Member Reviews

If you’ve already read Montana Cherries, then you’ve been waiting for this book! We finally get Gabe’s story.

While this is the third book in The Wildes of Birch Bay series, it can be read as a standalone. However, I will also say in this instance, I recommend reading the first book, Montana Cherries, first. It will give you some more insight into Gabe’s life while he was still married to Michelle. You’ll also learn more about Jenna, and see how Michelle treated her. I can tell you, after reading Montana Cherries, I’ve never rooted for anyone to leave their wife more than I rooted for Gabe. He and his daughter did not deserve to be around that miserable woman.

Montana Mornings picks up after Gabe has already separated from his wife and moved back home. While Gabe and Erica may be the main characters in this story, it’s really Jenna who’s the most important one. My heart broke for her as struggled to see where she fit in. She felt abandoned and lost. She was starting a new school, and since her permanent teacher was out on maternity leave, she had to deal with having another person in her life who would just leave her too – enter Ms. Erica Bird.

Erica is recently divorced and moved away from her hometown to get away from her ex-husband and strike out on her own. She has an interesting first day of school when Gabe, her former college boyfriend, drops his daughter off in her class. She sees right away the struggles that Jenna is having and works to overcome the problems. Of course that means working with Gabe as well.

While the timing may not have been right for them in college, I’m glad Gabe and Erica found each other again, and they’re getting a second chance.

I really enjoyed this book, and seeing how the relationships between Gabe, Jenna, and Erica evolved throughout the book.

I hope this series continues and we get a story about Cord too!

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I really enjoyed the third installment of the Wildes of Birch Bay. I have been impatiently waiting for a chance to read it, so I was super excited when given the chance. This is a fantastic second chance romance book. Gabe and Erica dated in college but parted at graduation. Life brings them together. This time for keeps. This books has everything I am looking for in a good book. It is well written. The characters are relatable and likable. The story is realistic and unique. There is humor and romance all tied up with an HEA.

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I have loved all of Kim Law's books. Montana Mornings, is another great book. I loved Gabe in the previous two novels. He has come home with his daughter for a new life, helping his daughter heal from a mother's coldness. He enrolls his daughter in school, and never thought he'd meet up with his old flame, her teacher.. Through lots of cold Montana Mornings, these two find each other again and realized that they both have made mistakes and to find happiness, they need to confront those mistakes to live happily ever after.

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It's another winner from Ms. Law . Gabe and Erica's story is heartwarming, painful, happy and sad . It was wonderful seeing Gabe and Jenna's relationship grow and overcome the damage inflicted upon both of them from each of their mothers . I'm enjoying seeing all the Wilde siblings conquer the past and learn to be happy in the here and now . Anxiously awaiting the next installment and I'm hoping Cord's story is coming soon . Thank you Ms. Law for a very entertaining read.

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Montana Morning is one of those rare books where I, as the reader, made a strong connection with the fictional characters...not because I identified with the events of the story, but because the characters seemed so real.

Gabe is a single dad and Erica is a woman who desperately needed a change. Their romance is what makes this genre enjoyable. Heartwarming is such an overused description for a story, but this is definitely one that makes you feel good as you read it. In fact, I loved this so much that I got the first two books in the series. This third story is definitely the best of the three, but the others are good, too. I'm actually happy that this one is much better than the others - I am hopeful that it means Kim Law is growing as an author and I can expect even better things from her in the future!

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**My thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance, for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

This is another brilliant book in the series and i have been waiting for Gabe's story right from the beginning.

There is humour, angst, pain and happy endings along with a family that are finding that they are stronger than they think, both individually and as a unit.

The family again show how they support one another in a time of need which is heart warming and we see more of previous characters that we are learning more of.

I can't wait for the next story which i am guessing will be Cord's as we saw a lot more from him in this book.

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I love, love, LOVED this book!! I love how this author tells her stories by bringing you into the lives of her characters. Having you experience the hurt and the hope and at times the fun of they're experiencing as the story unwinds. Gabe and Jenna made my heart melt and Erica athough going through her own heartache was able to put that aside and be strong for a child and her father, who are lost. Highly recommended for all real romance readers wanting something out of the ordinary, this is for you!!

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This is my first time reading this author and I really seriously LOVED this story.

Erica and Gabe dated in college and he dumped her when he met this blonde woman who he eventually married.MIchelle. Michelle is a psycho and made his and his daughters life beyond miserable.Now he is trying to divorce her when he takes a job at his old high school as the coach and a teacher.

