Member Reviews

For everyone waiting for Blake and Tiffany's story, know this: it was everything and nothing close to what I expected.

Ever since Blake and Tiffany circled and snarled at each other in that trailer park, I've been itching for their story. I just finished reading their gut-wrenching story and am still waiting for my heart and head to stop spinning.

While there was the knife edge of fear running through Annie's story in Everything I Left Unsaid and that same blade of desperation in Joan's story, Burn Down the Night, Tiffany's story is pure pain. Her abusive husband's cruelty stripped her down to a desperate shell of herself. So full of fear and pain and terror that she's practically feral in her inability to trust herself or the kindness of others. Blake similarly has withdrawn from the world into a cold shell of man who throws around money to fix problems. But really, it is Tiffany who hangs in the balance.

Unlike the bad guys in the Annie and Joan's stories, I was taken aback by how internally and emotionally Tiffany and Blake's story unfolded. Tiffany used her words, her body, and her fears to strike at Blake over and over, but it was her internal doubt and fears that caused her the most pain.

I can't say any more for fear of giving away too much, but how Blake and Tiffany finally connect (and I mean outside the bedroom) was so fraught with tension and emotion that I found myself holding my breath. I absolutely loved that they could both, in their own ways, start tentatively reaching for something good instead of instinctively flinching from something bad.

But as much as I enjoyed it when Blake and Tiffany finally came together, I had serious issues with the ending. It happened far too quickly and the book ended far too abruptly for there to be a real sense that Tiffany and Blake were going to be really, truly okay. There was no epilogue, not even a quick check in with Dylan and Annie or Joan and Max. I can only hope this means there's another Everything I left Unsaid installment someday.

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WAIT FOR IT....was so good I hated to put it down.. Blake and Tiffany had a lot to overcome and some of it was heartbreaking .. but the journey was well worth the trip. This is my first book by Molly O'Keefe and I look forward to reading more of her work. She took me into their story and I felt a part of that when reading a good book. Thanks NetGalley for the chance to preview this book. I will post a review on Goodreads and Amazon when the book is published.

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Of the books I've read from the series this is my favorite one by far. Molly has consistently shown the angst and hardships of her characters for some reason this one was done in such a perfect manner that I flew through the book in one night. The pace was perfect, the timing was perfect, and the characterization was by far impeccable. Molly writes characters that are truly believable and characters that are both heroic; there is no damsel in distress in her books. This is probably why I love reading her books from start to finish. great job!!

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Requested and received an ARC from NetGalley

I wasn't a real fan of Burn Down the Night but after reading the synopsis I decided to give this series another shot. I really enjoyed the first 50% with Tiffany doing her best to get out from under Phil to protect her kids and trying to get ahead on her own and the fact she'd go toe to toe with Blake despite her fear. She was finding her inner steel and it was enjoyable to read. My problem came with the sex. MOK knows how to write a hot sex scene, but there's a dark edge to it in both books I've read in this series that I find unpleasant. It seems to be some twisted knot of manipulation and a power I ended up skimming the sex since it wasn't working for me. Other than the weird vibe with the sex it was a pretty good contemporary romance all the way up until the very end.....which wrapped up WAY to quickly. With all the complications of their family and their push and pull relationship there is no way it would wrap up in one night like that, especially with 3 kids. That last scene how they ended up would have made a great scene in an epilogue set a few years later but ending it like that in the present was an epic fail for me.

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This is my favorite M. O'Keefe book so far and that's saying a lot since I love all of them. Blake is a rich powerful man who will do anything to break his enemies and protect his family. Tiffany is a survivor who's trying to raise 3 kids alone. I couldn't put this book down once I started reading it. Their roller coaster ride of a relationship hooks you from beginning to end. The honesty, anger, authenticity, and red hot romance -- all of it makes for a great read. Loved it!

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This story is about Tiffany and Blake, who are mentioned in "The Truth About Him." This story started out great with just enough back-story to get me back up to speed. However, the story soon became predictable with an obvious and hastily-arrived-at conclusion. I like this author, but was hoping for something more in depth like Annie's story.

