Member Reviews

Despite the gripping premise the novel did not live up to expectations. I felt the suspense element dwindled too quickly. The writing is straightforward, so it's easy to read, but I did not like the swearing.

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Beck starts off super strong with an opening that would hook any lover of the thriller genre. Character development also was super strong in the first few chapters of the book. I honestly may not have liked the book so much if wasn't for those two things.

Very fast pace and it never really slows down. Most readers will probably love that as it adds to the thrill of the reading experience. The only thing holding me back from liking this more is there really is NO mystery. You know 100% right away who is at fault and can pretty quickly guess the reasoning. So the only mystery really is will they find the kids. Which again, a lot of readers will love. But for me it took away from the experience I love while reading books like this, which is trying to decide who did what and their motives.

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“Here and Gone” by Haylen Beck is a nail-biting thriller that grabs you from the start and never lets go.
Audra Kinney is a less than perfect mother to two children, Sean and Louise. She is fleeing her abusive husband, an overbearing mother-in-law, and child protective services. On a lonely highway in Arizona, she is pulled over by a small-town sheriff, and things will never be the same again. Everyone is scared, even the sheriff. Something isn’t right, even though the officers and their mother had said it would be. As they drive away in the back of the police car, even the children know.
Louise reached across the seat, her small hand taking his. “Don’t cry,” she said.
“Everything’s going to be all right. They told us.” But Sean knew they lied.

As the police car pulls up to the station, Audra exclaims,
“I’ve been cooperative. Please tell me where my children are.”
“What children?” the sheriff asks.
And, so it begins.
The scenario is played out like a TV cop drama: the missing kids, the denying mom, the accusing cops, but this is different, very different. The truth is not forthcoming, and the results are not predictable. Everything is wrong. Whom do we believe?
“You’re a former addict running from Children’s Services.
How much do you think your word means against theirs?”

The stress-level increases as the FBI, the media, and the family try to sort out the situation while Audra sits in jail. And then, a new participant arrives on the scene.
It is not an “easy” book to read, but it does have lighter moments.
When all else fails …” She’s bringing up some coffee. And cake.”
Danny shrugged and sat down. “Well, if there’s cake.’”

This is very different book. It is a tale of captivity, suspense, and unspeakable cruelty that leads from the city to the desert and right to the dark web. Everyone is damaged, some more than others. The body count grows, and the tension in unbelievable. It is incredibly compelling and frightening at the same time. And when it ends, it does not end well for everyone.
Crown Publishing, Haylen Beck, and NetGalley gave me the opportunity to read and review this book, and I enjoyed every nail-biting minute. Thank you.

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Date Posted: 6/2/2017

Audra and her kids, Sean and Louise, are fleeing NY and are on their way to CA. The journey hasn’t been easy, but they are almost there. That is until their world is turned upside down when Sheriff Whiteside pulls them over and an unspeakable nightmare is about to begin.

Audra approached the bars, put her hands on them. She looked Whiteside in the eye, inches away, on the other side.
“Please,” she said, unable to keep the quiver from her voice. “I’ve done everything you said. I’ve been cooperative. Please tell me where my children are.”
Whiteside held her gaze.
“What children?” he asked.

The opening chapters of this book are fantastic! It grabbed my attention and my mind started churning, wondering where this story would go. This is a frightening, dark, sinister story. The premise of the story is unthinkable, imagine your child being taken away by someone who is sworn to protect you. How do you make everyone believe that you had nothing to do with it? This story is primarily told from the perspective of Audra, but there are a handful of chapters told from the perspective of Sean (Audra’s son) and Sheriff Whiteside. I always enjoy getting multiple perspectives because I think it adds another dimension to any book.

I enjoyed seeing the transformation of Audra. She left her abusive husband only to find herself in an impossible situation. I found myself pulling for her, encouraging her not to give up, and to make those around her listen to her. She is the epitome of why one should never give up and how far a mother would go for her child.

I enjoyed this book, but felt it was missing something, so I’m unable to give it a full 5 stars. Maybe it was due to the fact that it was missing a true mystery element. We were given all the information needed and knew exactly what was going on. Either way it is a great story that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.

Thank you NetGalley, Crown, and Haylen Beck for the opportunity to read and review this book for my honest opinion.

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Oh dear goodness....maybe I should have waited for my heart rate to return to normal before attempting to write a review. Do not start this book unless you have plenty of time to sit right there and finish will not want to put it down. If you are a parent, it will absolutely cut you to your core, touching on almost every fear a parent has for their children. If you don't have kids, you will still relate to the protagonist, Audra, as she attempts to rebuild her life after a failed marriage. Although this is a bit cliche, this book is roller coaster, an absolute thrill ride. Buckle up.

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I was graciously allowed by Netgalley to read this book prior to its release in exchange for a fair review. I loved the book and couldn’t put it down, but the premise is terrifying. Audra and her two young children, Sean and Louise, are driving to California to get away from her abusive husband. Then in Arizona she’s pulled over by a sheriff saying her car is overloaded. He takes her into custody and she thinks a female law enforcement officer has her children in her care. But the sheriff later says she didn’t have any children in the car with her. Who is right? How does Audra get her precious children back? Or does she?

