Member Reviews

I requested this one back in the day as I had every intention of reading it. However, its been years and I still haven't gotten around to it and while I feel guilty at not reviewing a book I think that I need to admit to myself that I won't be reading this one anytime soon....if at all.

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I have mixed feelings about this story. On one hand, I absolutely love that we get a story based on Hannukah rather than Christmas, but on the other, I don't want (or need) an entire educational background of the celebration. I'm looking for a romance, not a lesson. And I wanted an actual romance, and I don't feel like I really got that. I enjoy this author's stories, but this one was a miss for me.

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Book – Ner Li
Author – Mell Eight
Star rating - ★★★★☆
No. of Pages – 30
Cover – Gorgeous!
POV – 3rd person, one character
Would I read it again – Maybe
Genre – LGBT, Holiday, Hanukkah, Romance


I'm of two minds about this one. First off, there are no chapter headings, so all thirty pages break only for a scene break, giving you no opportunity to stop and start, if you need to.

I found the subject of Hanukkah a little over done. No, I'm not Jewish, but I'm not sure I need a lesson in Hanukkah's history that lasts for three huge paragraphs in a row, as well as constant reminders throughout such a short story. Most of the history lesson could have been chopped in half, without losing the meaning or the truth of the history.

The characters were interesting and nicely explored, though a little stereotypical in places, while the romance was sweet and cute.

My main problem is the ending. It felt incomplete, like we'd been cut off a chapter or two too early, without a well rounded ending. It left me feeling a little cheated, as the couple who were the entire focus of the story had barely just met, hadn't shared so much as a kiss and it felt more like the 'search' of the story was for a friend, not a boyfriend, by the end.

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