Member Reviews

Nick is a pilot for the Coast Guard who was the lone survivor of a helicopter crash while on a mission. Chloe, a physical therapist and sister to one one of the deceased Coast Guard members, works with Nick in his recovery all the while trying to get information from him in hopes of finding answers to her brother's death.

I have read several Melody Anne books and this was a great read. I liked the flirty playfulness that Nick has with Chloe from the beginning and how their relationship developed. I also liked the banter Nick had with his brothers and their wives. Great read. I look forward to reading even more from this author.

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As much as I loved book 2 ( Turbulent Desires) of the Billionaire Aviators series by Ms Anne, I was disappointed with this story. Let me first give you blurb of the story.

Nick, a Coast Guard pilot, has an awful accident in his helicopter while attempting a rescue in the middle of a storm. He loses his crew and ends up with severe injuries, both physically and emotionally.
Chloe, a physical therapist and RN, is hired by his uncle to help Nick in his therapy and recovery. But Chloe is there for an ulterior motive, to avenge the death of her brother whom she and her father blame Nick for. In the midst of all of this , Nick is accused of being intoxicated prior to the accident and is being taken to court.
Here is where the book started to bother me. During the 1st 20% of the book, all this is revealed. You would think that Nick, a well respected pilot, would be worried about his career and the defamation of his character. Only while the lawyer explains the accusations is he upset, but after that, he seems to dismiss it. This is not the action a real pilot would take. Having had a father that owned a flying school as well as having worked for an airline for 16 years, I know first had that once a pilot loses his license, it’s basically the end of his career, plus what about the accusations to his character? The next 50% of the book, we have lots of sex, angst on Chloe’s side etc. Then , the author takes us back to the lawsuit after we are 70% into the book.
Needless to say, I was not engaged in the storyline since I felt some very important issues had not been addressed.
I love the author, so I will classify this book as a 3.5 star one.
I was gifted a copy of this book. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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I love Melody Anne books !. The Billionaire Aviators series is wonderful . When I got the chance to read Turbulent Waters early I was thrilled and I dived into this story as soon as I could , I loved it . Turbulent Waters was fantastic.

In this book we follow Nick and Chloe .Chloe has been told for years that Nick was responsible for her brothers death so she goes to be his physical therapist but not with the best intentions ( you will understand exactly what I mean when I say that when you read the book) however upon meeting him she starts to realize that the truth is not exactly what she told it was .From pretty early in the story I began to think to myself omg how is this going to work out? but the chemistry between these two was just on fire and as they always say love finds away no matter what. The growing feelings between Nick and Chloe evolve as they get closer and closer and it eventually becomes love .Melody Anne writes a romance in this book that was absolutely perfect for these two character , it was sexy and fiery and those are two things that I love in my romance .The romance wasn't the only thing in this book that grabbed my attention , when we find about all that the events that resulted from the helicopter crash and of course the shocking secrets that were revealed , this all kept me turning the pages nonstop.

Turbulent Waters is story that is filled with romance , drama and family I loved every single minute of this book . I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in the Billionaire's Aviators series.

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Nick Armstrong is a dedicated pilot in the Coast Guars when he loses his crew and almost his own life to a watery crash. Enter Chloe, a PT, who is hired to help him recover and who has her own reasons for wanting to know the truth of that crash. Their journey to love and healing must resolve the past that comes back to haunt these families. So enjoying this series of brothers and this is excellent addition . From the first page was brought into the action and kept interested to find the answers to the end.

Ebook from Netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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character, while cocky and self-assured, really has an undercurrent at play. Chloe's background while tragic and difficult only makes her a more relatable character. I am really looking forward to Ace's book as he has been the biggest enigma through the whole series. I'd also love to see something about Dakota ;)

Overall, a great addition to this series.

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This was a great book. The author has a great nack for hooking a reader on the first page. I could see her writing supense books was that good. Looking forward to reading more written by this author.
Nick Armstrong is a recovering Coast Guard pilot. He is coming to terms with his injuries and the loss of his crew. He is impatient constantly forcing himself to do more to get better faster. Nick meddlesome Uncle gets involved in finding Nick a replacement physical therapist Chloe. Chloe falls into Nick lap on their first meeting. The attraction is instant. Chloe is full of secrets. The more time she spends with Nick and his family she begins to have doubts about those secrets. Can these two find their happliy ever after? Is Nick strong enough to break thru the walls Chloe has put up to protect herself?

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Turbulent Waters was the absolute perfect title for this book. Nick a helicopter pilot with the Coast guard with the reputation of being a stand up guy. Chloe a nurse/physical therapist is hired by Nick's uncle to help him with recovery after he and his team are in a horrific accident resulting in the death of everyone but Nick. Chloe has her own motives for taking the job that are definitely on the wrong side of ethics but she vows to herself it won't compromise the care of her patient.

Nick who has been living with guilt and sorrow over loosing his team plus his healing is taking a lot longer than he'd like. Once he meets Chloe he is instantly drawn to her. She rejects his flirting and advances while trying to figure out if he is really the monster her abusive father has her believing. This very strong headed twosome get two know each other over months of rehabilitation and living under the same roof. Will they self distruct or find in each other what they are missing.

