Member Reviews

Penelope Tidemore is an earl's sister and comes from a family that has faced quite a few scandals. Ryker Black a gaming hell owner, is the bastard son of a duke who grew up in the dark side of London. Caught in a compromising position, they now have to wed. She-because she cares for her family; he-for the sake of his business. How they get on is the rest of the book. (The to and fro between Ryker and Penelope is fairly entertaining.)

Obviously, it being a romance, there is a good ending.

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Definitely a buy book. One of the things I love the most about this author is her creativity. By far most of her books leave you experiencing a wide range of emotions. This is no different. I laughed, I became a little sad, a lot uneasy and just kept reading my way through it all. A book that has such a real life range of happenings is hard to review for me. It has darkness, it has light, laughter and finally love. The characters are strong and the heroine is one of depths. The book is well written and creative and witty. One thing made me take off a star, it is a little too dark for me. That is a personal preference only. So buy the book and enjoy the story. I was given this book in return for an honest review. Anna Swedenmom

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I loved Christi's last book, and thought it was the absolute best yet- but this one stretched to new heights! The story of Penelope and Ryker is fabulous! I found Ryker to be a hero with the silver lining. Not only is he a great hero- but he really figured out how to love - and live!

There was so much depth to the characters in this book. Just when you had them figured out - the last 1/4 of the book proved you still had a lot to discover.

I laughed throughout the book. At one time my husband came into the room and asked what I was watching. I told him I was reading, and I kept laughing- with tears. Penelope was written with such wit.

And then, good heavens, I began to cry! I cried so hard when a situation happened towards the end. (I won't describe what happened for everyone that NEEDS ago read this book.) It wasn't so much over the incident - we know there is a HEA. But tears spilled because of the way Christi Caldwell described the reactions and emotions of key characters- Niall, Ryker, the Dowager Countess and Jonathan. She has an uncanny ability to move you into the room and be with the characters in their worst and best moments.

I was not a fan of the Dowager Duchess but Christi made her more likable--and more relatable to me-- a totally different side to her.

I loved Jonathan and Juliet's story, but this book three a different light on Penelope's brother and transported Jonathan to become so much more- and he was good to start with! Could there even be two heroes in a book? I guess not.

I will be excited to read Poppy's story. She is bound to be hilarious and full of fun.

This book is a winner. Loved ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Sinful Bride series is a raw and emotional journey into the underbelly of Regency England. As we step into this dangerous land of the forgotten, abused and discarded, we begin to see men and women of incomparable strength ,who blazed their own path in life despite the cruelties of their conditions.

The Tidemore family is a true oddity in the Ton world. They are a family who love each other above are else. A family who allowes cheer and happiness invade all areas of their life, despite the Ton's unspoken rule on what makes a proper family. The Tidemore's refusal to bend to the will of the Society have forced this family to live within its fringes.

Penelope Tidemore always dreamed of living a grand adventure away from the strict rules of Society. Her older siblings refusal play the Ton's games, has left the reputation of the Tidemore's in tatters. Penelope believes it is her responsibility to repair her family's reputation by being all things proper. She stifles all her dreams and desires in order to be accepted by the Ton. However, the Ton is a cruel and unforgiven place and instead of welcoming Penelope with open arms, she is welcomed with rumors and vicious whispers.

Penelope's hopes for the Season are ruined when she is found in the arms of a notorious gaming hell owner, Ryker Black. Ryker is the illegitimate son a Duke, who grew up on the streets of St. Giles doing anything to survive. This latest scandal leaves little option for these two and they are forced to wed in order to save what they love most.

Ryker has lead a well ordered life. He has suffered horrors no child should endure. He crawled and scratched his way from the gutter to the top. His marriage to Penelope throws his carefully constructed world into chaos.

Ryker soon learns that Penelope is not some spoiled pampered miss, but is a women who has suffered her own loss and pain. As the two spend more time together, Ryker begins to let Penelope in. The more Ryker gives in the harder he pushes back and Penelope struggles to find her footing in this new world.

I loved finally getting to know Ryker and his brothers. These are strong yet vulnerable man. They have been forced to grow up at a far to young age, but still harbor the shame and guilt of their choices behind gruff exterior. Ryker was so scared to let anyone in, that when Penelope finally broke through it was amazing to see.

Penelope also went through so much growth in this book. She had buried who she was under the weight of Society's expectation that once she was out of that world, she truly started to develop into the strong Tidemore women we new she was. I love how she took responsibility for her actions and dealt with the consequences head on and refused to let her family intervene.

