Member Reviews

I did not finish this book. While I appreciate the offer to have the novel., I have stopped reading any romance novels that stray more into erotica.

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I wish I could have gotten into this story! I tried a couple times and walked away and came back. Still isn’t for me.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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This was a hot, sexy read. I couldn't put it down once I started it. Nick and Chloe together......HOT, HOT, HOT! All the books in this series are good, but this one is my favorite so far! There is plenty of family drama trying to pull them apart, but they definitely belonged together!

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I'm not sure what happened with this review. It was posted when I first read this book. Anyway here's my review very late.

Caption Nicholas Armstrong is fighting desperately to save himself and his crew from crashing into the ocean. After being injured and leaving the hospital he has to do a great deal of physical therapy to get back in shape enough to fly again. His flying along with rescuing those in trouble are his life and he is doing everything he needs to do to get well. His Uncle Sherman has hired a physical therapist, Chloe Reynolds, to help Nicholas get back into shape. One look at Chloe and Nick thinks being homebound might not be such a bad thing. Once they start getting close Nick realizes Chloe has secrets and he wants to find out what is going on.

This story opens with an edge of your seat; keep turning pages to see what happens next! This is another Melody Anne billionaire story that she does so well; however, this one doesn’t focus on Nicholas and his family being rich. It has a great plot with a very interesting story line. There are scenes that will make you cry and scenes where you will laugh. The amazing thing about this story is the author has most of the book take place in the hero’s home which means the dialogue between the couple has to really hold the reader’s interest. This story does just that. It flows very well and kept me turning the pages, not wanting to put the book down. The hero was definitely a strong, confident and caring man. He has a strong bond with his family and is very loyal to those he cares about. The heroine has a past that is hard to imagine but your heart will hurt for what she has tried to overcome. I loved this story and am very excited for Ace’s story. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series!

I received an ARC for an honest review from Netgalley

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Wow. This books surly has twist and turns to the max. Nick is a wealthy Coast Guard helicopter pilot, Chloe is a physical therapist with an ax to grind. The biggest problem is that ax is Nick. When Nick is injured it’s up to Chloe to get him back in shape. Will Chloe’s plan of revenge work or blow up in her face? You will have to read to find out.

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Love this series - action packed, explosive

When Nick Armstrong needed saving the Coast Guard came to his rescue. As a member of the Coast Guard whose mission, is to save lives Nick is injured (a miracle he survived) and loses his entire crew. As Chloe, a nurse is hired to aid in his recovery. There are revelations to ones surprise

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Amazing unique story. Really enjoyed. Will be looking for more by this author

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Nick and Chloe's story was great! I wanted a little more depth into her brother and mother/father relationships, but there was enough going on to make up for that. I wish Nick would have wizened up faster, but I'm glad that it only took a friend one push to make him realize what he'd lost. I cannot wait to see what's in store for Ace!

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Got a little lost in this book. Not like a
lot of the other Melody Anne books. Good but not for me.

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Melody Anne’s “Billionaire Aviators Series” is still as intense as the passion that smolders between the protagonists, choppy and turbulent as the waters and skies they ride and just as warm and lovely as the Armstrong brothers try to find love albeit the demands of their father’s will.

Being a coast guard is what pilot Nick Armstrong lives for everyday. The adrenaline rush of rescues, being a savior and going beyond the call of duty, fuels Nick’s passion for danger. Injured and being on the ground was never the part of his plan, and going through physical therapy with Chloe Reynolds was not even in his dreams. Laid up, injured and in pain he may be, but his heart and libido seems to crave Chloe Reynolds.

Chloe Reynolds is manipulated into becoming Nick’s physical therapist for a reason, but her heart doesn’t believe that Nick can be responsible for the deaths of his team members in that fatal crash on rescue mission. Healing Nick is her ultimate goal, but can her heart heal from heartbreak is something that Chloe is not sure of. Wavering between her father’s manipulations and her love for Nick, she sure is caught in the crosshairs of losing Nick forever when her secret comes out.

“Turbulent Waters” is another fabulous romance by Melody Anne; as she weaves a story of betrayal and pain, love and passion, forgiveness and acceptance as Nick and Chloe ride the choppy waters of love for a future together.

