Member Reviews

The Scoundrel's Honor is the second installment of Christi Caldwell's Sinful Brides series. It is the story of Lady Penelope Tidemore and Ryker Black. Having read The Rogues Wager, and loved it, I had to find out if Ryker would meet his match. And that he did! I loved these two together. She chipped away at his heart like no one could.
Ms. Calwell's books just get better and better! If that's possible.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley for my honest review

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London - 1823

Lady Penelope Tidemore, age 18, is making her Come Out. With her are her widowed mother, the Dowager Countess of Sinclair, and her brother, Jonathan, the Earl of Sinclair. They keep reminding Penelope that she may encounter resistance from some people due to the scandals from the family’s past and they are worried that she may cause yet another scandal. The Dowager and the Earl have been reluctant to let her attend many functions, especially a ball.

When they decide to attend a ball hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Somerset, Penelope is ecstatic. One of the attendees is Ryker Black, Viscount Chatham, brother to the Duchess of Somerset, and the bastard son of a Duke. Ryker and his bastard brothers grew up on the streets of London doing whatever it took to care for themselves. Ryker was awarded his title from the King for having saved the life of the Duke of Somerset. Ryker’s sister, Helena, used to be the bookkeeper of his gambling hell before she married the Duke. Evidently, it is reputed that there is bad blood between Ryker and the Duke of Somerset. So, Helena has come to ask Ryker to attend the ball she is throwing to prove to the ton that there is no bad blood between the two men.

At the ball, Penelope is not enjoying herself. People are obviously gossiping about her, she has torn her hem, and the only men asking her to dance are relatives. She heads for the balcony for some fresh air where she ends up tearing her dress even more. On top of that, someone comes into the dark garden forcing her to hide. It’s Ryker. He realizes that someone else is in the garden and thinking it could be one of his enemies, he grabs Penelope and throws her to the ground. That’s when they are discovered. Uh-oh! Another Tidemore sister has caused a scandal and is ruined. Earl Sinclair tells Ryker he must marry Penelope. Reluctantly, Ryker and Penelope marry.

Penelope moves into Ryker’s rooms at the gambling hell which is not appealing to her. She wants a home but Ryker wants to be close to his business. There is always trouble brewing and he needs to be nearby to take care of it.

The story follows the two of them as they try to adjust to marriage and the fact that they are two very different personalities.

I simply did not like Ryker. He comes across as an angry bully. Penelope tries to placate him but it’s an uphill battle.

I have enjoyed this author’s books in the past, but I found this story to be too rough and violent and not at all what I would expect from her. However, I’m sure that others will find it very good.

Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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"Somewhere between Ryker Black's rise from guttersnipe to ruthless owner of the Hell and Sin Club, the world had learned -- one did not cross him, interrupt him, or interfere with his dealings. Ever."

FINAL DECISION: A story that has a lot of drama, this book stays on the surface of the emotions of the characters. That makes what might otherwise be a dark book interesting but not compelling. I enjoyed the book because of the characters especially the heroine.

THE STORY: Lady Penelope Tidemore is having her debut and she intends on being proper in a family full of scandals. Unfortunately, at the first opportunity, Penny ends up in a bigger scandal than anyone else. She is caught in a compromising situation with Ryker Black, the bastard son of a duke and the owner of a gaming hell. There is little choice but for Penelope to marry Ryker but is there any hope for this marriage between strangers from such different worlds?

OPINION: This book takes what might be a dark subject and keeps the pacing and story on a less dramatic level. The book lacks the depths of a dark, angsty novel with the same subject matter, but it has a sweetness and gentleness to the story that will appeal to readers who want a little bite to their stories without delving into darkness.

In many romance novels, it is the hero whose characters I tend to like more. Here, I liked Penelope the most in the book. Here is a woman who is raised among a loving and privileged family. The worst thing she has to worry about is gossip and scandal about her family. When she is thrust into Ryker's world, she makes attempts to bring some of her lightness and gentleness into his world. While he continues to reject her, she is determined to make this new world a better place and bring some of her hominess and family to bear on the new family she gains.

