Member Reviews

I was excited to read this book, which had an interesting premise suggesting scandal and family drama. However I struggled to connect to Quinn as a character and the plot dragged on a bit for me and felt a bit strange. Quite late on in the book, there was a shift in the book which went into magical realism - I would have appreciated this more if it had been a constant feature but it felt a bit jarring when it did happen. Overall some may enjoy this but it wasn't for me.

I just could not get into this book and did not connect and felt uncomfortable. It was not a book for me.

***This arc was provided by Netgalley for a honest review ***
So good! I don’t know what I was expecting from this book but it wasn’t what I got. This story is a bit strange you get the feeling that the narrator is telling the truth or if she is she’s completely lost her mind. I didn’t see the twists and turns coming which is so refreshing when so many books have become predictable. Quinn is 16 and the daughter of a high profile Brooklyn politician she’s pregnant a situation so shocking to her because she doesn’t remember ever having sex. Before Quinn can get to the bottom of how she became pregnant rumors spread and jeopardize the relationship with her boyfriend and her father’s campaign to Congress. In Queens desperate search for answers she didn’t cover his life and family secrets. Did she really lose her virginity?

I'm struggling to write about this book as I'm not sure if I liked it or did not like it. It was an interesting enough story to keep me wanting to figure out how it would end...how it would resolve itself, but I finished the book yesterday and I'm still mulling it over in my head. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. In a way, the ending seemed rushed (though really, it wasn't) and it left me with so many more questions than answers.
I enjoyed the story (it kept me interested and coming back each time to see how it would end), and I felt that the writing was wonderful, but I'm not just not sure about this one...

This book was overall okay. A bit confusing at times, and just overall meh. Like I didnt expect anything more. I got through it.

I loved this book! The full review will be posted soon at kaitgoodwin.com/books! Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to connect books to their readers!

This book was bit of a weird read and I walked away a bit confused about my feelings for the book. It wasn't bad by any means, but there are certain plot points (the magical realism) that were so jarring in comparison to the main plot that I can't tell if it worked or not.
Quinn's father is well written though and although he is quite an unlikeable character, I found him to be very believable in the day and age of politics. It was a good look into how social media and news stories play such a big part which is very true to the world today, but once again the fact that this was so true to reality really made the other parts stick out.
I think leaving the book as open ended as it was is an interesting literary technique, and one that many enjoy but personally it was not for me.

HAHAHA okay sooooo this book is definitely not for everyone. I have no qualms about proclaiming that to the internets. Not because of any triggering subject matter, but just because it's... weird. Inconceivably weird. (I'm so funny and clever) This is one of those books where it's super odd and there probably isn't a 'point' to it? All I can tell you is that I personally loved it. The writing style was fabulously entertaining, and anything with even a hint of magical realism is my actual love. It's weird. SORRY I DON'T DETAILS.

I will be unable to provide a review of the book at this time, but do appreciate the approval from the publisher to have a chance at reading this as an advanced read. Thank you.

Sex in books tends to freak me out a little - I just don't like it, though usually I can push through it. Its kind of a center point of this book though - considering the MC is pregnant. I liked the protagonist, but the other characters felt cookie cutter. It was slow, and pretty cringe-y and I couldn't get through it, though if sex in YA is less off-putting to you, you may like it. Its certainly different from other YA books.

Really confused by this book. I didn't like the themes it covered or any of that so I was very upset and disappointed with this book.

16 year old Quinn is pregnant and has no recollection of ever having had sex, folk give her a rough ride being the daughter of a politician but eventually believe she is carrying the next messiah.
The story follows the nine months of her pregnancy while she tries to figure out when and how she ended up pregnant. She’s convinced it was a rape she had no memory off and then she discovers a secret about her grandma.
I found this story a huge discombobulation- a bland in places and too far fetched to be believable with an unsatisfying ending; I didn’t buy in to the story or the characters to be honest. Mehhh.

I couldn't not stand this book. To me, it was a cheap knockoff of the CW show Jane the Virgin. Truthfully I lost interest about 50% in and had to actually force myself to finish the book. I found pretty much all the characters to be whiny and annoying, which is my number one turnoff in a book.

