Member Reviews

Two From The Heart is two very different short stories; both I really enjoyed.
The first story follows a woman trying to rebuild her life from a new divorce. That journey is further complicated when her home is ruined by a hurricane. Talk about adding insult to injury! But all of that leads her on a road to a self discovery she would have missed out on if those two tragedies hadn’t happened. She heads out on the road and meets some incredible people and has some life-changing experiences. I really enjoyed watching Anne find her true self and eventually finding her happy ever after.
The second story had a much different feel and one I really took to. It reminded me of that movie, The Truman Show, in a way. It really got me thinking while I was reading, wondering what would happen next and what part of the story was real and what part was made up of actors. Filled with more than a few interesting players in the game of reality/fiction that the main character is playing, it was a great change of pace for me. It was fun and interesting!
Overall, if you’re looking for two enjoyable short stories to spend an afternoon with, this is a book for you!

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Brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra

Tell Me Your Best Story by James Patterson and Emily Raymond is a tale of a woman, Anne McWilliams, who has lost everything in a hurricane. By everything, I also mean her prized dark room, a necessity for creating her art (she has until this time refused to move into the world of digital camera’s). After losing everything, she leaves on a road trip, visiting people from her past to capture their stories for a new project. Anne’s description of what she is doing to Pauline, her mother’s best friend:

“Well actually”, I said, “I’m sort of collecting stories. Pictures, too. For what I hope will be a book. I pointed to my camera, resting on an end table. It started when I realized I wasn’t really in touch with anyone from my life-not in any real or meaningful way. So I decided to visit people who mattered to me and see what they were up to.”

I loved how at each stop Anne learnt not only about the person she was visiting (whether it be her ex-husband or best friend from college or even a perfect stranger or two). I especially liked the tale of Kit and Bob – how they met on a blind date….and as they say…. the rest is history.

The story as a whole was awe inspiring, well written and had me captured throughout. I could not put the book down until I had read every last word.

The Lifesaver by James Patterson, Frank Constantini, and Brian Sitts is a tale of a Tyler Bron, successful business man with no personal life to speak of and Damian Crane, struggling novelist. Tyler literally lands his “ultra-cool” helicopter next door to Damian’s house for a midnight chat (like this happens in real life).

“It’s just past midnight, and I’m tapping away on my IBM Selectric. I realize that makes me look like a caveman with a sharp rock. I’ve always been a little behind the times, technology-wise.”

Thoughts from Damian as Tyler enters his house:

“Tyler Bron is a certified Steve Jobs-level genius-not to mention a mega-billionaire. And for some reason, he’s standing in my living room.”

Really I felt really sad for Tyler when he tells Damian…and this is where the story begins:

“The truth is Damian, I’ve been starting to thing about everything I don’t have. No family, no friends, no personal relationships.” “I’m forty years old,” he says, “and I have zero human connections. None.”….”Damian, as I said… you’re the best writer I know.” I’m still trying to absorb that unlikely fact. And now he lands the kicker: “I want you to write me a life.”

What a journey Damian took Tyler on. I must say though; I would like a kick-ass margarita machine! This story is truly a bit odd, with someone actually writing what will happen to Tyler and Tyler’s employee, Daisy, making sure Damian’s writing comes to fruition. Once the tale is complete, I certainly had an appreciation for an author’s craft. Very well told.

I really enjoyed both stories. Tell Me Your Best Story seems like it could be a real life story to me whereas The Lifesaver is awesome and just takes me away to an imaginary life, though maybe stuff like this happens in the real world. We all are all our own authors. All in all – a wonderful reading experience and I highly recommend this book!

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

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Two From the Heart by James Patterson is a different type of read for me from Patterson. This is two different stories written by Patterson and other co writers. The stories revolve around two people who either had drastic life changes or someone who has everything but a life. These are separate stories which have nothing to do with each other.

In the first story Anne McWilliams is currently living on an island when a hurricane hits causing her to lose her house and her beloved camera dark room and equipment. Anne has already had disasters in her life including a divorce. She picks herself up, and decides to travel to see friends, family and find her way again. Her first stop is her brother, whom she has not seen in a few years, and he gives her a gift (new high tech camera ) that he meant to give her when she was supposed to visit awhile back. Now Anne will continue her way, meeting either strangers or old friends, using her new camera to take the pictures she so loves, and asking those she meets "tell me a story about something in your life". This was a nice interesting story listening to all the different events that have changed people's lives, which lead Anne to find herself again, possibility meeting someone for herself and putting her adventure into a career of pictures and words.
In the second story, Tyler Bron is a multi billionaire, who has everything he has ever wanted, but a life. He lives for his work, and now he wants something different. Damian Crane is an author, who lives a quiet secluded life, and is shocked when a helicopter lands in his yard. Damian doesn’t think of himself as a successful writer, but then he meets Tyler Bron, who thinks he is a great writer. All Tyler wants from Damian is to write a different life for him to live, and his high tech people will bring his words to reality. The following morning, Daisy, who is Bron’s assistant, knocks on his door at 6am and brings him to Bron’s huge offices. At this point, Damian begins to type and we watch Tyler find himself in the middle of nowhere. The story switches between Damian, Daisy and the tech staff as they watch Tyler trying to live in this town with no technical ability, and with no money, cards, phones if he wanted to leave. It was a different and nice storyline to see Tyler totally out of his element, and making friends with the locals, who are poor, as they open themselves to help Tyler, who has no money or anything. Along the way, Tyler will begin to relax a bit and go to the local bar with some of the men; get to know the kids at school and teach them those things that he learned about building things when he grew up; and he also meets a waitress, who makes his heart feel something he has never known. It was a very sweet story, and a very nice sweet ending.

I rather not tell too much more. You will have to read this book to see how life can change for people. I enjoyed the book, though it was a different kind of read for me.

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