Member Reviews

Gosh I loved this book by Melody Anne. Like the other two books it has a brother who was fighting his feeling and didn't really want to uphold his dad's will and get married for his money. In this book is Nick, who is a pilot for the coastguard rescue helicopter. During a rescue the chopper goes down killing all but nick on board and he is found injured in the water and rescued. He is battling his injury to his knee and pushing himself further than he should and has already scared off 3 other therapists. Chloe is his new therapist and has an abusive father who forces her to his will. She is holding a big secret and really needs to know whether he is capable of of murder like her dad has pushed into her head. I had to read this book in one sitting as it had me very intrigued as to which way it would go. I really felt for Chloe and her abusive father and the way he always got to her either in real life or over the phone. She was scared and you could feel the tremble in her as he spoke and threatened her. I could also feel the anger and confusion in Nick when it all came out and I felt sorry for him as he was not only worrying about his brother Ace but also trying to live with his guilt of being the only survivor of a crash and now all the secrets Chloe had.

I can't wait for Aces book as it will answer so many questions I have.

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what a fantastic book. I jumped at the chance to read this book and I definitely wasn't disappointed one bit. This is an amazing story with even better characters. I didn't want it to end, I couldn't put this book down till id finished. This book has plenty of chemistry between the characters. I cant wait for the next story and from this author in the future.

Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book

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Coast Guard pilot Nick Armstrong savors the taste of danger. But after his helicopter crashes into the ocean during a mission, shattering his knee, he encounters a whole different type of thrill when he meets his new physical therapist. Maybe being grounded isn’t so bad after all.

Smart, sexy, and deeply guarded, Chloe Reynolds is the type of woman who drives Nick crazy for all the right reasons. But as she tries to help him heal, Chloe struggles to keep her heart—and secrets—safe.

For years, she has been told that Nick is responsible for her brother’s death, a “fact” that she slowly learns may not contain the entire truth.

But can Chloe’s growing feelings for Nick, and their undeniable chemistry, really overcome a years-long family feud? Or will the past ultimately destroy the future they both desperately want?

This book was like watching a train crash and not being able to stop it...I just hated it!! It had DNF written all over it. Written on the front, back, all around, top, bottom and in-between the pages....Like for real. I hate saying that! I really hate saying anything bad about any book because I think you can usually find at least a couple redeeming qualities in any book if you try hard enough. I'm usually so lenient when it comes to my stars because I KNOW the work it takes to put into a book but THIS book set my teeth on edge!

Can I just say that I have never in my almost 40 years - Yes 40 years...never wanted to nag slap a hero and I don't think I would call Nick a hero, by the way!! Side note - I think he's a man-child who doesn't listen to ANYTHING! I usually love Melody Anne's books but Nick, he had me wanting to bat for the other team! Seriously, I almost took up a whole new genre of books after reading about him and his needs, his wants and how he wanted it. Here's a hint for all the guys out there: If you want a woman and think being cocky about it is the way to go about it, go ahead but you're gonna come across as a dick and douche canoe which is what this guy was. If some dude showed up in my room buck naked and demanded I tell him "yes" I'd attach the prongs of a stun gun to his naked hiney (or something else) and light him up. Try it and see if I'm kidding! Chloe should have diagnosed him with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and got the heck out of dodge, thrown him some meds from a safe distance away and said buh-bye! Now, maybe I'm being old and harsh but maybe I'm being smart in a world filled with men who think they can treat women any way they want because of the Fifty Shades of Grey craze and No I haven't seen it and I'm not going to. So while I usually love Melody, I didn't love this book and I can't recommend it to women who I respect.

I was given a copy of this ARC from the publisher on Netgalley for a honest review. All of the above comments are my express opinions and no one else's

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I really wanted to like this story, but it just wasn't for me. I thought Nick was a great lead; tenacious, but patient, kind, and sexy in his desire for Chloe. Unfortunately, it was Chloe that made me set the book down multiple times - sometimes for a few days or more - then come back and give it another chance. She was annoyingly wishy-washy and unable to decide what she wanted of Nick. I also found her to be weak minded and childish in the support she showed her cruel father. This went on for far too long and I started to lose interest and no longer care about the outcome. A shame because there was so much potential.

My thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for the opportunity to read and review Turbulent Waters by Melody Anne.

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Turbulent Waters is well written and sexy, a consistent read just like the previous 2 in this series. Nick is the second to youngest of the Armstrong brothers. He's the easy going one of the bunch, a big flirt normally, but in his story he's a bit broody in the beginning because he's hurting. He's healing from a horrific crash that took the lives of his entire Coast Guard rescue crew. That he was the only survivor lies heavily on his heart and mind. His body needs therapy, though, so in comes Chloe, his new physical therapist. It's lust at first sight for both of them, but Chloe's got an agenda that she's keeping hidden from Nick and it will make things very difficult for the two of them. She is also determined to keep their relationship strictly professional, despite Nick's heavy flirting and sex on a stick appearance.

