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Gabe is back some sorting through a messy divorce and raising his daughter. Erica leaves her hometown and ends up as Gabe's next door neighbor, she is recovering from a very public divorce. Both need to learn to let their walls down to find love again.

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My first read by Kim Law was a great experience. This wonderful story about 2 former college sweethearts meeting up again after more than a decade apart was great. Surprise is the best way that Erica can put when she finds out that her college boyfriend has moved in across the road from her in his hometown. Erica has taken a short term supply job & ends up with Gabe's young daughter in her class. Coming off a sad divorce from her cheating ex-husband she's leery to get involved but she can't ignore Gabe. Gabe is trying to put his life & that of his daughter back together after filing for divorce from his absent, manipulating & hurtful wife. He's gone back home & started a new career as a high school teacher & football coach but when he sees Erica again he realizes that he wants her back in his life. Between the pairs exes they have a battle ahead of them & it's one they both want to win. This book is in a series & as usual I started the series by reading book 3 first, will be looking up the other books. Definitely recommend.

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Rich romance with depth. This series has a focus on family and explores all kinds of relationships including the one you have with yourself. Each book is written so you can read it as a standalone however I fully recommend you read all of them in order to fully experience and enjoy the world this author has created. Beautiful, interesting, uplifting and comforting escape.

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This talented author brings us another great read in the Wildes of Birch Bay series. The story line is full of emotional ups and downs and the characters are remarkable. Gabe and Erica both have personal issues to overcome and are both stubborn. A second chance, could lead to more if they can learn to trust again. Loved this story and can't wait for more.

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A story of family and the courage to stand for what that family means. Enjoyed family dynamics while working through the hardships that life throws at you. First book by this author that I've read and I will be going back to read the first in the series.
Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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This is another winner in a fantastic contemporary romance series with relatable characters that jump right out of the book and into your heart. I became totally immersed as soon as I started reading and didn't put the book down until I read the last word. I enjoyed the dynamic, repartee and sweet romance between Gabe Wilde and Erica Bird. Ms. Law writes with so much love and emotion, the story will stay with you long after you finish the book. I received a free advance copy of this book from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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Finally time for Gabe and Jenna's story and their happy ever after! Gabe has come back home but not to the family business. He's become a teacher and hopes to give back to kids and make a difference in their lives as a teacher did for him during a tough time. Jenna has a hard time adjusting and has a substitute to start out the school year. This isn't just any substitute....Ms. Bird and Gabe have a history! They come together to help Jenna although that's not always smooth and find out they still have feelings for each other. That's another thing that doesn't always go smoothly. Can they find their way back to each other, learn to trust and love again? Kim Law does an incredible job of making her characters real and writing great stories you don't want to put down. This is the 3rd book in the Wildes of Birch Bay but could easily be a stand alone book. I voluntarily read an advance e-copy of this book for an honest review.

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I absolutely adore this series. Kim Law know how to tell a story that draws you in and gets you emotionally invested in the outcome. The hero and heroine are a lot alike. They have both been burned by love and are trying to move on. Neither one is particularly interested in getting involved with anyone right now, but when they meet again, the spark rekindles. The friendship is still there, along with passion. But they both have deep seated issues to work through. These books always make me laugh and cry. I sincerely hope we get the rest of the families stories.

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Montana Mornings is the third book in Kim Law’s fantastic series, The Wildes of Birch Bay and an excellent addition. When I received an invitation from the publisher, via Net-Galley, I eagerly agreed to read and review. The first book in this series, Montana Cherries, struck me at my core. Montana Mornings has accomplished that as well.

Erica Bird comes to Birch Bay to fill in for a teacher who is out on maternity leave. Imagine her surprise when she discovers her most challenging pupil is the daughter of her college boyfriend. Sparks zing from their first confrontation/encounter. While she desperately wants to help his daughter, she is wary of getting too attached. After all, in addition to having a past with this guy, they also live next to each other, and she has her own issues to work through.

