction Malcolm Gunnison elicits in her. Since her accident, she has maintained the fiction of being desperately in love with her husband, who no longer has any use for her and enjoys taunting her about her lack of sexual appeal. He has brought several attractive men to the island and paraded them in front of her trying to provoke a reaction, but she has remained completely unmoved – until now. Even so, it’s clear that Gunnison is just as much of a ruthless, murderous bastard as her husband, and she has no intention of allowing herself to be diverted from her purpose.

The suspense plot is full of twists and turns, and there’s no question that Ms. Stuart really knows how to ramp up the tension; all in all I found Wildfire a hard book to put down. The characters are engaged in an intense and potentially deadly game of cat-and-mouse with Mal and Archer circling around each other, assessing and trying to get the upper hand, even as Mal and Sophie are doing much the same thing as they try to work out whether they can trust each other or not. The sexual chemistry between them is intense, the sex scenes are steamy and Mal and Sophie are undoubtedly in lust with each other, but the idea that a romantic relationship could have developed between them is harder to buy into. Sophie has been isolated for the past two years, suffered a serious trauma and has been subject to a sadistic, manipulative man. Yes, her training as an operative would have heightened her natural survival instincts and taught her self-reliance, but I couldn’t help thinking that given her circumstances, she might have fallen for anyone who had supported her and shown her that she wasn’t on her own anymore. I also found it difficult to believe that Sophie – who is frequently described as tough, intelligent and highly competent – could have been so gullible as to have dismissed everything she’d learned about Archer during her training and fallen so easily and completely for him. Much mention is made of the fact that she was inexperienced when she was sent on that fateful mission, but she worked for the security services for a number of years before being recruited by the Committee, and that level of naïveté just doesn’t ring true. On the positive side, though, I admired her sheer guts and determination in the face of such overwhelming odds. She’s under no illusions now, and her hatred of Archer is so visceral that the reader can actually feel it.

And Mal … well, he’s a pretty stereotypical Stuart hero – dangerous, frighteningly competent and utterly ruthless when called for – but that’s a potent and sexy combination that never seems to get old, and I’m not complaining.

While this is the third in a series, it’s not absolutely necessary to have read the previous two books before starting this one; I think they can probably be read in any order. Even taking into account the drawbacks I’ve mentioned, Wildfire is still a fast-paced, edgy page-turner that kept me engrossed from start to finish. I’m sure fans of Ms. Stuart and her unique, dark brand of romantic suspense will enjoy it.

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Wildfire is the next novel set in Anne Stuart's popular world of The Committee, a group that can be considered working for the good guys but are really bordering on the dark edges of grey. Here we meet Sophie Jordan, a former Committee operative who unfortunately fell in love with her target and for the last three years has paid for it dearly. Malcolm Gunnison is another operative sent to finish what Sophie Jordan was supposed to have done, that is to kill her husband. She happens to be optional at this stage. What develops is a plot full of psychological mindgames carefully played by all the characters both heroes and villains. Its edgy, unpredictable, often the pacing appears slow but only contributes to what can happens next. If you skip a word or a page you might miss an important detail and so you keep your eyes steadily on the page.

Ms. Stuart is back in her old stomping grounds of whether her male protagonist can be bastard extraordinaires or heroes in the making. They really are not nice guys and Wildfire has no exception with Malcolm. While her female protagonists are usually survivors of circumstances set into play by the Committee therefore Sophie is the exception being an agent of this ultra dangerous group. Wildfire in itself is heavy on the psychological thriller factor but with the subtle but combustible sexual tension between Sophie and Malcolm, its a page turner. The reader might know the ending but how to get to it is the definitely where the thrill factor is.

*This is the third book in the Fire Series by Anne Stuart, a spinoff of her popular Ice Series*
**These books can stand alone despite some interconnecting characters*

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Well. What can I say? I never thought Anne Stuart's strong suit is her plot, but this book takes pointlessness to a whole new level. Not only you have to suspend your disbelief, but also your logic, common sense. You have to be mindless to be able to go through this book without saying whah? We have pages and pages of characters' internalization. They think one thing, then contradict themselves, and then repeat the process. One annoying thing about this author's books is the telegraphing. If a character makes a decision to do something, you know the opposite is going to happen. H/H in this book are no different. You lose count of times they thought they were going to kill the other, they were not inteerested blah blah blah. You know what happen, this is romance not psychothriller. And don't let me start on the villain. WTH? Who in real life thinks and acts like this and is still not hospitalized? This is a big disappointment. A waste of time. Sex scenes are hot though, that's the best thing I can say about the book. However, without a good foundation to support them, they're just porn. 2 stars

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
M/F Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.

