Member Reviews

It's not the premise that needed any work. Zombie killing F/F pair in a steampunk setting? Nice. It was the er-- execution, if you will. It read like a first foray into writing because the concept of 'show don't tell' was nowhere to be seen. I think that's a big reason the romance didn't land. Being told 'they kissed passionately' is so much different than being shown grabbing hands and gasping breath.

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Although it had a strong start, it felt like the story just sort of sloughed off all the quirky elements about halfway through, squandering a lot of its potential in the process. What's left is a decent period-era horror story, but it could have been much more.

Billie is an interesting character, a kick-butt heroine who is completely unnerved by her first zombie encounter, but she's somewhat overshadowed by Callie, the older, more sophisticated woman with more personality and more of a back story. Their romance is sweetly awkward, but a little too convenient to ring true.

The story opens with a lot of steampunk goodness, including Billie's robotic hand, airships, and more, but all of that is forgotten by the end. In fact, the best weapon in the book is a hooked chain, which is about as homespun basic as it gets. The zombies are probably the best part of the book, fast, violent, hungry monsters with a dangerous secret. It was a fun read, something to be breezed through in a single sitting, I just wish the steampunk quirks had been maintained.

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2 1/2 Stars. I enjoyed the setting of this book, 1876 London with a steampunk twist. Unfortunately, while the beginning caught my attention, the rest of this novella fizzled out for me.

I'm a big zombie fan. Add in lesfic, and this novella easily grabbed my attention. I was hoping for a zombie horde taking over England kind of adventure, I don't want to spoil anything, but that is not what this is. After the first action scene, this book lost it's excitement/action feel.

I understand that this is a short, but the romance really did not work for me. I did not feel any chemistry at all, and the characters went from barely talking to in love.

The was a little twist that would have been better, if the character would have been more developed. I didn't really care enough about them to be too wowed by it. I did like the variety of weapons used to fight the zombies. The chain especially was different and well imagined.

There is one small editing issue, towards the end of the book, where the wrong pronouns are used. I hope it can be fixed before this book is released.

This short had potential, but didn't quite meet my expectations. I applaud Dent on her setting, but can't really recommend this.

An ARC was given to me from LT3P, for a honest review.

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