When you pick up this novel, clear your schedule because you won’t be able to stop reading until you finish. Beck’s writing is spot on, the character profiles are dynamic and you can almost feel the Arizona heat. You won’t be disappointed if you buy this thriller. I can’t wait for Beck to write another. As it turns out Haylen Beck is the pen name for crime thriller author Stuart Neville who I now need to read.

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I really enjoyed the first half of the novel Here and Gone. I began to lose interest halfway through. I did not find the story very suspenseful, and that took away some of the enjoyment. I liked the resolution of the novel, and I would recommend.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley, Crown Publishing and Haylen Beck for the opportunity to read and review this book!

This was a great fast-paced thriller - another book that I just couldn't put down until I finished it. Audra is on the run from New York and an abusive husband to a new start in California with her two small children. She is pulled over by a sheriff in a small Arizona town and discovered to have marijuana in one of her boxes in the car. The sheriff arrests her, calling in a deputy to take the children to a safe place. While she is being processed into jail and asks about her children, the response is "What children?" The nightmare begins.

Audra has a history of drug and alcohol abuse. She left New York while being investigated by Child Protective Services. So when she tells the investigators that the sheriff and his deputy took her children, no one believes her. She even begins to doubt her own sanity.

This is a very suspenseful book, made more so by the scary reality of events. Highly recommended for a thrill ride!

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This book was awesome. Just when you thought you knew what was going to happen, there was always a twist!

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Predictable read and disappointing in a formulaic fashion that leaves the reader unsatified and left wanting more. The plot was good enough but the heroine acted strong one minute and then dumb and helpless in the next. The supporting characters acted in an unrealistic way leaving the impression the author just couldn't get inside each character enough to really make them more than ideas on a notepad.

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Here and Gone by Haylen Beck (3 Stars)

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in return for an honest review.

Audra leaves her abusive husband is driving cross-country with her two children, Sean and Louise. In a small town in Arizona, she’s stopped by the sheriff, arrested, and then her children disappear. The storyline is intense, but something seemed to be lacking. Perhaps it was that we knew all along where the children were. There was no suspense or thrilling moments.

Another part of the story I really didn’t care for was Audra’s past. For the first 10 years of her Sean’s life, she was an alcoholic who suffered from blackouts. She couldn’t remember how old Louise was. It just seemed a little farfetched. I realize it was done to make the point that no one would believe her story, but it was still a little too out there. She could have been June Cleaver and no one would believe her because of the planted evidence.

The storyline of child trafficking is quite intense and dark on its own, and the e-mails from the traffickers was quite unsettling. The ending was formulaic, and I could predict exactly what happened. All in all, not a bad book, but I really hoped for more.

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A mother whose young kids are stolen from her, a corrupt sheriff and his deputy, a gang member turned vigilante, and traffickers on the dark web make this TENSE, ACTION-PACKED NAIL-BITER a one-sitting read, but it just as easily can be read in spurts without forgetting a thing. (Love that, because often times that thing called "life" interferes. ;))

Readers seeking A HIGHLY SUSPENSEFUL THRILL RIDE should grab this book that is planned to become a feature film (yes!).

Great thanks to NetGalley and Crown for the advanced reading copy.

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Here and Gone by Haylen Beck is a fast paced page turner which at times has the reader on the edge of their seat. Although Mr Beck brought Here and Gone to a satisfactory closing I wish there had been more. Looking forward to reading more by this author. I was given an early copy to review.

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After reading just a few sentences of the description for "Here and Gone", I knew it was a book I wanted to read. The plot sounded intriguing and I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy it.

I was right. After reading only a few pages I was totally engrossed in this story. It was INTENSE.

The book opens as Audra Kinney and her two children are driving through Arizona on their way to California. The land is so beautiful that she can almost pretend they're sightseeing. But this is no pleasure trip. The farther away she gets from New York and her abusive husband the better. Traveling with her eleven-year-old son, Sean and three-year-old daughter, Louise, she keeps her eye out for any law-enforcement vehicles. Audra's not sure if they are looking for her yet but she doesn't want to take chances.

If only she hadn't had to run.

Technically she hadn't had to run....yet. Waiting to see what the courts decided in regards to custody of her children. But in the end she just couldn't wait. She packed up and headed for safety in California.

It's only five more miles to a motel where they can stop for the night. A good night sleep and a shower is all Audra wants. But when she looks in her rear-view mirror her heart jumps into her throat. A police cruiser is behind her. She hopes he just wants to pass her but those hopes are dashed when he flashes his lights and indicates that she should pull over. It's the local sheriff. What starts as a routine stop ends up with Audra being taken into custody.

The Sheriff calls a female officer to come and take care of the children. I could feel Audra's panic, the children's panic.....what is going on? As Audra was trying to calm herself by taking deep breaths, I found myself doing the same.