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This is part of Tiffany's story, you'll find her in the beginning of this series through this and it's important to read the series to get the full emotional effect of this book.

Tiffany has just had a horrific night at the hands of her soon to be ex-husband, Phil, and has had to go to Annie's to get the name and number of a lawyer and a place to lay low. What she doesn't expect to find is herself and her kids arriving in the middle of a Christmas party in their pajamas. The only thing worse than that is running into him.... Blake. The man that has threatened to take her kids from her.

When she cannot get into the car fast enough to get away the situation becomes even worse when Blake's mom, Margaret, shows up with food. But being who Margaret is she steps in to make the situation as easy as possible, having no clue who these people are.

After leaving the kids at her sister's house the next day to go see what damage Phil has left behind this time, once again she is surprised and scared to death when she finds a man in her apartment who doesn't belong there. But Blake is completely and utterly shocked at what he finds, at the lengths his brother has gone to to destroy and terrify this woman and her children and the least he can do is help. But she doesn't want his help. Too bad.

Will Blake and Tiffany start to see each other in a different way or will it still be a hate on site relationship? Will Phil be back or will Blake find him and kill him?

So much happens and changes in this book, both from Tiffany's relationship with her parents to the relationship with Phil's family. Can she handle it and more importantly, can the kids?

This is a story I jumoed at reading because I started at the beginning of this series and this author is fantastic in her storytelling.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4 stars!

Intense and intriguing, this book features a damaged yet strong heroine, a strong yet damaged hero, and one complicated love story. It’s sexy and messy with great chemistry and fantastic character development, and I really enjoyed the journey.

This is book #4 in the Everything I Left Unsaid series. Fans of the earlier books will already know Tiffany and Blake, but this book can easily be read as a standalone.

Tiffany has lived through hell with an abusive husband. Now on her own with her children, she is fighting to make a better life for her family but the struggle is never-ending, and she is finding it difficult to get ahead. Enter Blake – her estranged husband’s estranged brother. Blake and Tiffany met once before, and it didn’t go well. And when they unexpectedly see each other again, both of their defences go up, and Blake once again shows his assholish colours. But he is a man who has been dealing with his brother and cleaning up his messes for his entire life, he has no idea how to handle Tiffany. And when she runs into trouble, it is Blake that is there for her, and despite the barriers that she puts up, he soon finds himself drawn into her world.

“Whatever this is…this impetus you have to help me right now, I know it’s a lie. You’re not kind, Blake, and I’ve had more than enough lies in my life. I don’t want any more.”

You can’t make this right
Tiffany’s words were true. But I still felt compelled to try. To change some of the shit Phil had left her dealing with.

Blake is a wonderfully complex character. He has worked hard and has become wildly successful and wealthy beyond his dreams. But he uses his money as a way to control everything in his life. He keeps himself emotionally distant, putting up a cold, ruthless façade that keeps anybody from getting too close. And now for the first time, he has met somebody who threatens to blow his carefully controlled, emotionless world apart. He wants Tiffany. He admires her strength and determination, and though they both have walls in place, their attraction to each other is off the charts and Blake makes it very clear what he wants.

“Listen to me,” he said. “I will never hurt you or touch you. I won’t put my hands on you unless you ask me. Beg me.” I gasped and fell back against the door, strength leaving my legs. “And I want you to beg me,” he said, still closer. “And I think someday you will.”

And Tiffany is great. I could completely empathise with her - not only has Blake treated her badly in the past, but she has been focussed on her children and just getting by for so long, that, the intensity of her feelings freak her out. But I love how she had the strength to stand up for herself and be honest about what she was feeling.

“I’m scared that the way I want you will tie me to you when I know that’s not what either of us wants. Or needs. But I’m just so…” I trailed off because there were so many words that could fill in that blank.
Lonely. Needy. Broken.

The sexual tension is thick between them, and the anticipation builds wonderfully as Blake and Tiffany battle it out. They can’t ignore what is between them but in order to protect themselves they set up rules to keep things from getting too emotional. It creates a bit of a clusterfuck, but allows them the ‘freedom’ to act on their desires, and holy hot damn! But, of course, things get really complicated really fast.

