Member Reviews

China Mack is back and settled into her new role working alongside Clark Slattery. Her romance with Jackson Cooper is still going strong, although it soon becomes clear the love-birds are not on the same page when it comes to committing to their relationship.

Thankfully for me, the reading experience of this second book in the Corrupted Hearts series was pleasurable this time around however, fans of China in the first book may feel disappointment because her OCD tendencies have faded to a greater degree. The socially awkward IT genius is a more assured young woman as her role shifts to a more covert one. The deviation in China's personality trait is replaced with even more references to fandoms, which went over my head. I'm not interested in Star Wars or any sci-fi films so numerous mentions about China's cherished Stars Wars pyjamas was over the top!

The strength of this novel is the imaginative narrative, it's on-point with the current political feelings. Ms Snow has always written suspense incredibly well and I wish the romance aspect matched the same intensity. China and Jackson's romance is luke warm at best and Clark is in the background pretending he doesn't like his line manager (China). Therefore I'm grateful for the fast pace when the suspense is the main focus. The writing switched between first and third person which was a surprise, and a little confusing sometimes until I got used to the format.

I'll admit the biggest motivation to read Break Me was the inclusion of characters from the first series Ms Snow wrote. With rumours flying about a hint of a Happy Ever After for the one 'unlucky in love,' the temptation was too great an opportunity to miss. Knowing this, I dived into this novel reading the final chapter first, something I've haven't done before. Afterwards, I felt decidedly underwhelmed with regards to the cameo appearances. However, this was a hasty opinion because you need to read the full novel to gain a clearer impression of their inclusion within this plot-line. Duh!!! (face palm). If you are paying attention, you'll spot them much earlier (wink). The sequence of events within The Corrupted Hearts series reminds me of this series too, although, only those who have read those books gazillion times would pick up on it...maybe! The comparisons are subtle, but are there, leading me to speculate the route China's heart will take her.

To sum up, I'll be back for book three and sincerely hope Ms Snow delivers up the unexpected in the finale...something she's done before and is more than capable of doing again; If only to prove me wrong about how I see this series playing out.

3 stars

***arc generously received courtesy of Montlake Romance via NetGalley***

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This book has passion, humor and heart-pounding suspense ala Tiffany Snow style. It is the 2nd book in the Corrupted Hearts series and features China Mack as the heroine, who is an OCD genius geek with 2 hot men as romantic interests; tech genius billionaire Jackson and ex military/CIA Clark with the blue eyes of 'Superman Clark Kent' fame. Pace of book is fast and some characters of her older books made guest appearances, which made the book even more fun. Highly recommended!

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Landing a new job that appeals to you is a dream for anyone. For China Mack - the new set up has her working with Clark. Both trying to take on a job that protects the US from some serious cyber threats. The close proximity between Clark and China has the technology guru wondering where Clark fits into her life at times. Even though China is still in a relationship with Jackson, her work takes a major piece of her time.

Threats still linger from the Vigilance project, making China wonder if letting Jackson ‘in the loop’ will keep her out of harms way. Jackson is facing his own set of problems, and knows there is only one person he would turn to for help. The only problem is China now has an ‘add on’ in the shape of Clark.

The suspense surrounding the characters kicks up a notch and the plot thickens. Where will this triad come out in the end? Only time will tell, and knowing Tiffany Snow it will be a sexy and sinful ride. One thing is certain, none of the characters will take a walk on the easy side to find their ‘happily ever after’. I can’t wait to see where China, Jackson, and Clark are headed next.

Break Me is the second installment in the Corrupted Hearts series. One filled with all kinds of secrets and tech filled activities. Some of it becomes a bit overwhelming in the grand scheme of things, but the way that China completely changed in this book threw me for a bit. Don’t get me wrong….I still enjoyed the story. China just seemed to take on a new persona in the second book. An extreme departure from the quirky and socially awkward gal we came to love in the first book.

As always, Tiffany Snow knows how to write a love triangle!! I am looking forward to a little more ‘push and pull’ in the next book to spice it up even more. Fans of Snow’s previous series will get a little ‘treat’ in this book. A homage to a couple of past favorites that have not been forgotten. All in all - another great series in the Snow empire.