Gabe Wilde is trying to fill the role of Dad and Mom. After years of conflict with his soon-to-be ex-wife, he has moved home and is now a teacher and coach. This is a demanding career for a man who has a troubled child. When he learns that his daughter’s teacher is the girl he broke up with to pursue the woman he married, he knows he’ll need to proceed with caution.

Can Gabe find the right path that will not only heal his daughter but restore his faith in himself and allow him to find his way back to the woman he should have married, to begin with?

Montana Mornings touched my heart from the first page to the last. I became enmeshed with the hero and heroine immediately. The story is compelling, and the pacing is excellent. Ms. Law certainly knows how to pull her readers in and keep them to the end.

Erica’s character has many layers. She has a passion for teaching. She is loyal to her family, and she can love ferociously. She can also make bad decisions that affect her personal self-worth. Now, she must learn how to live with her bad choice and pick up the strands of her life, so she can again be the person she always thought she was. She is afraid to rush into a relationship with Gabe for a variety of good reasons. I could feel her anguish and heart-ache, her fear. I truly wanted her to find her happy ending.

Gabe Wilde carries a lot of baggage from growing up with a narcissistic mom and living with his soon-to-be ex-wife, who is just as bad. He desperately wants to help his daughter but lacks confidence that he can when she keeps acting out. His character has deep-seated issues, ones he must work through. His re-kindled relationship with Erica is problematic because he has not cut all ties with his wife. He questions what he can offer, but he craves the serenity he feels when he’s with Erica. I loved Gabe’s determination to succeed. He’s fearless when it comes to protecting his daughter. He’s willing to take a chance on love again, even though he has every reason to resist.

If you are looking for a novel that has more substance that most stories, then you will love Montana Mornings as much as I did. It was great getting to see the other characters from the previous two books in the series, and I can’t wait to read the next one. The Wilde family is a fascinating one. Happy reading!

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This is book three of the Wilde's of Birch Bay series. I loved this story about second chance love. After finishing the book I gave a hearty sigh and an awww. Loved the Wilde series. We met Gabe’s soon to be ex-wife in previous book (she’s a piece of work). All Gabe wants to do is provide a hope for his daughter and start a new life. Erica is also looking for a new start after her divorce. Little did they know that they past would be introduced into their future. As they both try to deal with their rekindled relationship; exes, emotional child, and insecurities challenges they rekindled love. As time goes on they learn to patience and trust in their love for each other. Enjoyed reading about the characters from the previous books. Recommended Read.

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I've always enjoyed reading anything that Kim Law has written, and this was no exception. Although this is sort of your "typical contemporary romance" I really liked that Gabe and Erica weren't automatically together. I enjoyed seeing how they developed their friendship and were able to overcome things from their past relationship. Overall, a great contemporary read.

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An emotional second chance romaance that you will not be able to put down. Gabe has returned home with his little girl, Jenna and his new neighbor is Erica, a girl he dated in college. They are both fighting their own demons on former spouses, trying to do what is best. Gabe is an excellent dad to Jenna, she will pull your heartstrings!! He just doesn't want the same for her ass he had growing up.

I have been waiting for Gabe's story after reading the first two books in this series, and it was well worth the wait!! Loved the second chance romance between Gabe and Erica, they are so perfect for each other.

I highly recommend this book, along with the rest of the series!! I read with my kindle unlimited.

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This is the story of Gabe and his daughter. His daughter, Jenna is having problems since the divorce and he was hoping Haley, his sister's step daughter would be in the same class since Haley had a calming effect oh Jenna. Gabe is also trying to get ready to be a teacher. Erica Bird has also come back to Birch Bay. She will be a substitute teacher at the same school that Gabe is teaching. Gave and Erica used to have a college romance. Can they get back together and work out all their problems the past has caused? Read the book to find out. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review.

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I enjoyed the first book in this series, Montana Cherries, but somehow I missed out on the second one. And while this one can easily stand on its own, I think that having read the first story helped me understand where the Wilde kids are coming from. I'm not sure if Montana Rescue plays into Gabe's story but I know that Dani's definitely sets up the family history. I'll say it again - this one can stand alone, Law does a great job of giving you the details you need. Although I think having that framework would make it easier to understand where Gabe is coming from.

