Member Reviews

Didn't read, per content. Was caught up with the synopsis and cover but unable to connect with the story.

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This was a weird book for me. I wouldn't let the guy who was convicted of burning my husband alive come work for me and then fall in love with him...I might set him on fire and then run him over and it doesn't matter - I wouldn't give him time to tell me he didn't do it...because we know it's a book and he didn't do it, but still...NOPE!! This book just asked for me to suspend too much belief in the real world.

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Amazing unique story. Really enjoyed. Will be looking for more by this author

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I didn't care for this book. I made it to 32% before giving up on reading the rest. I'll try again later and if things change I will change my review. Sorry, it wasn't for me.

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This is a book that once you start reading, you can't put it down, so well written. The characters are so engaging and Juliane is one of the strongest women I have ever read about. Mitchell was always of the belief that it was his fault for the fire that killed Julianne's husband Wes and now that he is out of jail, he is going to do everything he can to try to put matters right.

Not that you can ever bring someone's husband back, but he will support her in any way he can, that's if she will let him on her property without killing him at first site.

Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review.

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Wow! This book took me by surprise. There were some twists I wasn't expecting when I read the description and there was a bit more action too. The romance was fantastic and I adored Mitchell. This is the first book I've read by this author and I can't wait to read more!

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I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

‘After You Were Gone’ by Alexis Harrington is a second chance romance wth some interesting twists. For me this was a 3.5 star read.

Julianne and Mitchell have a long history and are from families that also have a history of feuding however that didn't stop them from at one time falling in love with one another.

Mitchell is returning to his small town in the hope of finding forgiveness. After spending eight years in jail for the causing the death of Juli’s husband Mitchell wants to return home.

Although she needs help and there are a few twists in the tale I was a little unconvinced by the story of second chance romance as I am not sure I would move forward with a man who I at one believed was responsible for my husbands death.

I really struggled with writing this review because although I was a bit unsure of the second chance romance between these two I thought it was really well written. The story flows naturally and carries you along with ease but I just didn't connect with the characters. That being said I will be reading more from Alexis Harrington.

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Mitchell Tucker was part of the Tucker clan and they had been feuding with the Boyce family for generations. The younger generations didn't even know how the feud had started but it continued just the same. Mitchell was the older brother and he had just served seven years in prison for killing Julianne Boyce's husband, Wes. He had been in love with Julianne Boyce. They had had a forbidden love but she had married Wes and left him and he was angry. He couldn't remember setting the fire to the barn with Wes locked inside. In fact, he couldn't remember much about that night but he felt he was guilty just the same. His younger brothers had been with him and in trying to protect them, he took the blame for everything and he had paid a high price.

Julianne Boyce had loved Mitchell but he had not manned up and married her like she wanted him to so she had married West to make her daddy happy. They had only been married seven months when Wes was killed.

Mitchell had to come back to Gila Rock to try and get Julianne's forgiveness. He knew he didn't deserve it but he wanted it. Would his coming back start a firestorm of hatred again between his family and Julianne's or would they be able to let go of secrets and find love again?

I enjoyed reading this story very much. I wasn't so thrilled with the sex scenes, although, there aren't many. The story and chemistry was good enough without them.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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It took a while for me to get into After You Were Gone. But, once I did, I was sincerely interested in what was going to happen and how this drama was going to be resolved. Alexis Harrington did a nice job, once the story was set up, in keeping me invested in both Mitchell and Julianne.
Mitch and Juli both had hard lives. Both made decisions that hurt the other. Both of them lived with the regrets. They were truly alike, even if they didn’t see it. They both tried to move on with their lives the only way they knew how – one day at a time. Mitch was living with regret. Juli was living with sorrow. As things started heating up around Gila Rock, Julianne and Mitch band together to try to find out who is terrorizing her. Well, that is once she finally realized that it wasn’t him. And, as the story progressed, as everything was amped up and the truth started coming out, Mitch and Julianne realized that the love they had so long ago never died.
I can honestly say that it’s been a long time since I have read a book that had me hearing the way they talked in my head. Sorry, but some parts were true Redneck and it came through with the way Ms. Harrington worded her story. I was pleasantly surprised that a new to me author had me appreciating the way she wrote her characters, brought the story full circle and kept me invested in the outcome. I truly enjoyed the way the story was written and loved the way it all worked out in the end.

