Member Reviews

I have loved this entire series and Tiffany is the perfect heroine. This storyline made me pause a few times as I wasn't sure if it was going to cross I line I was comfortable with - but Wait for It was exactly what I did - and I should have read it sooner!

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This little steamy gem was everything I had anticipated. We had been building up to get this story and what a story it was! I fell for these character's instantly and loved how the plot played out!

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Another amazing book in this series! I have read each book and have never regretted picking one up! The author has an amazing way of making you feel sympathy and compassion for all the characters...even the ones that are complete as**s.

And that is the definition of Blake in this story. Because he was such an a** I admit it was a little difficult to connect with him. He truly thought that everything and anything could be fixed with a little (or a lot) money. For Tiffany, money was something she didn't have which made Blake throwing it at her easy.

Some parts of the book were difficult to relate to (hello...he paid her for sex!) but I enjoyed the banter between the characters and especially loved watching Blake's neat little boxes become undone.

Can't wait to see what's next for these characters and all the others in this series!

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Let me start by saying that I've been following and very much enjoying the previous titles in this series, but had I not read the previous novels it wouldn't have mattered, as this one works perfectly as a standalone, and, in this final novel of the series, Ms. O'Keefe pulls out all the stops, and this one gets a 5+ rating from this reviewer.

As the novel opens we meet very wealthy Blake Edwards, as he sits in his Porsche in a seedy, run-down trailer park. If you're following the series, you've been here before. He's there to meet Tiffany, who claims to have been married to his brother, Phil, for the past five years, and she has three children to show for it, although Blake doubts her claims of marriage or that the children are his brother's offspring. Blake and his mother and sister just found out about Tiffany and her kids, while Phil told Tiffany that he had no family at all. Blake learned of their existence from the one of his business associates, Dylan, who is living in the same trailer park with Annie, a close friend of Tiffany's. Blake isn't at the trailer park to welcome them to the family, he's there to pay her off to stay away from his family, especially his mother. They meet in Annie's trailer, and Blake offers Tiffany $10,000 to go away and never bother him or his family again. Tiffany bravely stands up to his obnoxious, self-righteous attitude, and by the time their discussion ends, she's upped her price to $20,000, and accepts the check from Blake, agreeing to his terms.

One year later, late at night, Tiffany and her kids show up at Dylan and Annie's mountain home, which is also where Blake and Dylan work. Annie left the trailer park, and she and Dylan are deeply in love and living together. What Tiffany finds in place of what she considers her only port in the storm, is a Christmas party in full swing. She's finally reached rock bottom and escaped from her abusive husband by taking her kids and climbing out a bathroom window and down the fire escape, in a ragged, mismatched outfit and her bedroom slippers. Blake spots her as she tries to leave the party, and when he tries to stop her and she punches him in the nose.

There's one thing I loved about Tiffany--she's one of the scrappiest, toughest female characters I've come across, and although she's an abused and battered wife, and is fleeing her abusive soon-to-be ex-husband, she's got plenty of snark and attitude to cover her fears, and as she tries to drive away, Blake tries to stop her, but then his mother emerges from the party. Tiffany avoids explaining who she is and why she's there to Blake's mother--it was, after all, part of her agreement with Blake. She eventually ends up at her sister's home for the night, but if Blake is anything, he's persistent, and he's used to using his wealth to get what he wants and control the people around him. He's been paying off Phil to keep his distance for years, and cleaning up the messes Phil leaves behind, and initially he sees Tiffany and her children as just one more mess to clean up.

Tiffany is a quite surprise to Blake. She totally mistrusts him, and although battered, broken and desperate, she's not afraid to stand up to him, when it comes to her children--she's like a protective lioness, their fierce defender.

While, at its heart, this is a novel about domestic violence, it's also about dysfunctional families. One of the reasons Tiffany was living in the trailer park was that when her parents found out she was pregnant, they told her to leave Phil and abort the pregnancy. When she refused, they disowned her. Phil left her high and dry as well, failing to support her or their children and only returning in a destructive and abusive rage on occasion. Blake's relationship with his black sheep brother is also dysfunctional, and both of these main characters are wary of relationships, closed off emotionally, and while Blake is controlling and protective of his family, Tiffany is equally protective of her children and most certainly of her heart.

This is a gut-wrenching story about broken people, bad relationships, and learning to trust again, and it had me in tears more than once. I will warn you that this novel is most definitely for the 18+ reader, and the sex scenes are graphic, but the author's masterful development of her characters was exceptional and while their relationship with one another gets off to as rocky a start as any novel I've ever read, their attraction to one another and the manner in which they each, in their own way, attempt to heal themselves, and, eventually each other, made for an emotionally gripping and addictive read.

