Member Reviews

It's to be applauded that Kirk and Anne Douglas have managed to stay happily married for over 60 years. That's no small feat in Hollywood. This book is an acknowledgement of their love and is touching in its sincerity. The letters sometimes grew a bit tiresome and yet it's somewhat astonishing in this age of e-mails and texts that so many people once wrote real letters! That's something future generations may never know. Their loss.
The real gems in this book are the little stories about Kirk and Anne's many famous friends. They share little tidbits that make the famous feel like the 'real people' that they are. It was fun to read about all those people - and sad to realize so many of them are already gone.
This book was an easy read and definitely an enjoyable one.

Excellent memoir. I really enjoyed reading about Kirk and Anne Douglas, particularly since I have been a fan of Kirk Douglas' since 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Amazing stories that ranged from ecstatic to sad, great pictures. This was an easy 5 stars to give.

My thanks to NetGalley, Running Press, and to Kirk and Anne Douglas for providing me with an advance reader copy of the book in Kindle form for review purposes. I've long been a fan of reading about the ever dwindling "Old Hollywood" stars and what their lives were/are like. Kirk Douglas, now over 100 and his wife Anne surely have one of the most enduring Hollywood marriages (63+ years), filled with many longstanding friendships with people in many industries and government. This book is filled with many of their memories in the form of pictures and letters, many of the letters written between them going back before they were even married. They both speak several languages and traveled to countless countries during their careers and vacations. They take turns sharing memories of different times and happenings as they go along, some good, a few bad and many funny. It's endearing and sweet, and I wanted them as part of my extended family before it was over. You just want it to keep going. It encouraged me to learn more about them, as many good books do, and I'm so impressed with all they accomplished. And all they are still doing by way of quietly continuing to do philanthropy their own way and donating millions to causes close to their hearts. Really enjoyed this story.

Quite an interesting read! The letters between Kirk and Anne did get pretty tedious not too long into the book. However, the insights that they both told about themselves and others in LaLa land were very interesting. They hung out with and knew quite a lot of the Hollywood elite. Of course, Kirk did turn 100 years old in 2016. I do remember him accepting an award after his stroke. I had no idea, though, that was the longest phrase he had spoken since then.
There is a lot of trivia for the buffs out there.
A touching memoir that I was glad I had the opportunity to read and review. Thanks, Perseus Books Group, Running Press and Net Galley.

Kirk Douglas is a Hollywood legend. He and his wife seem to have seem to have been around forever! Now in their 90s, this is a look back at their relationship over the years, based on the love letters that they sent to each other. There are lots of anecdotes about famous faces from times gone by and details about their early lives with some information about their children.
For a keen Hollywood fan of the 50s and 60s, it would probably be very interesting reading. For me, the pace was perhaps a little too steady and I became easily distracted.

"For those readers who worry that the world we live in is a mess, I hope you will see that every generation faces challenges. Somehow we get past them. "
These encouraging words of Kirk Douglas at the end of a wonderful book: the one written by him and his wife Anne thanks to the letters they shared together during these decades.
The book is implemented with memories, facts, anecdotes, pictures that simply you will love.
It's a moving and loving book and I can't help myself: I still have tears in my eyes.
Reading Kirk and Anne: Letters of love, laughter, and a lifetime spent in Hollywood by Kirk Douglas and her wife Anne will be an experience you won't never forget.
It's true: this book is a celebration of the life of Kirk Douglas, his 100 years, his 63 years with his wife Anne, a lot of children and life, a stroke and a book written by him: "A stroke of Life", for encouraging all the people affected by strokes, his philanthropy in various areas of the world, his political activism, but it is also the celebration to me of an entire generation of people thanks to this book.
Healthy values, strong feelings, people plenty of love, generosity, understanding. People who love to share their life with others because they know the meaning of misery, war and sacrifice and they know how precious the gift of life is for everyone. The approach with life very healthy.
Kirk and Anne tell very well with their life, their generation.
A strong man, Kirk Douglas.
Born very poor he has seen with his eyes a war, participating to it, he realized his American Dream thanks to his profession of actor but he hasn't never forgotten his humble past, his childhood and the lessons learned along his way.
The book is also terribly romantic, tender, real, sincere, and it reach the heart.
It's the genuine portrait of two enthusiastic beautiful people, Kirk and Anne Douglas.
A man and a woman who once fell in love.
It will be beautiful to read these letters and tales of the two protagonists. The trepidation of Anne, the final choice of Kirk.
During these decades the couple continued to write letters to each other.
At first Kirk and Anne loved to communicate via letter because by phone with the operator in the other part of the line they couldn't be free to express themselves and all their love.
Once married, I guess, because good habits shouldn't be forgotten and because maybe a letter implement, who knows? verbal and non verbal communication.
You won't find only their letters of love, appreciation, no.
There are also letters sent to various Presidents of the US, because as you will learn Kirk Douglas has always been very active politically, (he voted for Hillary Clinton in these past presidential elections). There are letters sent to various actors, I want to remember Billy Crystal and people in the movie industry in various different moments.
You have more than a sensation, a certainty reading this book: that Kirk Douglas and Anne Douglas do care for other people and during sad, difficult moments, when maybe most people would go away they love to stay close to their friends, letting know that they're there to them. It is remarkable and truly beauty.
I read touching letters sent to colleagues because they needed some encouragements, like it happened for the letter received by Downey Jr, or at friends seriously sick like John Wayne in a Boston's hospital.
Thanks to these letters and tales told us by Anne and Kirk Douglas we will enter in their environment, understanding much better the work of the actor and the one of the assistant, the realization of a movie, and discovering the friendship of this couple with the other icons of the time. Frank Sinatra another friend Kirk Douglas tell, "I miss a lot."
I found spectacular the anecdote of a dinner at the house of Douglas with Frank Sinatra and Henry Kissinger.
Being also a fan of Sinatra I know that The Voice loved to do little hours.
Anyway, the dinner ended up pretty soon, Kirk Douglas left the conversation for certain reasons. Frank Sinatra and Kissinger left the house of their friends.
At dawn a call, from the wife of Kirk Douglas at Sinatra: "Where is Kissinger?"
"He's here. We talked all the night."
"Tell him that the President wants to speak with him as soon as possible!"
The life of Kirk and Anne Douglas characterized by enthusiasm, love for life, generosity.
We mustn't in fact forget that Kirk Douglas have always donated a lot to various projects picked up carefully by his wife thanks to a foundation. Kirk Douglas at first as told was poor but in his family there was the idea that people in need hadn't to be left behind and there was the custom of putting aside some coins every time there was some money for this cause.
Once I remember someone told me this: "There is not another family more united than the Douglas in Hollywood." Now I understand why they told me this.
Kirk Douglas was not just a beautiful actor venerated by myriad of women, but he is also a wonderful human being.
He created a life with a profound sense for himself and his family with a lot of friends and good memories. Politically he actively visited many countries for understand the necessities of various populations in the world thanks to the initial involvement wanted by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and continued also with the other Presidents.
He helped and help with his foundation many other people in the USA and in the world strong of the idea that an actor, with the power that bring with him mustn't live his life in passivity, but must tell to the masses what it is going on, an illness, a joy, because helpful for everyone.
This couple is a great example for all of us also because their life very well spent together and because they know the meaning of family, friendship, generosity, love, appreciation, dedication.
The book will be available from 02/17.
I thank NetGalley and Perseus Book !