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This book was a small town romance and I really enjoyed it! It was entertaining and sweet. The author manages to convey with accuracy how life is in small towns. A lot of hard work and sacrifice and few opportunities to improve in life.

Mitchell Tucker returns to the small town of Gila Rock, Texas after being in prison. He only wants to see again Julianne Boyce. He owns her an apology. The memories of the love they shared many years ago is what kept him alive in prison. But Julianne doesn't want to have anything to do with Mitchell.

A very entertaining read with great characters and an amazing plot

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley

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I did not finish after 53%. Once I found out that her half brother was pursuing here romantically I lost interest. I also felt no romantic connection between the hero and heroine. It was a very depressing town and very depressing characters.

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Mitchell comes back to that small Texas town to set right wrongs from the past and ask for forgiveness from Juli, the love he couldn't forget and whose husband he was convicted of killing. These two fight against adversity and old family feud to find the path for their future. A new book that I enjoyed from a familiar author .

Ebook from Netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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This is a fantastic small town romance read. You will fall in love with the characters from the first page. This is a fast paced action packed romance, you wont want to put down. This story will suck you in from the first page and keep you reading long into the night. I cant wait to read more from this author in the future.

Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book

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Read from January 28 to 29, 2017

Book Info
Paperback, 256 pages
Expected publication: February 7th 2017 by Montlake Romance
ISBN 1503941752 (ISBN13: 9781503941755)
Edition Language English
Other Editions (1)
Source:Netgalley EARC

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Mitchell Tucker has come back to the small Texas town of Gila Rock looking for something Julianne Boyce has no intention of giving him: forgiveness. It’s been eight years since Mitch went to jail for starting a fire that claimed her husband’s life…and longer still since Juli and Mitch fell into a forbidden first love that their feuding families brought to an end. She’s lost too much because of his thoughtlessness to let herself fall under that familiar spell again.

But no matter how much she ignores him, Mitch isn’t leaving. Soon he’s helping out at her farm and her new store, trying to make amends, melting the cold shell Juli’s built around her heart. There’s a world of hurt and mistrust between them—but there’s also one last chance to uncover the truths that might bring them back together once more…

My Thoughts

Second chance romance set in a small town where everyone knows each other's business and gossip flies faster than the speed of sound.

When read the book kept in mind the information provided in the blurb, even knowing ahead of time that this would end up with Mitchell and Julianne together still was not fully prepared for them to reconnect.

For me everyone deserves a second chance, however some things are harder to overlook or forgive than others.

What Mitchell spent 7 years in prison for before returning to Gila Rock 8 years later would be hard to get past, and Julianne did have a tough time to say the least in the beginning.

My problem with the pair actually getting past that obstacle is more a personal feeling that maybe the past should have taught the couple that playing with fire literally gets one burned. Luckily they chose to ignore that lesson in favor of following their hearts.

An easy to follow and easy to read story that is not easy to process without being judgmental about the characters actions or motivations.

Despite my early reservations as to the advisability of Julianne and Mitchell getting their new beginning together when all was revealed it actually gave a new perspective on the couples love for each other.

Although if things had worked out differently years ago they probably never would have been parted in the first place but in the end love carried the day.

[EArc from Netgalley in exchange for honest review]

On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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Love a cowboy story and love a small town romance but if I were these two I would have left town and not come back. Julianne is much more forgiving than many could be and Mitch, well, he's certainly persistent. This is a second chance love story with some bite. Harrington has a nice writng style and the story flows well- you know how it's going to turn out but she's added enough good twists. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC.