This author as usual keeps you on the edge of your seat hoping for the perfect ending.!

Written in dual personal favorite.

This book was very well written, easy to read and absolutely scorching sex. Congrats a great book that will make you squirm.

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Awesome book, can't wait for the next book (Ace) !!

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I have to say this one has been my favorite so far of this series. Nick was awesome, I loved his attitude and his care free personality. Even though he had a life changing accident he really didn't give up on getting back to his normal. Chloe was such a strong female character, even though she didn't think so. She endured a lot and was able to come out on top. These two together were just hot and amazing. I really can not wait for Ace's story.

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This is the third book in the Billionaire Aviators book, and Nick’s story.

Nick is a helicopter pilot for the Coast Guard. He and his crew crash into the ocean during a rescue attempt. Tragically, he is the only one to survive, and has serious injuries. He is not handling being grounded very well.

Chloe is a physical therapist sent to help Nick regain full use of his injured leg. Chloe has secrets she’s keeping. She moves in to Nick’s house to provide more intense therapy. Chloe grew up with a physically, emotionally and mentally abusive father who still controls her as an adult.

Both are instantly attracted. Nick flirts and makes advances that are deflected by Chloe. However, Nick loves a challenge so he forges on. Eventually she succumbs, but she’s still keeping secrets and still pushing him away.

I had trouble getting into this story. Lots of push and pull angst and drama. A little over the top for me. The ending felt a little rushed and too easily attained after all the drama. Still love Uncle Sherman and Nick’s brothers and their wives. I absolutely loved Chloe’s best friend Dakota! There’s a whole other story there waiting to be written, or maybe she meets Ace? I can’t wait for Ace’s story!

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The third book of Melody Anne's Billionaire Aviators series is nothing if not a steamy, turbulent love story. Turbulent Waters packs a strong emotional punch as Nick Armstrong finally falls for one woman and that woman is out to destroy him.

While out on a rescue mission, Nick's helicopter goes down. He's the only survivor when his team is lost in the storm. Chloe Reynolds is called in to help him rehabilitate his damaged body. Little does he know that her father also wants her to spy on him. There's a history that has caused her father to deeply hate the Armstrong family and after the accident kills his son, Chloe's brother, he wants revenge.

Nick and Chloe take the prize for most dramatic relationship. From the moment they meet, it's a battle of wills between the two of them. The majority of the plot is centered around their tremulous relationship. While helping Nick recuperate, Chloe is also deciding whether or not he was truly the cause of her brother's death. The more she learns about him, the less she wants to help her father destroy Nick. The plot is driven by the characters, but I still wished there was a little more to it than Nick and Chloe circling each other. Maybe if the pending lawsuit against Nick or the feud between Chloe's dad and the Armstrongs was put more at the forefront, I think the story would have been a little more interesting and balanced.

I wasn't crazy about the opening of the story where the brothers are focused on their youngest sibling. Turbulent Waters is solely about Nick in the aftermath of his accident. Ace isn't featured in this story and no one makes a move to go find him, so it's misleading while also setting the plot for the next book in the series. I hadn't been following this series before, but I am actually interested to read Ace's story, which sounds much more promising.
*eARC provided in exchange for an honest review*

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Coast guard pilot Nick Armstrong loves his job. But his last mission left him broken inside. Sure his ribs and shattered knee were sore reminders of his accident, but it was the loss of his team members that nearly destroyed him. Now weak and home bound, Nick has a few months of physical therapy ahead of him, before he can attempt to reclaim his life. Chloe Reynolds shouldn't have listened to her father. But even though she is an adult, his presence still instills fear in her. Her skills as a physical therapist put her in an advantage to discover the truth about the man that took her brother's life. If he is guilty, she'll help bury him. But all goes to hell when Chloe meets the devastatingly handsome man. The attraction between them is combustible and the man is relentless in his pursuit of her. Nick can't figure out what's about Chloe that has him on edge. Sure she is beautiful and challenging. She won't take his crap and pushes him away at every chance. But he can see the heat and need in her eyes. She wants him as badly as he wants her, and she'll be the perfect distraction to his unhappy state. Turbulent Waters brings Nick and Chloe together. The more time they spend with one another, the harder it is to keep their hands from each other. Sexual tension, secrets and revenge at every turn make this a very sexy romance.

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This was an ok story, not my favorite and not the worst, just ok. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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The third Armstrong fulfills his father's dying wish. Coast Guard pilot Nick Armstrong crashed into the sea and shatters his knee. He needs a physical therapist. He has already ran off a few when his Uncle Sherman sends him Chloe Reynolds. Chloe tries to attempt to remain professional but finds it hard to do in Nick's company. When they become fully involved Chloe's secrets come to life and may destroy what has developed between them.

The last Armstrong, Ace, appears to be quite the story. Looking forward to reading.

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This will be a good weekend read. It is about Nick and Chloe.

