Member Reviews

This was not at all what I expected when I requested this book from Netgalley. As it turns out, it's so much more than I expected. I figured there would be some sort of paranormal aspect since there was a boy stuck in a mirror. I didn't know quite how far it would go. For the most part I thought the characters were well done and interesting. The surprises just kept coming, especially the ending! I did not see that coming. It was a quick smack in the face leaving things open for a second book. I'm definitely going to have to get ahold of that second book!

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Review: BOY IN THE MIRROR by Robert J. Duperre
(The Infinity Trials #1)

WOW! Sometimes my first response is speechlessness! I loved BOY IN THE MIRROR! Totally engrossing from the very commencement, this wonderful novel offers a balance of contemporary issues (child abuse, parental demise, rape culture, socioeconomic class discrepancy) as over against occult fantasy, religious cult devotion, monsters. Throughout the author offers characters realistic and comprehensible, some entirely adorable, others that made me grit my teeth; an empowered and utterly empathetic fifteen-year-old heroine who, all unknowing, is on a Quest; and not one but three guys in Hero roles. I can't wait to continue this series!

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The boy in the mirror by Robert j Duperre.
Fifteen-year-old Jacqueline Talbot’s boyfriend Mal lives in the mirror of her makeup case. There’s never been anything normal about Jacqueline; not during her time in foster care, and certainly not in her new hometown of Mercy Hills.
With rumors of actual monsters in the woods, the popular kids taking an unhealthy interest in her, and the revealing of her own dark past, all Jacqueline wants to do is run away forever with Mal. Too bad he’s trapped in the mirror.
But when she learns the ancient forces of the town want to destroy everything she loves, the race is on to free the boy in the mirror, because he just might be the only one who knows how to stop them.
fantastic read with brilliant characters. I loved the story too. Can't wait for next part. 5*. Netgalley and victory editing.

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Jacqueline is fifteen years old and has been living in foster homes. Her Aunt Mitzy shows up to claim her and Jackie gets a new start. She wants that as her father is in prison for killing 300 people. Her mother died when she was young. She makes friends with the "popular" kids at school but then becomes friends with misfit students. The popular kids say no way can you be friends with them. So who ends up being her friends? That is something Jackie must decide. She has one true friend -- a boy in her mother's compact mirror. His name is Mal and he is always there for her regardless if she had a good day or bad day. She loves Mal.

The book is a fast pace book with a lot of suspense. It is a great horror novel. At times the novel is quite intense. It has made me want to read the next book in this series. It's a good book for young adults and adults.

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Let me start by saying this book is weird. Like, very weird. It took me awhile to get into it honestly but once I did, I really enjoyed it! But yeah...weird. Read it with an open mind and you could be surprised.

The book starts off with a young boy getting possessed (for lack of a better word) by something called The Prophet. Be ready to not hear about this boy for several chapters. As I reading an advanced copy with no page numbers, I believe I read about 20% of the book before he reappeared again.

Your main character is Jacqueline, a 15 year old foster girl with a boy she talks to who lives in her compact. See..weird. The boy’s name is Mal and he is the one good thing in her life as she has moved between homes in her 5 years in foster care.

Her mother died when she was little then her father was put to death because he was convicted of killing over 300 people in a church fire. As she had no family, she landed in foster care.

At 15, an Aunt Mitzy shows up at her current home to claim her. This is when things all seem to change. She moves to a new town where she finally makes some friends and even gets feelings for a boy (who ended up being not so good). Life seems to be heading in the right direction.

But there is a force at work that needs Jacqueline. She is the key. And both the sides of good and evil are fighting for her.

This book is just part one of a series (I believe I read on the author’s twitter it would be 4 books) and it ends that way, pretty unresolved but in a good way. I want to know what happens next.

I “called” a twist (if one could call it that) but more towards the end and not right off the bat which is a cool change. Sometimes figuring things out early doesn’t lead to easy reading.

Boy in the Mirror is part Exorcist, part Watcher in the Woods (one scene in particular had me thinking of that movie), part every book/movie where good and evil wage war. What side do you chose? What side is right? What side is really the evil side? Hopefully all questions that will be answered in the coming sequels.

I’m glad I got the chance to read this book and I’m glad I gave it a chance, not giving up when it seemed too weird to try. I recommend you give it a try. If sci-fi/horror are your kinds of work, this book is probably up your ally.

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I haven't finished this book yet. However, I do feel like I should put a little review just so something is here, plus I don't mind if I add a little here and there.

When I first started reading the book I enjoyed the cover. At first glance I thought it was a boy that in hunched over on his legs. This isn't the case. And with the title of " Boy in the Mirror", it really sounded like it was a 50/50 chance of interest.

I am enjoying the book I'm over half way through it. I think I'm in the eleveth chapter. For what I thought was going to be a book that was a little bit of a 'boy in a mirror', its so much more than that.

Its start with a boys running away from home I think, and one boys falls hurts himself. He dies. Then what turns out to be a lost boy running a way from what I assume he believes is his flat. Only to later fall asleep and suddenly awaken as a mystical force over takes his body. He is no longer a little boy he's something else.

Now we turn the page to a young girl named Jacqueline "Jackie" as she prefers. Growing up in one foster care to another. Lives with this family, this religious family that makes her be the good girl she is supposed to be. Afteral, the foster parents have a younger daughter that she has to placate to. Things turn for the worst when her foster father forces himself on her.

However, she still has her friend and always will, the boy in the mirror.

<I want to add more to this review, but I'm afraid I might not be able to. If that is the case I will just add 1 on top of the review. >

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