Member Reviews

This was my first book by Natasha Anders and the premise sounded good when I first picked it up---sort of the Ugly Duckling meets Cinderella. However, I had a really hard time getting into the story. At times it dragged and I felt myself losing interest. It just didn't grab me the way I thought it would. The characters were interesting but not enough to make me love the story. The mean girls were just downright ridiculous---yes, fiction and all but it just seemed a bit "too much" at times. I'm all for far-fetched and out-there for story development however in this situation it just wasn't necessary and annoyed me more than anything. The story wasn't all bad---it was definitely promising but it just didn't do it for me like I had hoped.

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I didn't like the mean girls and neither will you but you will like this like, fluffy romance with a heart. Anders has created a nice story out of the classic odd couple - but Daisy and Mason are clearly meant for one another. THanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This isn't deep (and I usually find the fake relationship thing annoying) but it's a good read.

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One of the best things about Kindle Unlimited is that I am not hesitant to try a new-to-me author. I’ve discovered quite a few new authors this way, and this includes Natasha Anders. The Wingman is an interesting and sexy romance with a great hero and heroine, and I will be reading more of Ms. Anders's work.

Mason Carlisle finished service in the British Army, spent a year as an underwear model and then a few years as a bodyguard and co-worker of a security firm. He’s sold his stake in the company and returned to his small hometown. One night his older brother asks him to distract Daisy McGregor while out at a bar so that he can put the moves on one of her older sisters. He reluctantly agrees.

Daisy is the youngest of three sisters and has always been known as “the other one” in their small town, which affected her self-confidence. She’s a veterinarian now and still feels like the odd woman out in her family. Although she accepts who she is and how she looks, her insecurities are easily resurrected. When Mason suddenly shows interest in her at the bar, she is leery but is also having fun bantering with the ex-military hottie. When she finds out why he was talking with her, she is disappointed and angry.

Mason is surprised how much he likes Daisy after their brief interaction, and he feels guilty she found out why he originally sought her out. When she asks him to be her “wingman” at her sister’s upcoming wedding as restitution for his transgressions, he agrees. He’s really surprised when he discovers how attracted he is to Daisy and how much he enjoys being with her. In order for the two to ever go from fake relationship to real relationship, Daisy has to trust Mason and believe he is genuinely interested in her.

Daisy is a hoot in The Wingman. It broke my heart that she doubted herself, but I loved that Mason was able to eventually build her up. He is a sweet and sexy guy, and I liked watching him come to terms with the surprise that is Daisy. Their exchanges were hilarious, and they had great sexual chemistry. The Wingman shouldn’t be missed.
- Janet Reads Romances

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I have a confession to make; having first fallen in love with Natasha Anders's signature brand of angst and delicious alphahole heroes back when I read The Unwanted Wife, I didn't even bother to read the blurb to this book. I already knew I'd like it. I didn't care what it was about. Having now finished, I'll say two things; it was nothing like what I've come to be used to from this author, and I adored every page of it.

The Wingman was a quirky and swoony perfection. It reminded me all over again why I love romance. It was sweet and funny, quirky and sexy, it was nothing I expected and I'd read it all over again in a heartbeat!

Take a look at all of you, and then take a look at all of me.”
She rolled her eyes, and his jaw clenched. “I’ve been looking at you for the last half an hour, and up until this very moment, I saw a smart, funny, entertaining woman with whom I wanted to spend more time,” he said, his voice so low she barely heard him over the crowd and the music. “That was before the self-pity, though.”
“Self-pity? I was being realistic.”
“Fine, don’t go out with me!”
“Fine! I will go out with you,” she rejoined, and he looked completely confused. “Wait, what?”

If you're a fan of the quirky heroine, you'll fall in love with Daisy McGregor. With two stunning sisters, Daisy is used to being "the other one". The smart one. The one with the personality. She's a wallflower, and she's just fine with it. When she suddenly gets the attention of one of the most handsome men she's ever met, she almost doesn't believe.