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Book 2 in the Corrupted Hearts series, and the action, danger and romance all go up another amazing notch in this book. I still adore the character of China and and i like how the pull is still as strong between herself and the two characters of Clark and Jackson. Not once did i get bored reading this story, it just flows so well,and next thing you know while reading i was like damn it i need to stop for refreshments to keep going. As usual Tiffany Snow throws many surprises into the mix,and we all know she like to keep us hooked, and i myself am so exictied for the third book in this series, which dare i say may overtake the Kathleen Turner series as my fave

review is on goodreads under the name Kimothy

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My all time favorite tv show is Bones. China reminds me of a Temperance Brennan except with espionage . This book is full of twists and turns and and laugh out loud moments. I enjoyed watching China attempt to navigate romantic innuendos and the world in general. I find China and her world fascinating and can't wait for more of her escapades and hopefully more Kade .

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If you have known me for any amount of time you know my fondness for all things Tiffany Snow... and she has once again rocked my freaking world with book!! So much happens in this book and I'm going to do my best to tell you how it made me feel without giving things away!

China Mack is still as brilliant and quirky as she was in first novel, but you really get more in tune with her throughout this novel. I love the way that Clark describes her, "A walking contradiction."

You got to see a different side of both Jackson and Clark in this one and you will fall in love with not one but two men in the only way that Tiffany can make you. You will also get to meet some of your favorites from Tiffany's other series and you love them just as fierce as you have before! I serioulsy want to give Tiffany a huge after reading this one and it's going to leave you satisfied and content for now but still have you yearning for more. I need the next book... like ASAP! If I had China's hacker skills I would use them to read her current manuscript.

You want to talk about all the feels?? Yep. All of them are going to run through you while you are reading this and you want to peal your eyes away because you don't know what will happen when you put it down. You will be on the edge of your seat throughout you will love, you hate you will be annoyed you will be terrified you be sick you will swoon, you will laugh you will cry... name an emotion... I bet you feel it while reading this book!

Don't waste time on this... BUY IT NOW.

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4.5 Geeky Stars!

I love a book with a quirky character and China fits that bill to a T. Usually it's the Hero's in the books that keep me invested, but in this series it's China. The author did such a good job of making her geekiness and her interactions with other characters, adorable and funny.

I have been very entertained in both book 1 and 2 of this series. I hope there is plans of more. If you aren't a fan of series, the author ends both books in a way that would give you closure. I would recommend reading book 1 before 2, however. You could pick this up as a standalone but you would be more invested in the characters if you got their beginning.

Book 2 basically starts right where book 1 ended. Everything I loved in the first book continues on into this book. In book 1 we had a bit of a love triangle going on and normally I'm not a fan of that. There was just something about the author's writing that it didn't bother me like it usually would. I was more invested in China's shenanigans than I was invested in the romance aspect of the book.

I liked both Clark and Jackson so I knew I wouldn't be disappointed with who China chooses. Once she did choose Jackson, I was a bit disappointed to see Clark and China's attraction linger into book 2. You do see a conclusion to this and I never felt it over stepped so it didn't ruin my enjoyment of the book. Seeing Clark truly care for China actually made him a more likable character. It's part of the reason I would like to see more in this series and see Clark get his own love interest.

Overall, this was a fun and entertaining book. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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Excellent Tiffany Snow!!!!
I can’t say enough how much I loved “Break Me”. This book picks up where the last one ends. I was hooked from the beginning. There are 2 very different, but both extremely sexy men, Jackson and Clark #IWillNotPickASide. Then there’s China Mack, I adore her, she’s not your normal leading lady. She’s a genius, awkward, and get caught up in a much different world than she’s used to. Tiffany brought back even more action, suspense and romance with this book.
In true Tiffany fashion, she makes you feel like you are in the story. Every detail can be pictured in your head. One minute I would be laughing and the next I’d be holding my breath, and making sure my feet were under the covers (you know, so the bad guys don’t get me). Then there’s the twist and turns I did not see coming.
This book is so well written. My first thought when I finished this book was ‘WOW that was just awesome!” I can’t wait for the book 3 to see what will happen next. Break Me is a sensational follow up from Follow Me.
This is a must read!! #5wineglasses

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Veronica – ☆☆☆☆☆
China has gone from working for her tech billionaire boyfriend, Jackson, to heading a secret government agency with Clarke as her partner. China is keeping her new job from Jackson and he isn't happy when he discovers she is working with Clarke.

