Member Reviews

I didnt realize when I requested this that it was a series so I chose to wait till all the other books are out and read it in 1 shot

I found the blurb interesting enough, and the book started very promising. I liked the first part, mostly because I was looking forward to how the story would be evolving in the second part of the book. In my eyes, the story had a big potential.
We learned in what kind of world Eddie has to live, who are Estranged, why the government hunts them and what happens to them normally in the post-Cure world. We got to know what were the Island of Exile, an idea of Paradise for those who managed to escape, and we joined Eddie on his dangerous way to it.
With this background knowledge, I expected the second part of the book to be a wonderful und unusual love story between two Estranged of a different level. Unfortunately, everything that happened on the Island of Exile turned into a huge turn off for me. Comparing to the ridiculous illogical drama that the story turned into, such little something like insta-love that I am not a fan of, became meaningless.
In other circumstances I could have probably excepted the wish of Eddie to leave this worldONLY because he had found himself SUDDENLY completely worthless(*eye-roll*) -doesn’t matter that he managed to get to the Exile in spite of many obstacles on his way there, fell in love and had the best sex of his life. BUT here I found it absurd and unconvincing.
A classic example when a good story line has been sacrificed to a stupid twist to make the story more angsty and more suspenseful.
The opposite happened and as a result -an emotional disappointment.

What jumped out at me first was the fact this was story was so completely different. The idea, the characters, the abilities, the dynamics. All so unique and wonderful.
We’ve got an Kaeva, he’s isolated himself from everyone and everything because of his ability. And then Eddie comes along, also developed a side-affect because of the ‘cure’. While both dealing with living on exile and dealing with learning possibly live with someone again. We learn all about what it’s like, what happened and what possible future.
This is a story that has so many different facets, not a simple Sunday afternoon read, but one that makes you think, feel, laugh, love and most of all want more. Once you peel one layer away and you think you got it, we get another one. Very well done.

This one is a m/m romance set in a dystopian world. More romance than dystopian even though it doesn't really kick in until halfway through the book.
In the first half of the book we are introduced to the MCs individually and given a look at a their crazy, messed up world. In the second half the MCs come together and they steal our hearts.
It is funny, sexy and poignant in turns. Watching these two come together kept me up half the night. I couldn't look away.
As if that wasn't enough, there's a strong, positive lesson/message in these pages. A hurt-comfort read that I'd recommend to both romance readers and dystopian readers.

Yes, yes, yes. Couldn't stop thinking about this one after I finished it. Engrossing characters, well-paced, sexy and sad and thoughtful. Can't wait for the next volume.

Eddie is on the run from the government, who might want to capture him in order to conduct cruel experiments in order to figure out his Estrangement. When Eddie learns about an island called Exile where people like him try to live in peace, he travels there where he meets Kaeva. Kaeva is a high level Estranged and is so dangerous that just his touching someone could kill them. Having Eddie suddenly thrust into his life only makes Kaeva worse, but Eddie is everything Kaeva has ever wanted in a partner. With death hovering around every corner, creating a life together might just be impossible.
The story starts out slow. There's a lot of world building that has to go into the first few chapters. Readers need to understand how the Estranged happen and what Exile is at every level in order for the deeper nuances of this story to make sense. There's a lot of exposition and a ton of detail that at first read makes the story feel slow and a bit heavy. However, not only was that necessary for the rest of the story, I have a feeling that when I reread this story I will find all of that immensely interesting.
At first, my review was going to be only about how wonderful the world building was, but then I got to the end of the book and realized the sheer emotion in the story absolutely deserved more praise. I could feel Eddie's pain and Kaeva's panic as if I were experiencing those emotions myself. They pulled me in to their agony and their hope in equal amounts until I wasn't sure if I should be crying or cheering. This book was truly beautiful and I really have to say thank you to A.F. Henley and Kelly Wyre for writing something so heartfelt and moving.