Mason was the bad boy from her youth that every girl wanted to have for one night. Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks, his family is nothing like the wealthy and entitled kids at their school. Now Mason is back to the small town he couldn't wait to get away from, but he's not the same boy that left it. He's made something of himself. The last thing he wants is a woman. He's had his fill of bad experiences and he's not eager to dip back into that pool. So when his brother begs for him to entertain that "other" McGreggor sister so he can hit on the older one, he figures what's a little conversation. He just doesn't expect for quirky and unassuming Daisy to grab his attention so thoroughly.

I have to say just how much I love the way that Natasha wrote Daisy's character. She was so adorably quirky. She's not the stunner, she's not a perfect size two, and she doesn't want to be. She's a bombshell in her own right, but it takes the right man to make her see that. What I truly appreciated was that she never changed. She didn't feel like she needs to lose weight or be a different person. She just slowly discovered who she is and became more confident. It was such a sweet pleasure watching her come into her throughout the book. This wasn't an insta lust sort of romance. It was a slow build, yet it was so believable. With every new piece that Mason discovers about Daisy, he falls for her more and more.

Mason certainly had his moments where I wanted to shake him a little, but ultimately he stole my heart with his sweet persistence. He really won Daisy over. I loved that he never tried to change her. It just took him a while to see her full appeal. And when this man falls? Oh boy does he fall!

What do you see when you look at me, Mason?” Mason ran a shaky hand over his head and lifted his eyes to hers, hoping she could see everything he wanted to say in them, hoping she understood, even if he made a mess of his reply. “Everything,” he grated out. “I see my whole fucking world, Daisy. I see all my days, my weeks, and my years. Every season of my life. All spent with you. I see everything I want, need, and desire all wrapped up in you.”

All of the swoons!!!

If you're looking for an alphahole, you won't find it here. There's no enemies to lovers, hate lust thing going on. Mason Carlisle was ALL man. A caring, loving, protective man. Daisy McGregor was a quirky and adorable hot mess. I adored these two. Simply adored.

I hope there's more to come with these characters. There's a certain older McGregor sister that I'm hoping to get her HEA next. If you're craving a different read from the usual angst filled romance, you can't go wrong with this one. It may be angst light (compared to Natasha's usual) but it's no less satisfying.

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AMAZING!!! This is my first book by Anders and will NOT be my last. I freaking loved this story. Mason and Daisy, oh the much of them I don't know where to start. As stated in the synopsis Mason is asked by his brother to be his wingman and step in to distract the "other one" while Spencer tries to get Daffodil's attention. It is clear Mason is not on board at first to get Daisy's attention and lead her on for any reason, in the end he relents under his brother's badgering. What happens is both awful and yet just desserts for Mason, as Daisy blackmails him into attending her sister's wedding Dahlia, when she finds out. As the story unfolds their fake relationship becomes very real for Mason and Daisy blossoms from wallflower to a rose. After all they are all named after flowers. Lol!!!
This book reminded so much of my love for historical romances. It's like a modern day Kleypas, filled with Quinn's humor. I enjoyed so many laugh out loud moments and loved how the sisters banded together. All their insecurities are shed and shared and with minimum angst this was truly a lovely read. The only hang up I had was them getting together after a brief separation. I felt it went on a bit long and that Mason was being really stubborn. In the end it all worked out, Daisy and Mason have their HEA. Yay!!!!

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​​​​​I enjoy relationship of convenience romances, and The Wingman by new to me author Natasha Anders, is an welcome addition to the trope. This is an engaging novel, replete with well-defined characters, some intense situations, and the love of three sisters. This story focuses on Mason Carlisle, a former bad-boy that turned his military expertise into a successful career, and Daisy McGregor, an introverted veterinarian with very low self-esteem.

In order to avoid all the gossip and snide comments about her still being a single woman at the ripe old age of twenty something, Daisy wants a date for her middle sister's wedding. Mason, who is beyond good-looking and wealthy, just happens to be at the local bar that is hosting the bachelorette party. While Mason's brother attempts to strike up a conversation with Daisy's older sister without any sisterly interference, Mason is burdened with keeping Daisy occupied. Mason and his brother strike out, and as a result, Daisy ropes Mason into being her wedding date, since his motives were not on the up and up. To make their relationship seem real, they spend a lot of time together before the wedding, which turns their platonic relationship into lustful and kindhearted love.