As the story began, I couldn't help thinking Jackson is a little too good to be true and his behaviour early on didn't help. As the story unfolded, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be proven right or wrong about Jackson.

Trying to do the right things, China repeatedly ends up in danger. Espionage and lots of action had my heart pumping as I devoured every page. Action on the romance front is tangled in the story too.

Break Me is a fantastic book and topped off with a brilliant last chapter I did not see coming. I loved it. I'm so excited to read more of this series. I hope the wait isn't too long.

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I am a HUGE fan and avid reader of Tiffany Snow's books and this one did not let me down! Its fast paced, action filled and a romantic suspense. A definite must read for Tiffany Snow readers! Thank You Netgalley.

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This was my first read by this author but it won't be my last! I actually have a paperback of another of her works and am reading that now!

China Mack is just a hot bed of quirks, OCD, and genius all rolled into one diminutive package! She has a hot, but equally genius boyfriend (who just happens to be a billionaire!) and a new job, helping to track threats to the USA.

She also has her teenage niece, Mia, who has incredible style, who helps China stay a little bit grounded. Then there is Clark, her former "neighbour", former date and newly minted coworker! He lied to her and now he protects her. She knows she shouldn't still think he's hot but with her limited sexual history she really can't seem to help herself.

I did feel kind of torn between Jackson and Clark. I get why she would be attracted to both in their own way but she does seem to be a one man at a time woman but who knows what'll happen in the future - especially after all the "baby" comments!!!!!

I enjoyed all the craziness she gets involved in, her constant references to Sci fi programmes and her total lack of self censure!!!!

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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I love Tiffany Snow and the Break Me the second book in her Corrupt Hearts series is what I come to expect from her books, romance, a love triangle, and intrigue.

Break Me takes place a few months after Follow Me ends with China Mack working for a secret government agency that she is keeping from her boyfriend Jackson Cooper's whose tech is what this agency is using and she is working with Clark the muscle who protectors her. China lives a very organized life and still has a hard time with social and intimate relationships though she is trying. When Jackson tries to take their relationship to the next level she has a hard time with how fast he is moving along with someone trying to kill her life is not fitting into her neat box any longer and she is having a hard time. To top it off she has to deal with Clark who she knows doesn't like her things are getting complicated. Then when people start to threaten her and her family the story takes a surprising turn actually a lot of surprising turns.

I love Tiffany's writing, never being a fan of love triangles unless its Ms Snow's she writes her characters with flaws and humanity which I love. The story is complex but easy to follow that doesnt get to techy and I love her geek references (especially Star Wars). The characters are moving forward and growing which I love - all 3 of the main characters are learning different sides of themselves. All in all another great story from Ms Snow and I for one can not wait until the next installment. Oh and if you are long time fan, you will love the last chapter.

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Break Me is the second book of the China Mack series. You definitely should read the first book of the series before you read this one. It does not end on a cliffhanger, but it does end in such a way that a third book is pretty much guaranteed.

I adored China in Follow Me, but she felt very different to me in this one. She was still likable, but she didn't have that same innocent-social-misfit charm that she had in the first book. Although I do like personal growth in a character, I was sad that she lost a lot of the awkward charm that made her so likable in the first book.

Despite China's change, I very much enjoyed this book and cannot wait for the next one!

I requested and was generously granted a copy of this book from NetGalley. I was under no obligation to write this review, I did so voluntarily.

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China Mack just can't seem to escape vile world of politics and espionage. An interwoven tale of the Chinese wanting something from the U.S. that allows them to spy on people and possibly start a war. China is caught in the middle along with Clark and Jackson. Her adorable genius conflicts with her social awkwardness but it is very endearing and fun to read. The battle between her smart, handsome and grotesquely rich boyfriend Jackson and her adorable, militaristic and superhero-esque partner Clark is serious and yet quite immature at times. Mack is my favorite female character, you can't go wrong with a fan of classic Star Wars and Van Halen. The book ended with closure but it seemed open to another book. I highly recommend reading Follow Me first to understand Mack and her quirks along with the roles of the other characters. I have written my review voluntarily after reading an advanced copy from Netgalley.