Meanwhile Erica was broken hearted after Gabe dumped her in college. She ended up marrying her high school boyfriend who then cheated on her with her college roomie and impregnated her. They both worked at the same high school and thru the summer she ended up sleeping with him thinking they were reconciling but then she realised he was just playing games.

Trying to escape him Erica ends up in Gabe's hometown as a substitute teacher as well and a 2nd grade teacher to his niece and his daughter who is having issues at school as well. Plus the house Erica is renting is across the street from Gabe house.

This was a really great story. I LOVED that both main characters are trying to get away from their previous bad choices and their bad for you exes. I also really liked that they both acted badly with each other in college and yet they were able to be completely honest with the other even though at times it was not pleasant.

This book had several plot tropes I usually don't like but that really worked well with this story. First the hero, Gabe is NOT divorced quite yet. Even in trying to help his daughter his ex moves in with him. This I truly hate in stories but in this book the author made it work very well.

The second trope I HATE is when the hero chooses someone else over the heroine and then later wants to pick up with her again. The author really made the hero suffer for his horrible choice. And she made it understood that it was a choice he made because he was so young.

This was a really terrific story that was very well written and one I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a romance with a country feel and lots of family and friends intertwined within the story.

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I so want to give this little girl a hug.

Why does she feel she had to escape her old life? What's the deal with her ex?

They went to college together, and she just suddenly decides to move to his hometown? Hmm.

His mother sounds crazy. But how will he coach if he has so little experience actually playing?

Spoiling your daughter to avoid tantrums won't work, man.

I'd rather read, myself.

Honestly, it sounds like her ex was a douche from day one. She just chose not to see it.

Arsula sounds fun, if a little hippie.

I guess she just enjoys mother-henning people.

That witch! Who says that to their seven-year-old child?!

Whoa, he doesn't mess around when he decides to do something.

Her new hobbies sound fun. No one should pity her for learning new things in her free time.

Okay, she baby-sat for her husband's mistress? You can't tell me she didn't know she was being cheated on.

Geez, what's wrong with easy? You dumped each other because you didn't fight like cats and dogs?

It sounds like he thinks his dad is a pussy.

I'm with her on this. A phone call won't hurt Jenna. At least, I doubt it.

I wouldn't have invited Michelle to stay with them.

Her parents are the definition of helicopter parents.

Thank God his siblings wouldn't let him lie down and play dead. Why should his ex get a piece of his family's legacy?

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I received a copy of this book for free from NetGalley in return for an honest review

What a wonderful read! I had a hard time putting this book down, even though I did not read the other books of the series. Both characters deserved their happily ever after, so I was rooting for them from the beginning. Gabe Wilde was a charming character who truly loves his daughter and takes his responsibility as a teacher and a Football coach.

Erica Bird is also a dedicated teacher, trying to do the best for her student. But she also comes with baggage. Having been cheated on by her now ex-husband, and having left the job she loved behind, she is trying to create a new a life for herself.

I like that this book was fast paced. It had all of the tension, the romance, and the disagreements - did I mention that Gabe is a little bossy at times? - and of course, the confused emotions that a great romance novel needs. Even the side characters - like the exes of both leads - weren't boring, not likable, but surely not boring.

This book may be a part of a series, but I can highly recommend it as a stand-alone novel as well.

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After years as an award winning teacher in her home town, Erica Bird has moved to Birch Bay as a temporary teacher. The assignment is for two months, but she’s hoping for more. She’s divorced from her cheating ex-husband, but can’t seem to shake their connection, so she moved. And she’s rented a really cool apartment – an old fire house, pole included.

Gabe Wilde has returned home with his daughter. She’s just a kid, but she’s angry and she’s hurting, and she has every right to be the way she is. Kids of divorce often feel as if it’s their fault and that their parents don’t love them, but Jenna knows her mom doesn’t love her and left her. Her dad loves her, but she is still so angry. The divorce isn’t final yet, though. Gabe has a new job at his old high school, as a teacher and football coach, and he’s bought a house in town, right across the street from the old fire house.

