Member Reviews

Wow. I absolutely tore through this book. It's one of those that is completely absorbing and compelling, so fast paced and full of tension and threat that I couldn't stop reading it. Can you just imagine it. You're a mother with young children, running away from an abusive ex-husband and, on the route to your safety, the absolute worst happens. Your children go missing. This is, in very basic terms, exactly what happens to Audra and yet, as we very quickly learn, there is something far darker in play here. This is not a case of the children wandering off while you've got your back turned in the grocery store. It is far worse. And beyond that, everyone around you suspects that you have hurt your children. Nobody will listen to you when you say that they have been taken. Well, not quite nobody. Because one person out there has heard this story before.
Everything about this book really had my hackles up from the beginning. Well, not quite everything. Audra, and her two children, Sean and Louise, are one of the only pure things about this book. But, sadly for Audra, she has somewhat of a chequered past, something used against her to full effect in this book. The author has done a brilliant job of keeping readers in the know, heightening our outrage and investment in the story, whilst making the authorities distrust of everything Audra has to say completely believable. To be fair, her story does seem wild, and, if we weren't present through all of the dark deeds, we'd be inclined not to believe her either. But we do know, and we can see the injustice and it just made me want to read faster. To see the evil doers in this case face justice.
The pace of this book is spot on. There isn't a wasted moment. Given that this is the story of two missing children, there is always that ticking clock element to the case anyway, but we are made acutely aware of just how much time matters to Audra and her children. Of what is at stake and how soon all will be lost. There is a real buzz of tension that feeds throughout the whole book, amplified by the anger that the situation causes. We are talking about some very disturbed and evil people here, and although I won't say more here, I'm not sure I need to. It doesn't need a Professor of Mathematics to add two and two and hit four here. With chapters told from varying perspectives throughout the book, including Audra, her children, the antagonists and some unnamed third parties, I felt all the emotions reading this, but underlying them all was a real drive to keep reading.
There are a few people in this book who surprise in a positive way - audra chief amongst them. For a story of a woman pushed to the very edge, who will do absolutely anything necessary to keep her children safe, this is a totally addictive and engrossing book. If you can look past the very objectionable darkness that underpins what happens, none of which is explored in any kind of graphic detail, you'll find a thriller that really sucks you in and spits you out again at the end, emotionally exhausted from such a rollercoaster ride, but thoroughly satisfied.

Audra's worst nightmare happens when her children are taken and the Sheriff denies that they were ever there. This book keeps you on your toes trying to figure out what is going on

This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

Well this held my attention with its drama, it was very well written.
So she’s escaping from her abusive husband, tumbling up her kids in the car and escaping. Rightfully so.
But she is later being followed by the Police and gets pulled over . They take her to the Police Station on some crazy accusation while they “look after” her kids.
Except, later, no one recalls ever seeing or knowing of the children.
One crazy ride with this one.

Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat threw out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed

This book is intense. It's obviously dealing with tough topics such as human trafficking and police corruption but I was not prepared for the anxiety and frustration that I felt whilst reading this. I thought the characters were brilliantly written and, more than once, it made me stop and wonder what I would do in that situation.
Brilliant book that deserves all the stars.
5 stars

This book is the perfect psychological thriller I was looking for. It is gripping, intense, terrifying, heartbreaking, and will keep you on the edge of your seat all at the same time. I found it really hard to put this book down and keep living my life, I was hooked right from the start. One of my favourite so far.

A good, easy-reading thriller. It was quick to get through and had enough suspense to keep you interested.

