Member Reviews

I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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I'm so glad we get to find out what's been going on with Gabe and his daughter!

Gabe Wilde is back in Birch Bay after trying to hold his marriage together by moving with his wife and their daughter to Southern California. While in Southern California, he went back to school to get his teaching credential and is now back to teach and coach in his hometown, finally realizing that nothing would save his marriage. His daughter, Jenna, is finding it difficult to be back and is not the nicest child to be around!

Erica Bird has taken a long term substitute teacher assignment in Birch Bay after a bad break up with her ex. Finding out he was having an affair was humiliating, then having him as her boss made it even more difficult.

I enjoyed this book. Kim Law can take a ordinary premise and make it extraordinary. Character development was great and I can't wait to read more about the Wilde family.

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This book is the third installment of the Wildes of Birch Bay series and is the story of Gabe Wilde. Gabe has finally filed for divorce and returned to Montana with his seven-year-old daughter, Jenna, to start a new life. He returns to teach chemistry and coach the varsity football team at Birch Bay High School. Jenna starts second grade and her teacher, Erica Bird, happens to be new to Birch Bay but not to Gabe Wilde. The two were involved in college and each are now starting over after ugly marriages that have left them hurting and disillusioned. This is a story of healing and acceptance. Gabe, Erica, and little Jenna each have to come to terms with being mistreated by people they loved and trusted. It is not an easy journey for any of them and Kim Law has again given us a story with authentic characters experiencing the challenges of recovery. Relying on each other and learning not to repeat the mistakes of their pasts, Gabe, Erica, and Jenna lay the groundwork for a happy and well deserved future. While I recommend reading all the books in the Birch Bay series (and anything Kim Law has written), this can be read as a stand alone.

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This is the third in the Wilde's of Birch Bay series which focuses on a family undergoing many changes. You can read each as a standalone but I would recommend you read them all to really understand the buildup especially in the case of this story.

Gabe and his daughter Jenna have moved back to his hometown as they both try to start a new life free from his ex-wife, Michelle. Erica is also trying to get distance from her ex and moved back home too with a temporary job. They find themselves back in each other's lives and it is not easy. They have a past together.

It is such an emotional story with lots of ups and downs along the way. It is not easy for the three of them to deal with the past and move on. It is a real struggle but there are some really happy moments too. I like that the author makes it more realistic and does not sugarcoat the pain and ease of moving on to another relationship. I am looking forward to more books in the series.

I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review.

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What a wonderful read. I laughed, I teared up a bit...part of the makings of a good book. Ty meets Ellie when she meets with him to get some business advice, prior to using his conference room for a product party. He gets her confused with another customer which leads to some pretty fun laughs as he's talking bowling balls and she's think pleasure aids.

This story flowed nicely. Fenske has you rooting for Ty, no matter what he thinks of himself as a person. You have good character development - not just in the main characters of Ty, Ellie, and Henry but also their family and friends. You're not left wondering what happened to anyone or losing your place in the story.

This is the 3rd book in a series. I've not read the other two, but now I really want to!

Please note, that I did receive an advance reader's copy of this book in exchange for a review from NetGalley. And I'm glad it gets to be a positive one!

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I don't give out a lot of 5-star reviews but Montana Mornings deserves it! I have really enjoyed this series and have been looking forward to the story about this member of the Wilde family - Gabe.

Gabe Wilde returns to Birch Bay, Montana, with his 7-year-old daughter, Jenna, after his unsuccessful effort to keep his dying marriage to her mother alive. Narcissistic Michelle was an unfaithful wife and a neglectful mother. Rather than returning to the family cherry orchard, Gabe has attained his teaching certificate and is going to teach science at his old high school. When he was a troubled teen, his own science teacher had inspired and mentored him into a successful adulthood, and he has never forgotten the positive impact that that man had made. As the school year begins, Gabe is also recruited to coach the football program as well. He’s got his hands full with his new job, new coaching responsibilities, and new life as a single day to his very troubled daughter, Jenna.