You see, Chloe hates Nick for what she thinks is his part in a huge loss, her brother. She has a vow of vengeance, egged on by her controlling, abusive ass of a father, who demands Chloe report back to him daily on any dirt she finds on Nick and the crash. As their 6 week time period goes on, Chloe starts to realize that Nick just may not actually be to blame for her brother's death, but she's terrified of her father, and that terror clouds her judgment about Nick and whether or not he's guilty. She's falling for him just as surely as Nick is falling for her, but her secret is just one she cannot possibly tell him.

Although I really like Turbulent Waters, I didn't really connect to Chloe very much. She was so hot and cold with Nick, that it was a wonder he fell for her. And her secret affected not just his emotions, but his career, it could have caused him to lose everything. I place the blame for their fallout squarely on Chloe's shoulders, so I don't like that Nick had to make the grand gesture to get her back, because frankly, I don't think he did anything wrong. Yes, he may have said some hurtful words to her, but Chloe deserved every word, and what he said was true, so really, it should have been on her to go get him back. I do appreciate, though, that she understood at least, that she had made mistakes, too. Aside from not connecting to, or liking Chloe, I enjoyed this installment of the Armstrong brothers series and am impatiently awaiting Ace's story.

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This is book #3 in the Billionaire Aviators Series by can be read as a stand alone.
Coast Guard Captain Nick Armstrong is lucky to be alive. After his crash, Nick is slowly making progress rehabilitating his body but is frustrated beyond belief that he is not anywhere close to where he needs to be.

Chloe Reynolds is an orthopedic physical therapist hired by Nick’s uncle to get him rehabilitated after his accident. Six weeks with a man she absolutely despises, after all, he is the reason her brother is no longer alive. Chloe is working with her father, a man she absolutely fears, to seek revenge and personally destroy Nick.

Nick is completely and utterly attracted to Chloe, and makes it well known to her. Chloe is bound and determined to not take their relationship to somewhere other than patient/therapist. Chloe is there to do a job, rehabilitation and revenge, and cannot possibly fall for Nick. However, working with Nick, Chloe realizes all is not what it seems and their relationship blooms. Until all of the lies are revealed and everything comes to a head.

“We have to appreciate the calm before the storm to make it through the turbulence about to come.”

Nick and Chloe’s story was fun, flirty and had a great storyline that kept me interested. Right from the first sentence, I knew I was in for a wild ride. Nick is gorgeous and he knows it. He is cocky and usually gets what he wants, when he wants it and he wants Chloe. Chloe is sticking to her mission but is attracted to Nick and his advances. It is a great story and definitely worth the read.

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I received a copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. Nick Armstrong is a Coast Guard helicopter pilot who is the only survivor of his crew after an accident. Chloe is the heroine who is hired as his physical therapist. She has hidden motives for why she has accepted this job which involves their families and grudges come out. The truths that come out make for an action packed story which keeps you enthralled. Nick and Chloe have a turbulent relationship. Great read.

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Sexy, action, love, hotness all rolled into one book. Must read and glad I was able to read this. Go get it

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I am a big Melody Anne fan, and her books have a way of capturing me so that i cannot put them down. This series and this book is no different. Nick is like the rogue of the Armstrong brothers, but underneath that shell is a man you will want to get to know. Chloe is a very like-able character and she plays off Nick well through the story,i love the idea of secrets and what keeping them and revealing them can do to these characters in the story. Not going to tell you how as n-one likes a rehash of the book in a review :) Know this though if you are looking for romance with a hunt of something more and enticing characters this book is for you.

review on goodreads under the profile name kimothy

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Highly entertaining weekend read with explosive chemistry and heart stopping action. Beautifully written addition to a extremely additive series. Could not stop reading.

Coast Guard pilot Nick Armstrong despite his injury does not disappoint in the adrenaline inducing action department. Chloe Reynolds has a grudge she is holding onto with all her might when it comes to the Sexy as all hell Nick. The sparks flying off these two could start a fire that would burn for all eternity it would seem. Very emotional journey for this extremely combustible couple worth every heart pounding moment of vulnerability and soul deep strength.

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Great characters, great story and lots of steam! Loved this one! This is a great series and I can't wait to read more!

