Member Reviews

I wanted so much to love She Wolf. Mostly because I have a huge fan of the Paranormal genre, in general. But this felt like so much of the same that I've seen time and time again.
I don't generally post spoilers in my reviews, but I will say that the love story in this book was forced and seemed a bit fake. I can't say what the author's intentions with it were, I can only say what I experienced as the reader of the story. The romance seemed to have a weird jumping off point and definitely wasn't one of the smoothest transitions I've ever seen.
As far as the action and the thriller part, I've seen a ton of this kind. It wasn't terribly done, but I can't say I would recommend it to a friend.
I would say the book suffered from splitting POVs for two sets of romances, leaving you not really caring about either one.
Rating: 2/5 stars

I’m not a supernatural fiction fan but I really enjoyed this book – I couldn’t put it down once I started it. The author’s style of writing was very good and engaging. All characters, including the supporting characters, were multi-layered and interesting. However, the romance between Kyle and Ava had too much airtime in my opinion, and the romance between Jayne and Lily felt like an afterthought. This was definitely more supernatural thriller than a romance.
The murder storyline was intriguing and interesting enough to carry the novel through on its own. The plot twist regarding Dana’s heritage was unexpected. However I thought the ending was a little rushed and anti-climactic – I felt the adversaries were beaten too quickly. I also would have liked a proper confrontation between Talia and Lily.

This book was a so-so. There were no big writing style mistakes, I just felt there was something lacking. I felt parts of the book were rushed like the romance between Lily and Jayne. This book had so much potential because I thought the prologue had so much intrigue and suspense. Even the climax for me felt rushed, there were so many POVs and there was just so much going on. Some books just don't work out, they aren't bad but just not great.
Recommendation: ehhh, not my cup of tea.

I have to be 100% honest and say that I did not realize that this was a f/f fiction book. How I missed that from the blurb I don't know. So my sincerest apologies to the publisher and author. I have never read one before and thought I would give it a try. This story is about Lily a paranormal in charge of hunting down the baddies and evil of supernaturals. Her and Jayne are tasked with working together. At first it's hard for them to get along but Jayne had her reasons. Eventually there is a romance between them, not much. It seemed that for most of the book it was focused on another character named Kyle who is enamored with a woman named Ava. I found myself skimming through a lot of repetition and just could not get into it. The writing was not bad at all, just not my cup of tea. Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for the opportunity.

