Member Reviews

2.75. This Japanese high school girl and yokai prince romance is in the best of manga and anime tradition. The author has definitely done a boatload of research on Japanese culture and the city of Hakodate and it shows. Good research, used effectively, helps elevate average books into something more.
I really wanted to like Aisuru because it matches my tastes in many things. Romance, fantasy, and a lifelong interest in Japanese culture, history and language. I know little about Hakodate, but I'd like to learn more. The Meiji era, Japan's opening to the rest of the world in general, is incredibly intriguing.
Unfortunately, for me at least, the author's prose is too stark and workman-like. Because of this, I couldn't get into the story for the longest time and almost put it down. Additionally, it took her characters some time to develop their own voices. Even when they did, they were too often along the lines of anime/manga tropes. The energetic girl who likes food. The student council president who is studious and severe but really cares.
And, finally, unless the action was taking place actually out and about in Hakodate, I couldn't get a sense of place. I have little idea what Sakura's house looks like (other than there's a lovely cherry blossom tree in her yard), or Kazuki's palace, or the high school, even though most of the story was set in these locations.
It's easy to see that this author has enthusiasm for her subject and that she cares about her work. Perhaps future pieces will have that extra something I'm looking for.

I have not finished this, but my review list has been getting longer and I haven't picked it back up in some time, so I am not sure I will. I really, REALLY love the premise of this one, and the use of Japanese mythology is wonderful, and a personal interest of mine. I found the level of distance in the main character to be good and logical at times, and then tended towards the confusing at others. The writing is good, but occasionally I found it a little too simplistic, particularly with regards to the dialogue between characters.
So, a good premise, I would be interested to see where the author goes with this, but not enough to pull me through to the end.

Not really what I expected (in a bad way).. I had some trouble with the beginning and did not really understand what was happening ? Also had a lot of trouble connecting with the MC and found the plot very weird.. Could not be bothered to finish it, sorry.

I reserve comment as I quickly discovered this book is not my cup of tea.