Member Reviews

This looked very interesting, but it didn't seem to be much different than all the many graphic novels out on the market. It looked different, which is why I picked it up.

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Ollie Finch finds himself stuck in the middle - two girls, multiple timeline, killer cyborgs, and really strange people. Think of a mash-up of Terminator with Back to the Future, only without the fun music. Plus Ollie comes off as a bit nebbish rather than a hero to cheer for. In the end, time is put right and Ollie is back at the right time with the right girl. Until, he ask for one more ride!

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Fantastic idea with poor execution. Combines all the major time travelers (Marty McFly, Terminator, Doctor Who, etc.) from pop culture with an irreverent tone. Unfortunately the story is incomprehensible. I couldn't explain here what even happened except they had to stop the universe from ending from a time aberration.

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'Time Share' by Patrick Keller with art by Dan McDaid is a goofy time travel graphic novel. While most time travel stories tend to veer around incoherence, this one charges right into it. Unfortunately for the reader.

When we meet Ollie Finch at the beginning of the book, the scene seems very familiar. He is being given instructions for accelerating his car to a precise speed to get back to where he came from. This isn't where the time travel references end. Ollie's trip is cut short by the appearance of a large naked man who appears to be a cyborg, named Teddy. He is soon joined by a few other strange folks, a 19th century inventor, a soldier from the future, a Time Master with his own time travel machine (which is oddly bigger on the inside), and Ollie's ex-girlfriend.

The story loops around on itself. Sometimes the panels don't make sense, then are explained by a flashback or a scene where our characters travel back to the scene we just read. Other times the panels don't make sense, and the reader is left to scratch their head and move along. There is some extraordinarily bad juvenile humor. When I say bad, I mean stupid.

In spite of that, I really liked Dan McDaid's artwork. The lines are clean, and the characters have a distinct look to them. I like cyborg Teddy's silly puppy dog smile as he crashes his way through things. Unfortunately, it's hard to recommend this based on the art alone.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Oni Press, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

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If you read the blurb and expected this to be like “Back to the Future”. . . you’re right. The first panel alone made me think it. A little later there’s a part—let’s call it homaged—from “Terminator.” And just to make sure, there’s this line: “Roads? We don’t need roads!”–“We do too need roads! Dumbass!”
I wish I could tell you what this was about, other than time travel, but it would be easier to tell you what it’s NOT about, as the plot jumps around everywhere without rhyme or reason. If it wasn’t for the humor I would have quit just a few pages in. One of the characters says, “I am so lost. . . figuratively speaking, I mean. . . okay, literally too.” Join the club.
So I stuck around for the jokes, having given up on trying to make sense of it. There’s silly stuff, like “Teddy! Move!”–“Okay, but I’ll need some boxes!” Then there’s the ever-popular “Hooray for A.N.A.L.!” and “I’m keeping my eye out. . . also my penis.” We find out about the author’s fixations with the lines, “Perhaps I could interest you in some mouth pleasure?” and “Is he requesting. . . mouth love?” How naïve is the defective robot guy? He says things like, “You said a swear!” And I also “have so much sympathy for Pac-Man right now. . .” My two faves were “I was too follow to drugged” and “Horse’s ass of the apocalypse!” which was the most brilliant thing I’d read that day.
Even the cops get their jokes, like playing “One two three not it!” “We’re coming in! I can’t guarantee Frank won’t shoot anyone.”–“Jesus, Al, let it go.” “Target evaluation: Kinda sad, really.” And what are “medium warning shots?”

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An action-packed comic clearly inspired by the iconic Back to the Future complete with assassins, multiple paradoxes and memorable characters. A must read for any Delorean Devotee!

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Time traveling Ollie Finch is set to go home in his time travel car but something happens where he must discover what went wrong. On his trip he meets several characters from different times that end up with him. Sadly these characters appear to be losers. It has been discovered that an artificial intelligence wants to conquer the world. Will Ollie and his friends be able to save the world? How? What does Ollie do?

The graphics are great but the storyline is very confusing. Several times I almost gave up reading it. I hope that any more time traveling adventures written by this author is straightforward. Please do as I think the author has potential.

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