Erica Bird is the temporary replacement for Jenna’s second grade teacher who is on maternity leave until nearly the end of the semester. A two-time Teacher of the Year, Erica has left her hometown of Silver Creek and her long-term position with the school district there when she can’t seem to cut ties with her ex-husband. He cheated on her with her best friend and had been unrelenting in his pursuit of her and to get back together – only with HER unwittingly filling the role of the “other woman.”

Although new to the town of Birch Bay, Erica is no stranger to Gabe. They had dated in college, breaking up a budding relationship after spring break one year. (Gabe had met Michelle while on a trip to California, and Erica rekindled her relationship with the hometown hero.) They reconnect when Gabe discovers she is Jenna’s new teacher and she is living in the renovated fire hall across the street from his home. Sparks fly immediately but it wouldn’t be such a great story without some conflict!

The story offers a lot of emotion and touches on a variety of different issues - unhappy marriages, divorce and their effect on children and adults, also solid families, coming back home, and second chances. Author Kim Law gives us solid characters, interesting stories and back stories, and the awesome Montana setting. I readily recommend this title to romance lovers. You do not have to have read the previous 2 books in the series (Montana Cherries or Montana Rescue) to enjoy Montana Mornings but they are really good, too, and I recommend them as well.

I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Montana Mornings is the third book in the Wilde’s of Birch Bay series by Kim Law. I have read the first two and gladly accepted an ARC copy of this book. The first two books in the series “Montana Cherries’ and "Montana Rescue" lay the groundwork for the relationship between Gabe and his daughter, Jenna, as well as with his ex-wife Michelle and this book brings it all together.

Gabe Wilde has come home to Birch Bay with his daughter in an attempt to start over and to give her some semblance of a family life. He takes a job as the football coach at the high school as well as a teaching position and begins to settle in. His relationship with Jenna is strained and he struggles to deal with her moodiness and her sassiness.

Erica lives in a converted fire house (note the fire pole does play a part in the story! Wink wink!!) and happens to be Jenna’s teacher. She knows Jenna is capable of being a better student and sees how Jenna manipulates her father to get what she wants. She and Gabe lock horns over how to handle the situation and their relationship gets off to a rather rocky start. As time passes, Gabe begins to depend on Erica and her experience in dealing with children. They take it slow but their friendship begins to bloom into something more. He will do anything to protect his daughter from more pain and so is careful in keeping his relationship with Erica a secret. He does not realize how much he and Jenna have come to love her until she leaves when her temporary teaching position has ended.

This is a well written book that will tug at your heart strings. You want to be angry with Jenna for her hateful behavior but yet you feel sorry for her for all she has gone through. Gabe and Erica both have healing to do and watching them come to grips with their pain and push through it was the best part of the book. You will find yourself rooting for them by the end of the book! I would recommend this book and the other two in the series without hesitation.

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I couldn’t finish this book, I like the author’s writing and have enjoyed many of their books before but this one wasn’t one I could get into. I will try again when the author’s next book is released as I am a fan of theirs.

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I love Kim Law's writing. This is the third book in the series. Consider reading the other two first in order to understand better what has affected Gabe as he grew up. This is a second chance at love trope.
Ms. Law writes emotional stories about characters who are challenged by events in their lives and must work through all the things that are keeping them from being happy. In this series, the Wilde siblings were all twisted and manipulated by their mother. Gabe somehow married a woman much like his mother. Now, while he awaits his divorce, he is struggling to make a new life for him and his daughter. His daughter is fighting him every inch of the way.
Erica is also starting over after her own traumatic relationship and divorce. Erica, who is Gabe's daughter's temporary teacher, feels that Gabe isn't dealing with his daughter the way he should. The two, who dated once in college, butt heads and the attraction they feel for each other is in danger of being lost. Can the two overcome their differences in order to have a relationship together? Sometimes the problems seem insurmountable, but just maybe the two were meant to be together from the start!