Archer is just mean. There are no redeeming qualities, nothing good about him. He is narcissistic, dangerous, and heartless. He kept Sophie simply to play with her – she was a toy that he got to torture.

Malcom is intriguing. He's heartless, until he isn't. He's cold, until he's not. He is a strange mixture of both good and bad, and when he has to decide which to be, you can really see this internal struggle happen. He's trying to decide whether or not he can trust a woman who was so blinded by Archer, so taken that she forgot her own training.

Sophie is an awesome woman. Despite the misstep that she took in falling in love with Archer, she fights back, takes a stand, and works her butt off to better herself. I love how she knows what she wants, has a plan, but gets hung up on Malcom and whether or not she can trust him. She takes a stand when it's assumed she is compliant with Archer.

I also really love how this story twists and turns. And, despite the ending being slightly abrupt for me, I really enjoyed this story and hope there are more in this series to come.

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Wildfire is the 3rd book in the explosive Fire series, a spin-off from the delectable Ice series by Anne Stuart. Readable as a standalone, Wildfire tells the story of the Committee operative Sophie Jordan MacDonald who had made the blunder of falling for the charm that her target had exuded in spades, and marrying the monster with whom she had suffered for the past 3 years. Knowing that no one from her former life as an operative would be coming to rescue her as she had bungled up the mission in a major way, Sophie is counting the days until she can escape, that is until Malcolm Gunnison walks into her life and throws everything into a spin.

Malcolm’s mission is one that is straightforward. But the minute Malcolm crosses paths with his target’s wife, the whole operation changes its focus. Malcolm who is not given to feelings of the tender kind finds himself strangely fascinated by a woman he knows he should be able to walk away from. The fact that Sophie’s husband outlines his plans when it comes to her does not help matters. In fact, it pushes Malcolm and Sophie together in a way that makes the sparks literally fly.

Though Wildfire would not be my favorite book in the series thus far, it still carries the trademark Anne Stuart style in delivering a story that heats up and delivers from the onset. The one thing that irked me was the continued references towards how Sophie had been a rookie who should not have been sent into the mission that had changed her life so drastically. The repetitiveness of that particular statement almost throughout the book was a bit off putting to say the least.

Nevertheless, with Malcolm, Anne Stuart once again presents her readers with a hero as ruthless and delicious as they come. There is no turning away from the mastery he wields in the bedroom – well the bedroom comes later, but hey, you get what I mean. If you have ever read an Anne Stuart book, it is how she delivers bad boys of the kind that makes you want that keeps you coming back for more. That and the wit and charm she puts so effortlessly into her books. And she does not disappoint when it comes to Wildfire.

I loved Sophie as well. Her vulnerability and her strength was a combination that made me fall and root for her. The ending when it came was classic Anne Stuart as well. I couldn’t have asked for more!

Final Verdict: Wild is the fire that rages between two operatives who have no intention of falling in love. Deliciously sensuous in the way that only Anne Stuart does it!

Favorite Quotes

“Touch me and I’ll kill you.”
“You and what army?” Before she knew what was happening, he’d crossed that last bit of space, slid his arm around her back, and yanked her against his hard body. “Don’t be a hypocrite. We both want it, and it helps the mission. Man up, Jordan.”
It was a shock, hearing her maiden name for the first time in years. She could feel him, his hard cock unmistakable beneath his jeans, pressing against her stomach. “I don’t think that’s exactly what you’re expecting me to do.”

He was right. She’d wanted this from the moment she first saw him, whether she wanted to admit it or not, and his tongue in her mouth was the first claim—her response, the first acceptance.
His body pressed hers against the wall, and she felt him reach between them, unfastening his jeans, and she panicked for a moment, lashing out at him. He caught her wrists, holding them tightly together, and began to pull up her skirt. She wanted to shove him away, she wanted . . . she wanted . . .

He shoved into her, and she gasped, shocked at the unexpected size of him, the thick cock deep inside her, so good . . . so good . . . and she tightened her arms and legs around him as spasms of pleasure washed over her. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, she just wanted to feel. She needed this to last forever, and she rode him, his hands on her hips, sliding her up and down on his cock. She threw her head back, wanting to scream, and he sank his head against her neck, his teeth against her shoulder, the sting of his bite sending her over the edge.

Another wave hit her, and this time she did cry out, a wordless sound of rich pleasure, and he pulled away from the wall, turning around, still holding her as he moved, in and out, his thickness a wicked torment, harder, deeper, until he was suddenly rigid in her arms, in her body, his breath rasping as he poured himself into her, punctuated by each jerk of his hips, and she let go, let go of everything, drowning in sensation, in him, in Mal.