Ms. Caldwell has crafted yet another amazing story in this series. As she opens the door to the other side of England, we begin to fall in love with the people who learn to blaze their own path in life and refuse to bow to the demands society places on them.

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Really enjoyed this story. Christ Caldwell never disappoints. The characters are very engaging and easy to warm too. Even Ryker, a man made hard by a difficult childhood., but his transformation i s beleiveable and sincere. No gushiness, but a gradual realisation that he has to be willing to change. Of course, our heroine loves him just as he is, but this is described so well. Enough spice to make you dream of a man like Ryker! A really engaging read and can thoroughly recommend it.

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I can't believe I doubted Christi Caldwell's ability to make the cold, unfeeling Ryker Black into a romantic hero. For I truly did - I looked back at my review of the previous book, and this is what I said: "I am a bit wary of reading a book with Helena's brother as the hero. I guess we will see when the time comes how much redemption can be done." I am sorry, Christi, and I am also brilliantly happy that I was wrong!

Ryker Black is hardened from a life of blood, crime, and no love. Surrounding himself with his brothers but refusing to let anyone beyond the walls of his heart, he lives day by day for his security and that of his gaming hell. But he didn't plan on Lady Penelope Tidesmore, and when she comes blazing into his life after a mishap at a ball, those walls which have kept him controlled for so long gradually begin to crumble. Penelope had her heart set on respectability, but one mistake at a ball leaves her with no choice but to marry a scoundrel like Ryker. It doesn't take her long to see the possibilities, though, and she sees Ryker and his makeshift family as a challenge she is determined to meet.

It is fitting that this book is released on Valentine's Day, because it truly is a masterpiece of romantic literature. There is such depth in both characters that one minute you think you know all there is to know about them, and the next you are blown away by that extra layer you never knew was there. Given that Ryker had been introduced as an unfeeling jerk in the previous book, I was pleasantly surprised to find that he really is just very guarded. Never knowing love, he can't even recognize it anymore, and emotions are only a display of weakness. That is why it was so beautiful to see the way Penelope allowed his true character to blossom, and I fell in love with him right alongside Penelope. She was a gem herself, never allowing the cruelty of others to make her become cruel herself. Ultimately, in the end, her kindness and selflessness showed in an amazing way. If only we all could be a little more like Penelope.

The ending is fantastic, so if you're on the fence about finishing the book, you need to rethink that. It was magical, truly one of the most romantic scenes I have read in a long time. Christi Caldwell has proven to be incapable of producing a bad book. I have yet to read one book of hers I did not like. All I can say is, if you haven't read her books yet, you are missing out.

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I do not know how to put into words how in love I am with this book and these characters. I didn't think it was possible for me to fall head over heals again! I am completely enamored with this book....this series. It has just the right amount of angst and passion. Ryker was so impenetrable I found myself wanting to crack his code myself. I absolutely loved the pairing of Penelope and Ryker...who would have thought this spunky Miss could tame this savage beast? I utterly and thoroughly loved the heart of these characters. I am heartbroken to see the story end. But I am hopeful and looking forward to seeing Ryker's brothers' stories. Please tell me it is in the works. My heart can't take the wait.

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I loved this book. The author easily transports you back to the 1800s England. A young woman named Penelope has had her Coming Out. Although her family has a history of scandals with her two older sisters (and her brother) she is has made a goal to be everything Society in the ton expects, yet the gossips dont let up. She decides to escape the Ball she was so excited to attend and gets startled while hiding in the garden. She didn't expect to meet Ryker Black even though it's his sister's Ball.
Ryker Black is the owner of a scandalous Gaming Hell. His reputation is riddled with truths (and rumors) but one of the scariest is that he is a killer. He does not like the Society Lords & Ladies and only attended the Ball to squelch the rumor that his brother inlaw doesn't like him.... but the reason Ryker also holds a title given to him by the King was his saving of the brother inlaw. Ryker has enemies everywhere and his Arch Rival's successor wants him hurt or dead, which makes him very cautious and on the edge.
When he finds Penelope hiding he immediately thinks she's there sent by his enemy, but when other attendees of the Ball discover them together in a compromising position she reputation is ruined. It also scares the Lords away from his business. The only way he can make it right by her is marriage and it will also hopefully save his Gaming Hell.
This book is filled with intrigue, humor, romance and the characters are well developed and easy to like. You get to watch them grow and cant help but root for them. The author's descriptions easily paint a picture in your mind. I could not put it down and will look for more books by her.

