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I downloaded this book via NetGalley for a review.

Some people who have read this book state you need to read the first book to understand some things that happen in this story. I admit I did not read the first book and yes, some things were unclear. However, I was able to enjoy the story without having to read the first book.

I enjoyed how the author did not allow/show/tell that Penelope was a female with sexual knowledge. This female knew almost nothing about what happens between a husband and a wife. This was refreshing in a historical read where so many authors put the female in a different light. A light that tells readers the female knows all about sex because she has seen it on the farm or has watched the animals and knows what happens. Or a female who is willing to allow a male character to take liberties that should not happen. With that being said I enjoyed the book but felt it lacking on some stuff.

Why didn't Penelope's brother make sure she had a house to live in and not the gaming hell? Why didn't he make sure she had pin money? It does not seem like any brother or parent would allow a sibling or a child to live in a gaming hell. Seems like they would make sure there was an actual house for them to live.

Then we get to the lack of details. This is a big take away a star for me. I love details, especially when reading historical books. I want to know what the character is wearing. I want to know what others are wearing. I want to know what the ballroom looked like. I want to know everything possible. Readers do not see any information about how the clothes people are wearing. What the ballroom looked like or anything. Nothing wrong with this just what I enjoy.

I guess my main problem is I read too may of the old bodice rippers where everything was different.

Nothing wrong with this book. It was a light refreshing read. I will probably read others by this author.

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Omg I loved the relationship between Penelope and Mr Black! I just didn't like the ending very much :/

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First, I was not aware that this book was the second in a series of three books. I read it first and then located the first book. I really wanted to like this book and its characters but cannot say that I wholly enjoyed the book or the people in it. The premise of the story was interesting, with the brooding hero and the independent heroine. The book presented an ensemble cast of the hero's "brothers" and sister but did not delve into the personalities of these characters in a thorough manner, at least to my liking. Ryker's relationship with his sister also lacked enough backstory and details to truly bring these people to life. I did not enjoy Ryker's treatment of his wife, Penelope, as he was emotionally detached, and sometimes, cruel to her. I did not believe that a gently reared young lady would happy accept living in a gaming hell surrounded by people who did little to welcome her. Also, I did not appreciate the manner in which their marriage was consummated, on the old furniture. That was another example of Ryker's absolute disrespect for his wife. He did not consider her feelings about anything.

When Penelope rescued one of the brothers from a street fight, it bordered on the ridiculous. She had never been exposed to society's evils and all of a sudden, she wielded a knife in such a manner that she saved the day. The story lacked a much expected, and well deserved, scene between Penelope and the brother, in which he apologized for his rude treatment of her prior to the incident.

Finally, the story ended abruptly after Ryker maintained a bedside vigil and Penelope recovered from her injuries. All of a sudden, he "loved" her and wanted to be the man that she deserved. It was too little, too late for me. I did not believe his expression of feelings, as it seemed rushed and left many questions unanswered. An epilogue was needed to answer the following questions: Did they remain living in the hell? Did society accept them?

Overall, I was moderately entertained by the book and would recommend it to others who enjoy this author. It see,ed like she was trying to portray an old-style alpha male character but it just did not feel right in this book. Also, I know that I was supposed to feel sympathy for Rkyer's inability to read but, again, without more development, that line also fell short. I understood how he used his lack of reading and communication skills to keep people at bay, along with his blustery demeanor. However, his issue was not an excuse to mistreat his wife for all but the last pages of the book.

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I've loved the entire series and this book is no different! While I don't think the hero and heroine are my most favorite, I do like to see the mixing of levels of society in Ms. Caldwell's novels. My only notes would be that I thought the ending was a bit rushed. I would definitely read other books by this author.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Penelope is an adventurous spirit trying to fit into the ton. She wants to be different than the rest of her family. She flees the taunts only to find herself in a compromising position with Ryker. Ryker believes that he is irredeemable but Penelope sees beneath his pain and loneliness. Tempers flare, secrets come out, passion arises until hearts are laid bare. The honesty of the writing, the descriptions, the danger pulled me into the story, and I needed a couple tissues at the end. I highly recommend this book.

I received a copy of this story through Netgalley, and it is a Book Obsessed Chicks Star Review selection. This is my unsolicited review.