“Move back,” he said hoarsely. “Please.” Her face was very still. She hadn’t touched him yet, but he could feel her long, cool fingers so close to him that he wanted to groan. “Why?”
“I want to suck your breasts.”
“It doesn’t turn me on,” she said in her cold little voice.
“Maybe you haven’t had the right person do it.”

He took her other breast in his strong hand, squeezing her just to the point of pain but no further, and she bucked again, letting out a tiny moan.
He lifted his head. “In case you ever find yourself in a position to make love to a woman,” he murmured, “you need to remember that breasts are different with everyone. A lot of women need gentle coaxing, almost worshipful attention. But more women than you’d imagine need a little roughness.” He pinched her breast, and he saw the reaction in her face, the dazed expression in her brown eyes. They’d been soft before, except when she was staring at him in rage, but now they were positively unfocused in reaction to what he was doing. “You’re one of the ones who need a little roughness.”

“Come in my mouth,” she whispered.
He no longer had a choice. His body bucked, and she held onto his hips, taking him in, everything, her fingernails digging into his skin, and as he exploded he thought he felt an answering orgasm ripple through her body as she straddled him.
She drew back, away from him, sprawling on the floor in what should have been graceless exhaustion but instead looked like pure sexual abandon. He’d climaxed, come hard in her mouth, but he wanted more from her, he wanted her every way he could have her, and this time it was for nobody’s pleasure but theirs.

She began to shiver, and he thought that if she dared to make any sound, she would have told him she couldn’t take any more, but he knew she could. That ripple of reaction was hardly strong enough to take her over the edge, give her the release she needed, and he kept up his steady pace, into her, deep, so deep, and he heard an almost imperceptible sound from the back of her throat. It made his cock swell even more inside her, and he slid his hand under them, finding her slick clitoris, circling it. She was shaking so hard he felt the need to hold her together, keep her safe, pushing, pushing, until she froze, a low, keening sound coming so quietly from within her, a sound more powerful than a full-throated scream, and he went over the edge with her.

She was beginning to stir, getting restless, and he knew she was going to pull away, and he wouldn’t be able to stop her, not without drawing attention to them. With strong but gentle hands he turned her in her arms, pushing her hair back off her face, and put his mouth on hers, kissing her with extraordinary sweetness. He swallowed her strangled sob, and she kissed him back, sliding her arms around him and pulling him close, so close, their sweat-slick bodies growing chill in the night air, and he wanted to say something, tell her something, but he couldn’t imagine what. So he simply kissed her, until she pulled away from him, disappearing silently into the darkness.

She wrapped her legs around his slim hips, her fingers tight on his shoulders as he moved inside her, steady, deep, and she wanted more, needed more. This was like nothing she’d ever felt before, it was sex, it was fucking, it was making love. Her heart seemed to flow through her body, into his, a total joining that beckoned her, frightened her, almost destroyed her. He was so big it hurt, a sweet pleasure-pain that simply moved her deeper into this dark, magic, scary place where there was no Sophie, no Mal, just them, sliding together in the murky light, and she felt another orgasm building inside her, deep and powerful, and she knew if she climaxed her heart would explode, and she didn’t care, didn’t care at all.

He reached down, caught her hand, and pulled it away from him, shoving her onto her back. He was going to leave her there, wet and wanting, he was going to turn his back on her and walk away . . .
The hell he was. He shoved her legs apart, moving between them, and thrust his cock into her so hard she cried out, not in pain but in fierce satisfaction. She was everything he wanted—she was nothing but trouble.

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Rating from the sunny side of life: ★★★★☆


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Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review.

I love a good anti-hero and Anne Stuart can write the very best. Her secret agents are right up there with the very suave, very deadly James Bond, except here we get the bonus of a watching a stone cold killer fall for his true love and a HEA. Sadly, this book lives in its' own head for way to much of the story. The characters spend way to much time rehashing and thinking and not nearly enough time doing.

Malcolm Gunnison is an operative for the very secretive Committee and his mission is to get a dangerous new bioweapon before it can be sold. He also is tasked with killing the baddie brokering the deal. Not part of his mission is falling in love, especially not with a traitor.

Archer MacDonald is scary smart, with an ego to match. He has made billions off the suffering in the world and his latest prize, Pixiedust, is just another weapon to be sold and profited from. He is a psychopath with no feelings, not even for his crippled wife.

