Member Reviews

Lovely little book. My daughter (3yr) enjoyed the story, especially since it's been so windy lately keeping us stuck inside. She stopped on every page to count every animal she could find in the background.
The art was whimsical and just makes you want to wear an argyle sweater and drink tea.

I read this to my children and they really enjoyed it. The illustrations were well drawn and made the story come alive. Highly recommend.

Such a cute book with VERY strong illustrations! The storyline was very cute and was a good message of problem-solving and keeping your head up. I thought the book was well written and the perfect length. This book had some of the best illustrations I have seen in a book in a long time.
My kids all enjoyed the book, ages (2,4,6)

Beautiful illustrations but the story was mediocre at best. Did not hold my kids attention at all. Meaning of story went completely misunderstood because of the fox’s attitude throughout the book

A cute little story of the Argyle Fox, a very smart and artistic fox. And a quirky one too! The fox wants to do things his way, even if they do not always turn out the way the fox intended.
This book is perfect for any kid out there who always wants to do things their own unique way, who is always different, and who has a wild imagination.

Argyle Fox sets out to play outside one windy day. But every time he attempts to play, the wind seems to ruin his fun. He goes home to his mom who encourages him to think of something he can play in the wind. Some of the activities he attempted can be played in the wind. So I don't think every part of the book made sense. But I do appreciate the main takeaway of encouraging inventiveness and perseverance instead of adults solving kids' problems.

This is the story of Argyle the Fox who wants to play outside on a windy day but everything he tries gets blown away. After many failed attempts to play outside he gives up and goes inside. His mom tells him to keep thinking on what he could do to play in the wind and so he does.

An adorable tale with cute illustrations about a tiny fox who manages to conquer playtime despite challenges. Argyle Fox wants to play outside but the spring weather is causing problems for him. The wind is making his fun time more of a pain. From blowing over his card tower or when he tries to play pirates, the weather is working against him. Fox is upset but his mama has some important advice for him on how to solve his problems. Creative thinking, brainstorming solutions and using coping skills help Argyle become resilient and come up with a solution. A very cute story perfect for homes, classrooms, and counselling offices that teach a great lesson on SEL life skills.

Very good lesson on how to think creatively. Also to persist. His attitude was a little poor, but he finally figured it out. The illustration style is not my favorite, but I still liked it and I think children will too.

Thank you NetGalley and Tanglewood Publishing Inc. for a copy of "Argyle Fox" in exchange for my honest review.
This book is perfect for children in preschool or kindergarten. It has adorable, colourful characters that appeal to young children.
Wind interferes with all the fun activities Argyle has planned. All the different animals that live in the forest warn him that he would not be able to do what he was trying to do because the wind was high but Argyle was not listening. After deciding that it's a "rotten, wicked, spiteful wind", Argyle gathers his things and goes home.
Mama Fox suggests that Argyle sit and think of something that it is actually possible to do in the wind. The lesson to be learns is that you should always think things through.

Thank you NetGalley and Tanglewood Publishing for accepting my request to read and review Argyle Fox.
Author: Marie Letourneau
Published: 03/14/17
Genre: Children's Fiction
I am freely admitting, I did not see the ending coming.
A young fox wants to play outside, and has a list of things to do, only to be stopped by the wind. His mother wisely advises him to play inside. The story shows his frustrations and the ultimate coming together.
The illustrations are cute, but not over the top. The coloring is muted.
I would gift this.

First and foremost, I would love to thank NetGalley, the author, and publishers for allowing me the opportunity to read this advanced copy. This book so cute and simple but amusing. Recommended

I loved the illustrations in this story. I thought they were so fun and had great detail in them. Children will love finding everything in each picture to create their own story. Even as an adult, I really enjoyed the book.

A crafty fox solves the problem of how to play on a windy day with a creative solution that shows true critical thinking. The vibrant illustrations add zest to a happy upbeat story.
This book would be a great addition to a school or public library collection or a child's personal book shelf.