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Lady Penelope Tidemore is determined to avoid the scandals that have plagued her family. It took one night to ruin that plan when, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, led to a compromising situation with gaming hell owner, Ryker Black. Having anything to do with Society is unacceptable to Ryker, so he is upset over the position he is caught in. It will take a lot out of Penelope to change his long standing feelings but if anyone can do it, she can.

A nice follow up in this series. I love when a flawed hero is written so well. Ryker's anxiety in social situations made perfect sense with his upbringing and it really went along with the walls he had built up around himself. His insecurity in another area (avoiding spoilers) was also masked by his rough demeanor.

Penelope was a perfect match being she had an adventurous spirit and was full of compassion for all people. The courage she showed with Naill was a perfect example of this and I loved what that brought out in Ryker. Oh, how I would have enjoyed an epilogue with this story though.

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Lady Penelope Tidemore is no stranger to scandal. Lady Penelope is determined to behave as an exemplary young debutante, but she is innocently caught in a compromising position with the darkly enigmatic viscount Ryker Black. Ryker is no gentleman, he own one of the most notorious gaming hell in London and taking a society wife was not part of his plan, but he can’t see her suffer the pain of London’s society and their rules of society. Ryker has a few hidden issues he had a horrible childhood and Lady Penelope discovers he hide a surprising vulnerability. You’ll find yourself rooting for these two as the passion sizzles between them; they are both fiercely loyal with hearts of gold.
I received an ARC copy from Net Galley and this is my honest review and opinion.

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OH MY GOSH. The tension in between Penny and Ryker is so cute because it's super reluctant lust at first that devolves into incredibly sweet love and romance and affection for one another. Ryker is the stereotypical tall, dark, and handsome character just on the right side of shady and Penny is the virginal blushing bride that somehow clumsily manages to seduce him. I absolutely loved it!

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Lady Penelope is determined to have a proper husband. There will be no scandal for her, however when at a party when the other women are talking about her she runs outside and ends up in a scandal.
Mr. Black just wanted to get out for a minute he never expected to be in a scandalous position with a women from the ton.
Now the choice is not up to them they have to get married in order to save her name and his club. He is determined to keep his reputation up but she sees right through it.
You will love this story it is quirky yet serious at the same time. you will fall in love with Penelope and her spirit really keeps the story light.

** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

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I love it kept me up all night to finish , can't wait for the next one

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Once again this author hits one out of the ballpark. The Tidemores are a family everyone can relate to and I was anxious to see what kind of scrape Penny would find herself in. I did think the ending was a little rushed and left some unanswered questions but overall it was am enjoyable read.

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I adored “The Scoundrel’s Honor,” this was such a fun, touching read. Penelope has four sisters and one brother, her brother and two older sisters have all been embroiled in a scandal that led to marriage. Happy marriages, but scandal nonetheless. Penelope is determined, very determined to be the first of her siblings to not cause a scandal during the season. Her mother and brother have put off letting her attend balls and parties because they are so worried, she is finally going to her first ball and couldn’t be more excited.

Unfortunately, her first ball is a disappointment. She is gossiped about and upset, goes out to her host’s garden to hide, tears her dress and ends up in the threatening arms of the notorious gaming hell owner Ryker Black. Ryker doesn’t want to marry her and she absolutely won’t marry him. So, Penelope is another scandalous sister.

But these two do marry, Penelope has her younger sister to consider and Ryker has his club. If they don’t marry, Penelope’s sister will suffer on marriage mart and the nobility Ryker caters to will stop coming to his club if they believe he ruined an innocent debutante.

These two are such an unlikely pair. Penelope is more innocent than she realizes and Ryker is in turns horrified and fascinated. They both are afraid to open their hearts to the other, but when they do there is an abundance of chemistry, love and respect. There weren’t many passionate scenes, I do like a little more romance in my books, but I really enjoyed this book and I adored both Penelope and Ryker. Highly recommended.

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So we are back with the second installment of Sinful Brides by Christi Caldwell, and I have to say, I could bow at the feet of this author at the moment! Which I know sounds a little extreme, BUT! Not only do we get to hear Ryker Blacks story (whom we met in Sinful Brides book 1), but we finally get to hear Lady Penelope Tidemore story!! *inset fangirl scream*...well to say that I'm a little excited, might be a understatement!