Three years ago, Sophie Jordan MacDonald was a new operative for the Committee. Her assignment was to kill Archer MacDonald. Instead, she fell in love with him and married him. Big, almost deadly, mistake. She has spent every covert minute since then regaining the use of her legs, her strength and plotting a way to finish her mission and escape his island.

Sophie's fate is up to Mal, he can decide to kill her or save her. Falling for her was not in the mission statement, but, well, these things just sorta happen. When Archer orders him to have sex with his wife, Mal knows that he can surely take one for the mission, except his feelings are so far out of mission parameters that all he wants to do is kill Archer and get Sophie off the island.

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FINAL DECISION: I really enjoyed this story because there is serious drama and suspense as Sophie and Malcolm are trapped on the island with Sophie's insane husband. The pacing and characters makes this a very enjoyable book.

THE STORY: Sophie Jordan was an operative with the Committee until she fell in love and married a target of her investigation. He turned out to be a psychopath and an arms dealer. Once her husband found out that she had lied to him, he tried to have her killed. Instead, Sophie was left parallelized and at the mercy of her husband. Malcolm Gunnison, undercover as an arms dealer, comes to the island in order to finish the job that Sophie botched. He's going to discover Sophie's husband's new biological weapon and then kill him. Mal will also kill Sophie if necessary or if she gets in his way.

OPINION: I am a huge fan of Stuart's Ice series. Several of those books are on my all time favorites list. Until this book, the Fire books have been okay but don't begin to approach the amazing Ice books. I'm happy to report, however, that WILDFIRE, while not as superlative as the best Ice books, is definitely worthy of being in the same universe.

I really liked Sophie in this story because as the book begins she has been in a deadly battle of wills with her evil husband. I prefer this damaged and dangerous heroine over the sweet innocent. Sophie made mistakes in her past and has paid for it for years. Now she is ready to win her freedom and kill her husband, if possible. She also is immune from handsome dangerous men -- or so she believes. Of course, she find herself reluctantly attracted to the dangerous Mal. The combination of innocence, cynicism, ability to survive and desire to be free makes Sophie's character one that I desired to follow her journey.

Mal is a nicer Stuart hero than most in these series. While he begins the book entirely willing to kill Sophie if necessary -- or even if she is somewhat inconvenient to him -- he quickly begins to fall for her as well. And although he does some bad things in this book, he is not as dark as some of Stuart's heroes. I liked his competence, his determination to do what is necessary and his total commitment to his mission -- until, of course, Sophie begins to upset this world.

The story is tense and filled with danger and drama. There is always the question of the motives of the various characters. I liked that there is almost constant danger with the characters. From the first page, the characters are in precarious positions and that made the story go quickly. By having all the action of the book take place on a private island with limited characters and danger all around, the constant sense of peril is preserved. I liked the story and the development of the characters as they progress.

While not reaching the heights of the best Ice books, this book is the best of the Fire series so far.

WORTH MENTIONING: The Fire series is about the American branch of the Committee, an anti-terrorism group that uses whatever means necessary, including murder, to stop terrorists. The series this spins off from, the ICE series, has characters which are mentioned or make appearances in this book.

CONNECTED BOOKS: WILDFIRE is the third book in the Fire series. This book can be read as a standalone.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4.5 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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3.5 of out 5 stars.

Nobody writes anti-heroes like Anne Stuart! I really like her Ice series and didn't realize she'd written a spinoff series (The Fire Series) until I received this ARC. This is the third and final book in the new series and although I haven't read the first two books in the series (yet) I was able to enjoy it without feeling like I was missing anything. I didn't love the book but definitely enjoyed it and will be reading the first two books in the series when I get a chance. If you like romantic suspense with a darker edge give Ms. Stuart a try. Thanks to Netgalley and Montlake Romance for the copy!

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It lacked a bit of depth. I enjoyed the story, but didn't love the characters. It felt repetitive in some spots and just wanting to see what happened kept me skimming through.

Not a bad read, but not an out of this world one for me either.

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I would give this book 3.5.

I found this book to be very typical of an Anne Stuart contemporary romance; girl with flexible morals meets boy who lives his life with only the barest of ethics impeding his actions. I enjoy dark stories with happy endings so this works for me.

For the most part I liked the hero and heroine. I wasn't always convinced that they belong together above all others in the world, and honestly, they didn't seem that convinced either. With this type of book, it kind of has to have a happy ending, so I'll accept they were destined for one another by fate.

My biggest issue with the book was that I had trouble believing that Sophie fell in love so instantly and completely with her abusive husband. There were references repeatedly about Sophie being very young when she fell in love with him. She is supposed to be in her early thirties at the start of the book and married to her husband for three years with only a few month between meeting and marrying, so she was in her late twenties when she married him.

