Member Reviews

This topic is no longer of interest to me and I will not be finishing this book.

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Silver Key is very interesting. What surprised me in this book is that it was written by a 14-year-old. The premise is good and I like the magic in it and a quest. Also, I can relate to the characters that it was easy to read it. I recommend this to those who likes reading YA fantasy with twisting plot.

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I'm very impressed that this was written by a fourteen-year-old that enjoys colorguard and acting. Woot! I would say that this book is more middle grade with some very dark plot lines though. I had a difficult time with this book and I honestly didn't want to finish it.

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ARC given by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a pretty good book. It fell down a little on YA trope bingo BUT those who enjoy YA fantasy will probably really like this. The sudden appearance of magic, a twisting storyline, a relatable heroine and a quest - what's not to like? I went into this blind and I'm glad I did so that my reading experience wasn't influenced by things like the fact that the author is 14 (seriously nothing I wrote at 14 will ever see the light if day - which is a good thing!) Anyway while this book diesn't have any great deviations from the YA norm it treads the well worn ground with energy and enthusiasm, delivery an enjoyable tale with a hint of darkness. Good fun.

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I received an ARC from the publisher in return for an honest review.

I couldn't make myself keep reading. I felt the story line was very scattered and I had a hard time keeping track of the characters. Most of the dialog and character development was stilted and unrealistic. The writing style didn't work for me at all and was off-putting at times. I read about 100 pages, but decided that there are too many other things out there I want to read rather than try to force myself to read something I'm not enjoying. Some older MG readers and younger teens who enjoy lighter fantasy may enjoy this, but it's just not right for me.

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The Silver Key is one the best science fiction story with a strong characters. The magical world inside this feel surreal. I love it. I have been hooked right from the start and hard for me to put this book down because I want to know more and more about it. The adventure in this book is awesome.

I just know that the author is only 14 years old? OMG! Praise to her for writing this amazing book. Looking forward to read more of her books.

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A quest, a key that magically appears, a world that needs saving and a heroine who thinks she can do it. Elena Schauweker's novel, The Silver Key, is just such a story, a battle between light and darkness. It has a strong beginning, and a cast of character that you will come to like. In my opinion, the story is yet a little under-developed. Sometimes things worked out way too conveniently for the heroine. And sometimes the rules of the magic or of the worlds weren't fully formed ideas; they appeared and then became irrelevant. However, despite it's flaws, the story is an adventure. And as Bella would probably proclaim: It's full of magic!

I have to say that I was surprised to reach the end of the book and find out that the author is only 14. It made me look at the inconsistencies in the story differently. I think the author has a lot of potential, and as she continues to refine her skills, we are going to see great things from her.

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Right from the beginning, this story grabs the reader’s interest on the trials of tribulations of Alyssa and her little sister, Bella in a fight against light and darkness, good and evil, within the world and inside yourself. This story is a great insight into what you can accomplish with great determination and lots of heart.

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