So we start Scoundrel's Honor off, pretty much on the heels of Rogue's Wager (which is fabulous news), and Ryker is still dealing with the underhanded behavior of Diggory's men and on top of all that, Ryker is pressured into attending his sister ball, where he would have to put up with the gossip surrounding his sire and himself. But that's not all he finds at this ball, he also finds himself caught in the web of Lady Penelope Tidemore.

Penelope Tidemore just wants to be married and free of scandal, but two horrid girls and hiding in the garden during a ball, led her into a scandal with the notorious Ryker Black, but even though her family gave her a pass and said they would protect her through the scandal, Penelope doesn't want that to happen.

So Riker and Penelope enter into what was supposed to be a marriage of convenience, but they quickly change each other for the better...that is until secrets and enemies come back with a vengeance.

OH MY GOODNESS what a book! A Scoundrel's Honor has left me not only breathless! But also more in love with this series, than ever before. The writing and plot is not only magnificent! But also enchanting and heartwarming. And yes it has left me desperate for the next book in the series.

With all that being said, there is only one score I can give A Scoundrel's Honor and that is 5 stars!

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I loved how Penny's story is told in the series! The reasons that Penny falls in love with Ryker and the freedom she shows in expressing that love, even after he tells her all his flaws and background, I loved her openness. Also, watching Penny grow into her own self and watch her standing on her own feet with her choices. Ryker, slowly opening up to Penny as well learning to accept or ask for help shows how much he loved Penny and was willing to let her in. The ending left me with lots of questions and impatiently waiting for the next book. I do hope we find out what Poppy said to Adair to cause him to blush!

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Lady Penelope Tidemore has just make her debut in society, and is determined to behave with the utmost decorum, and not add to her family’s already scandalous reputation. When some intentionally hateful remarks are made within her earshot, she escapes outside for some solitude. As she hears another set of footsteps approach, Penny knows she can’t be caught alone with a man, so she proceeds to hide under a bench.

Ryker Banbury (who goes by the last name of Black) was recently awarded the title of Viscount Chatham, but he is no gentleman. He is the bastard son of a duke, who was raised in the slums of the city by a cruel criminal. As he got older, he formed a “family” with four other street children, and they own a gaming hell. Ryker is only at this event because one of his siblings has now married into society, and he feels that the connection will benefit his club. His life is one of constant danger from rivals, and when Penny unfortunately makes a noise and becomes partially visible, Ryker pounces on her, fearing an enemy attack. Of course, it’s at that moment that several people come outside and witness this, causing a scandal.

There is no doubt that Penny is now ruined. Though her brother assures her she does not have to marry, Penny knows that her younger sister, who hasn’t yet made her debut, will not stand a chance in society if she doesn’t. So Penny puts aside her lifelong dream of marrying for love, and weds the cold, hard man who has only scorn for nobles, and goes off to live with him in his gaming hell.

Though many novels have used this trope, I have to say that Ryker is about the most distant, unsmiling, cold man I’ve read about. His brothers are the same way – there are no friends for Penny in her new home. Everyone has an intense hatred for the ton and resents her intrusion into their world. Penny even has to endure the indignity of having Ryker’s former mistress in the house.

Yet, Penny has an unworldly maturity for someone only eighteen years old. She takes the barbs and arrows directed at her with dignity, and treats Ryker and his brothers like family. While Ryker unbends enough to share passion with his new wife, whenever she makes a slight inroad into learning about him personally, he beats a hasty retreat.

THE SCOUNDREL’S HONOR is my first experience with author Christi Caldwell, and she writes very, very well. There are previous books which tell the stories of Penny’s three older siblings, but I didn’t feel lost for not having read them. This book placed two polar opposite characters together in a seemingly impossible situation, yet let them grow toward each other to form a strong union and love. The romantic and tender hearted Penelope develops strength and determination, while the self contained Ryker finally allows himself to show some vulnerability and admit that he needs help. Their growth made for a most enjoyable read, and while their relationship solidified, there are many loose ends left dangling. I expect this will lead to upcoming books in this series, which I am definitely anticipating.