Erica ends up as Jenna’s temporary teacher, and when Gabe and Erica meet, sparks fly. They have a history! Author Kim Law weaves a story that brings in Gabe’s family (prominent in the other books in this series, too) and Erica’s family. I love that the children are an integral part of the story, not just add-ons, and that bad behavior is acknowledged and dealt with. Real life situations in a fictional setting. I also enjoyed the early mornings and the fire pole

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I love this series. I seriously love it. This is book three of the Wilde's of Birch Bay series, and it was the book that I have been both wanting and dreading since I read the first book. I desperately wanted Gabe Wilde to get his happily ever after, but I also know that Ms. Law would have to tear him apart in order to fix things and I was right. Like the other two books in this series, this one was a mix of angst and sweetness with some incredible heat mixed in for good measure. This book can stand alone, but it really REALLY shouldn't. Without reading at least Montana Cherries, Gabe's interactions with Jenna in regards to her mother might not make a lot of sense, and they probably won't be as gut wrenching. Besides - the first two books are also great so you should read them for that reason. And good luck not falling in love with Nick.

Gabe Wilde loves hard, but he is also hard to love. Because of his upbringing, he's got a crusty outer shell that at times makes him hard to like, but everything he does is because he loves his daughter, and because he cares for Erica and her well-being. Although I had my moments where I scowled at how bossy he was with Erica, I ended this book loving Gabriel Wilde even more than I did going into it.

Erica was an interesting character. I liked how she was trying to find herself, how she took a chance and left everything she'd ever known in order to make her life her own. *** MAJOR SPOILERS to end of this one paragraph *** I loved that Erica took charge of her life. Although I didn't like that she left Gabe because of a misunderstanding, I thought it was great that she left so that he could figure out how to help Jenna - and himself – on his own. And when she told off her ex and her parents, and went off on a road trip with Bree, I found myself grinning at my Kindle because I was so pleased for her. I'm glad that she got herself together before going back and making things right with Gabe.

The most important character in this book, however, wasn't either Gabe or Erica, but Jenna Wilde, Gabe's precious, but broken daughter. After reading the first two books and getting to know and adore Jenna, I knew that Ms. Law's incredible talent for writing realistic children would make this a one an emotional read and I was right. My heart broke for Jenna from the first moment we reconnected to her - seeing the difference in her from the first book especially was painful. Reading about her struggles, about her *heartbreak*, was gut-wrenching. The restaurant scene and parking lot epiphany made my eyes tear up and my heart break for father and daughter. I loved that Gabe never gave up on her, that he did everything he could to help her, and that father and daughter found their way through the destruction that Michelle left in her wake.

As with all the other two books in this fantastic series, the supporting characters were incredible. With the exception of the baffling and annoying Arsula (that whole thing was just bizarre and made me roll my eyes – it was the ONLY thing I didn't like about this book), I loved them all. I like that the groundwork for Cord's book was laid, and that Nate and Jaden were involved in the book, even if they were only a small part, it was a very important part. Gloria's part, however, was my favorite. I wasn't sure what to expect from her as I read this one, but I didn't expect that, and I LOVED it.

I know that Ms. Law has new books coming out (which I will definitely one-click) and that the Wildes are taking a back seat to her new series, but I very much hope that some day we will get books for all of the Wilde siblings because this family and this series are incredibly special. There really isn't another series out there like this one, and it would be a shame for it to end without knowing what happens with all of the Wildes.

If you haven't read this series, I highly recommend that you start at the beginning and work your way through it – all three of these books are fabulous. But be warned, you will fall in love with all of the men in this (sadly) fictional town.

I requested and was granted an ARC of this book from NetGalley. I wrote this review and pre-ordered a copy of the book because I loved it. I was under absolutely no obligation to do either of those things.

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I read this book in one afternoon and I regret it. I regret that I am done with it already. I have read each of the books in this series Montana Cherries and Montana Rescue and now Montana Mornings. The Wilde family touches something in me. I find I want to know them and their stories. Gabe and Erica are no exception. I highly recommend this book as a standalone or as part of the series. Believe me once you have read one you will read the others. And then you will wait impatiently for the next book to be written. Kim Law has truly captured my interest as a reader. Now I am going to re-read all three books.

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Montana Mornings is the third book in The Wildes of Birch Bay series written by author Kim Law. I didn't like this as much as the previous two. Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for the advance copy.

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Sweet, emotional yet heartwarming! While a romance novel, the focus on Gabe's daughter, Jenna, and the struggles she was going through in the divorce were heartwrenching. While you wanted her to have her bottom swatted for her behavior, you knew she was a lost and searching child of divorcing parents.

This series is deeply rooted in the orchard and the growing, nurturing, pruning and fruiting seasons of the cherry trees as well as the family. Loved Gloria's special part as well.

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I love Kim Law's books and this one wasn't different. I liked that we can see flaws in the characteres, making them more real. People aren't perfect. I liked how Erica struggled to find herself and her place after leaving her hometown. I wish we could see more of Gabe and more of Erica's relationship with Jenna.

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