Member Reviews

This book was requested by a previous Lesbrary reviewer who did not finish or review it. In order to keep my Netgalley feedback up to date, I am submitting this review marking it as a DNF, though it was another reviewer who requested this.

I know this is a little shocking, but this is only my 3rd book written by Julie Cannon. So far all three have been kind of meh for me. I am not overly impressed with this book. I think it is a decent read, but not a book I will remember reading. I enjoy age gap books. This one really came down to characters for me. I didn’t enjoy Tobin, and while I liked her more by the end of the book I just found her kind of gross in the beginning. The majority of the time I felt Kirsten deserved better. By the end I was happy, but the beginning really left me wanting more. I think if you are a Cannon fan you should give it a go, or if you are looking for a simple book but not expecting too much this could be the book for you. I doubt I will reread in the future, but by far not a bad read.

I really like Julie Cannon's work so I was looking forward to reading this. Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed. The premise was original and intriguing but I struggled with the writing - the chapters ended abruptly, the narrative switched from one character to the other without any specific pattern, there were pages and pages of inner musings and detailed descriptions of day-to-day work-related tasks. Both leads were interesting as characters and they had great chemistry but I found some of their actions - (such as a CEO taking weeks off work to go on tour with a band) - a little far-fetched. I liked the age gap between the two characters and Kiersten's background, and the author's points about body image.

This is the story of Tobin and Kiersten.
Tobin is a musician and a world-famous rock star who has a girl in every city and a childhood that was just plain horrible.
Kiersten is the CEO of an energy drink company called 'JOLT'. She's always in control. She took a little bit of money and went against her family and became the number two energy drink in the Country.
They meet when Tobin asks Kiersten and her company to sponsor her next tour. What happens next rarely happens to Tobin. Kiresten says no.
After that first meeting they meet a couple more times as the universe keeps throwing them together and their relationship sorta travels forward in spurts and starts.
It's a bit of a may-december romance and I mostly liked that part of the novel.
On the other hand, at some points in the story I was confused because the location of the scenes were really wonky. People seemed to be places they couldn't be that fast. Or characters suddenly appearing in scenes.At first these hiccups pulled me from the story, but weirdly enough I sorta got used to the wonkiness after a while and just started going with the flow.
The characters were also what made me like this book. I wanted to know what would happen to them. No matter the time/space problems I was still hooked.
I got this ARC through Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

Kiersten Bradley is the creator and CEO of an energy drink that is competing in a tough market. Keeping ICE popular in the market, and managing a large and growing enterprise, Kiersten doesn’t have time for a personal life.
Tobin Parks, is just as focused on her career. A singer/songwriter on the top of the charts for the last few years, Tobin’s hard work and fantastic talent have really paid off. An out and proud lesbian, with a huge group of screaming fans wanting to be in her bed, Tobin has no trouble finding a different woman every night to release the high after thousands of adoring fans have enjoyed a high energy concert.
Tobin is convinced that having her next tour sponsored by ICE is a great idea, and the two will compliment each other and both parties will make millions. However, the public only know the astonishing public performer, and the speculation about Tobin’s sexual antics while on tour, both of which is such great fodder for the paparazzi and the gossip magazines. Kiersten isn’t sure that the public persona of Tobin Parks will work for ICE, but there is more to Tobin than the brand she has so carefully constructed. Is that something Tobin is willing to share, and how will they manage the blistering hot attraction they have to one another?
Kiersten is likeable and capable. She’s a go-getter in her business life, but a complete wallflower when it comes to a social life. Tobin is very different, with a different woman every night and a determination never to let anyone get close enough to hurt her. The two characters have an interesting dynamic, and the tension between the two kept me turning the pages to see how they would resolve it.
I enjoyed the ebb and flow as they gradually became closer to one another, and there was a lot of heat between the two, which came across really well on the page. This was well handled by Cannon, and her experience as a writer showed clearly in this part of the story.
This book took a while to get going, but the pace increased and the story developed into something much more compelling. There was a lovely build up throughout the middle of the book, introducing other characters to help expand the story a little, and encompass a bit more of the background from each of the main characters. It gave them a bit more depth, which I liked.
Many of these celebrity romances have a lot of external influences from the media and how that impacts on the characters in profound ways. This book has some of those elements, but they seemed to be more tempered and Cannon was more concerned with how the characters dealt with their internal struggles rather than the impact of external pressures. I think it was more interesting for me as a result.
I found the book easy to keep reading, and I liked the ebb and flow of the building relationship of the main characters. This is a diverting romance between strong women at the top of their game.
Advanced reading copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

Loved how this book went beyond romance formula, took its time and gave us characters who learned and grew as I read.