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Great book. Loved the storyline and the writing style. I'd read Kim Law books again.

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I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Netgalley!

I enjoyed this book, and found the two main characters to be relatable and likable. However, I thought the exes were overly simplified as villians. Also, I think the young girl will likely need more counseling in the future. The relationships felt real and made the story enjoyable. Maybe a bit too steamy for me.

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I love Kim's stories and writing styles, and this story was no exception :) A story about two friends that fall in love. Even though this is a very popular plot line and has been done so many times before, Kim is able to breathe fresh air into this story. You can't go wrong with one of her books!

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This is a fantastic series- I love each story & can’t wait for the next one. This is the third book in the The Wildes of Birch Bay series. It can be read as a stand alone but there are mentions of previous story lines.

Gabe Wilde has returned to Montana to give his daughter a better life than the one they had in CA with his soon to be ex wife.

Erica Bird is new in town but not to the Wilde family. She is trying to recover from heartbreak (her ex cheated) & runs in Gabe when he brings his daughter to her class at school. Erica & Gsbe have a history- they were college sweethearts. The story that comes from this reunion is amazing. Kept me reading way late into the night.

Kim Law writes with such emotion - she brings the reader along with her as her characters experience the many ups & down of life.

I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review

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Montana Mornings is Gabe's story. It is story about second chances.

Gabe Wilde has taken his daughter Jenna and moved back to Birch Bay. He has left Michelle, his wife and California behind to make a new life for himself and his daughter. He has got a job as a high school teacher, he coaches the football team. He bought a house and is determined to make this work.
His daughter Jenna is having a hard time. The once sweet and easy going child is now argumentative and hard to get along with most days, and then flip a switch and she shows signs of her old self. Gabe is doing all he can do to help her adjust to their new life but wonders is it enough. Is he enough?

Erica Bird is a second grade teacher in Birch Bay. She left her job and family in a hurried decision to get away from her ex husband and all that goes with him. He humiliated her in front of her whole town with her best friend and she just can't seem to get past it. Hoping this new place and new job would help her get over her past she took this job knowing it would not be a permanent position and not knowing what she would do afterwards.

Gabe brings Jenna to school on her first day and is shocked to learn that her new teacher is his long ago girlfriend from college. Jenna's teacher is just as shocked. Erica notices right from the start that Jenna is having issues, and vows to do her best to help her. Shortly after it is discovered that Gabe and Erica are neighbors now as well. They become friends all over again and both admit to deeper feelings but are not sure the timing is right. They decide to go ahead and through it all Erica is helping as much as she can with Jenna and things are good.

This book is definitelly worthy of reading. It is very interesting.

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2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

I am still debating on whether I truly loved this story or just liked it. It was a good story, but my reading taste has changed. I am not into many contemporary romances.

I just did not feel the pull to care for almost all the characters. The one character I really want to see move ahead and overcome everything was 7 year old Jenna. To read everything she was put through, knowing that no one but Erica truly cared for how she felt.

This book is part of a series, but I do not think the other books need to be read in order to understand anything. Yes it has connecting characters, but that is all. Readers are able to freely read this story and not worry about knowing anything that has happened in the previous books.

I have read somewhere that there are more narcissist females than males. The one thing that bothered me was that readers were mainly told about Michelle being this way. Readers saw a little glimpse of her being manipulative, but that was it. So I really wonder if Michelle was just a very uncaring mother or if she really was inflicted with this disorder.

Then I wonder why Gabe would actually marry someone who is suppose to have the same disorder that his mother had. It seems like he would have knows what to look for in words/actions so he could avoid this.

Erica seemed like a limp noodle female. Really. Who in their right mind would be considering taking an ex back after being cheated on. Especially after finding out the other woman was a very close friend. Come on. I have been cheated on. And I can state for a fact I could care less about the man. Yeah, it hurt, but I did not have a burning desire to 'hook' back up with him. Did not matter what he said or how many text messages he sent. Erica was more concerned with making sure others were happy instead of finding joy for herself.