Lily was at a spot where there was a paranormal issue that required Lily’s area of expertise. Lily’s handler was Senn. lily was to connect with sheriff Jayne Quarles . Lately Lily has been grumpy and discontent. Lily had been out in the field for years and felt she needed a long vacation and to take some she time for herself. But there was never time for a vacation for hunters. Senn very seldom left the sanctuary of his home in Poland. Every since Senn had returned from his last hunt in Quebec he seemed to isolate himself a little more each year. Senn was like a father to Lily she would always be there for him as long as she could. Senn was like the only father she had and Lily would always be there for him. The only father Lily had for the last five centuries. At one time Senn at her side and she missed it. There seemed to be a werewolf running crazy and lily was there to stop the werewolf. It was what Lily did what she had been doing for almost three hundred years. Lily was good at hunting; vampires, gargoyles, witches, warlocks, and werewolves. Especially werewolves as Lily had been bitten a long time ago and herself was a werewolf. Kyle was part of Lily’s team and was a very special type of necromancer and Ava who was a witch. Kyle was in love with Ave but kept it to himself. Kyle raised the dead. Kyle had met Ava on his first mission and right then and there he was a goner for Ava. it was the hunter’s job to fight the creatures of the night that didn’t want to share the world with humans but rather rule the universe and destroy the humans. It was the hunters job to stop them and to keep the peaceful balance between supernaturals and humans. This was Kyle’s first hunt with the legendary Lily Avergne. Everyone in the Jagers knew about Lily. Lily had been a sixteenth century Prussian noblewoman attacked by a werewolf the eve of her wedding Lily had been seventeen. Jayne was gay and had a problem finding someone to love in Colville. Jayne was also the sheriff and having a lot of homicides. Jayne had moved away for awhile and had been a Marshall but when her brother lost his battle with cancer she she came back and that had been ten years ago. Her deputy was Sam.The Jagers had contacted Jayne yesterday and were sending a team to Colville. The Jagers were an open secret in law enforcement but Jayne had avoided their actual presence in any of her investigations until now. Jayne also knew there were things in the world that used to be folk legends and fairy tales and were now understood to be reality. Sam had lived around Colville most of his life except for when he was in college and no animal killed like the corpse they now had and Jayne hated to but Agreed with Sam. Bellona had to get Little Wolf under control or they were going to be in trouble. Bellona had to teach Little wolf better.Bellona was older and far more experienced. The Jagers were a resource when all traditional methods. In law enforcement their status is like that physics, cops didn’t believe but they didn’t disbelieve. When there was nothing else to try the law enforcement called in the Jagers. Lily was also gay and thought was hot. Lily couldn’t remember the last time she went out with a woman, there had been some one night hookups here and there but that was all. Jayne let Lily know she didn’t want Lily in her town. There were powers above Jayne’s head that wanted Lily and her team there. Then the Medical Examer said that Clayton, Pearl, and Cheryl indicated distinct signs of an animal attack probably a wolf. Bellona had been alone for centuries and to have someone at her side now was great. Her partners through the years had been few with many years in between . Lily and her team were staying at Jane’s. To prevent fear from spreading . they were going to say Jayne and Lily had met on a dating site and Lily decided to come and actually meet Jayne but her brother Kyle and his wife Ava also came along with Lily. Lily was determined to go where the bodies had been dumped to see what clues her and her team may find so Jayne took them. Jayne knew she needed the help but Jayne didn’t have to like it.
I really enjoyed this story. I like how Kyle was already in love with Ava but kept it to himself and didn’t pressure her in any way was only happy to be near her. But what Ava and Kyle can do when together is truly magical and is a big asset to the job and humans. I like that Ava could ground Kyle when he's messed up from what ge has seen and heard with the contact of the murder victims. I also really liked when Jayne and Lily start to trust each other and Lily lets Jayne see her change into a werewolf to help Jayne believe. This story had a great plot with twists and turns that I really liked. It dragged for me sometimes but I still really enjoyed this story and I loved the characters.and I recommend.

3.5 of 5 Stars
Jäger/Werewolf Lily Avergne, is a hunter of supernatural creatures that prey on the innocent. She is assigned to investigate a string of murders in Colville, Washington. However, local sheriff, Jayne Quarles, is not thrilled to have the assistance of the Jägers. This contemporary PNR is suitable for adult audiences.
SHE WOLF starts out with a Prologue in Danzig, 1588. It informs us how Lily was transformed into a werewolf and helps explain why she became a hunter. Then the story switches to present day, in eastern Washington.
Lily is a compelling character. She is lonely and has lived a long time. She is noble for trying to defend those that are weaker than her. I like Jayne. It is understandable why she feels the way she does throughout the story. She makes a good companion for Lily.
I like Kyle Miller. He has an interesting talent. I wouldn’t mind seeing a spin-off of the novel with Kyle and Ava.
The rogues in the story are noteworthy and complex. They made the story thought-provoking. The plot was carefully thought out. I like how events circled around. It was a good story that had interesting twists. I did at times find myself occasionally skimming the story to move ahead quicker. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

This is an entertaining preternatural story (set on the other side of Washington State from “Twilight”). To stop serial killing by a werewolf, a supernatural hunting crew is sent to Colville against the wishes of the Sheriff. An initially acrimonious relationship between the Sheriff Jayne Quarles and team leader and werewolf Lily Avergne turns from doubt and distrust to something more. All the characters mature and develop as they work on their strategy for finding and bringing the killer(s) to justice.