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I discovered Christi Caldwell last year and immediately read most of her backlist. Since then, whenever I see one of her books, I take notice. When I received an invitation from the publisher via Net-Galley, I eagerly accepted. Again, Ms. Caldwell has penned another winner!

Lady Penelope is determined to behave as an exemplary young debutante. Her family has already had their share of scandal. When she is caught in a compromising situation, she believes her life is ruined.

Ryker Black could care less what the ton thinks of him. As a bastard son of a duke, he lives his life as he sees fit. When he is caught with Lady Penelope, something is different. He does not want to see her ruined, not because he cares what society thinks, but because he does not want this spirited young lady to experience the pain it would cause. He does the right and honorable thing.

Can they find a way to make their marriage succeed, or will their different backgrounds tear them apart?

The Scoundrel’s Honor is an exciting read from the first page to the last. It has adventure, lots of suspense, great characters, and most of all, a wonderful love story. It’s fast-paced without feeling rushed. Ms. Caldwell gives the reader a lovely glimpse of the Regency period. Her descriptive writing is excellent, yet still leaves something to the imagination of the reader.

Lady Penelope’s character is endearing, and I fell in love with her determination, her loyalty to her family and her desire to make Ryker’s life better. She is feisty and independent, yet a truly feminine young woman. So many times, heroines with these characteristics are too masculine for my tastes, but that is not the case with Lady P. Her depth of character is quite good, and I could understand what made her tick.

Ryker’s character is more complex than the heroine’s. He had a horrendous childhood, which influences his decisions. What I liked most about him is his high sense of loyalty to those he feels responsible for, from his sister, his brothers of his heart, to his feelings for Penelope. Underneath his rough exterior beats a heart of gold.

The romance between Ryker and Penelope sizzles throughout the story and only grows stronger as the it progresses. Ms. Caldwell masterfully builds the sexual tension, which is a key ingredient for a Regency romance and what I love best about this sub-genre.

If you enjoy becoming lost in the Regency era, and want a romance that will pull at your heart-strings, and with plenty of action, then you will love The Scoundrel’s Honor. The title truly suits this story. Happy reading!

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There is no possible way to say it without sounding like a fool in love! The Scoundrel's Honor by the indomitable Christi Caldwell is everything this reader LOVES, tucked into one fabulous story! You want action? You got that. You want intrigue? You got that. Need a bit of action? Well you got it. How about romance? Well DUH!

Penelope Tidemore never had a chance. Her family history of scandal is known far and wide and even though Penelope was always standing on the precipice of scandal, she always attempted to evade its notice. Well, that is until she comes into contact with the dark and dangerous, Ryker Black.

Born to the mistress of a Duke, raised in the streets of London, Ryker Black knows the good and bad in both of those social classes and he prefers to stay off the grid in the darkness of his gaming establishment Hell and Sin. When his beloved sister beckons him to attend a ball, try as he might to deny her, Ryker gives in, but not without grumbling about it. He knows he doesn't fit in, even though he is probably better educated than most of the guests.

Needing to get away from the confines of the ballroom, Penelope flees to the gardens where her life is forever changed when she and Ryker Black end up in a rather precarious position on the garden grounds. Public ruination leads to a hasty marriage for two strangers, as Ryker and Penny struggle to come to an accord. Penelope's introduction to life inside a gaming hell is eye opening to the almost properly brought up woman and Ryker's education into the needs of a proper wife make this story engrossing.

Of course, where there is a gaming hell trouble brews and although Ryker is no stranger to trouble, the fact that the new wife he is actually beginning to care for, may also be placed in danger, troubles him greatly. Where love blooms, danger evades leaving Ryker wondering if bringing Penny into his dark and dangerous world is the right thing, and if it isn't, what then is to be done about it?

Uh uh, I am soooo not telling you more... Do yourself a BIG favor and grab this fabulous read by a truly wonderful author and find out yourself how it all comes to pass!

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Penelope is no stranger to scandal thanks to the examples of her family . Mr Black is not the typical member of the Ton. Enter the sparks and fun as this couple meet and marry on their path to happiness. Always can count on this author delivering a good tale with chuckles and look forward to her new books.

Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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