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AMAZING read!! M. O'Keefe is a favorite author of mine for a reason- she writes a fantastic story. This is the 4th book in a series but can be read as a stand alone.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Loved this emotional read.Tiffany is at a turning point of her life and doesn’t need anyone’s help from her estranged husband’s family especially is arrogant brother. Blake realized he made a mistake when he met Tiffany years ago and is trying to atone for his mistake. As they spend time together is sees a different person who is attracted to however their insecurities hinders their new relationship. They later learn to let go of their past, their insecurities and embrace their love for each other. Recommended read

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Tiffany has had a ruff life filled with heartache and pain. After years of suffering she has no where to go and only one person she can call.

Tiffany may have thought her best friend would have been there to save the day but no one was more shocked when the person that helped the most.... was the last person she ever expected.

I voluntarily read an advanced review copy of this book.

I overall thought this book was really good. I liked the characters and the way that they were so broken apart... but together they were beautiful. I also liked that they were not perfect, there was many up's and downs in both their moods and their relationship but it all just worked together to make you fall more in love with them. Good job M O'Keefe

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Wait for It by M. O’Keefe is another amazing read by this author. I loved this book. It is an intense, complicated romance that pulls at your heartstrings. I highly recommend this book!

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Molly O' Keefe, I've yet to read a book of hers that doesn't leave me crying and sobbing like a little baby. I hate that this series has come to an end but it definitely went out with a bang. I was anxious to read Tiffany's story because I knew it was going to be true tear jerker like Dylan and Annie's story. I don't know if it's just me, but I felt this story was a bit rushed. I wanted more character development like Dylan and Annie (maybe its just me being greedy for more story). I would've like more flashbacks with Tiffany and her husband and even him and his past but I guess that would've taken the focus off Blake and Tiffany. This was a great read and I'm looking forward to reading more from Molly O' Keefe.

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I love Wait for It! It's apparently the last of a series, and I admit to feeling a bit lost at the beginning of the story, as I haven't read any of the preceding books, but it still stands on its own for the most part. Tiffany is a fierce mother of three who, at the beginning of the story, has just accepted $20k from her brother-in-law, Blake, to never contact him or his mother about her children if she takes the money and gets out of their lives. She takes the money and does the smart thing: gets out of his life and doesn't look back. That is, until a year later and she needs help from her friend Annie (who used to be her neighbor at their trailer park), so she goes to see her at the new, fancy house she shares with her boyfriend, Dylan, who happens to be Blake's business partner and best friend. When she sees Blake again, she's a shell of the woman she was a year earlier. She's been beaten down (literally and figuratively) by Phil, her husband and Blake's brother, and she's finally ready to contact a lawyer to proceed with a divorce.

I absolutely love Tiffany. She's tough, strong, and an amazing mother. She's a fighter and a survivor, but she's fragile, too. And Blake, with his rich lifestyle and cold eyes, really shouldn't be the man for her, the man who awakens her long dormant spirit, both sexually and emotionally. But, he is that man. He not only protects her, but helps her, financially and security wise. He's actually got a soft heart within that hard exterior. And Tiffany is really the one who helps him. She helps him to become a better man, to shed his cold outer shell.

What I love about Wait for It is that it's a step outside the usual. Tiffany isn't some naive young woman just waiting for an alpha to come rescue her and take control of her life. Blake isn't really an ass, well he isn't all the time. He's just been damaged and uses his money to keep his heart from being broken again. I like how much he evolved in Wait for It. And most of all, I love how much he loves Tiffany and how much she loves him in return. Theirs is the kind of love that lasts, and it's not based all on sex the way so many romances are written these days. It's real, and strong, and raw. The best kind!

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Well developed and a different angle on the romance storyline. I liked the pace and the characters.

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I started to give this book a four. Then I figured what the heck for? I LOVED it. I read the sucker in one day and lately that is a flat out dang miracle.
Bring it to mama!
Now that I've grossed all of Goodreads out..let's talk about the book.

It opens a year ago when Tiffany (who is looked at as trailer trash) is in a hard way. Her brother-in-law Blake shows up and offers her money for her to just disappear. He has a fancy, smancy family and doesn't want Tiffany or her kids as part of that. Let her live with her abusive husband if she wants to. Just make her go away.

Fast forward to now time. Tiffany has left abusive husband Phil..but that doesn't stop him. Because assholes like him really never go away. She shows up at one of the family's fancy thangs with no bra, kids in tow. Guess who is there? Butt-hole Blake.

He finds out that his brother has destroyed her apartment and starts having some guilt. He starts coming around and trying to help.

He is still totally somewhat of a butthole and used to getting his own way by flashing his money around. I wanted to punch him a few times. (It's who I am)
Tiffany is no shrinking violet, the woman has done a bang up job of raising her kids and trying to provide for them. She just got tired of being a punching bag. She knows parts of her are broken so she doesn't trust money boy Blake at all.
Then..the sparks started to fly and my lady parts started roaring.
(You guys just thought I was done with grossing you out.)