This is only my second book read by this author. I love paranormal romance, and I am unsure why I haven’t read more by Sheri Lewis Wohl. I thought this book was an good read. I may read it again in the future, so that is a big bonus. I really enjoyed the characters, and while Lily’s character was my favorite, all of the supports were also very likable. If you read lesbian romance and enjoy heavy romance this may not be the book for you. A few of the passages during the paranormal scenes were a bit too long for me. I always round up on werewolf books just because I really enjoy them and wish more were written each year. If you enjoy paranormal romance books and do not have your heart set on serious romance, this would be a great read for you. I recommend the book and enjoyed reading it.

She Wolf by Sheri Lewis Wohl (Bold Strokes Books Inc.)
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, LGBT
The Story
Lily Avergne was once the daughter of a royal line, destined to marry a man she didn’t love. That all changed on the eve of her wedding night when she was attacked by a werewolf, an event which would change the course of her life forever.
Over four hundred years later and Lily is now a formidable Jäger, tasked with hunting the very thing she herself has become. She is the best at what she does, and lives for her job. Nothing else matters.
Her latest mission takes her to the small town of Colville, where a spate of murders has a familiar ring to it. Teaming up with the local Sheriff, Jayne, Lily begins to uncover unsettling truths about the perpetrator of these crimes, which lead her to question everything she has ever known about her past life.It is only with the help of her small team, and Jayne, that she is able to face up to her demons and finally find the love she has always secretly dreamed of.
The Review
She Wolf is an entertaining, if somewhat predictable story. A great bit of escapism but it lacks a little ingenuity which could take it from a by-the-numbers fantasy novel to something a little more special.
The novel begins with an opening prologue set in the 1500s. Although this is necessary for the storytelling, the way Wohl has decided to write the passage – as though it was written all those years ago – is a little jarring to my eye. As a 21st century reader, it was a little more effort than I wanted to use to decipher the phrasing in order to easily understand what was going on. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not at all a difficult read. I just like it to be really easy. I like the idea of it, but for me Wohl didn’t manage to pull it off. As it is the first passage in the novel I fear it may have set the rest of the book up for more scrutiny than it otherwise would have deserved.
I was worried at first it was going to be a flimsy story with little substance, but I’m pleased to say this was not entirely true. Interesting characters with distinct personalities were defined very early on, and by the first three chapters I’d already decided who I liked and who I didn’t. It’s no easy feat to create characters who are wholly real and relatable, particularly when we are dealing with the supernatural, and it is a credit to Wohl’s imagination and understanding of people that she was able to do this so early on in the novel
The plot itself, though predictable, is somewhat original. A werewolf hunting werewolves for hundreds of years is a really interesting idea which could have been played in a myriad of ways. I feel that Wohl missed a bit of a trick here. Nothing really came of this potential dilemma in the end, and though the author could be saving a really exciting bit of story for a future novel, I would have liked to see a little of the conflict which would undoubtedly have arisen in this situation. Of course, Lily has been doing this job for hundreds of years, so maybe hunting down her own kind doesn’t phase her anymore. Nevertheless, there are so many opportunities with this plot point that I would have liked to see it explored further.
There is one other plot decision I can’t ignore. Lily and her team end up staying at Sheriff Jayne’s house, and they decide they need to come up with a reason for this because the townsfolk would otherwise get suspicious. That is absolutely fine, but the reason they decide on, which they claim is the only story that will work, is nonsensical. It reads as a ludicrously obvious ploy to begin a relationship between two characters who I don’t really feel are right for each other, and it is these sorts of decisions which hold the novel back from being a really good supernatural story.
Before I give the impression that She Wolf was a complete letdown, I did complete the book, and I must say I enjoyed it. It is a brilliant piece of escapism, with very real threat to characters the reader does grow to care about. Two side characters caught my attention in particular; a witch and a necromancer who, it was hinted at, may be two of the most powerful supernatural beings in the book. When they join forces, the stuff they’re able to do is very cool, and I’d love a follow-up novel focusing on them.
Along a similar vein, I loved that Wohl created a likable and ‘friendly’ necromancer. So often in supernatural fiction necromancers are evil beings who want to raise a zombie hoard and take over the world, so a benevolent guy who just wanted to help people pass on was very refreshing. Sadly, if I remember correctly the words ‘go into the light’ were used – a little too cliché for my tastes.
On a final note, the novel feels a little like it was padded out. I felt the author repeated herself a lot, with characters thought processes making points which I was alreadly well aware of, as they’d been discussed three or four times already. At one point I was concerned it was going to threaten the well-developed characters Wohl had created – even in the depths of love I’m pretty sure most people do actually have more than one thing on their mind.
Each of these niggles are just that, niggles. None are huge, glaring errors which completely ruin the book, but together they give the feeling of a somewhat amateur attempt at storytelling.
If you want a bit of a fantastical adventure with a good balance of romance, threat and mystery then this book is for you – just don’t expect it to blow your mind.
She Wolf is available for purchase from 17th January 2017.
Sheri Lewis Wohl can be found on Twitter and Facebook.