4.5 stars.
Was this story perfect? Not exactly, but what story is? Did it give me the feels? Hell yes, and that’s what makes this story a winner for me.
A 36-year-old virgin who was an overweight and insecure teenager with a picture perfect mother, and a 25-year-old who grew up in a trailer park with parents who couldn't give a crap about her, made for unique and engaging characters. Be still my heart!
Kiersten and Tobin took their sweet time getting their act together. More than once I wanted to bang their heads together, but I also understood they had a lot of issues, together and individually, to deal with first.
Despite the slow start to this story, by the mid-point I was hooked and the ending left me sated and happy!
Copy generously provided by the publisher, via NetGalley.

If you like a slow, sensuous tease with plenty of burn then Wishing on a Dream is for you. Kiersten Fellows owns a successful energy drink company and famous singer/songwriter Tobin Parks wants Kiersten's company to sponsor her next tour. When they meet over a business meeting there is undeniable electricity between them that neither can ignore. Both dance around their increasing feelings and ultimately stumble, multiple times, to act upon their attraction for so....many...reasons. When the story comes to a crescendo it's breathtaking but be prepared for a slow burn. Both characters are colorful, intelligent, and strong women that you will emphatically root for. The only question is whether everyone involved, reader and characters alike, can handle the tease. I received a copy from NetGalley in return for an honest opinion.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was a good book, but it had a lot more potential than what I could see. The book was moving along steadily; it wasn't until the last chapter or so that I was disappointed, and my rating went down a star. The movement and backstory of both characters made the reading and movement of the book very worthwhile. Though I felt as we progressed we lacked on the emotional state of Tobin, I wanted more. This was a great simple read; you won't be disappointed if you want a quick romantic journey.

Kiersten is the CEO of ICE the top selling energy drink she is also very single.
Tobin is at the top of every chart the only think she wants is to be the spokesperson for ICE.
Keirsten does not want Tobin to be her spokesperson but she is attracted to her in other ways. When Tobin makes her the deal of a lifetime she goes with it and has to deal with her fears.
This book pulls you in from the moment you pick it up. Keirsten and Tobin are different, however from the moment they get together the heat and sexual tension is there. Together they have to work to bring their relationship where they want it.

I thought that ‘Wishing on a Dream’ was going to be girl meets girl with a bit of conflict and angst thrown in. It was much more than that. Tobin Parks is a hugely popular megastar singer who wants her next tour sponsored by the energy drink ICE. The CEO of the company, Kiersten Bradley, is not so sure she wants to be associated with Tobin who has quite a reputation. When they meets sparks fly but although Kiersten is attracted to Tobin she holds back. Why? Tobin has been a player for years but finds this particular woman intriguing. The strength of this book is not how they get to where we want them to go - after all this is a lesfic romance. The strength is the spot-on characterisation of the two main characters. They are well-rounded, flawed and with backstories that fascinated me. Their relationship grows slowly and with bumps along the way but it is never boring. At times it is sweet, tender and emotional, at other times downright hot. I love how Julie Cannon chose to tell it from each point of view in the first person. It gave greater insight into the characters and drew me into the story more. A really enjoyable read.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

I always enjoy a good romance, but this is not one of Ms. Cannon’s best books. The plot of the story was good. The two main characters are Kiersten Bradley, a self-made business entrepreneur, and Tobin Parks, a pop-music star at the top of her career. These characters were well developed.
There is a lot of chemistry between the two main characters. Ms. Cannon brings out the characters’ positive and negative personalities. Kiersten is one who is successful and charitable but is inexperienced with women. Tobin is also successful and creative but has a reputation of being a womanizer. As the story progresses, the reader is provided with the opportunity to learn more about the individuals’ personalities.
What I did not like was the transition between the chapters. Instead of having a smooth transference, I found it to be extremely choppy. Often, I would complete a chapter and there would be a big jump to another scene thus forcing me to figure out what was happening. In addition, the story jumped back and forth between Tobin and Kiersten which caused confusion as to who was carrying that thread of the story.
I can only give this book 3 out of 5 stars because of the disjointed manner in which the book was written. The story and characters were good but could not carry the book enough to get a better rating.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