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Covers are hugely important when I choose a book and this was a fabulous pick. I can't resist a cowboy. This was a new author for me and she didn't disappoint. A heartbreaking love story, a family feud, an ex-con and a lovable stray dog made this one of the best books of the year, so far. The characters were full of passion, some for love others for hatred, and told a rich story. It's unfortunate when another's feud takes over the next generation, they just accept it without knowing, and it ruins lives. Full of second chances and gripping suspense this book has something for everyone. I was on the edge and found myself speed reading to find out what happens. I received an advanced copy through Netgalley and have written my review voluntarily.

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This was an excellent small town romance that showed the tougher side to small town life. Few opportunities, a lot of hard work, and people with long memories and little else to keep them occupied. Mitchell Tucker returns to Gila Rock, Tx after getting out of prison. The only thing he really wants is to see Julianne Boyce and ask for her forgiveness. Once young loves, the memories of her is all that got him through the long days of prison. Julianne has no desire to see Mitchell again but he slowly shows her that he may be the one person she can depend on. This book was very well written and these characters really stuck with me long after I finished reading their story. I would definitely recommend this one.

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This is a small town second chance romance with very mild suspense and a predictable plot.

Julianne is selling the pig farm that has been in her family for generations. She’s moving into town to renovate and open a small store left to her by her uncle. She was widowed 8 years ago when an ex-boyfriend, Mitchell, killed her husband in a barn fire on their property.

Mitchell went to prison for 7 years for manslaughter. He returns to his hometown looking for Julianne’s forgiveness. He’s never forgotten her or stopped loving her. When she posts a help wanted ad around town for a handyman, he shows up on her doorstep offering to work for free as penance. Reluctantly, after her hired hand is injured, she lets him help her.

Vandalizing incidents start happening after Mitchell returns to town. Her store is destroyed more than once. Julianne isn’t sure if Mitchell is behind them. Mitchell and Julianne’s families have a long standing feud going. The only one who knows why is Mitchell’s dad, and he isn’t talking.

This story moves very slowly and you see everything coming before it happens. Bad guys are easily picked out early on. I just didn’t connect with these characters. I had a hard time believing Julianne would let someone convicted of burning her husband alive anywhere near her, much less let him work for her or fall in love with him.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC provided by NetGalley.

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I was disappointed with this book. I love reading and can never leave a book unfinished. However I found this book hard to get into and despite going back to it several times I just had no desire to keep reading. I have picked it up again and again as I really didn't want to dislike it but unfortunately I haven't managed to get past the first half.

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I requested this book from Netgalley because the premise sounded exciting.

Mitchell Tucker has come back to the small Texas town of Gila Rock looking for something Julianne Boyce has no intention of giving him: forgiveness. It’s been eight years since Mitch went to jail for starting a fire that claimed her husband’s life…and longer still since Juli and Mitch fell into a forbidden first love that their feuding families brought to an end. She’s lost too much because of his thoughtlessness to let herself fall under that familiar spell again. (...)

Unfortunately, I couldn't connect with the main characters. I think the main problem was that this is one of those books that is more focused on telling than showing. Also, all the events happening in the present are a consequence of the past of the main and secondary characters. Furthermore, everything happening in the present was also a consequence of some decisions made by characters that were not even in the picture. So, the reader has to go through all those paragraphs of telling what and what not happened in the past in order to understand what was taking place in the story.

Anyway, what I did really like was the writing style of the author. Superb job in setting the mood for a Texas/Southern story. From the point of view of an European (me) that knows little about any of that, I could picture everything easily.

Last but not least, my lack of connection with the main characters, or better said with their romance, was majorly because I couldn't really understand the female MC. This is a second chance romance, as you can tell from the blurb. But, my question is: would you let the man that you believe responsible for the death of your husband work in your farm? Even if it's for free and you really need the help. Even if you were in love with that man once upon a time. Even if you sent that man to jail for 7 years when you testified in the trial.

Hum, I don't think I would.

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