Nick, a Coast Guard pilot, has crashed and he is the only survivor. He is badly injured and heart sick over the loss of his crew. His knee is busted along with his other various injuries. The knee is the worst injury and requires a PT.

Chloe Reynolds is a nurse who then changed and specialized in physical therapy. She has been hired to be Nick's live in nurse for the next six weeks. She also has an ulterior motive given to her by an unforgiving father, whom she hates but fears.

Nick is immediately smitten with Chloe and starts his best flirting, she sets him straight right away. But Nick is not one to back down from a challenge.

When Chloe meets Nick she has two jobs both are proving harder than she imagined.

Will Nick recover and be able to return to flying? Will he forgive himself for crashing the helicopter? Will he convince Chloe that she should break down and kiss him? Was he really at fault for this crash and the deaths of his team? Will Chloe's father back off or will he make sure she looses the job she loves and the man she is finding more and more attractive?

This is a story to sink your teeth into. You'll love Dakota, Chloe's best friend.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Nick is my favorite Armstrong brother so far!! In this third book of the series we get to know the carefree easygoing brother. Nick has devoted his life to helping others. Being part of the Coast Guard rescue team has been everything. Everything until a crash leaves his crew dead and his body broken. Physical therapist Chloe Reynolds comes into his life and home to help him heal. But Chloe has secrets and the strong attraction between Chloe and Nick is a problem.

This was a great story and definitely a book I recommend.

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Finally we got Nick's story, YEAH....

I am so glad that he survived the helicopter crash. The pain that he encounters by being the only survivor is heart wrenching. His strength and perseverance is inspiring, while his stubbornness works both ways. I enjoyed his will of passion between him and Chloe.

Chloe knows that her main job is to take care of Nick. To ensure that his recovery is on the up and up but her father is asking for more. Will she be able to complete both tasks and keep her heart out of it? Will their pasts affect their future? Will their tempers ignite into passion?

Melody Anne has done it again. Bringing a well written book that has the two complex lead characters. Taking us on an adventure that will make your heart soar and cry your eyes out. She has the readers bonding with the characters. The passion, the angst, the suspense and the betrayal all make for an amazing story that intertwines the stories with the previous in the series. I can't wait to see what she is going to do with Ace.

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Interesting story, not as good as the first two books in the series. Love Uncle Sherman ad his match making ways. Really looking forward to the story of the last brother Ace.

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I really liked this book. The intensity between the characters was there, the sexual chemistry was jumping off of the page, and, most importantly, the sex scenes were hot. I liked Nick as the hero and I kind of like Chloe as the heroine. This is the third book in the Aviator series and I jumped at the chance to read Nick's story. He was always the fun brother and in this story I get to see another side of him. Nick's characters has depth and he is dealing with loss, he is a lot of fun, and he knows how to woo the panties off of any woman. Nick is a rescue pilot for the U.S Coast Guard and his career is cut short when a dangerous mission kills everyone on the helicopter instead of Nick. Dealing with survivor's guilt, Nick struggles to move forward. Chloe, a physical therapist hired by Uncle Sherman, takes on the task of nursing Nick back to health, But Chloe has a secret agenda. I liked Chloe, but the relationship between her and her father just did not make sense to me. You are an 28-year old woman and you allow your father to run your life. I was just shocked by the immaturity of this character. Other than the relationship with her father, Chloe is a character stuck between family and the truth. Chloe is learning to love and learning to trust her instincts.

There are a couple things that bothered me. First, the monologue was almost too much for me, but thankfully the dialogue was good to balance it. Second, I have read enough of Melody Anne's book to know that she can write good sex scenes, but the language that she uses is hilarious. She doesn't use harsh language, and that is okay, but using words such as "hot slick folds" or "she cupped his mass" takes away from the scene. She need to find better words to describe the reproductive parts. :) She uses "mass" a little bit too much for me and she uses "turbulent" a lot too. I really could do without the cheesy scenes between his brothers and their wives. It is so sweet that it makes my tooth hurt. I mean, I know the they are newlyweds and they love each other but sheesh, give me a break.

Other than my pet peeves with this book, this story was solid and I recommend it.

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Nick Armstrong is one of 4 brothers, all involved in flying in one way or another. He loves being in the Coast Guard but when he is the sole survivor of a crash he not only has to deal with his injuries but also PTSD and survivor guilt. When his family hires him a live in physiotherapist, who just happens to be stunning, he thinks his life is taking an upturn. But the loves Chloe is not all that she appears.

Chloe feels an attraction towards Nick but its not very professional to lust after a client, even less so when you are in his home on a spying mission. Chloe.s father holds Nick responsible for the crash which killed her brother and they are determined to make Nick and his wealthy family pay. When she realises just how skewed her fathers view of Nick and his brothers is, how can she extricate herself from the mess that she is partly responsible for?

I though Nick and Chloe were a great pairing. Both strong, proud and determined to get what they want. I loved the way Nick's brothers all pile on the matchmaking! Great read and intriguing story. Looking forward to Ace's story - that boy has a story to tell!!! Also want to hear more from Dakota, Chloe's best friend. That woman almost stole the show a couple of times!

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