I have decided not to read and review this title, but thank you so much for giving me the opportunity.

This was a beautifully written book that I just didn't enjoy very much. I'm afraid that I found the plot really hard to follow. I'm usually a huge fan of magical realism, and while this had all the trappings of a good magical realism story, I just didn't really get what was going on. The twist is WEIRD. It didn't really feel magical... it felt contrived and more than a little terrifying. I would not be okay if that happened to me. I truthfully wanted to love this book, and I do think the prose was quite lovely, but the storyline itself just didn't connect for me.

I picked this up on a whim because the cover caught my eye when it came in the mail and then the blurb seemed intriguing. It is not my usual kind of book, but lately I’ve been going outside of my comfort zone a bit and trying new things in hopes to find something to wow me. This wasn’t it.
THE INCONCEIVABLE LIFE OF QUINN is a story about a sixteen year old daughter of a New York politician who finds out she’s pregnant. The odd thing is she swears she’s a virgin and doesn’t remember any moment where things could’ve gotten anywhere close for a pregnancy to have happened. From here she has to reconstruct the window of time the doctors are giving her of the possible conception date and there are definitely weird things that happened that need answers.
I will say this. This story kept me interested in finding out the outcome to this mystery. But the characters didn’t hold my interest enough to care about them. So while I wanted to get to the end to see what it would all be about, I wasn’t invested in that outcome one way or another. I liked the fact that this book also has magical realism in it, but I don’t think it was done in any way that swept me off my feet like I’ve seen done by Sarah Addison Allen for example.
Once we get to the ending, we do “sort of” find out what happened. It’s never 100% spelled out and it’s left to be implied. I’m not sure I liked that, it was a bit too open ended how it was written for my taste. Like we know what happened, but maybe we don’t? A bit disappointing but at least it held my interest enough to finish reading it.

I normally hate giving two star reviews, but almost everything about “The Inconceivable Life of Quinn” rubbed me the wrong way.
The main problem for me was Quinn herself. I didn’t find her at all likable. Instead she was irritating and kind of full of herself. Her father made me want to punch things. The plot wore thin about 75 pages before the book ended and it was an unsatisfying conclusion.
I appreciate the hard work the author put into this, and wish her luck in her future writing, but I just can’t recommend this one.

I acquired an ARC of this book from NetGalley and read it pretty quickly. The cover was what first attracted me to this book. It’s just so… pretty with the blues and pinks and stars. I love the text and the imagery (which is entirely appropriate for the story) and… everything. The second thing that hooked me was the story concept, teen girl is pregnant… but she’s also the the daughter of a politician. I wanted to see how this drama unfolded. And honestly, it was not at all what I expected.
This is kind of an odd book. Not odd bad, just… hard to put my finger on how exactly to describe it.
16 year old Quinn is pregnant and has no recollection of ever having had sex. Sure, she’s messed around with her boyfriend, but nothing that could result in a baby! But there she was, pregnant.
This book follows Quinn throughout the nine months of her pregnancy while she tries to figure out when and how she ended up pregnant. She’s convinced it was rape and she has blocked any memory of the event. Until she discovers a secret about her grandmother.
I seriously can’t say much else about what happens without spoiling the story! I can say that I could not put this book down. I devoured it. I needed to know what happened next. At 76% I updated my reading progress on Goodreads with: “I still have no clue where this is going! And I’m loving it!” and my final thoughts were: “Wow! What a beautiful book.”
The only negative I have about this one aren’t really negatives about the story, just personal hatred for Quinn’s father. He just rubbed me the wrong way. I liked the rest of the family, but her dad is kind of a jerk.
So, I guess I’ll just tell you to give this book a chance and go into it with an open mind and be prepared for ambiguity.

Thank you very much for allowing me to read this title; I am trying to read as widely as possible ahead of the Carnegie/Greenaway nominations and awards for 2018 and your help is much appreciated.
As a Carnegie/Greenaway judge, I'm not allowed to comment about my opinions on specific titles so I can't offer an individual review on any title as I stated on my profile.