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This was a fairly typical society v not society historical romance. There really wasn't anything that made it stand out in my mind. It very much wasn't BAD, but it wasn't stellar either.

Penny is a typical societal lady, with one exception- her family is scandal laden and she's determined to not follow in their footsteps. She decides to repress her personality and be the perfect society miss and not cause any scandals at all. At her very first ball she tears a flounce on her dress and starts the spiral of scandal she was determined to avoid. Hiding in the garden to escape being labeled a scandal she encounters Ryker Black, a gaming hell owner turned accidental lord. He mistakes her (in some weird paranoid mindset) for an agent of his nemesis and they are caught in a compromising situation. In order to save Penny's reputation and the reputation of Ryker's hell they must wed. Neither wants the union, but only Penny is determined to make it work.

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I enjoyed visiting the characters again in this book. The fun diary entries at the start of each chapter was entertaining. I liked the young Penny thoughts. The Tidemore's go through another scandel. Can't this family catch a break? This was one of my favorite reads so far. Can't wait for more. You will love getting to know the character, as I have.

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Great cover! That alone made me want to read the book! Penelope was a great female lead. Love a funny and feisty female! The timeline was a little too short for me--wish there was more plot development and character interaction to make the falling in love more believable.

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Seems a bit hypocritical of her brother.

Diaries are sacred! I hope she found a better hiding place for it.

Don't be a bastard, Ryker. It's not Helena's fault she fell in love with one of the hoity-toity.

You tell 'em, girl.

Ugh, this is not her fault! He's the one who pulled her out of her respectable hiding spot and proceeded to manhandle her.

Your brother is playing you like a fiddle, dude.

This is more like a funeral than a wedding.

Her eight-year-old idea of a wedding feast sounds yummy.

Well that shut her up.

What did she think went on in a gaming hell? She's the one who thought it would be a grand romantic adventure to visit one.

Poor man. Lots of men from the streets of that time couldn't read. Not many could say they ran a successful business, though.

We've always had rock candy in my house. I've never thought of it as being a luxury item.

That bastard! I'm glad he's dead.

Who is this Fezzimore she was always writing to as a child?

Pedophiles belong in the darkest circle of hell.

Niall is definitely working for the enemy.

Don't mess with your husband's man-cave.

Why would the women want to continue their prostitution, I'll never understand.

That was a mean trick. I was convinced he was sending her away.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have read many Christi Caldwell novels, and have enjoyed them all. Ms. Caldwell has a style of writing I thoroughly enjoy. The way she alternates between different characters viewpoints really brings her stories to life for me. The plot for The Scoundrel’s Honor is not a new one. The hero and heroine are polar opposites in every way. From their upbringings and life experiences to their personalities, they couldn't have less in common. Lady Penelope Tidemore is eighteen and in her first season. Lady Penelope, Penny, comes from a large, slightly scandalous, but very loving family. She is intelligent, spirited, and lovely. Penny has kept a journal for the past decade, and the excerpts are both insightful and delightful. Mr. Ryker Black, also known as viscount Chatham, as well as Mr. Banbury, is a very unapproachable individual. He’s had to be, as displaying emotions in Mr. Black’s world is considered a potentially deadly weakness. Ryker has been raised on the streets of St Giles and stories of his childhood are very disturbing. He fought his way to being the owner of The Hell and Sin gaming club, bringing with him the ‘family’ he created for himself on the streets. Ryker is determined, loyal, and initially unable to feel emotion. Reading how Penny and Ryker move through a forced marriage to their HEA is quite the adventure and very entertaining. I can’t wait for the next book in this series!