Before you get all bent out of shape. This book doesn't have any insta-loving stuff going on. It doesn't have perfect characters. These people are real people (In my head anyways) Stretch marks, sagging boobs..the whole nine yards.

It's a slow burn on the smexy times too. But when it happens.

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I wanted to like this more, but she was married to his brother the entire time... The story itself was a great read, setting that aside.

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Super hot but there could be some issues for more sensitive readers.

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My review partner ended up reviewing this one for Smexy Books.

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****4.5 Wait For It Stars****
This book crossed a lot of lines but this is a good story. You could technically read this book as a standalone; the author does an incredible job giving the reader plenty of backstory that you wouldn't be lost. Tiffany is a 26-year old mother of three children under the age of seven and is separated from her abusive husband; Blake Edwards is her estranged brother-in-law offers her money to disappear after finding out about Tiffany and her kids. A year later Tiffany estranged husband is back and stirring up some more trouble and Tiffany turns to her friend Annie and runs into Blake. This time, Blake is not telling her to run he is actually chasing after her he wants to help Tiffany he sees that he was wrong about her. Blake is used to fixing his brother's mistakes and is willing to jump in to help and protect her and the kids. There is so much smoldering sexual tension and attraction brewing between Tiffany and Blake. Tiffany so scared and untrusting of Blake she doesn’t want to get hurt. Blake is used to controlling everything that it’s hard for him to not try to take control Tiffany situation. Blake and Tiffany have to figure out how to deal with all of what’s going on and determine if it’s worth getting into one an other’s life if that’s what they really want or should they just wait for it to fall into place.
****ARC from Net Galley for review****

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I wish Amazon would let us do 1/2 stars. This is a 3.5 star read. Though an apparent stand alone series, this book didn't make you feel lost, being number 4. But, I will say, it's my least favorite book from this author. I didn't fall in love with the story. I wasn't entranced by the characters. It was an interesting story, but I spent more time hating Blake than admiring Tiffany. It could have been an amazing story if not for the overbearing issues of Blake, I think I could have enjoyed the story more.

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This book leaves me with very, very mixed feelings. I have edited my review after much reflection.

For about 75% of the story I had an extremely difficult time relating to either Blake or Tiffany. They are both so damaged and withdrawn, it's hard to find the good in them. Yes, Tiffany is a great mother to her 3 children, but she also doesn't relate well to other adults due to her past abuse from her husband and abandonment by her family. Blake is even harder to like because he is so grumpy and pushy. So for most of the book I was rather uncomfortable reading it. Then there is the issue that Tiffany is still legally married to Blake's brother. Many readers will find that problematic.

Another issue I had with the book is the 6 year old son who acts and speaks WAY too old for his age. I've been around plenty of precocious kids that age, and even the brightest of them still don't talk like this one. This is completely unrealistic.

The story transformation does happen, and the ending is quite lovely, so the reader can maintain a sense of hope throughout the process of watching the story unfold. The author does a really great job of turning things around.

If you have triggers to worry about, this is probably not a good choice for entertainment. However, Tiffany does get control over herself and her situation in a great way through the help of Blake and his mother. So the story is certainly not bleak and hopeless. I very much appreciated how she treated her parents. I'm not giving it away here though!

Thank you , NetGalley, for the ARC. This is my honest review.

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This is an emotional, raw story that will definitely pull at your heart strings. this author has a fantastic way of bringing exceptional stories each time. The characters are fantastic and you will definitely fall in love with them as you read. This book will take you on an emotional roller coaster of a ride as you read. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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Wait for It is a story of redemption. Blake Edwards is a ruthless businessman, callous and used to control everything with his money. He is well-off but he is not someone who offers his help, and yet we see him slowly changing for the sake of his sister-in-law Tiffany and her kids. He is so flawed, it’s ridiculous, but I loved this character! Meeting Tiffany and understanding she was abused by his brother is a shock to his system. He wanted her to stay away and at the same time, he felt guilty about it.

Tiffany’s life had been smashed by her abusive husband. She had no way out and Blake wants to make things right for her. He is amazed by her strength and resilience. Blake feels guilty because he didn’t keep tabs on his violent brother. He is ashamed of his past attitude and lets Tiffany see his own vulnerabilities. But Tiffany is proud and doesn’t want to be his charity case.

I loved how the author took the time to let two guarded, multi-layered characters slowly build a relationship based on trust and growing feelings of affection and tenderness. The characters are genuine and relatable, they are the strength of this story. Wait for It grabs you from the first page and never let go! It is an emotion filled read that takes you on a journey to Blake and Tiffany happily ever after. It was my first book by Molly O’Keefe. In my opinion, her storytelling is a bit unusual, but in a good way. This book was definitely addictive and well-paced. There are dark elements, but it’s basically a story of hope and new beginnings.

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley.

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