I found it hard to believe that the person we hear described as so tough and impressively competent would be gullible enough to ignore everything she knew about the man and think other people were just mistaken about him being a psychopath. Seriously, this is something a fourteen year old girl might be able to convince herself of, but an educated well traveled women buying it? I don't think so.

Even with the few issues I had with the book I still liked it so I would recommend it to any fan of Anne Stuart or readers who enjoy dark HEAs.

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Anne Stuart excels with another story in her Committee series. The book starts with the feisty heroine, Sophie, determined to escape the clutches of her evil husband Archer. With the arrival of Committee member, Mal who needs to finish Sophie's failed mission to kill Archer. Before he can do this, he must find the biological weapon that Archer is acquiring.
A turn pager of a read.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my copy to review.

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I have chosen not to finish this title. By 25% I was not engaged with the story and was not really interested in what happened with the characters.

At this point, instead of giving it a low rating or skimming the title, I have chosen not to finish it.

I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to your next title on my list!


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Ms. Stuart delivers fast paced, action adventure romantic fiction.  I stumbled on one of her books by accident during a period when I was working on discovering new authors and haven't looked back since. Not only did I go back and read her entire back list but have kept up with all her new releases since.  Sophie Jordan is an incredible heroine and difficult as I found certain parts of the book I could not put it down once I started.
Malcolm Gunnison is an agent for the Committee.  His assignment is to neutralize the biological weapon Archer MacDonald is building and kill him. His secondary assignment is to neutralize former Committee agent and currently Archer's wife Sophie who turned her back on the Committee when she abandoned her assignment to marry Archer.  The last thing this very disillusioned agent expects to find is love when he's on this assignment.
The blinkers have definitely fallen off Sophie's eyes.  Crippled from a bullet in her spine when she discovers the depths of her husband's betrayal she's now slowly but surely working herself back to health in order to get her revenge.  Her acting is superb and she even has Malcolm fooled a time or two.   As the three characters all work their various angles, the story takes some spine tingling twists and turns. Sophie and Malcolm are unable to resist their mutual attraction for each other. Poor Sophie fears that she's been wrong before, will she repeat her mistakes?
Another winner for Ms. Stuart.

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I tried. I honestly did: I gave WILDFIRE fifteen full chapters (over two-thirds of the way) and six days of my life and just could not get into me. I didn’t enjoy the characters-- the hero and heroine were one-dimensional and not emotionally engaging, the villain was so over-the-top one constantly needed to suspend his/her disbelief. The plot--was there even really one?--was plodding at best. The writing was mediocre and full of tell, not show (I’m not sure I can handle another inner monologue from the H/h). The only remotely salvageable thing were the sex scenes: scorching and angry, but lacking in any real emotional depth. Maybe the book somehow turns completely around and becomes the most amazing thing ever in the last third, but I’d already devoted enough time reading something I wasn’t enjoying. This was my first experience with any of Anne Stuart’s work; maybe I picked the wrong book or the wrong series, but WILDFIRE was not an enjoyable introduction to her work.

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I totally loved this book! I had only read Anne Stuart's historicals previously. Reading this sent me on an Anne Stuart contemporary reading binge - great for my brain but a little hard on the wallet!

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Great book! I read this book in one day. Fast paced thriller with multi faceted characters and a reluctant love story. Archer MacDonald is a sadistic psychopath, preying on his paralyzed wife. Mal is the operative from the Committee tasked with taking him down, and bringing in a brilliant, egomaniac of a scientist with a weapon of bio terrorism. I enjoyed this thoroughly and can't wait to read more from this wonderful author.

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This one was really good-pick this up, you won't be sorry. I will be sure to read Anne's future books

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another interesting story by Ms. Stuart. Good story and romance.

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Wildfire is so good - I never experienced a dull moment.

Sophie Jordan was stupid and gullible, and that has put her in a horrible situation for years. She is ready to seek revenge and her escape. .

Undercover agent Malcolm Gunnison works for the same organization that Sophie did, before she betrayed them. He goes in not knowing if she is complicit with her husband or if she needs to be rescued.

What I found a little hard to believe, based on the characterization of the villain, is that Sophie was even alive at this point. I also found it hard to believe that she falls into bed with Malcolm, or that her husband even cares.

I enjoyed the ending, despite its predictable nature.

I will have to seek out this author again.

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Sorry but WILDFIRE kind of fizzled for me. Had a bit of trouble getting in and staying with the story. There was too much character inconsistency. Think one thing do another throughout. Characters were not all that likeable so it was hard to relate to any of them.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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