I thought from reading the description that this book would simply be a collection of letters. I was delighted to find that it is so much more! Think of it as a joint memoir with letters included. Starting out with a chapter about both childhoods, it continues with a chapter on their courtship. The bulk of the book concerns the Douglas' married life.
The book is written in a delightful, almost conversational style as if Anne and Kirk were sitting talking to each other, remembering and sharing the letters. It's full of delightful letters, telegrams and notes not only between those two but from and to many others.
Several things come out in the book. First, what a formidable and intelligent lady Anne Douglas is. Second, Kirk Douglas' great courtesy and gentlemanliness comes through.
I loved this memory-filled book.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I knew many things about Kirk Douglas and learned much more, but I knew very little about Anne. I loved the intimacy shared in the letters and the narrative in between. Clearly a great love story. IAlso a story of a very strong woman with her own life and career and with a good instinct that I believe saved Kirk.
I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves Kirk Douglas and to those that love a great Hollywood love story that has stood the test of time.
*I will be posting reviews closer to the actual release date.

"Kirk and Anne" by Kirk and Anne Douglas is the story of Kirk Douglas and his second wife's Anne love story written today and from their old love letters. Their relationship has got to be one of the longest relationships/marriages in Hollywood as they have been married since 1954. I like reading about actors or actress from what is considered old Hollywood and this one really intrigued me. Their love story is so interesting and its not one of everything was great they had their ups and downs. They even discuss their relationship as it is at the writing of this book. I will admit that sometimes I felt a little embarrassed reading their love letters as I felt they were private. However, it was nice to read about such a loving and caring couple. I really recommend this book especially if you are a fan what is considered old Hollywood.
I was given this book for free from NetGalley and was not required to give a review.

I enjoyed reading about these two fascinating people. It's wonderful to read about someone who made some incredible movies in the glory days of Hollywood. I didn't know too much about his wife before I read this book. This book is a gift to his family and to all who love Kirk Douglas.

Being a huge fan of Old Hollywood, this immediately struck my interest. Kirk Douglas is a Hollywood legend, and it was nice to read about a different side to him, other than just a movie star. His wife, Anne, played and continues to play a huge part in his life. It is inspiring to see a couple anywhere, let alone in Hollywood, to have a marriage last for 62 years and counting. Their letters to each other over the years are fascinating and their love for each other comes through on every page.
It was also fascinating to read about their philanthropy work. They've done a tremendous amount to help people over the years, and we can all take a cue from them.
There are two reasons I did not give this a 5-star rating:
Firstly, the book as a whole is unorganized, and jumps around in the timeline, which can sometimes be very confusing.
Secondly, as cool as the Douglases are and as much as I do admire them for the reasons stated above, I also find that they do an exceptional amount of bragging. There is name dropping left and right, and it becomes a bit tedious to keep up with all of the names mentioned. Kirk himself makes no qualms about the fact that he has a huge ego, so I guess it shouldn't surprise me about the bragging. Still, it did not deter me from enjoying this book as a whole.
For anyone interested in the Douglases or Old Hollywood or even history, I think you will find something here that you like. 3.5 stars. Recommended!

I enjoyed reading about the Douglas's. I knew a bit about Kirk but nothing about his wife Anne. Anne came from a fairly well off German Family and left Germany during the war. Anne has a good eye and encourages Kirk to buy art. They must have quite the collection. I really enjoyed this well researched book on the Douglas's but particurally enjoyed reading about Anne and what a power house she was and how well liked she is.

OMG!!! What a beautifully written book. A wonderful love story. The writing was wonderful, the format of the book great. It reads like a biography but, with personal letters throughout the book. This book shows you what true love is. Very heart warming. Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in return for my honest review.