Ryker is a self-made man who struggles with what he had to do to survive. He is guilt ridden and at his core afraid. He hides all the seething emotions inside himself with order and rules and coldness. Penelope comes into his life with her constant chatting and her innocent belief that she can make things work out. She is a dreamer who won't allow the reality of life to sap her of her optimism. Ryker just doesn't know how to deal with that. I liked watching his world as he has constructed it crumble under Penelope's gentle ruthlessness.

For me the characters were the highlight of this book. The romance in this book happens incredibly fast and there is so much animosity between these characters at times, it is hard to believe that they so quickly fall for one another. My second complaint is that this book uses almost exactly the same sequence of events as the first book in the series.

WORTH MENTIONING: Penelope's younger sister HAS to get a book someday!

CONNECTED BOOKS: THE SCOUNDREL'S HONOR is the second book in the Sinful Brides series. The hero in this book is the brother of the heroine in the first book. The story is self contained and can be read on its own although I recommend reading the first book in order to better understand the characters.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in order to provide a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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A new to me author, and surprisingly good too. Christi Caldwell The Scoundrel's Honor really did get and keep my interest from the beginning and that is hard to manage these days. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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Unlike The Rogue's Wager (Sinful Brides #1), Caldwell's writing shines in The Scoundrel's Honor. It's a riveting story with likeable characters that evolve throughout the tale.

Ryker Black, brother to Helena (Sinful Brides #1), is a feared gaming hell owner who sees emotion as weakness and has no interest in marriage. Penelope Tidemore—sister to Patrina, Poppy, Prudence, and Jonathan (Scandalous Seasons books 4 & 5; Lords of Honor #2)—is a young lady trying to rise above her family's scandalous name, but won't be cowed by cruelty. An unfortunately meeting leads to these two marrying, opening Penelope to a world far grittier than anything she could have imagined and leading Ryker to deal with the consequences of letting in another's affections.

This book had great atmosphere, interesting dialogue, and looked at regency London lifestyles from both sides of the coin. While it would have been nice to see Penelope more involved with the goings-on at the gaming hell, enough danger and intrigue spilled over to keep the story hopping along. Ryker's "brothers", especially Calum, are a strong supporting cast who, at times, are more revealing of the baggage Ryker keeps locked inside than he is. Penelope became more independent and confident, all while retaining optimism for her future.

There are a couple of negatives for me. The major subplot was left unresolved; it seems like things were set back in order, but we never see how or why exactly this happened. It's possible that's being left for whatever the next book in this series is. Also, there is no epilogue. I really enjoy these in romances, even if it's only looking a few weeks forward so we get a sense of finality. Instead, the ending—while satisfactory—left me wanting.

Overall, Caldwell is back in the game with The Scoundrel's Honor and I look forward to discovering which brother at the Hell & Sin we get to enjoy next.

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Publisher's Description:

London, 1822.

Thanks to her older siblings, Lady Penelope Tidemore is no stranger to scandal. In order for her to make a good match, her secret longings for intrigue and romance must be quelled. Yet it is through terrible mischance that Penelope is caught in a compromising position—however innocent—with the darkly enigmatic viscount Ryker Black.

Mr. Black is no gentleman. Raised from the streets and proprietor of the most notorious gaming hell in London, Black lives in a world filled with debauchery and danger. Taking a Society wife from the very ton he despises is not part of his plan, even if the innocent Penelope turns his blood hot with desire.

But Penelope isn’t afraid of Mr. Black, and she soon discovers that his reputation as a scoundrel may be designed to hide a surprising vulnerability. As this unlikely husband and wife grow closer, they learn that what started as chance could end up sealing their fates.

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed this tale by Christi Caldwell about two totally unsuited people.
Our hero is the bastard son of a Duke who grew up on the streets. Our heroine was born into the nobility with siblings that tend to cause scandal wherever they go.
Penelope vows to not repeat the errors of her family. However fate has a say in that end.
I fell in love with these characters and look forward to the younger sister, Poppy's story. I'm certain Ms. Caldwell will continue to amaze us.
This is book #2 of the Sinful Brides Series and I have read both. This story makes the reader both laugh and cry with it's emotional rollercoaster.
I gave this book 4.75 of 5 stars for storyline and characterization. This sensual story gets 3 of 5 flames for heat and sensuality.
I highly recommend this read. It is not necessary to read book one to enjoy this title. It reads quite well as a standalone book.