It wasn’t sex. It wasn’t just sex. It was her.
I wanted her and I wanted the honor of being wanted by her.
And fuck if I hadn’t made my whole life about getting what I wanted.

I really enjoyed this book. Molly O’Keefe writes wonderfully twisty relationships, and this one is no different. Blake and Tiffany are both complex characters, and the dynamic between them is complicated and intense as they try to figure out what they’re feeling, what they want, and what they are capable of. And in a situation where it seems like Blake is the one who can swoon in and save Tiffany, he is a man who has been shaped by his demons and he needs just as much rescuing as she does, and I love that!

His hand touched my leg and I grabbed it. I held it with both of mine, like he was a lifeline and I needed saving. Or maybe I was the lifeline and he needed saving.
Was it possible we could save each other?

And the highlight of this book for me was watching the development of both Blake and Tiffany as they work through everything that is holding them back and fight for what they want.

She was the miracle I was trying to hold on to.

I was sucked into this book from the very beginning, and was captivated by Tiffany and Blake’s story. It’s not your usual love story, that’s for sure, but I enjoyed the dynamic and watching the battle between these two intriguing characters. It’s sexy and intense, with moments of sweetness, and finishes in a good place (though I would have loved an epilogue).

4 stars.

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Three and a half stars.

I was not aware that this was the fourth book in a series when I requested the book from NetGalley, i felt it was easy to read as a stand-alone, although I was aware that there had probably been at least one previous book (about Dylan and Annie) whilst reading this one.

Tiffany Edwards is twenty-five years old, married with three children and living in a trailer park. Her husband, Phil is not a good man, violent, abusive, a drinker. When Phil's brother Blake visits the trailer park and offers her money to stay away from his mother and family she jumps at the chance.

Blake Edwards is used to getting what he wants, manipulating people into doing what he wants, using his money to buy people off. He's been protecting his mother and sister from Phil since he was sixteen years old and he's not going to let his mother get her heart broken all over again by another of Phil's scams or his trashy alleged wife and kids.

A year later, Tiffany and her children have fled their apartment after Phil has tracked them down and started smashing up the furniture. They turn up up Tiffany's friend Annie's home only to find that Annie and Dylan are having a Christmas party. Bra-less, no make-up, wearing one of the kids' t-shirts and her fluffy slippers, Tiffany couldn't pose more of a contrast to the party guests in their fancy clothes.

Blake realises that Tiffany and her children aren't part of Phil's latest money-grabbing scam, they are his latest victims. He wants to help his sister-in-law and his nephew and nieces but after their last encounter Tiffany is understandably reluctant, so they enter into a bargain where Blake pays Tiffany for spending time with him.

First off, when I scanned the blurb before I requested this on NetGalley I assumed (for some reason) that Blake was married to Tiffany's sister rather than the reverse, which is that Tiffany is married to Blake's brother. That kind of unsettled me to start with.

I really enjoyed the start of the book. Blake was all alpha male in a three thousand dollar suit, dismissive, arrogant and entitled. Tiffany was beaten down but still feisty and drove a mean bargain with Blake. I was looking forward to Tiffany and her children breaking down the walls that Blake had built around his heart. However, the novel took a different, more erotic route. Not saying it was wrong, but not what I was expecting and TBH I felt that the middle of the book was just sex, sex, sex and not much plot. Then Blake got a bit NA/YA angsty, less alpha male and more emo/ MMA fighter. I felt that there were too many aspects of different genres and the plot kind of got lost a little in the middle. Maybe that was just my mistaken assumptions that skewed my views though.

Overall, if you like a steamy read about a girl from the trailer park and an alpha male millionaire then this is the one for you.

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Another great book from M O'Keefe. I never thought that I would actually be able to like Blake - after his assholery in the previous books - but he definitely redeemed himself (especially with the flowers). I laughed, cried and fumed all during this book. The ending was perfect. I can't wait for the next book!