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Break Me is the second book in the Corrupted Hearts series. I recommend reading Follow Me first as this story continues from where it left off.

No matter how much I may love a book, I always worry when I read the next book in the series I’m going to forget important parts of the previous book(s) in the series. I believe the author did a great job of recapping the first book within the first couple of chapters without feeling like she was just retelling the story over again.

This series part of the romantic suspense genre. This book focuses more on the suspense and less on the romance, but that is perfectly fine with me. I’m a fan on romantic suspense because I love the mystery and that’s exactly what we got in this book. With that being said, there is still some ‘tension’ between Mack and Jackson and Clark in this book and I often caught myself yelling at Mack in my head not to do something stupid! Knowing this author, I’m sure she’ll be putting the readers through a lot more anguish before the series is done.

I don’t want to give anything away, but if you’re a fan of Tiffany Snow’s and familiar with her other books, you will absolutely love the last chapter! It caught me completely by surprise. Now more than ever, I can’t wait for the next book!

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I really enjoyed this novel. I've read books by this author in the past and enjoyed her writing. I can see some similarities between her heroine in this series and previous but I love the added OCD genius traits. China is a fun character who is wise beyond her years in so many ways but also a complete naive child in others. I'll have to pick up a copy of the first book so I can get more of China and her love triangle

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I really like China Mack. She is so not your normal romance heroine. She’s ubersmart and lacking in social skills. Yet she’s not an automaton. She, though unwillingly, cracks open her strict regime to make room for people she cares for. She’s also able to run a company when many with her skills, young age and intelligence would prefer to hide behind their keyboard.

It’s fun to watch her learn to be in a relationship. Jackson has transcending his geeky, picked on boyhood self to become one of the hottest bachelors and he’s smitten with China. The relationship alone is new and the unfamiliarity of dating is stressful without throwing in fancy parties and socializing which China does not enjoy. China's emotional attachment is moving slower than Jackson's too. Like these two need relationship problems on top of all the external stressors in their lives.

I don’t know why or if it’s Snow’s intent but I’m rooting for Clark. I enjoy watching him fight his attraction to China especially because he’s trying to do what’s right for her. He’s a much nicer person than he ever lets on. I hope there’s another book so we can see where their working relationship and possibly mutual attraction lead.

I’ve not done the action in the book justice by focusing first on the romance. The book was intense. China is thrust into some very scary situations and literally fighting for her life, her company and her loved ones.

This book had it all and I really enjoyed it.

reviewed by Jem Stone

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BREAK ME by Tiffany Snow. The 2nd in Corrupted Hearts series. China is a nerdy, fun loving yet, quirky character. Now dating tech guru Jackson and being a poster girl is challenging, from what she was before. A ruthless businessman needs China help, with the software to destroy government and military employees. A fast pace, interesting story. Given ARC by Net Galley for my voluntary review and my honest opinion.

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Tiffanys books always keep u guessing from the very first page! I thoroughly enjoyed the love triangle as well as the fast paced suspense. Thank you again for an awesome read!

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China Mack returns in her second adventure and this time she has to keep the beyond-top-secret computer program that she is running out of the hands of the Chinese. She also has to learn how to deal with being in a relationship with billionaire computer company owner Jackson Cooper. This is all new territory for China who prizes her routine above all.

A genius IQ, OCD, and a position high on the Asperger's spectrum aren't exactly the right skills for dealing with a romance. The romance is even more complicated when her boyfriend is under the scrutiny of the Department of Justice for the dealings of his company. China has to take extreme measures to get the DoJ off his back and looking in the right direction.

I like China for her vulnerability. I like that she inspires loyalty in her employees. I like that the is a nerd in the best sense of the word. I like her relationships with her boyfriend Jackson and her partner and friend Clark.

This thriller got quite intense and had me on the edge of my chair. Fans of techno-thrillers with characters who are easy to relate to and like will enjoy this one.

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