First of all, my apologies for this being on my Netgalley list for far too long, but WOW was it worth the wait!
I can't even begin to explain to you how tense and terrifying this story is!
When we meet Audra she has packed herself and her two children, Sean and Louise, into her car and is fleeing her abusive husband. Having travelled for hours she plans to stop at the next town, for the night, but before she gets there she is pulled over by the local sheriff and what happens from that moment on is just horrific. I couldn't quite believe what I was reading, but I was absolutely captivated! As a mother I was right there with Audra, sharing her panic and desperation. There is no real way of knowing how I would react in the same situation, but I'm pretty sure it would reflect Audra's behaviour. I can guarantee I would be hysterical.
There are some evil characters in this story and it's scary to think that there are actually people like this in the real world, committing such horrendous crimes. It just goes to show that no matter the position of authority someone holds, it doesn't necessarily make them a good person. Some people will do anything for money.
As for Audra's husband, well he's a nasty piece of work. He's an arrogant, abusive Mummy's boy! His mother is no better either. What is wrong with some women!? I take my hat off to Audra for finding the strength to leave in the first place.
Sean and Louise are lovely little characters, bless them. My heart went out to them.
If you're looking for a compelling crime thriller then look no further. This one truly is a page-turner. I will be looking out for other books written by Haylen Beck.
Many thanks to the author and publisher for my review copy via Netgalley.

I wasn't sure about this thriller at the start, but it rapidly became an engrossing read. The subject matter is something which has been written about a lot in recent years, but I did find it reasonably well written and I certainly found it hard to put down in the last third of the book.

This was a amazing read. An absolute rollercoaster from start to finish. Can’t wait to read the next book by this author

An edge of your seat thriller that kept me up all night reading! Audra leaves her abusive husband and takes her children on a car journey that ends in her worst nightmare.

This put me in mind of [the films] ‘Breakdown’ and ‘Rambo’ and the power these small town cops have. Trying to escape from an abusive husband Audra finds herself in a living nightmare. A routine stop for supplies spirals into an horrific ordeal in which Audra must somehow stay strong for her children and her sanity. When Audra asks the sheriff about the children and his reply is “What children?” you know you’re in for a bumpy ride. Tense and enjoyable.

I enjoyed this book - enjoyable characters with a plot that was worth reading. I felt the ending was a little predictable but that didn't detract from enjoying the novel.

A tense and well written thriller that keeps the reader guessing.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

Here and Gone is the story of a single mother, running from an emotionally abusive relationship with her children in tow. Already paranoid that she’s being watched by police and that either they or her husband will soon be hot on her trail, Audra panics when she’s pulled over for a minor traffic misdemeanour. From here and in Audra’s heightened state of panic, this seemingly routine traffic stop spirals out of her control and she’s thrown into jail. Not knowing where her children are and scared alone in jail, Audra is horrified to find the arresting officer claim there were no children in the car with her.
From here, Audra battles adversity, her own sanity and corrupt authorities to prove her children were with her and that she hasn’t harmed them.
This book is full of suspense and is very well written. The subject is awful but this does happen. Very disturbing to read the POVs of the bad guys in this book but that just adds to the already well written book.
Definitely one to read.
Thank you to NetGalley, Hayley Beck and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

After reading the plot for this book I knew I wanted to read it. Audra reminded me of Halle Berry in the movie Kidnap. This is really every parents nightmare and I felt complete empathy and frustration for Audrey as her life came apart. At parts I was left wondering was her ex husband behind it all, I wanted him to be behind it so the children would end up being safe - that is how invested in this book I got. A few eye rollish parts too but they did not detract from the story, I enjoyed it and would recommend it.

I enjoyed the plot idea of this book enough to finish it but found myself pretty board for a huge chunk in the middle. I would struggle to recommend this to anyone as I don't feel like it really when anywhere or grasp my attention enough.

“Here And Gone” is very fast paced, extremely well written with good characters which you believe in and care about. It's fast-paced, dark at times and kept me hooked!
I felt events sometimes stretched credibility. And the ending seemed a little rushed. But I still highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a really good thriller.

Having been in an abusive and controlling relationship with her husband, Audra takes control of her own life and leaves her husband taking her 2 young children with her. She needs to get far away from her husband and his equally controlling mother. She decides to drive across the USA but along the way she is stopped by the local County Sheriff in a small town in Arizona. He appears to want to help her but all is not as it seems. This is where the real mystery, intrigue and emotional roller coaster that is this book begin..
An excellent read with plenty of twists, turns and flashbacks to keep you turning the pages late into the night.