Overall this book was just ok,both characters were too contradictory,issues and flaws written in storyline was confusing..didn't make sense..as far as the supporting cast go,they pop up to provide nudges in the action,put a little teaser here and there..the thing that i didn't like about this book was the author making implication about one of the character missing out on sex and that's what everyone wants...plus the ending was a surprise..

A premise rife with potential for the strength and deeply abiding romantic tones that have distinguished this author for a number of years, with an execution that, at points, disappointed. I, frankly, found Tobin to be undeserving of Kiersten on a number of levels and the attraction of the "lothario requiring reform through true love" story has worn immensely. The writing and character development were still strong and the saving graces of the reading process.

What was with the ending??? Ok I really liked this book. REALLY liked this book, and then it just ended. SO ABRUPTLY!!!
The two main characters were great, well thought out, intriguing back-storied characters. On top of that, they were great together and seemed to make each other better people, which is wonderful to see in a love story book. The pace of them getting together was even nicely done and I was excited when things finally started going right...and then it ENDED!!
I think I've made my point. This book could have been excellent (5 stars) if the ending wasn't completely rushed. Literally adding a few more pages on the Epilogue to let the reader enjoy them being together would have been nice.
Recommendation: I'd still say buy this book because it's so enjoyable. Just don't say I didn't warn you about the ending...

I don't know if it's because the story is told in first person by the two main characters simultaneously but I think this book has not fulfilled my expectations completly. I found that the story was told in a kind of zig zag that sometimes made you lose the thread. As if some chapters were somehow disconnected. And as some situations supposedly very relevant and important initially, have been incomplete without a proper closure.
But enough negativity. Julie is one of the authors that I like the most, since I read Descend, and I always look forward for their new works. And maybe because of that, I am going to put behind the parts of this book that I haven't liked. The two main characters are very hot separatelly, and certainly they are hot as a couple too. They are some sceens very romantic, not enough sex sceens, but all in all the book has been somehow interesting for me to read.

Big fan of Julie Cannon! Love this author.
I just didn't like this book. The book is from two different perspectives so it felt like scenes just repeated themselves. The book is too long and it's also a slow start. The story had potential, I like the dialogue at times between the two characters. It's not a bad read; for myself the way the Julie Cannon 'told' the story is the problem. It has a lot of magic in the characters, it's I never found it in the pages.

*I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.*
3.5 stars
I've read quite a few of Julie Cannon's books, so I was excited to have the opportunity to review Wishing on a Dream. Cannon is an experienced author and her practice in this craft shows. This was a fun read.
I think that my favorite aspects of this plot line was the attention to detail about Tobin's life. From her relationships with her neighbors, to life as a performing artist Cannon did a wonderful job presenting what felt like a realistic depiction of the life of a famous musician. The same level of detail was paid to Keirsten's life, and her professional and personal experiences/relationships also felt believable.
Unfortunately this is where believable ends. I just couldn't quite figure out the chemistry between these two women. I wanted to believe their connection, but it just didn't have the spark the author wanted it to have. There was a ton of time spent on Keirsten's status as a virgin and the time she spent thinking about sex. It was ridiculous and sadly not believable. Not because the plot couldn't be possible, but just because of the way it was presented. She sounded like a whining 18 year old rather than a mature CEO in her 30s.

What might have been but is not...
Wishing on a Dream could have been a great romance, instead it is just average. All the elements are there -- an interesting premise, intriguing protagonists with a well thought out age gap in their relationship, their chemistry palpable, very sensual intimate scenes, great dialogue...
But Cannon, very surprisingly for such an experienced writer, wavered and stumbled in too many scenes. Closer to the end of the book, I thought she would be able to pull off at least a fine, strong ending, but unfortunately she finished lacking depth, lacking great emotions, too short in everything. She missed her chance for an awesome love story, and ended with just a mediocre one.
Despite my disappointment entitled what-might-have-been-but-is-not, this book is a good way to spend a couple of hours.