I liked The Wingman, even though I found the pace of the first half to be on the slow-side. All the characters are well-developed, and their distinctive personalities are easy to get to know. I especially liked Sharlotte, one of the bridesmaids, because her cruelty and meanness were so well executed. This story is intense at times, nicely written, and ends with a heartwarming conclusion.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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Oh my, what a pleasure this book has been! This was funny and cute and I liked it very much.

Yes, this book is kind of trope-y but I didn't mind it at all because Anders managed to give it a fresh spin. Out of the three sisters, Daisy is basically the DUFF.

She has never had a boyfriend, though the awesome part is: she doesn't let that fact bring her down. She is witty and doesn't pity herself (for too long).

And of course, just like in the movie, Daisy meets her Wes, Mason. Mason was alpha, sometimes a bit too much for my liking, but nonetheless he could be sweet and very charming. He is an upstanding guy which I very much appreciate:

"Don't say it!" Mason interrupted viciously, and Spencer turned his gaze back to his brother.
"What?" he asked, all innocence. "She's hot."
"I know that," Mason said. "I don't know how none of you saw that before. Why does she have to shimmy her way into a skirt that ends just below her ass cheeks for you to see it now?"

There are bitchy bridesmaids, a bit of drama and lots of humor. So deligtful!

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This a first book by Natasha Anders and it was a great story. Liked that both characters have flaws an they helped each other to get over them. It was a slow romance to what I normally read but I still liked it an would recommend to friends and family an I hope there is more to come as there are other characters who deserve there story too

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A very enjoyable read. I wish there had been a little more obvious change to understand how she went from an ugly duckling to a hot chick. She blossoms but very slowly and doesn't align with when his feelings develop.

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***4 ‘Chicken Dance’ Stars***

Have you ever read a book where you spent half the book loving the characters and the other half wanting to reach through the pages and smack ‘em and yet couldn’t put the book down? That was this book for me. I swear it was being on the mood swing express except I couldn’t for the life of me get off the damn ride. I had no choice but to keep turning the pages because I needed to see how everything turned out and what that lightbulb moment would be for both Mason and Daisy when they finally figured out what was right in front of them.

I had a major ‘love/need to smack some sense into them’ relationship with both Daisy and Mason. Daisy’s belief that she is ‘less than’ everyone else has become her armour and she’s become quite comfortable with it to the point that she points out her “failures” with so much ease that it’s like breathing for her. I honestly loved Daisy. She has a quick wit, compassionate heart and once she finds a comfort zone has quite the backbone. Her constant devaluation of herself was irritating and yet I understood why she believed the things she did. When you are told something enough it’s easy to believe it and only see it as a slap in the face. Thankfully she does start to gain more confidence in herself, it’s a slow process, but it happens and I loved watching her shed the armour.

Mason has grown up always projecting a certain image and keeping his emotions locked down tight. In some cases it was necessary, in others it was done out of pure fear at being put in a vulnerable situation where emotions would be exposed. This man. Gruff, abrupt and broody alpha male all while being sweet, charming and compassionate. His heart is truly golden, even when he’s trying desperately to make others, and himself, believe he doesn’t have one.

To say their relationship is rocky is an understatement. Between their insecurities and desperate need to keep from falling for each other it’s a constant roller coaster ride, but when they let their guards down a spark starts to grow and becomes this beacon in the night that you want them to keep burning between them because they are that good together. Their bantering was fun and I liked how they pushed each other to overcome their personal obstacles. Sometimes it was a bit much, but considering how set in their ways they needed good, hard kicks in the arses...a lot. The build up to their HEA was pretty intense in quite a few ways and though I’m still debating over how I feel about how it all went down, I’m happy that they figured their shit out because I really do love them together.

This is my first book by Natasha Anders and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The writing was engaging, pacing good and I enjoyed the dual - ish 3rd person POV’s. This is a character driven story and I really liked how both characters evolved over the span of the book. Nothing felt “insta”, physical attraction aside, and I liked where they both ended up at the end of the book. The supporting cast was well written and there were even a few I wanted to gut with a spoon, but they definitely made the book interesting. And if that epilogue is anything to go by, there may be another couple from this book getting their own which may prove to be an interesting story, so I’ll be keeping an eye out for it.