This was a very cute story about imagination and play! There isn't anything deeper than that and in all honesty, it doesn't need to be any deeper than that. The illustrations are full of color, whimsy, and details that make your imagination take flight. I would recommend this story for children who do not have siblings or for shy children who do not have many friends just because there is a kind of beauty in how lonely the main character feels as they play alone, but there is also hopefulness there. I loved this.

Poor little Argyle Fox. He just wants to play outside but the wind keeps spoiling his fun. First, he tries sitting on a tree stump while building a tower of cards, but a gust of wind blows past him and knocks the tower of cards down. Next, he dons an old spider costume from his closet and spins a web from a ball of yarn between two trees. But the wind ruins the web astray. Determined to find something he can succeed at playing, Argyle Fox heads to the creek to play pirate, but the wind promptly carries away his pirate hat. Still, Argyle Fox persists, trying several other endeavors, all of which are spoiled by the wind, until, finally, he finally hits upon the one thing he can do for fun in which the wind will actually be an asset instead of a hindrance and is joined in his endeavor by all of his forest animal friends.
Argyle Fox is a wonderful story about a determined and creative little fox. The book is beautifully and whimsically illustrated.

I have received a free ARC Argyle Fox by Marie Letoumeau From Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The cover immediately caught my attention and drew me. I had to read this book and let me tell you I was not disappointed!
This is such a cute little story and children will enjoy it immensely. The little fox wants to play different games but that darn wind keeps getting his way. Even so, the little fox is persistent to keep trying various games. He really, really wants to play outside. His pirate’s hat gets blown away, he gets stuck in his spider’s web and other games go awry due to the pesky wind. This book teaches kids to stay positive and shows them how to keep trying when things suddenly don’t go their way.
When the little fox goes home to pout cause the big bad wind kept ruining his games, his mama fox suggests playing something that goes with the wind. And wouldn’t you know he does come up with something that works with the wind instead of against it like the previous games he had tried.
I really enjoyed this cute little book. It teaches kids how to persevere, listen to suggestions, be resilient, and be creative by thinking outside the box. The illustrations are so adorable too! This is a must-read with your little and/or a special place in a classroom. I think kids will love this book very much.
Thank you NetGalley!

This was a really fun and cute read. Argyle fox is so adorable and truly enjoyable. I love how whimsical, lively and colorful this story is. This is enjoyable for all age groups.

I'm an adult who LOVES children's books....I can't help it, especially when there are the MOST CHARMING and adorable books such as Argyle Fox!
ADMISSION: I'm a sucker for art and illustrations, so I knew immediately I would love this but the actual content of the book and the writing was genuine and relatable. Kids will do what they want, regardless of if they are being told that they cant because of X,Y, or Z. Argyle wanted to play cards, he wanted to play spider, he wanted to play pirate and soccer but THAT DARN WHOOSHING WIND kept getting in his way! (I can relate...weather is my nemesis!) All along, he keeps being told that 'he can't' do this or that in the wind but he KEEPS TRYING (I admire your persistence and resilience my little fox dude). He continues his quest for something to do against the odds and keeps failing. Eventually, he does give up (who wouldn't, really?!) and comes back home to pout. With just a pinch of encouragement from Momma fox, he realizes that while the wind was not good for the previous activities he knew the PERFECT one that NEEDS the wind.
This is SUCH a fantastic book to teach a variety of things: perseverance, LISTENING, resilience, and thinking outside the box. Could be a bedtime story or anytime story- wonderfully versatile!
Keeping this one in my thinkbox for gifts!

Thanks to #TanglewoodPublishing and the author for an advanced copy of this book through #Netgalley.
Argyle Fox is a story that I would read over and over again to the little ones in my life. The illustrations are just right and they tell the story one their own without the words.
Argyle is wanting to play outside but the springtime winds are making it difficult. He tries and tries until he get the activity that works for the windy day. His mom lets him explore his options until he lands on just the right one.
A great example of confidence and independence building by the mother and problem solving and creativity by Argyle . Great book.