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I always like a good historical romance and this is a pretty good one except I did feel it's not one of the author's best ones and the one thing that really bothered me was how the MCs came together initially and the marriage plot of the book. It was so quick and honestly just ridiculous. I know so many of these books use the "compromised so must marry" plot device and sometimes it works and other times it's just annoying and lazy. This time it didn't work for me. But that's not to say I didn't enjoy the rest of the book. I did enjoy it-but the beginning was rough.

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The Scoundrel’s Honor is a great historical romance. (I thought I would just cut to the chase.) My interest in historicals has diminished lately, because no book has really captured my attention. Well, The Scoundrel’s Honor captured my attention and held it until the very end.

Lady Penelope (Penny) Tidemore is trying desperately not to follow in her family’s footsteps of creating scandals. She fails during her first official ball and creates a scandal when she is caught in a compromising position with the notorious gaming hell owner, Ryker Black. No matter how innocent the situation actually is she and Ryker are forced to marry and neither is happy about the situation, especially Ryker.

Ryker has no love for the nobility and never planned to marry a Lady. The only thing he loves is his gambling hell, and he doesn’t want Penny diverting his attention from it. Penelope might be young and naive, but she is determined to make this marriage - and her life - a happy one, and she begins to embrace her new unconventional life living at her husband’s business. In the process, she sees Ryker is much more than she ever imagined.

Ryker is gruff and tough, but he soon grows a soft spot for Penny. I loved seeing him slowly fall totally in love with there, and I really enjoyed seeing Penny get her happily every after. The Scoundrel’s Honor is emotional, fun, sexy and simply wonderful.

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This is a cute story with humor and a delivery that makes you turn each page. Love the story and enjoyed the ending.

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The Scoundrel's Honor by Christi Caldwell - Historical Romance.

The Tidemore family have attracted attention for their scandalous behaviour. Try as she might Lady Penelope Tidemore cannot avoid the viciousness of some of the ton that like to spread and create gossip. So when she finds herself in the position of being beneath the Viscount Ryker Black in his sisters garden. Her reputation is ruined and history repeats for another member of the Tidemore family.. Ryker Black is a man that has risen from the gutter along with his brothers and sister and is the owner of a gambling hell. For his heroic actions Ryker was granted a title. (I will be looking for this book that turns Rykers sister Helena into the Duchess of Somerset - I don't care if I read them backwards) With the gossip sheets spreading the news, Ryker sees a drastic decline in his patronage at his tables. Wanting to repair the damage he agrees to take Penelope as wife.

I love watching the development of Penelope and Rykers relationship. The many steps they took from barely tolerating all the way to love and fighting to be worthy of that love. I could not put this book down! I was so emotionally attached I found tears running down my face. You can’t help but fall in love with everyone of the characters.

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Behind the image, Lady Penelope years for adventure. Her desires are hidden in her heart and must remain only in her dreams, if she hopes to make her family proud. What happens with the Lady meets her heart's desire in a shocking twist? Sparks fly, lines are crossed and danger ensues. Mr. Black has the soul of a rogue. He lives on the edge and scandal is his calling card, but the biggest surprise of all is he has the heart of a gentleman, even if it is somewhat tarnished. The Scoundrel's Honor blends wicked behavior with an emotionally charged story. I loved the message behind these two lost souls. You don't have to be perfect to find your perfect match. Ms. Caldwell is on a roll and I was happy to come along for the ride.

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The second book in the Sinful Brides Series is definitely a keeper. Ryker and Penny are two completely opposites that wind up together in a incredible story of danger, redemption, forgiveness and most of all Love.