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This is the first time I read Natasha Anders and I really enjoyed her writing style!

This is about a wallflower and a really hot guy. Daisy is a very interesting character and Mason is also very well done. The chemistry between them is awesome and this was a very entertaining read!

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley

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This is one of those stories that while I enjoyed it, I also struggled with some of the content. I've never been a huge fan of the ugly duckling tropes. I don't like the reminder of how shallow we all can be, but I also know it's a reality that will always be.

While this has a great message to the story that a persons value is not in looks, it also focused too much on body image. It's not an easy feat to convince their is true love when you hear certain degrading thoughts. Thankfully, Mason stood up for Daisy from the beginning. He isn't completely innocent though. He did have a few cringe worthy moments.

What it comes down to for me, is that my enjoyment of the story outweighed the body image issues. I still liked the characters and enjoyed reading about these two together. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me.

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I was so happy to hear that Ms Anders wrote another book.
The previous books were H- alpha holes needing to grow a heart while being cruel/heartless and undeserving of the h's love & attention.
In this book, the set up is Mason's brother Spencer requesting he pay attention to wallflower Daisy while he tries to get the attention of her sister Daffodil ("Daff").
Mason is a hunky ex-military, security expert now living back in his hometown. He and his brother had grown up on the wrong side of town & have now made their own successes. Daisy and her two sisters, Daffodil and Dahlia ("Lia") grew up middle class daughters of the town Veterinarian. This is set in a suburb of Cape Town, So Africa. Daisy is now a vet-in practice with her dad.
Spencer reluctantly agrees to pay attention to Daisy while Spencer flirts with Daff.
Daisy soon finds out Spencer & Mason's little plot. Daisy turns the tables and persuades Mason to be her date to her sister Lia's wedding.
This is 3rd person POV, so we see into each of their thoughts. Mason is intrigued by Daisy but doesn't acknowledge an attraction-at first. He's concerned about Daisy getting the wrong idea-since of course Mason isn't a relationship type guy.
The charade goes fairly well. Mason meets Daisy's mom & dad & sisters. Mason had remember Daisy's dad from his childhood. Daisy's dad is especially close to her and he's
protective of her-and rightly so. Daisy's been pigeon-holed as the nerdy, plain, high achiever of the sisters. Daisy has always accepted her label and hasn't ventured away from it.
Daisy and Mason get to be friends and Mason becomes more and more attracted to her.
Their ruse gets exposed, but the twist frustrated me a little. Daisy acts like an ass hole that
needed to grovel. Then Mason's reaction to that was jerkish, IMO.
There are the Mean Girls-huh! Adults behaving like 8th and 9th grade bullies. The sad thing is that there are women out there like that in other stories & real life. (If you've seen Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion, they're like those blonde girls that tormented R&M).
I enjoy Ms Ander's books. This is my 4th. This is set in So Africa, but it seemed more generic than the others (less distinctive settings and expressions).
I'm pretty sure that Daff & Spencer will get a book. Daff needs to lighten up.
I highly recommend & I received this ARC from NetGalley. Thanks. I would have bought it anyway.

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I have to say this was a valiant effort by the author to write a credible story with a plot that is as old as time, but the romance between the heroine and the hero just never left the ground for me. The proposed attraction between Daisy and Mason felt forced and trite and the dialog less than stimulating,causing me to lose focus and nod off a few times. Kudos to bringing the plight of "the other one," the voluptuous woman to the forefront, instead of the societal adulation of the model thin, blue-eyed, blond hair goddess that is so often thrust upon us.I highly suspect that I won't be seeking out any other books by this author.I felt compelled to finish this book because of the hope that it would improve, and because I dislike giving an analysis on parts of a book.Loved the cover photo, which is what drew me to this book.This is a complete and unbiased review of a free copy of this work from Netgalley.

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As you all know, I'm seriously in love with Natasha Anders. I was sooooooooooo happy when I got an ARC from Netgalley because I was dying to read this book as soon as it was announced.