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Guilt. Revenge. Fear. Desire. All are very powerful emotions, combine them and they become rather explosive. Nick is the sole survivor of his Coast Guard helicopter crash while on a rescue mission in stormy Pacific waters. The guilt is something he’s going to have to incorporate into his daily life, that’s not going away. It doesn’t mean that Nick will wear that on his sleeve for the world to see, but it is alive within. The fear that his injuries will prevent him from doing the one thing in his life that he loves, he’s good at and gives him a purpose. He’ll do just about anything to get back on the job – what’s more pain added to what he’s already carrying.

Chloe has been hired by Nick’s Uncle Sherman to provide live-in care for Nick during his recovery. She’s a former nurse, and a top notch Physical Therapist. She’s strong, stubborn, beautiful and has her own separate agenda for taking this job. Her father, who has always been a bit mad and abusive her entire life is blaming Nick for his son’s death. While Chloe morns her brother’s death, she’s not completely convinced that Nick is truly to blame. Yet her fear of her father will keep her focused on what she needs to do, find proof of Nick’s part in the crash. The growing desire between Chloe and Nick, the lack of real proof that the crash was nothing more than an horrific accident is slowly changing Chloe – in more ways than she expected. With Nick at her back, for the first time in her life she may finally be able to stand up to her father and his schemes.

To be fair, all of the Armstrong brothers have been lovely flirts their entire lives. It’s as natural to them as their eye color. Yet, as each brother finds that one woman for him and settles down the broad ranged flirting is confined to their personal lady. So yes Nick is a natural born flirt, and at times he does take it a bit over the top with Chloe – but I got the impression that Nick was reacting to what he felt, what he wasn’t sure how to handle by being an overly large image of his usual self.

There are a lot of undercurrents in Turbulent Waters. And they add a bit of extra tension to the romance developing with Nick and Chloe. If there is a villain in this story, it is definitely Chloe’s father who wouldn’t know how to be less than an abusive bully if it could save his life. Watching Chloe slowly begin to doubt, mistrust and disagree with everything her father had told her is one of the rewarding aspects of this story. Seeing someone who has been abused their entire lives take the risk to stand on their own, defy their abuser and put their trust in another man is always going to be an empowering, enjoyable part of the story for me.

I believe any reader of contemporary Romance will find something to like in Turbulent Waters. It’s a solid story, with undercurrents of hidden secrets and deep pain. A truly enjoyable couple, with returning couples we’ve met before this story has so much to offer. I would recommend this one for any Romance reader who enjoys being emotionally involved with the characters… along with a strong family of support and love.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Another one of the Armstrong brothers down in Turbulent Waters. Nick Armstrong is recovering from an accident that killed the rest of his crew and left him hurt and recovering both physically and emotionally.

Chloe's story gripped me with the tragedy and hardships she has endured. She is being forced to lie in order to see justice done, only to find out that things were not what she had been led to believe and the villain she was after may be the hero who saves her.

Melody Anne outdid herself in this one. Loved Nick and Chloe and it was great having the rest of the family drop in so we could see how they were doing also :)

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Turbulent Waters is the third book in The Billionaire Aviators series by Melody Anne. It can be read as a standalone, but I would recommend reading the whole series as it is too good to miss.

Captain Nick Armstrong flies for the Coast Guard rescuing people from dangerous situations in the Pacific Ocean. He is now laid up due to injuries sustained in a helicopter crash where he was the only survivor. Not only does he have physical injuries, but the emotional issue of losing his whole crew that still torments him.

In steps Chloe Reynolds who is a physical therapist, who is also the sister of one of the crew members that died. Her father wants revenge and wants Chloe to find the evidence that will send Nick to jail. However; the first time Chloe meets Nick she wonders if he is the monster that her father portrayed him at.

As Chloe works with Nick, the feelings they feel can't be denied, but can Chloe remain distance or does passion get in the way of things.
When secrets are revealed, anger can't be denied and relationships destroyed.

Can forgiveness occur when two people have a connection or do they go their separate ways?

Melody Anne writes with such passion that you are drawn into the character's world and feel each of the character's emotions as they face the truth.
If you love a good romance with a lot of passion this book is for you and I highly recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Novel: Can be read as a standalone within The Billionaire Aviators series.
Characters: Alpha male with a lot of passion and independent women, who finds her strength in love.
Writing: Very smooth, developed, and even paced.
Storyline: Sexy, passionate love story with a HEA
Heat: Sizzling
5 Koala Paws

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Yes!!! I have a new author to read! AND, I have a new billionaire family to fall in love with!!!

I took a few days and spent them with the Armstrong family.

The Billionaire Aviators is a series that focuses on the Armstrong family. Each book is the love story of one of the Armstrong brothers. Currently there are three books that have been published in this series.