Ryker grew up on the streets in St. GIles and has no use for anyone or anything that will take him away from his gaming hell and his adopted brothers. He is ruthless and believes this is the only way to live. Don't let anyone into his world that will jeopardize his club. He especially has no use for the nobility, having been born the bastard son of a Duke, and then sold to a ruthless criminal hours after he was born. Unfortunately his younger sister is married to a nobleman and she has talked him into attending a ball at her home. Scandal erupts when he drags a young lady out from under a bench in the garden where he escaped from the Ballroom. He is discovered by the young ladies brother while he is holding her down and looking for a weapon. Ryker thinks that she is in league with his competition and enemy.

Penny Tidemore is determined to prove to her family that she will be the exception to the numerous scandals that have plagued her family over the years. Penny is a dreamer who only sees the good in people and she will have her happily ever after with her Prince Charming. As to mock her and her efforts to find love she winds up a participant in a major scandal with a gambling hell owner. They are forced to marry to save her reputation and his club.

From the start Ryker has avoided her and shuts her out of his life. She cannot compete with the most important thing in his life, his club. Ryker does not know how to treat a wife, especially a noble one. He restricts her their room, never to enter the gaming floor and bother him while he is working. Penny has no
intention of being locked away from the world. She will push and test Ryker's patience to see that she is not going to blindly follow his dictates. Penny is convinced that she can bring Ryker out of the darkness that has been his life, and into the light of day with love and determination.

Christi writes a beautiful, heart wrenching story that will make you smile as Penny pushes all of husband's buttons. Her writing is poignant, strong and you can actually feel the emotions that Ryker and Penny feel while reading. You can read the strength that she instills in Ryker and Penny. Christi's books are a pure joy to read. Christi is an amazing writer and she should be at the top of your must read list!

Received a complimentary copy for an honest review.

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Another in this historical series. Good to meet up with previous characters. A good, light read, just as expected. The story highlighted some social issues of the time as well as the formal and social lives of the characters. The characters were alllikeable, particularly when their personal histories were revealed. Whilst very serious in parts, there were some laugh out loud moments, particularly in the first half of the book. Would recommend this book to anyone who is fond of this genre

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I am not sure how Christi Caldwell manages to make me cry but I have done so again when reading 'The Scoundrel's Honor'. Her characters worm their way into your heart, so that you feel every emotion that they do (or nearly!!)
This is the second book in the "Sinful Brides" series and follows on with Penelope Tidemore and Viscount Ryker Black. The Tidemore family members have appeared in several Caldwell novels and just enough is revealed about their personality to make you feel that you know them from the start. This story could be read as a stand alone as Caldwell, does such a great job of delving into their personalities, that you just have to keep reading!
Penny finds herself in a scandalous situation after being found together at Ryker’s sister’s ball. To save her sister from remaining a spinster due to her behaviour, Penny Ryker agrees to marry Penny in order to save his gambling hall, known as the Hell and Sin. This story shows the stark reality of the London underbelly which Penelope struggles to fit into. Her efforts to befriend Ryker’s family proves difficult and she struggles to gain acceptance from the ton due to her marriage.
I loved all the characters. It was so good to see old characters such as the Earl of Sinclair and each of Penny’s sisters especially Poppy. I enjoyed how Ryker’s brothers grudgingly showed their love for their brother through their actions, not their words.
It was wonderful to see the characters develop in this series. The opportunity to see into the darker side of London and reveal the true strength of those who don’t quite fit into society and those who feel they have no part it is, is very enlightening.
Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review in exchange for a copy of Caldwell’s novel.

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This is book two in the Sinful brides series. Lady Penelope Tidemore has molded herself into a perfect lady to stay away from the scandals that have plagued her entire family. She wants to be the first Tidemore that doesn't have any scandals associated with her name. But then she is caught in a compromising position with Ryker Black, the newly minted Viscount Chatham. As Ryker and Penelope navigate their new relationship and come to terms with the changes in their life, it turns into a passionate and loving path to marriage. This is an awesome book with beautifully written intricate characters and I would definitely recommend reading it.

* I received this ARC from netgalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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You know what? I was so ready to not like this story mainly because I couldn't stand Ryker in the first book, but MAN. I finished this in one sitting because I couldn't stop; I love seeing Ryker's world being turned upside down by Penelope's entrance. She is so wonderful I admire her for sticking with the gloomy cloud that is Ryker. I love how Ryker's changed the more time he's spent with Penny, despite him not wanting to change.