I am rating this 3.5 stars.
The best way to describe this book is busy. And I think in the end too busy. We had two love stories, a murder investigating and a number of POV. I found it too much to really make this book great. The book has a big focus on Kyle and Ava but we never find out what happens with them. There isn't enough time spent with Jayne and Lily's romance story which I found meant their connection was lacking for me as the reader.
The investigation side of the story wasn't amazing. It's one of those where they are clueless for 80% of the book and then all of a sudden everything is uncovered. The cover story that Jayne and Lily came up with was pointless it just did not work for the story.
Ok so now your asking what did you like, well it was entertaining. Anytime I had to put the book down I was keen to pick it up again to know what was happening. I liked all the characters and felt that with the number of POV you got a good feel for all characters. And I always have a soft spot for a good paranormal book.
All in all I enjoyed the read but just felt there were a few things that could have been better to make it great.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was a great read; Sheri Lewis Wohl is really good at bringing mystery and paranormal activity to life as well as throwing in a little romance in between. I must say that this is the best of her books that I have read, I believe it is because I fell in love with the characters right from the start. Once you start this book you won't be able to put it down; I do wish like I always do with Wohl's book is that there were a little bit more romance and time between the characters.

Interesting premise, but the relationship between the two protagonists felt slightly forced when it occurred and was too rapidly employed as an anchoring plot device. Since I inwardly championed for Lily's success throughout the whole, her character benefits were sufficient to keep me harnessed throughout.

This book was just okay for me. I have read a lot of Wohl's books because she always writes paranormal, which I love. Unfortunately, her books can be a bit up and down for me, and this book reminded me a bit of Crimson Vengeance, which again was just okay.
The story was about Lily, a werewolf, who hunts down paranormal creatures who are evil. She works with other supernaturals like necromancers and witches, to make sure other sups don't start killing humans. Lily finds herself working with a reluctant Sheriff Jayne, who does not believe in so called vampires and werewolves. Will they be able to put their differences aside to stop a supernatural serial killer?
I liked the premise of the story, a group of supernaturals that work with local law enforcement to stop killer sups. I also enjoyed the character of Lily, thought she was well written. I did struggle a bit with the romance. Jayne and Lily do not get along at all in the beginning. It seemed like a very quick and big jump to them almost being in love. I also thought there was too much time spent in the head space of the necromancer character, Kyle. 80% of Kyle's story line was his obsession with a witch Ava. All he did was think about her over and over, how much he loved her. It almost was bordering on scary obsessive. Plus, when I'm reading lesfic, I don't really want to be in the head space of a straight male.
My other main issue was with the big climax against the serial killer. With the whole book building towards a big standoff, I was disappointed it ended so quickly. The actually ending of the story was rushed too, and I found myself feeling less than satisfied.
This book was not bad by any means, it just did not live up to it's potential. I'm hopeful if there is a book 2, Wohl will amp it up a bit. Some more excitement, and a little more romance, between the main characters, would be great.
An ARC was given to me from Bold Strokes Books, for a honest review.