And you'll need it because Gabe is a very complex man. He has been badly hurt by women in his past, first by his mother and then his wife, and now he's got a daughter who needs him desperately. She's overwhelmed with everything she's feeling and at her age she has no idea how to deal. It's heartbreaking to see what these two are having to deal with but Gabe is dedicated to doing what is best for his little girl.

Erica and Gabe meet again, but the years haven't been all that kind to either of them. While he's dealing with the fallout from his narcissistic ex, she's got her own relationship problems to deal with. A cheating husband and a small town don't go together so she's moved to get away from the pressures of gossip & proximity. Unfortunately as badly as she wants to, it's hard to just turn off her feelings so she's trying to figure out how to let go. The sexy man and wounded little girl next door help to take her mind off of it but she quickly finds herself getting involved.

There are so many emotions that run through this book and Law has you twisted up in knots before you know it. I desperately wanted them to find the peace and love they deserve, but it takes a lot of effort to overcome their histories. Little progresses though make things worthwhile and before you know things are looking up all around. It's not going to be easy but nothing good ever is!

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This is the third book in the Wildes of Birch Bay series by the author and it gives us a look into the life of the oldest sibling Gabe. We met him in some detail, in the second book where hints of trouble in paradise abounded and we now see him returning home from an aborted , fruitless trip to California, where he had hoped to salvage his marriage and family.He comes back to the family hometown and tries to restart his life with his daughter Jenna, doing the things he has always wanted to do , which is teaching and coaching.Also new to the area is Erica who is divorced from her cheating ex and making a fresh start as well.Erica and Gabe were once an item but he broke her heart and they did not part on the best of terms.So, because Jenna is in Erica's class, both these former lovers find themselves interacting frequently.Jenna is reeling from the after-effects of the separation and is displaying some unhealthy behavior that causes Erica and Gabe repeated discord, all while battling the renewed attraction between them.
I found Gabe to be overly solicitous when it comes to his daughter while quick to judge and condemn Erica for the least infraction.I admire Erica for maintaining her stance in the face of this opposition, because truly any normal human being would have walked away from this kind of aggravation.The author showed her to be a compassionate,caring and discerning person, just what Gabe needed but resented. I had some moments of frustration with Gabe's response to some situations ,but I could understand and grant a reprieve as long as the same behavior did not keep repeating.Erica was able to make a positive change in Gabe's family and with the interference and assistance from the other family members, Jenna not only conquered her grief, but happiness was found and justice was duly served.
This honest review was courtesy of a free copy provided by Netgalley.

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This is a great book; this is the third book in the Wildes of Birch Bay series written by Kim Law. Gabe Wilde has never been more ready for a change. Thirty-three and in the midst of a divorce, he’s packed up his second-grade daughter and come home to Birch Bay, Montana. New house, new career, new life. Only, with changes comes stress. His daughter is struggling with the transition to their new norm and Gabe is out of ideas as to how to help. Erica Bird is mired in her own worries. After impulsively leaving the teaching job she loved, she may finally be free from her cheating ex, but separated from her family and everything she’s ever known, second guesses linger. This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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Again Kim Law marvelously takes on a story about on the damage done by a narcissistic mother and wife in Montana Mornings (The Wildes of Birch Bay, Book 3). I was thrilled to see Gabe take his daughter and run as far away from his ex-wife Michelle. Of course, the new school and life presents its own problems. Erica Bird is not without her own ex troubles. Gabe and she reconnect through his daughter, making this a second chance story.

Kim law does not sugar coat any of life’s harshness but I love how her characters strive not just to survive but to thrive through it all. Hopeful but not starry eyed romance this is one authentic read. I can recommend it to anyone who believes that HEA do happen, they just don’t always come easily.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley.