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'The Scoundrel's Honor' by Christi Caldwell is book Two in the "Sinful Brides" series. This is the story of Lady Penelope Tidemore and Viscount Ryker Black. This can be a standalone book but Penny and Black do appear in other books (they meet in this book) as secondary characters. Penny is part of the Tidemore family that you can read in these books if you choose to do so;
" Always a Rogue, Forever Her Love (Scandalous Seasons Book 4)" is where Penny family is introduced...this is Penny's brother Sin's story. Penelope Tidemore story is in "A Marquess for Christmas (Scandalous Season Book 5)", Prudence Tidemore story is told in the book, "Captivated by a Lady's Charm (Lords of Honor Book 2)" which I haven't read yet...Poppy's Story is not out yet as of this review date of Jan 2017. We meet Black in "The Rogue's Wager (Sinful Brides #1) which is his sister Helena's story.
Penny knows the history of how her brother and sisters were married..which were all a scandal about town. This is her debut and she knows she got this...there will be no scandal drawn with her name. But somehow that isn't what happen...history is repeating itself. Black has a Gambling Hall that is very scandalous and dangerous. Black was given a honorary title for deed he did. But as the bastard son of a Duke he was never really acknowledge by him or the he doesn't wish to be a part of the 'town'. But his sister talks him into going to her ball to show a united front between her family and her husbands family. Black thinks he has to put in just a hour or two but he finds that sometimes plans don't go the way you think. Penny is hiding in the garden after her awful gossip about her and her family when she see Black meeting a man. She hides because she heard a lot of bad things about him. But he happens to see her hiding and pulls her out thinking she is a spy for a rival Gambling hall. Which they are caught alone by the people at the ball it appears Penny is ruined just as her former family which had been caught in a scandal.
But will Black do the right thing?
I could not put this book down! I had to see it to the end as with all Ms. Caldwell's book!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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To quote Robert Palmer, I might as well face it, I’m addicted to love. And Christi Caldwell’s books feed my addiction. #2 in her Sinful Brides series, The Scoundrel’s Honor, is an emotionally stirring, character driven romance. You can’t help but fall in love with Christi’s stories. They do more than make you swoon. They welcome you into a wonderful new world where the possibilities for love are endless.

In a world where women had little control, Lady Penelope Tidemore’s reputation was something she would control. After the scandals left by her siblings, society would be watching her. “It was essential to be everything and all things proper. All the time.” Penelope longed to attend the balls and soirees, and find love and an honorable husband. So she was thrilled to finally have her chance. The Duke and Duchess of Somerset’s ball would be the event of the season, and the most memorable night of her life.
Ryker Black, Viscount Chatham, brother of the Duchess of Somerset and bastard son of the Duke of Wilkinson, was raised on the streets. As the proprietor of the most notorious gaming hell in London, The Hell and Sin, his only need for the peerage was the coin they tossed down at his tables. When his sister comes to him requesting he attend her ball to prove to the ton they are a family united, Ryker is more than hesitant. His sister was asking him to step out of the only world he’d ever known and enter hers. But he had survived life on the streets. Surely he could survive a ball.
Penelope was disappointed in her first ball. The gossips all pointed at her and clustered together whispering their catty remarks. In search of some breathing space from the hateful throng, Penelope ventured into the gardens. A clumsy mistake leaves her dress ruined so when she hears someone approaching, she immediately hides. Ryker, entering the gardens to escape the oppressive crowds, spies someone hiding. Perceiving this person to be a threat, he drags her out, rolling on the ground with her to search for a weapon. And of course, they are caught by the ton. The night did prove memorable, just not for the reasons Penelope had hoped.
It didn’t take long for the scandal to hit the gossip rags. In one fell swoop, Penelope, who had pledged to be a proper lady, found herself at the center of scandal. If she didn’t marry Ryker, she would not only be ruined, but would ruin any chances for her younger sister to make a match as well. This man was no gentleman she’d dreamed of, but she’d forfeited her right to dream. Thanks to the papers, patronage was down at the Hell and Sin in protest of Ryker’s actions. The Hell and Sin and the people it employed mattered more to Ryker than anything else. Marrying a daughter of the ton might make the hell more reputable. “The last thing Ryker wanted, needed, or would ever do, was marry a pampered societal lady.” But Penelope was in danger now. Killoran, the successor of Ryker’s former enemy, was out for revenge, and thanks to the papers, Penelope’s name was now linked to his.
And so Ryker and Penelope, strangers in every sense of the word, found themselves married and living in the Hell and Sin. Penelope thought Ryker had no understanding of proper behavior. He was harsh and unfeeling. In spite of his battle scars and harshness though, there was a primitive beauty to him. He was primitively dangerous and sinfully handsome at the same time. Ryker first noticed Penelope’s tendency to fill voids of silence with endless prattling. Her open emotions unsettled him. But she challenged him and didn’t cower. Everyone feared Ryker. But Penelope didn’t. He had no respect for the peerage but he liked Penelope’s pluck. For the first time in his life, a lady of the ton rose in his estimation.
By the way Penelope’s eyes glimmered when she saw the hell, Ryker knew she would be trouble. She talked of outrageous changes and reform. Ryker knew she’d be the death of his business. He’d be damned if he’d relinquish his club and his strength for any woman. Even the one he was forever bound to. He’d planned to closet Penelope away in the hell while he carried on with his usual routine, but this was Penelope’s home now. She’d not be shut away. In true Penelope fashion, she challenged Ryker. And it stirred an inexplicable hunger in him that defied sense and logic. So he kissed her. A powerful kiss that threatened to set Penelope on fire. Ryker felt desire. Wicked and shameful. It felt right. He wanted her with a ferocity that rivaled any sentiments he’d felt for other women. And so they quenched that hunger. Ryker made Penelope’s body feel alive in ways she’d never thought possible. And Ryker had never felt this mindless surrender with any woman. But he had long ago learned the perils of life, and he wouldn’t weaken himself by opening his heart to anyone.

