Member Reviews

I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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This is an unusual novel with an unusual heroine. I'm not sure whether it's meant to be a thriller or a romance (of sorts) but it is entertaining.

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Book 1 grabbed me, I was excited for Book2, Break Me. Suspense and Romance are the background of my favorite books, but I hate, hate, hate love triangles. That is on me. Intrigue, mind blowing suspense and more of China's family Aka niece and gran are here. They releave some of the suspense long enough for you to catch your breath. This is a twisty, suspenseful, ride with curves, red herrings, corruption and love.

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I read this book a long while ago and am only getting ago and am only now getting to the review. I would describe book 2 as good just not great .China is still a quirky, smart and socially awkward tech genius who is trying to navigate her job with a super secret organsiation, a love triangle and all the espionage one could ask for. And yet I just didn't love the book. I am always a little unsure of love triangles and felt at times China's quirky presence was lost in the love triangle.

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This was an okay read for me. I did not feel the suspense in the story. Maybe because it was the second book in the series. I usually hate the second book.

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I laughed my way through 'Follow Me' and 'Break Me.' China is obviously a high functioning individual on the spectrum with a high IQ. Her quirkiness, geekiness and obsession with routines had me in stitches. I love how cute she is with her SciFi fandom collections, harlequin book hunting and her little daily rituals.

I also loved her niece, Mia, who was also gifted but not socially awkward like China. I loved how she gave China a helping hand in getting ready for dates.

Clark and Jackson are two likeable guys and their interactions with China are funny, sweet and romantic. Both are secretive though and at times I found myself thinking these guys are both, in the words of Mia, 'douches,'

I loved how China and Jackson's initial romance played out on social media. It made me laugh.

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My kindle has broken and I am unable to resend it as it has been archived

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If you are looking for a fun escape, then this is the book for you! China is quirky, smart, and socially awkward. You just can't help but love her! I don't want to give away anything but you'll love this book, it keeps you wanting more! Tiffany Snow is a fantastic author and has become a favorite.

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Its the story that is filled with back story, romance that readers skip though and its just ok.

China is girlfriend of the Boston’s most eligible bachelor . While Jackson wants more and to define their relationship, China is not ready wanting to slow things down, providing lots of tension between the two of them.

After the world found out about Jackson and China’s relationship, she instantly became famous which isn’t very good when working for a secret government agency and definitely brought China more and more out of her comfort zone.

Nice book to read on a holiday at the beach.....

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Tiffany Snow has nailed yet another trilogy. What can't I say about China Mack?! Admittedly I was reluctant to start the first book in this series...not because of the author, but because I was in a bit of a book funk in general. I waited until Break Me came out before I started Follow Me and I'm glad I did. I was able to read through both books back-to-back and that made it even more wonderful. I highly recommend Tiffany Snow to anyone who enjoys a little romance with a little suspense and action.

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I adored the first book in the 'Corrupted Hearts' series - I gave Follow Me a 5-star rating! This sequel fell rather short of the lofty standards set by its predecessor and I felt a bit disappointed after having anticipated this so much. The writing is smooth and assured, the mystery plot is snappy and intriguging, and it honestly had me glued to the screen, gasping in shock at some of the twists and turns. But while 'Follow Me' didn't have an obnoxious love triangle, its sequel unfortunately doubled down on that aspect. :(

I had hoped that once China engaged in a relationship with one of her two handsome devoted suitors, there would be less focus on the alpha males circling her and all but peeing on her to establish their territory. Quite the opposite, the men persist in fighting over her like hormonal teenage boys with zero impulse control, they issue death threats without a trace of irony and behave in a completely embarrassing manner. Instead of continuing the sweet romance that was developed in the first novel, its sequel instead tears it apart in order to prop up her relationship with the other love interest.

What's worse is the way this makes China seem incredibly hypocritical and self-centered. She ignores Jackson, fights with him over things that he's not at fault for and accuses him of taking her for granted (when she's obsessively maintained the same schedule for YEARS, so if anything he's showing how much he cares by adhering to her routine) - while at the same time ignoring all the liberties that Clark takes with her, how rude and presumptuous he is, and the way he disrespects her wishes and her authority. The man is outright hostile and aggressively violent around her, trying to intimidate her into following his lead, but no, Jackson is the problem!

I really can't fathom most of China's thought processes when it comes to the men in this book and that really let me down. Her unique character from the first book also seemed to have been watered down - she had very specific OCD tendencies and personality quirks, but aside from being unable to read social situations, that was mostly dropped here. The author also made the odd choice of switching from 100% first person pov in the first book and mostly the same here to interject a couple of chapters from the third person perspective very late in the story. It stood out jarringly as a result, so either more chapters from another character's perspective should've been interspersed throughout the book or they ought not have been included at all, this seemed amateur-ish being tossed in like an afterthought.

Overall, the plotting was fantastic, the suspense and action are the highlight of the story, but the interaction between characters leaves a lot to be desired - you need a high tolerance for love triangles for this one.

I know my review was mostly negative, and I did hesitate over my rating, but I did finish this instead of DNF'ing because it kept me intrigued and also due to the goodwill earned by the first novel, so that tips my rating over the line.