Overall, this was a fair read. I will not be running off to any digital story to get the other books in the series. But it was a nice evening read.

Disclosure: I downloaded this book from Netgalley based on the description.

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Gabe Wilde and Erica Bird were college sweethearts, now finding themselves reunited after so many years of hardships married to other people. Erica, recently moved to Birch Bay trying to avoid her ex-husband and his fiancee. Gabe, on the other hand, is waiting for his divorce to finalize. As fate would have it, they both just uprooted back to Birch Bay and teaching in the same high school. Never would they have guessed they would be reunited after all these years.

This third installment of The Wildes of Birch Bay series gives a realistic view on love after divorce, and that includes life as a divorcee with a daughter. Frustration, heartaches, and hopelessness were portrayed well, not to mention the drama that came with ex-wife or ex-husbands. But most of all, a second chance at what could’ve been and a happy ending when thought impossible.

Gabe and Erica’s story made me laugh and swoon. Their characters were so easy to love and I found myself rooting for them from the start. Jenna was adorable but she had her moments where a good spanking was needed, but given her situation…well, understandable. Though this installment has a good amount of the small town characters involved with the main characters, I wish there were more cameos from the last couple of books.

I’m giving this book a five-star rating. No surprise there, this author has not disappointed me yet. If you like small-town romance, you will like this series, Kim Law is a sure thing.

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This is the third book in the series. I believe that in order to fully understand Gabe, you must have read the prior two books in the series. If you haven’t then you might not understand the protectiveness he feels for his daughter and animosity for his soon to be ex-wife. Montana Mornings takes you on the journey of Gabe Wilde and Erica Bird.

In Montana Rescue, you learned that Gabe has finally separated from his wife and moved back home. With Montana Mornings, he has moved out of his Dad’s house and has started a new career teaching high school and coaching football. Gabe is trying to move forward in his life with a career that really interests him, living around family, and trying to heal his daughter from the neglect she has suffered. Erica is trying to move on after her divorce. She feels the only way to help move forward in her life is by quitting her job and moving away from her hometown. Gabe’s daughter, Jenna, gets Erica as her teacher. The house Gabe buys just happens to be across the renovated fire station Erica is renting.

Jenna is still dealing with a lot of issues and takes out her anger in class and with Gabe. Being an elementary teacher myself, I felt Erica’s dealings with Jenna were spot on and she know that she oversteps her boundaries with her advice to Gabe but having a prior relationship with him allows her some freedom to speak her mind. Gabe and Erica’s relationship is rooted in friendship and grows deeper over time. With the arrival of Gabe’s soon to be ex-wife comes back into the picture and Erica tries not to interfere with in the family dynamics which causes problems between the two.

The ending of the novel was perfect. Both Gabe and Erica had to be free of their pasts and on their own before they could get back together. Gabe learns to not be so controlling, Erica learns to respect and believe in herself, and Jenna becomes more secure in her family. Truly heartwarming.

I think this was the best book of the series!
I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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This is a second chance romance featuring Gabe Wilde who has returned to Birch Bay with his young daughter, Jenna, who is struggling to come to terms with their new situation whilst he struggles with how to help her now that her parents are in the process of divorcing because of their destructive relationship. When Jenna starts school he discovers that her temporary teacher is Erica Bird, someone he went out with for two years whilst at college. She’s also been married but has been divorced from her cheating husband for two years though she’s also struggling with the change. With Jenna struggling to cope with the changes in her young life, can these two help support the child despite their different responses to her behaviour and will love be rekindled for them, too?