The story is told from multiple points of view. We hear from Audra's son, Sean. This kid was impressive. Sean is eleven years old but wise beyond his years. When the Sheriff puts his mom in the back of the cop car, Sean tries to keep it together for his little sister. But when the Sheriff tells him everything is going to be alright....Sean just doesn't believe him. He sees something in the sheriff's eyes when he looks at him and Louise, something that terrifies him.

There are also emails and reports in between chapters. These add more to the story and give readers an idea of where things are heading.

Audra feels helpless and alone, but she knows she has to be strong for her children. We learn more about her past and just how diabolical her husband is. But she may not be as alone as she thinks. Across the country someone sees the TV coverage about Audra and her missing children. Something similar happened in their own past which makes them want to reach out to help.

I really liked the authors writing style and the plot kept me in suspense the entire time. The characters were very well written and I liked the pace of the book. Some of the content can be very difficult to read. It's dark and disturbing, but I felt that the author handled it well and didn't overdo it with too much detail.

Here and Gone was the kind of book that had me thinking about it even when I wasn't reading it.

A thrilling and compelling read, that I highly recommend. I look forward to reading more from Haylen Beck.

Thank you NetGalley and Crown publishing, for providing an advanced readers copy of this book for me to read in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed this book all the way to the end. I'm assuming by the way it didn't finish a storyline, there will be a second! Quick read, kept my attention and I would rate it a 3.4!

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to preview Here and Gone by Haylen Beck. A young mom, running from an abusive relationship, is stopped by a sherriff while she is on her way to California. Something seems wrong, and she knows she needs to comply with the officer's request, but needs to get away from this situation. The policeman finds some pot and she is being arrested. Audra is also traveling with her two young children and she begs the officer to make sure they are safe. The situation begins to unravel when she asks the officer about her kids, and he replies "what kids".
This is a nail biting thriller that I could not put down. Never underestimate a mother's love for her children.
Beck is descriptive in the locale, deep character development, and plot. One of my favorite books so far this year. Recommend.

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Audra and her two children are fleeing an abusive relationship. She is leaving New York for California to start a new life. But when Audra approaches a small Arizona town, her nightmare truly begins. The local sheriff stops her car for a seemingly minor traffic violation that metastasizes into far more serious charges. A deputy takes Audra’s children to a safe place while she is being “processed” by the corrupt sheriff.

Growing more frantic because she is separated from her kids and facing jail time, Audra keeps asking for children. Where are they? Can she see them? After prolonged questioning by the sheriff he replies – What children?

This is the point in the thriller that I abandoned a well-planned day to sit and read the whole book. I needed to know what happens to Audra, will her children be found safe, who will believe Audra, and will the evildoers get away with it. Usually I skip books with endangered children, but this one was so compelling because of the characters and setting, I needed to read on. It was quite the thriller!

Highly recommended. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing the opportunity to review this book.

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I do not have a review as I do not post my reviews on my below links if they are two stars or under. I feel this is not fair to the author as others might find the book a better fit for them. Please keep me in mind for future books. There have been others from you that I have thoroughly enjoyed.

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Here and Gone starts out strong as the author wastes no time in building up the suspense when Audra and her two children are pulled over by a police officer who is the walking definition of machismo. While the initial events were not of any surprise since they are described in the book's synopsis, I was excited at the author's ability to create such serious tension in a matter of minutes.

My attention fizzled about a quarter of the way through after the chapters began to switch narrators, many of which included Audra's son. Knowing where the two kids were and what was happening to them seriously caused any initial suspense to dwindle quickly and I found the overall premise to be too Quentin Tarantino-eque to rekindle my interest. I prefer my thrillers to maintain a level of secrecy that Here and Gone unfortunately lacked.

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This book was quite harrowing, and had my nerves all over the place as I read it and became invested in the lives of all involved.

From the very beginning, I was scared for this family--the opening scene has Audra driving through arid desert with few inhabitants, looking over her shoulder at every turn. Surely enough, as we know it will, the worst happens. I couldn't put this one down--it sickened me and I was desperately anxious to reach the end and have good things happen to these characters.

This wasn't particularly a mystery novel as we knew throughout what had happened, how it had happened, and why. Nonetheless, I felt compelled to race through this book to find out what would ultimately occur.

Underneath the ultimate plot of kids disappearing, there were some interesting tropes. Abuse was handled well in this book, and Audra's background with her husband was sickening. A lady who she stays with plays a role I did not expect and had a fascinating personality.

I felt like Danny, the man mentioned in the blurb, was kind of unnecessary. I wish he hadn't existed or that he'd been better worked into the plot. Though this is not at all a romance, it felt very much like a knight-in-shining-armour trope. His background was interesting to read about though, and I would have enjoyed more of him instead of less.

There were two children who I felt received the unfortunate end of the stick and I would have liked to have seen this resolved; however, this might have been out of the scope of the book so I can understand why their ultimate fates weren't included.

Overall, this was a really engaging read that I recommend quite highly.

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