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Just a few weeks ago, computer prodigy China Mack’s typical night in involved Endor Star Wars pajamas and a sensible bedtime. Now she’s dating gorgeous tech guru Jackson Cooper—one of Forbes’s Top Ten Eligible Billionaires—much to the Twitterverse’s delight.

Turns out, going from socially inept hermit to poster girl for geek chic has its challenges. China’s relationship gets even more complicated because her role heading the top-secret Vigilance program—where she’s partnered with Superman clone Clark Slattery—makes her a target. And when ruthless businessman Simon Lu plans to co-opt Vigilance software to blackmail government and military employees, he’ll need China’s cooperation—willing or otherwise.

But not every enemy is so easily identified. Some hide in plain sight, in very high places, and mistaking foe for friend could be the last mistake China ever makes…

* * * * *

I really like China Mack. Her intelligence is off the scales but she has NO social skills. Thank goodness that she has a good heart and is loyal to her friends, her boyfriend and her country.

Her boyfriend Jackson is just as smart as she is but he has learned to play the game and has social skills. I really enjoyed watching China frustrate him when he tries to take their relationship forward based on feelings while she didn't feel that they hadn't logically been dating long enough.

There is a lot of action, some politics along with some comedy caused by China's not understanding social cues. I do recommend BREAK ME to any of my readers who enjoy romantic suspense with a touch of the quirky.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

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‘Break Me’ by Tiffany Snow is the second book in the ‘Captured Hearts’ series and is a great read. It is another book by Tiffany Snow with a thrilling story that has you engrossed from beginning to end.

With a love triangle centring round China as she continues a romance with Jackson but the two seem to be at odds about commitment and then there is Clark hanging around trying to capture her heart. China is a brilliant character in all her social awkwardness and quirks that make you love her more.

Again this is book by this author with intrigue, mystery and complex characters that captivates you right from the first page. The romance is as always worked into the story well as it weaves around the thrilling activity going on throughout. I would definitely recommend this book.

I was provided with a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you for allowing me to explore Tiffany Snow's work. She has been an author that has been on my TBR list for a long time now. However, I quicky realized that this series (Corrupted Hearts) was not the series for me. I feel bad that I requested this book and didn't like it. Thank you for the oppertunity to at least try Tiffany's work. I am going to explore her Tangled Ivy Trilogy. That has been on my TBR list for a long time now. I am thinking that the Corrupted Hearts series jsut wasn't the series for me.

* Because of my strong opinion on this book, I will only be giving stars on my GoodReads accoing and will not be leaving a review. Just because I didn't enjoy this seires/ book, does not mean that someone else may enjoy it. I do not want my opinion to effect their experience.

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An intense continuation of the story, good twists and turns and interesting insinuating clues towards the next book.

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Genre: Romance - Suspense, action
Stand-Alone: Yes, but better with Follow Me (book 1)
Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of 3 planned for the Corrupted Hearts Series
POV: Mostly China's
Steam Level: Toasty at times

I love China Mack!!! In book 2 of the Corrupted Hearts Series we see China in her role of bosslady at Vigilance with Clark as her partner/protector. With his and Jackson's help China's (reluctantly) coming out of her shell and pushing the limits of her OCD. In Break Me things go nuts! And the cameo was to die for!
Break Me proves again why Tiffany Snow is my favorite author. The story and tension that is weaved throughout this book is spectacular. Each book gets better and better with more and more layers added.
If I gush anymore I'll give stuff away which I don't want to do. All i have to say is READ THIS BOOK!!! Tiffany Snow is an amazing author and China Mack is quickly becoming one of my favorites. If you're looking for a new author, new romantic suspense Tiffany Snow and China Mack are you girls.

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Having enjoyed the first book in this series I was looking forward to seeing what the author would bring in this one.

China is back and still as naive as ever in many ways. She believes that her life is going to continue exactly the same as it always did, regardless of the fact she is now dating Jackson. Clark remains a huge part in her life and this leads to a lot of awkward situations. China's life will never be the same, and in this book the author puts her through the ringer.

The ending suggests a lot more to come and I can't wait to find out what the author does with the characters next.

Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy.

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China Mack is one cool geeky chick and she doesn't care she is what she is and no one will change her. She has a super secret job and that can cause problems for her. She falls into a mess of trouble in this case and not only does it affect her but her partner and current boyfriend.
I was on the edge of my seat and wanted the best for her.
You will be pulled through many emotions. There is a love triangle going on as well. Watching her out of her element is an experience in itself.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest revie

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Another surprised, thrilling, sexy, action-packed, hypnotic romance by Tiffany Snow! Break Me is the second book in the Corrupted Hearts story and is a true masterpiece. As addicting as Chocolate, this story had me so on edge it was like cliff diving without a parachute! I got the high of the adrenaline rush and I CRAVED the sensations. There were many twists and turns that only Miss Snow can bring and I loved every one of them! I can't get enough of China! This is one of those books that will have you on the edge the whole time your reading it, but you will LOVE the thrill of it because you just never know whats going to go down. I freaking LOVE Tiffany Snow's writing! Her books get better, hotter, more suspenseful with each new story and I certainly can't get enough. A MUST HAVE BOOK!

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This is the second book in the series. This story has lots of excitement, surprises and plenty of twists and turns. Fantastic characters you will connect with from the start. This author has a fab way of bringing you suspense filled stories every time. I cant wait to read more. from this author in the future.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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