Member Reviews

Wow! My first book by this author and I was impressed. A mystery with a twist and characters that were intriguing, with a solid plot line! Would have liked a little more romance, but still a solid 3.5 star read!

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The language throw me off. Unfortunately, because the premise was really good.

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I am saddened to say that I was unable to finish it. I just could not get into it and maybe it's because I didn't know there was a previous book when I requested on NetGalley and that is why I felt so very lost. Maybe I will try it again should I ever read the first book.

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I do not customarily venture into a series before reading the first publication, however, I received a number of encouraging comments regarding the first M'Coul and Ghoul novel, so I decided to give "Worms of Sin" a whirl. Quite pleased that I did-it is a departure from my standard fare, a rapidly completed read and has a sufficient number of gory bits to keep me vested.

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This story is told in first person and completely from Finn’s point-of-view. I liked the snippets we got of Sasha, and would have liked her/him? to have more page time.
As per the blurb, Finn goes undercover following 19-year-old Gray into a drug treatment center; once a mental hospital. The drug shotweed is rampant, causing non-consensual, powerful orgasms. However, the drug only has that effect on gay men.

For the entire plot, Finn tries to unearth what is going on. All the while strange things are happening, eyes turning orange, men creaming their jeans, men literally scratching their heads as if they have a bad case of head lice.

The story has some Folklore thrown in for good measure, the Hand of Glory, talk of the Salamander drowned in Noah’s flood, and so on. And toward the end it enters into the realms of horror and gore.

So did I like the story? Yes and no. Some parts I found riveting, others I was absolutely lost and the point of the story pretty much flew over my head. Admittedly, I didn’t read book one so perhaps that had something to do with it?

If you like mysterious plots and know a bit about folklore, something I know little about, you’ll likely enjoy this story.

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This was just not the type of book I would read. I enjoy psychological thrillers, but this was just to far out there. Read the entire book thinking that this author must really be in theatre and likes to inject big words, which explains the librarian. There is one in every chapter. Didn't know anything about the author until the end. If you enjoyed literature or theatre in college, you may like this book.

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