I'm going to start off by saying I loved Daisy. She was such a unique character yet so familiar. It was like reading a book where the Heroine felt like a real person. We had so many similarities and if she was a real person, I would so jump at the chance to be her friend. Mason, he was an interesting guy. I liked him a lot and he was such a charmer, there were somethings I wished he didn't say or think but then he grew past looking on the surface and that was great but I dunno, they didn't sit well with me but he was never rude or awful to Daisy. In fact, he was such a nice guy! But, yeah, I few things that I think it was more a "me" thing than anything else.

The writing was phenomenal and I was intrigued right from the very beginning! I loved how it was written, with constant POV changes. I love being in both the male and female's head and I think Anders does it fabulously. The character growth of Daisy was amazing! I loved seeing her come into her own.

The reason why it's not getting a higher rating is because of that ending. I felt like it was too abrupt and I felt that certain things would not have happened if not for this one event that happened.

I know that this one was to be "low on angst" but I just come to associate angst with Natasha Anders so I kept looking for it. However, that being said, it wasn't at all a hinderance because this story was so great. I just wish the ending was fleshed out a bit more.

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This one started out a bit rough for me but I'm glad I stuck with it because in the end I absolutely loved it. In the beginning Mason Carlisle came across as a real jerk but the closer he and Daisy get the more the loving and caring guy comes out. Daisey is the shy McGregor sister, often referred to as "the other" sister. Her humor and sense of self really come through and she steals the story. This was a fun fake relationship story that I would recommend to everyone.

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The three McGregor sisters are the cherished daughters of the local vet. All three have monikers they are being referred to. The pretty one, the cute one and Daisy...well she is "the other one". Daisy is short, with love handles, a bit of a double chin and curls which can't be controlled.
To her utter surprise Mason Carlisle, ex-soldier, ex-bodyguard, ex-underwear model, chats her up and makes her feel a little bit special at her sister's hen/bachelorette party. She has a rude awakening when she overhears Mason talking to his brother and realizes that he was supposed to distract Daisy so that Spencer can make a move on her oldest sister.

When his brother asked him for a favor, he didn't anticipate to be entertained and a little bit enchanted by the plain McGregor sister. When she blackmails him into accompanying her to her sister's wedding he realizes that it isn't exactly a chore. The more he gets to know the spirited, intelligent Daisy, the more he is attracted to her, and the prettier she becomes to him, belly pooch and unruly curls and all. All of a sudden her 50s bombshell body gives him blue balls 24/7. Sadly, Daisy would never believe him - too often has she been the butt of a joke.

Daisy has dulled to the constant bullying she receives from her sisters' "friends". It was a little bit heartbreaking to see how the catty b*tches tried to make her life hard and how they segregated her. Her self esteem is lower than low. She is still an endearing heroine - funny, forthright with a sharp wit.
I loved that Daisy didn't have to lose weight to be loved by the hero. It was the fact that Mason learned to see her beauty without her changing her appearance that made this story so poignant. When Daisy starts to see herself through his eyes she starts to become more secure about herself and her body. Yes, it was a little bit frustrating that it took her most of the book to come to that conclusion and kept deflecting compliments...yet when she did, she owned it.

“Why do you do that? You’re constantly selling yourself short, and it’s annoying as hell..."

Mason is a good guy, a stubborn one at that. Bossy and often sweet, and he holds a mean grudge. He is utterly charmed by Daisy - she is easily embarrassed and he doesn't leave out an opportunity to make her blush. She is unpredictable and her intelligence, wit and straight shooting character confuse and amuse him. I was happy that he looked past her appearance and fell in love with her character.

“Stop counting my freckles and try to get some sleep,” she whispered, not at all sure what to make of this.
“That’s what I’m trying to do; it’s like counting stars, only so much prettier.”

Natasha Anders is a new to me author. Her writing style resonates with me - it's fluid and witty. This story is for everyone because I think we all have felt insufficient, deficient and insecure at one point in our life. This story is a hymn to imperfection and I bow to this author for doing right by the characters by making the readers accept them for what they are. I really enjoyed reading Daisy's and Mason's journey to find love.

I hope that we get to see Spencer's and Daffodil's story. There is a past which I can't wait to uncover!