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Montana Mornings is a touching and realistic look at how relationships change, sour, and fall into our past – although not always without fallout or consequences. For Gabe and his young daughter Jenna, it means returning to Gabe’s roots, going home and starting anew. For Erica it means setting out on her own in a place that’s far from the life she knew, far from the actions of a cheating ex, finally free but with enough second guesses to make her question her brave step. Sometimes you have to leave the past behind in order to find a better future. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy and Gabe, Jenna and Erica will have some difficult times ahead to face. The question becomes not can they face the future and survive, but can they allow the pain and influences of the past fall away in order to make that future together a lasting one.

The Wildes of Birch Bay series has always been filled with interesting secondary characters, and Montana Morning is no exception. We’ll run into old faces, and some new ones as well. We’ve been there with Gabe and Jenna, at least a bit, through the earlier stories in the series. I found their journey towards a new beginning very realistic, sad and necessary. Erica and Gabe had a past, and like all young romances that separate they also have lingering emotions about what was, and questions about what could be. Although their journey back together was filled with emotions, and left over reactions from their ex-es, it felt like a natural romance building, mistakes and misunderstandings along the way, but believable and emotional. It can be rather iffy to realistically portray children in romance stories (at least, I’ve found it so) yet Jenna was such a wounded soul, hurt, angry, sad and even a bit unsure of how she should be reacting to her new circumstances. While at times heartbreaking, it was also heartwarming to see the loving relationship between Gabe and his daughter. He’d do anything to ease her pain, even when he had no clue what the right thing to do was – he didn’t give up on her, and his love was never in question.

If you’ve followed the series, Montana Mornings is a wonderful addition. It’s been said that this can be read as a stand alone – and perhaps that’s true, but Gabe has been there throughout the series, and I believe you’ll get a better understanding of the whole picture if you’ve followed the series. In my opinion, at least.

An emotional, touching and satisfying romance, this is one story and a series that I would definitely recommend. Any Romance reader would enjoy it.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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wonderful second chance romance! I was rooting for Erica, Gabe, and Jenna from the beginning. This lovely novel is, however, about more than finding love, it's about dealing with really rotten stuff in your past and triumphing. Law has written a thoughtful book with a good story line in a terrific setting. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC- I'm looking forward to more from this series. Try this one!!

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Montana Mornings by Kim Law is the third book in the Montana Series. The series revolves around siblings that grew up in a very dysfunctional household with a narcissistic mother and how this affected their lives.
Book three is about Gabe Wilde and his young daughter, Jenna. They have moved back to Birch Bay from California to reestablish their lives during a divorce from Gabe’s soon to be ex-wife, Michelle. Michelle is much like his mother and also a narcissistic individual that tries to use her daughter to get what she wants. She tries to make it difficult for Gabe to get the divorce. In moving back to his hometown, Gabe has become a high school teacher and a football coach. Gabe struggles as a football coach and gets assistance from his brother, Cord. Jenna has feelings of being abandoned by her mother and not fitting in. Gabe tries to give Jenna a balanced life but often gives into her bad behavior due to the impending divorce.
Erica Bird has also relocated to Birch Bay as a substitute teacher. She is trying to distance herself from her ex-husband and family and rebuild her life. Erica’s husband not only cheated on her with her best friend, but also got her friend pregnant. But even after two years, Erica still has feelings for her ex which she needs to resolve. Erica is a substitute teacher in the same school system as Gabe. She discovers that her student, Jenna, is the daughter of Gabe, who she dated in college. With her teaching experience, Erica has been able to identify children that are having problems like Jenna.
Gabe has purchased a house next to Erica and this gives them the opportunity to renew a friendship, spend time together and see how the relationships between Erica, Gabe, and Jenna grow. Jenna also realizes the extent her father will go to ensure his daughter stays with him in a stable home environment.
Erica’s temporary teaching position soon comes to an end and she has to decide on where to teach next. She finds it difficult to obtain a position, but an offer from her former school is received. This is also where her ex-husband is employed. She returns home for the interview. But does she take the position or return to Birch Bay? What happens to Gabe, Jenna and Erica? You must read this book to find out.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book as well as the first two in this series. I can’t wait for the next book.
I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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