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3.5 Stars

Turbulent Waters is the third title in the Billionaire Aviators series, and is Nick and Chloe's story.

Nick is a coast guard pilot, a cocky player used to having his choice of women. When he's injured in an accident Chloe's is engaged by his family as a physical therapist to get him back on his feet.

I found it really difficult to like Nick, he was a bit of an ass and didn't really have the sweet, loving and caring side to temper his unlike-able character traits.

Chloe is grieving and compelled by fear and her strong work ethic to help Nick, and gain answers to how the crash came about that stole the lives of Nick's crew.

Although this is a well written read with an element of intrigue that kept me reading to the end, I really struggled to connect with this pair of characters. I did enjoy the undeniable chemistry and attraction between this pair.

I look forward to reading more of Melody Anne's work in the future.

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I did really enjoy this series, but some aspects felts rushed when it came to the end. There were all the great build up aspects of love and relationship, with the side of intrigue and misunderstanding, then it just rushes full speed ahead and it's over. While a good read, I guess I just wanted a bit more.

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This is book 3 in this series an they just keep getting better each time but then all melody Anne books do which keeps you coming back for more. The Armstrong brothers are all alpha males who you just can't stop wanting lol you get drawn into there story's an you can't put it down. It's a great romance but with some intrigue throw into too. Would totally recommend this book to friends and family

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the third book in the series, and although you could read it as a standalone, it does follow on from the previous books and some strands flow through them all.

I have to admit that this is not my favourite of the series, but it is still a good read. Nick does not come across as a standup guy, at least where women are concerned in the beginning, although he definitely improves. Chloe is also a slightly odd character, but given her upbringing, that is not entirely surprising. I found it difficult to believe that she was so put together given her brother's recent death, and who she believed to be responsible. The descriptions of the accident both early on and later were really evocative of how it must feel to undertake a Coast Guard rescue. They gave insight into Nick's real character and his grief over the loss of his crew.

As a couple, they worked well and were clearly well matched. The chemistry was undeniable, and as Chloe softened her views and rethought what she had been programmed to believe, their potential to have a relationship definitely improved.

I am very much looking forward to Ace's story – the mystery that has been waiting in the wings for a while!

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Turbulent Waters was not as turbulent as the last book of the series, but I still enjoyed the book. We are brought back to the same setting, the same family, but I could not connect with them this time as much as I did before. Still, the book had everything a romance novel could want, I just had high expectations, considering that I really enjoyed the last one. This book, however, could be read as a stand-alone novel, and from that standpoint, it was a pretty heartwarming novel

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4 1/2 STARS

I really enjoyed this book. I'm loving the Armstrong men. I loved Chloe and Nick's story as well. I recommend this book and series.

SLIGHT spoiler... I was really hoping Chloe's brother was ok and just recovering on an island somewhere. I was hoping he would resurface and clear Nick's name.

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I’ve read the entire Billionaire Aviators and have become a big fan of Melody Anne’s writing. Turbulent Waters might be my favorite installment. They are stand-alone reads; therefore, do not worry if you have not read. Of course, the two prior books are great too, so they should be in your TBR pile.

Nick Armstrong is a pilot for the Coast Guard when his mission goes wrong and loses his entire team. He is the sole survivor and is dealing with emotional and physical trauma. His new physical therapist, Chloe Reynolds, is beautiful and bold and appears to be just what he needs to heal, but she secretly hates Nick. The two constantly face off with each other and the sexual chemistry between them simmers. Nick is charming and flirtatious, but Chloe uses her anger to keep him as a distance - even if he does not understand why.

You’ll either love Nick or hate him, because he is a bit of a alpha-jerk. Of course, there is much more to him but he is a little slow to reveal his sweeter side. Chloe is standoffish for a reason and it takes a bit to warm up to her, but she and Nick certainly make a good pair. Turbulent Waters is sexy and fun but also has an emotional storyline exploring loss.

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This book did not work for me particularly. I like this author, and I read the book before this one, so I was interested to read his story...but it fell flat for me. I didn't feel the tension with them, or any of the urgency I should have with the situation.

While I did finish the title, I ended up rating it a 2, so as it is not part of a blog tour, we won't run the post for the review on the blog.

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I don't know how to link my review but it is now on amazon UK thank you for the opportunity to review this book

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