The back story of both main characters is slowly revealed through the story, helping to explain their attitudes and reactions to events and each other. This is apparently the third novel in the series but I had previously only read the first one, Montana Cherries - I’ve missed Montana Rescue but hope to rectify that soon! I don’t think it is essential to read the earlier books to enjoy this one, but you may, like me, be tempted to do so after enjoying this one. There are so many threads running through this story with teaching, coaching, families, divorces, life and romance amongst them. The story runs through a whole roller coaster of emotions with so many ups, downs, twists and turns as both main characters and Jenna have to face up to the realities of life before they can move on towards a HEA.

I requested and received a copy of this story via NetGalley and this is my honest review after reading it.

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Gabe Wilde grew up the son of a narcissistic mother, and he married a woman cut to the same pattern. After fighting for years to save his marriage, he has filed for divorce, and he and his seven-year-old daughter, Jenna, have returned to Birch Bay, Montana, where Gabe has accepted a job as high school science teacher and football coach. Gabe is cautiously optimistic about his new life, but his concerns about his daughter are deep. The effect of her parents’ divorce on Jenna are profound. She is no longer the sweet, loving child she once was. Although flashes of that child emerge often enough to keep Gabe’s hope alive, Jenna is often rude and obnoxious. Only with Haley Denton, Jenna’s best friend and step-daughter of Dani Wilde Denton (Montana Cherries) is Jenna like her old self. It is for this reason that Gabe pulls strings to have Jenna placed in the same class as Haley, a class taught by a substitute teacher, Erica Bird.

Erica divorced her cheating husband two years ago, after his girlfriend announced her pregnancy at a football game, but since he was her high school sweetheart, the son of a prominent family, and a local golden boy, she has found it difficult to move on. When she found herself more entangled that she ever wanted to be, she resigned her tenured position at the elementary school where she had won two teacher-of-the-year awards and accepted the temporary job in Birch Bay. Erica knew that she might see Gabe, but she wasn’t expecting him to be the parent of one of her students.

Gabe and Erica have a history. They dated in college, breaking up their senior year after Gabe met Michelle, the woman who became his wife. Erica returned to her hometown and married J.C. Bird, the guy she dated in high school. Now Erica and Gabe are both free, and it is soon clear that they are still attracted to one another. They are also mature enough now to appreciate qualities in each other that they valued less as college students. But neither has completely cut the tendrils of the past, and Jenna’s needs must be considered. Stolen meetings are one thing, but building a life together is quite different. Are Gabe and Erica truly ready to commit to one another?

This is the third novel in Law’s excellent series, The Wildes of Birch Bay. It is one of the more realistic portrayals of divorce that I have encountered in romance fiction. For one thing, although Gabe and Erica’s situations are different, both demonstrate that divorce is not always the clean severing of a relationship that some novels suggest. For another, Jenna’s insecurities and her acting out show how divorce can affect children. Law is particularly effective at showing a young child’s mixed emotions about the absent parent and blame assigned to the custodial parents. Gabe and Erica are likeable, sympathetic characters, but it is Jenna even when she is at her brattiest, who will break the reader’s heart.

The secondary characters are also deftly drawn. Gabe’s family proves that he can depend on them when he needs them, whether it is providing an assist with child care or taking an active role in his battle with his malicious, conscienceless ex. I really appreciated that the Wildes have necessary roles to play and add to the novel’s emotional power rather than merely reminding readers that this book is part of a series. And I loved Bree, Erica’s free-spirited, forthright sister. Some readers may be bothered by the lack of redeeming qualities in the two exes. I’m not a fan of one-note villains, but I have seen enough of narcissists (Gabe’s ex) and over-indulged, eternal frat boys (Erica’s ex) in real life to find Michelle and J.C. credible.

Montana Morning can be read as standalone, but it will offer a more nuanced, more complex understanding of Gabe and Jenna for those who have read Montana Cherries and Montana Rescue. The first is an exceptional story, and the other two are strong books that you will be glad you read. I recommend all three books, and I hope I’ll have the chance to recommend Cord Wilde’s book. He is a most intriguing character.

~Janga for The Romance Dish

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