This is such a step up from the first book, and I will surely anticipate the rest of the Black brothers getting their own books.

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I'm a little in love with this scarred bad boy and could relate to Penelope's hidden spirit on many levels. With such well developed, passionate characters, it will come as no surprise for me to say this was one of the best historical romances I have read. Ryker, a bastard son of a duke, is damaged, scarred, and angry. His life has been hard and abusive and he hates the ton that he has become part of. Given a title for bravery, Ryker shuns his viscount title and society as a whole. His whole life is his gaming hell and the family that he's collected there. Guilted by his sister the Duchess of Somerset, Ryker attends a ball for the first time only to find himself in a compromising position with Penelope Tidemore. Sister to the Earl of Sinclair, Penelope has spent the last few years trying to be all that is proper. She's tired of the ton watching for her family's next scandal and the whispers that happen behind her back. A stolen moment of peace finds her ruined and begging the scoundrel Ryker Black to marry her for her little sister's future. A marriage of necessity transforms into so much more as Penny teaches Ryker how to smile and love through danger and strife to find an HEA.

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The Scoundrel's Honor by Christi Caldwell is another example of writing from the heart. Set in 1822 London. While, Book 2 in her mesmerizing series, "Sinful Brides", it can easily be read as a stand alone. See, "The Rogue's Wager". If you have read Ms. Caldwell's intriguing stories before, you will probably remember Lady Penelope Tidemore and Ryker Black, as appearing characters.

Lady Penelope Tidemore is in no way a stranger to scandal. Her older siblings caused such a scandal, her family's good name was mudged. She longs for adventure, romance and passion for herself, as well. The enigmatic but darkly Viscount Ryker Black, is a very dangerous man, he owns a gambling hell and does not enjoy, in fact, he despises the nick picking society, he was raised from the streets of London, afterall. He lives in a world filled with danger and debauchery. Therefore, does not desire a society miss to marry, until he meets the enchanting Lady Penelope who makes him burn with desire. When, Penelope is caught in a compromising postion, due to no fault of her own, will Ryker take responsibility and marry Penelope? Even through she is his sister's new friend, will he leave Penelope to face the gossip, whispers and innuendoes alone? Can Ryker and Penelope find their HEA as danger lurks?

Fast paced, emotionally charged, intriguing, suspenseful, with mystery, and adventure. Christi Caldwell has a way with her stories that draws readers in and holds them spellbound throughout. I love her details to a story, her charactizations in my opinion are right on, the detail to the era is enlightened and the reader can tell she researches her topics to give the reader a more realistic view of the era, characters, their challenges and the storyline. The depth of her stories are heart stirring, powerful, as well as, captivating and seductively intriguing. Please, don't get me wrong she in no way writes explicit scenes nor scenes that may embarrass the reader in anyway. Or to me, at least. Readers will find a read where ladies were treated as property and gentlemen their owners. But will Ryker be able to protect his cherished, and enchanting Penelope from the dangers his choice of living may cause? And society gossip?

Fans of Regency Romance, Historical Romance with complications, challenges, a bit of violence, ton scandal, intrigue and passionate characters, "The Scoundrel's Honor" is a perfect read for you to start reading.

Ms. Caldwell is one of my favorite Regency Romance authors. She is such a dedicated author to her readers, her fans, and family, she simply is a powerful and compelling author of Regency Romance. "The Scoundrel's Honor" is a not to miss Regency, it will capture your heart and hold you in awe! Well done again, Cthristi Caldwell!
Simply compelling and powerful!
I received a complimentary copy.

Rating: 5
Heat rating: Mild
Reviewed by: AprilR

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I loved The Rogue’s Wager, and I have to say I wondered what would happen to Helena’s brother, Ryker. Well, when a big man falls, he falls hard! This was a fun continuation of the story of the people of the Hell and Sin club. Ryker has a couple of brothers, and I can’t wait to hear *their* stories!

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