I love romances when you can see how perfect the hero and heroine are for each other even if they haven’t quite caught on yet. Penelope and Ryker’s journey to a happily ever after was at times comical and at times tender. I loved how they moved from barely tolerating one another to becoming someone each admired, then friends, then lovers. Penelope was so quick witted and I enjoyed watching her knock down the walls Ryker had built around himself. As with all of Christi Caldwell’s books, this one is filled with a vibrant setting, loveable characters, and a fast-paced, sensual plot. I’ve read both books in this series and they just keep getting better. I can’t wait to see what Sinful Bride is next! A Book Obsessed Chicks Review Team Selection.

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After reading The Rogue's Wager, the first book in this series, I couldn't wait to get Ryker's story as he seemed very dark, brooding, and alluring. In this book we are introduced to Penelope Tidemore, who comes from a somewhat scandalous family, as she is being introduced into society. By chance, she is caught in the gardens during a ball in a compromising position with the scandalous owner of a gaming hell and bastard son of a Duke, Ryker Black. The two must decide how to handle the scandal and what they will do to protect what is most important to them. The question is can such a closed off man as Ryker, be compatible with a romantic like Penelope? While I enjoyed the book, I was a little disappointed that the book didn't have a darker tone (closer to the first book in the series), which might have made the book more impactful emotionally.

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a beautiful, well-written story. I really love this Christi Caldwell and haven't read a bad book from her yet. I really liked that there wasn't an immediate attraction between the main characters. It made the story seem more realistic and believable. When they finally did get together, it made more sense because they got to know each other over a period of time and the relationship between them seemed more genuine because of that. Once they started warming up to each other, the tension between Ryker and Penelope was so thick you could cut it with a knife and that's what made this story so delicious. It was enjoyable to read their conflicting emotions for each other but it was rewarding watching them work through it. The story had the perfect amount of romance and tension. It was enjoyable to see two very different people find common ground and find happily ever after in each other.

My review is live on Goodreads and I will also post my review on Amazon the day the book is released.

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Penelope Tidemore wanted to break free of the family tradition of scandalous behaviour as started by her 3 older siblings. She, the unruly girl with the big romantic dreams of her future and the bane of seven governesses, had decided to be the first proper Tidemore of her generation. Propriety unfortunately had other plans, and she soon found herself on the ground, in a state of disarray and body-searched by the barely civilised Mr. Ryker Black, otherwise known as Lord Chatham and the owner of an infamous gaming hell. A product of the gutter and the illegitimate by-product of a duke, he overcame his own hell on the rough streets of London to rise to the top of the foodchain. However, his ferocious survival skills did not allow him to escape marriage to Penelope after being caught in the compromising position with the lady. Reluctantly saddled with this very young and innocent bride, he intended to continue on as he had hitherto, never expecting the slip of a girl to stand up to him when tough,big blokes had faltered under his menacing gaze. And so Penny the Dreamer gradually infiltrates his life and heart and chases away the nightmares of his past. Solidly written as I have come to expect of this author, it's lovely to catch up with her siblings who have featured in other books.

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A very good installment in the Tidemark series that also links to an earlier series. Penelope is hard to resist and ver engaging in her desire to be proper. The dynamics between the classes is front and center and unfolds in an intriguing story.

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The series continues with more of the family of ragtag misfits of the gaming hell. I really liked the first story in this series and I loved this story. What I loved so much about the first story and set up for the series is the family aspect of the four men and one woman whose loyalty to each other is above all else. At first Ryker and Penelope do not seem to be anywhere near a good match but are actually a perfect complement to each other. The conversations and interactions between Ryker and Penelope are beautifully written. With their continuing conversations comes the realization that you should not try to change others but accept who they are and help them in any way they need. I devoured this book and cannot wait to read the stories of the other family members. Great series.

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