"What do you see when you look at me, Mason?"
"Everything," he grated out. "I see my whole f*cking world, Daisy, I see all my days, my weeks, and my years. Every season of my life. All spent with you. I see everything I want, need, and desire all wrapped up in you."

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5 - "What do you see?" Stars!

Natasha Anders isn’t an author new to me, and I have been a fan of every book of hers that I have so far read, but I can without doubt say The Wingman, is my favorite. We are looking at a bit of an Ugly Duckling story with Daisy McGregor, in that she is the youngest of three, and the one that people think of last.

"The pretty one, the cute on, and the other one…"

Every previous book I have read by this author has featured a male lead that has been a struggle to like in the beginning, and in the main the story has been built around him redeeming himself with the lady in his life.

"You’re the wingman. I’m the ugly girl."

This one is different in that I adored Mason Carlisle from the offset, this is a guy who comes across as a Prince (trying to be) Charming, but a lot of his efforts just fall a little shy of being perceived in the right vein. His heart is definitely in the right place, he just struggles to show it without making himself look like an idiot to Daisy a lot of the time.

"Guys like you don’t go out with girls like me."

But the one thing that stood out for me and resonated so deeply is that this is a guy who takes absolutely no-one putting down or belittling Daisy in his presence, and there are a lot of nasty people in this book looking to do just that. In truth this is a book that on reflection I could have quite easily hated because of the mean-girl and douche-bag quota it contained, but because Mason effectively and swiftly cut every negative person off and with such great style I just loved this couple’s story.

"I’ve been the butt of someone’s joke too many times to count."

I basically want my own Mason, alright I won’t have the expectation of him being an Ex-SAS, bodyguard/underwear model, but a guy with his personality and beliefs in relation who you treat a woman would be alright by me.

"I’m not allowing you to un-invite me from that wedding. We’re going. Together. Got that?"

Nothing new or hugely unusual about the fake relationship story-line, but the writing was superb, the story well executed and the characterizations for Mason and Daisy made them both people that you rooted for. Both were more than their initial descriptions and their story was one I read pretty much in one sitting.

He made her want to throw caution to the wind and just be very, very bad…

I hope that the author has plans to give Daisy’s sister Daffodil a book at some point, and I hope that Mason’s brother Spencer is the man that the author pairs her with. Both of them didn’t come out of this story looking particularly good and I would like to see them both given the opportunity to redeem themselves in the telling of their own story.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was an absolute pleasure to provide the above honest review.

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“You’re the wingman. I’m the ugly girl.”

Mason is asked by his brother, Spencer, to be his wingman. Spencer has a plan to talk to one girl in particular. He figures if her not-so-attractive sister is being entertained by Mason then he’ll have a chance to make his move on her sister. Daisy is used to being the overlooked sister and when Mason suddenly shows interest in her she's a little suspicious. As the youngest McGregor sister, she's grown up knowing the town refers to the sisters as:

✦The pretty one
✦The cute one
✦And the other one

When she uncovers the sham the Carlisle brothers are trying to pull she turns the tables on Mason. Daisy creates Operation Wingman 2.0 where she coerces Mason to be her wingman to her eldest sister’s wedding. No more having her family and town people thinking that she can’t find a guy to take her out.

Both Mason and Daisy have impressive resumes. She’s a respectable veterinarian who has set up a free clinic on certain days to help out people who can’t afford vet care for their pet. And then we have Mason who was a war hero and then an underwear model and then a bodyguard for the stars.

Even with her impressive career, Daisy’s lack of confidence is off-putting. It takes most of the book for her to realize that she’s worthy of the affection of a guy.

This was my first book by Ms. Anders and I really enjoyed the style of writing. It had an easy flow to it. The story was more on the sweet side. A beauty and the beast type where the girl is the ‘beast’. She’s afraid to believe anyone can love her because she’s not pretty and the ‘beauty’ in this story can see beyond others cannot.

I plan to check out Ms. Anders other books because her other books are on my friends favorite list. Sounds like those stories are edged with angst and redeeming jerks. I’m a fan of angst in my romance books so her books sound like winners to me.

The Wingman is a standalone. After reading the epilogue I could see the potential for Daisy’s sisters to have their own books.

RELEASE DATE: March 7, 2017
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**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**

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