Member Reviews

*I received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

WTF did I just read- glad it was only 62 pages long because that entire thing was a shambles.

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Contrary to the early 1 and 2-star reviews on Goodreads, I actually enjoyed Circle Z. While I will agree that Lacey and Dylan are something of a clichéd odd couple, I think the tension between them - and the subsequent development of their relationship - is a driving force within the story. Brandon L. Summers writes with a quick, easy-flowing style that lends itself well to the genre, helping to propel the story along.

I thought the story did a good job of demonstrating just how deeply in love these two women are, while inviting us to emphasize with Lacey's uncertainty over her future with an irresponsible brat like Dylan. There's some real conflict there between them, and some legitimate growth for both by the end.

As for the zombie element, it's a lot of bloody, gross-out fun. These are quick, ravenous, mindless monsters who don't fall prey to the easy headshot or violent decapitation. They are a real threat, and the eventual backstory behind their creation is just interesting enough to hold up the story. Of course, both their creation and their ultimate destruction rely on familiar clichés and genre stereotypes, but it's still a fun race to the finish.

I went into Circle Z expecting a quick little b-grade zombie story with a pair of cute lesbians in the lead, and that's precisely what Brandon L. Summers delivered.

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