Turbulent Intentions (book 1)
Turbulent Desires (book 2)
Turbulent Waters (book 3)

*** WARNING ***
In order to fully understand or enjoy Turbulent Waters, you need to read the epilogue in Turbulent Desires. Truth! In Turbulent Waters we read Captain Nick Armstrong's love story. Nick's story is all set up for us in the epilogue that occurs in Turbulent Desires. I will say that because the information that occurs in this epilogue is not repeated in Turbulent Waters, it is no longer able to be read as a standalone. If you just want to read the epilogue in Turbulent Desires and then go to Turbulent Waters, you could read it as a standalone without reading the rest of the Billionaire Aviators series.

As I said prior, in Turbulent Waters we finally get to know Captain Nick Armstrong! Because I read all three books in the Billionaire Aviators in a row, I can tell you that we do not know much about Nick prior to this book. I loved getting to know him and his leading lady, Chloe Reynolds. The storyline was perfectly set up. You couldn't help but fall in love with these two characters.

"It's not just sex between us. We both know it. Something is burning inside me I've never felt before. And I see the same things in your face. You can lie to yourself all you want, but don't think I will believe it."
~ Melody Anne, Turbulent Waters (Billionaire Aviators #3)

I forgot to mention this in my previous reviews within this series, but I LOVED Uncle Sherman and his match making! There is another author that I love that did this (it was the dad & grandpa). I loved that concept in that series and I loved it in this series as well. It made me laugh.

Melody Anne, I am so in love with this series. Thank you for allowing me to read Turbulent Waters prior to its release. The teaser for Turbulent Intentions had me jumping up and down!!! I need Ace in my life right now!

#SemperParatus #AlwaysReady #UncleSherman

* Because this book is not live, I was unable to post on Amazon. I will post this same review on Amazon when it goes live. I will also be posting this review on my blog page on release day.
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A slow burn type romance that I enjoyed. Like the others in this series, this tale is more like an old fashioned romance, no Insta love here. Sexual tension abounds whilst they get to know a bit about each other.
Overall, I enjoyed this book and enjoyed hearing about Nick's other brothers and their growing families

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I love a wounded hero book. Add in a hidden secret with a feisty heroine and usually I'm hooked. Unfortunately, Turbulent Waters just didn't work for me. The characters and their relationship felt forced and the storyline dragged for me. I just wasn't invested in them enough with this book. Perhaps I need to read the first 2 in the series to really understand the family dynamics as I was a bit lost sometimes. DNF 31%.

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Nick Armstrong is usually a positive person with life and himself, however, it's been extremely difficult to feel positive after his horrific accident. He knows he's lucky to be alive, but after his Coast Guard helicopter crashed in the Pacific during a rescue mission that killed the rest of his crew, the last thing he feels is gratitude. Recuperating from a shattered knee is taking its toll on him, heck he's gotten rid of two physical therapists so far. Then his uncle Sherman hires a new PT, and she turns out to be the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and she doesn't take any crap from him. Recovering never looked better.
Chloe Reynolds upbringing was never loving, if anything, it was painful. Having a mother who never stood up for her children when her father would beat them, says it all. Now in her late 20's and she's still under his power. When she is hired to help Nick Armstrong recuperate after his accident, her father tells her that Nick is the cause of her brother's death in that helicopter crash. He wants her to find incriminating information to take Nick down. Chloe doesn't want to like Nick, he's the enemy, but as she gets to know him, she can't see the horrible man her father has painted him to be.
Can a man that's never been in love and a woman that's scarred inside, come to terms with their feelings.
This book was powerful, romantic and had me reading at all hours to finish it. I loved it!

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The beginning of the book hooked me in, but as the book went on I felt it difficult to keep engaged. I like Chloe's stubbornness and strong will that you don't get a lot of times in romance novels. I like how Melody Anne has chosen to do an Aviation series and has Captain Nick's occupation of being a Coast Guard Rescue Pilot. She provides technical terms which is great to grasp a deeper understanding of the story. There is also plenty of internal dialogue so the reader is given proper points of views from both starring characters. Personally, I prefer less internal dialogue and more bantering and talking in my books. All in all its a good romantic read!

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I’m afraid I came out of this book not much of a fan of Nick. I knew he was a player from his short appearances in previous books but he was over the top when he met Chloe, who was clearly not interested at first. Yes, she was attracted to him but she made it very clear she wanted to keep things professional. Honestly, he could have gotten slapped with a harassment suit, that’s how bad he was. I usually try to not take this kind of thing too seriously since it’s just a book, but I just couldn’t find it in me to like his character.

I did like Chloe and the fear she displayed with her father kept me interested to see what was going to happen there. It was kind of mysterious in the beginning and that always snags my attention. She’s a grown adult but her father held such sway over her that I had to find out what was going on.

Overall it was an ok read. There was enough going on in the Plot to keep me interested to see where it was heading. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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