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Holy heck!!! Just when I thought M. O'Keefe couldn't make me love this series anymore she goes and writes this gem!!!! Tiffany is a supporting character in the previous 3 novels and one that always peeked my interest. What was her backstory?? Would she ever get rid of her jerk of a husband?? And I think what most made me most curious was if Tiffany and her three children would be able to find happiness. I am so happy to say that Ms. O'Keefe gave me all of my answers and much, much more in Wait for It!!

Tiffany and Blake would initially appear an odd match being that Tiffany's abusive (and most of the time absentee) husband is Blake's brother!! But M. O'Keefe managed to weave an epic journey for them that was imperfectly perfect! I'm not sure if it's because this is the 4th book and I am highly invested in all the characters, or if it's the fact that the fantastic storyline consumed me, but Wait for It is officially my favorite book in this series (to date). Now I say "to date" because I am sincerely hoping that there will be more installments in the future. Thinking maybe Blake's mother or Tiffany's sister would make a perfect main character in the next book (fingers crossed)!! Wait for It is a complete and totally 5+++ star read!! If you haven't read this series yet I highly encourage you to start-- go 1-click it now!!

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These characters...they are a land mine of many varied ways people can be thoroughly effed up, people. You will read about two characters who were so demoralized and damaged by life that they've started clawing at anyone in their path, in an attempt to stop the hits from raining down on them. Both wounded animals, yet dealing with it in their own unhealthy ways.

Blake is cold and callous. He viciously removes anyone from his path that may cause a threat to his family. He searches for a glimpse of weakness and rips into it until it bleeds. I felt like I understood him in the beginning, almost sympathized with him. It all came down to one person, spreading his poison and polluting any hope of a normal life: his brother Phil. He's eviscerated any sense of normalcy from Blake's life, their mother's, their sister's...and the list goes on.

Imagine growing up with a person, someone you once loved, but now they're nothing but a never ending drain leaking out your happiness. Now you're empty and just trying to survive until the next round comes. That is Blake's life. So, yes. I could actually understand where he was coming from in the beginning. I was just lulled into a false sense of hope that he would shed his defense mechanisms. He seemed to genuinely want to come to the rescue and help dig Tiffany out of the hole that his brother had dumped her and her children into.

Maybe he did genuinely want to help her, maybe she found a way past his hardened heart-until she threatened to get too close.

Tiffany is the woman who has been emotionally and physically abused by Phil for years, right along with their children. The years haven't been good to her, in fact she's hit rock bottom so many times, this latest plummet is something she's come to expect. When you first meet her, she seems as if she's finally met her limit and she's fighting back with everything she has. She doesn't back down to Blake's intimidation, even punches him at one point to put him in his place. But that tough exterior is simply a brittle shell quickly cracking. She's struggling to remove her husband from her life, and even though she knows she shouldn't trust Blake, she has no other direction to turn.

It takes a while, but Tiffany slowly grows and attachment and attraction to Blake. Hope is a lost commodity, but he's awakening something in her that she thought had been killed long ago. This is where the story lost me. It becomes glaringly obvious that these two damaged people are becoming tangled up and forming a knot of bad decisions. I wasn't sure how it could all unravel, they were both lacking the knowledge of how to do so. Their sexual relationship was an outlet for them to hide their demons. At this point, it became crystal clear to me that Tiffany isn't on the road to empowerment. Those years of being mistreated, abandoned by her family, and tucked away in that trailer park are still controlling her. As in reality, they would have to be.

Fast-forward to the end, the moment of reckoning with Phil. Tiffany shows real growth and finally comes to understand her diseased behaviors and how she needs to put a stop to them. At her breaking point, I felt a surge of pride, it was nothing short of a hallelujah moment. And as screwed up as these characters were, I concede that they were genuine and realistic in their imperfections. From the moment I picked up this book, I couldn't look away, or set it down. Maybe in a train wreck sort of way, but it was gripping nonetheless.

I decided on two stars because this book was "okay" for me. I can't say that I liked it, or enjoyed the dynamic between the two of them. But the character development, and the skill the author had in drawing me into this story was exceptional. I think a lot of people will love this one, it's very erotic with that gritty tone that the author is known for. So if you enjoy these types of books, this could be the perfect fit for you.

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