Member Reviews

Wow!! I have been waiting for Blake's story since I started this series and it was even better than I hoped! Fantastic!

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I loved this series and this was a great way to wrap it up! Blake and Tiffany had to learn how to love each other and overcome the issues of their pasts. Great book, hot and emotional!!

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Finally the stories of two of the most intriguing people on the Everything I Left Unsaid planet is finally here. And guess what! It’s a 110% match!!

Wait for It is the fourth installment in the Everything I Left Unsaid series and its story is quite something else. Probably one of the best in the series. The couple this time is Tiffany and Blake; two individuals who are do some appearances in Daniel and Annie’s story – first two books – but they remain a mystery throughout the rest of the series. But now, their turn has come to sky rocket the greatness.

<i><b>“I don’t know what to do when you look at me like that.”
“Trust me”, I said. “That’s what you do.” </b></i>

Tiffany and Blake is two people from a completely different side of Life. She is a mother of three who tries to survive and give her kids a much better life without the nightmares of the past they haunt them. He is a guy who works his arse off to provide for his family and protect it at all costs. But what neither of them expected was to find in each other what they hadn’t realized they were looking for and it missing from their lives; Love. Family. Warmth. Happiness. Especially, since Life hadn’t dealt them the better cards and was less than kind with them. Although, everything happens for a reason and so, all the difficulties and tragedies each went through before they meet, was just the test life put them through so she can provide them with the strength, the courage, the bravery and all the other skills they would need when they were had to face her together.

<i><b>“You want me”, I said, because looking at his face, there was no denying it. Listening to his words, there was no denying it. </b></i>

The depth of these two characters can’t be put into words. They are so real and with so much drama that you can’t help feel really close to them and imagine their story in real life. The transformation both the characters go through is more than captivating. They enter as two scared, scarred, struggling individuals and in the end, they come out as much stronger, determined, optimistic, happy, courageous human beings who complete each other, making them an invisible unit.

What kind of hit me wrong about the book was that towards the finale, O’Keefe gave me the feeling that she was kind of hurry to finish it up. The speed got a bit higher than the one the rest of the story was following. But that doesn’t erase any of the magnificence, majesty and the realistic, spellbounding, heart-clenching intensity that was pouring out of every of its cell into every of mine.

I waiting what it seemed a decade for this next book in this dear-to-my-heart series to come out. And especially since it was about these two characters who have intrigued me from the very very start. Molly O’Keefe delivered another worth-standing story in the series with a love so powerful and heart-warming that you can’t help yourself not get caught up in its spell. Her writing has proved to be one of the most spell bounding I have ever encountered and I can’t wait to read her future works because the chance to be so incredible is more than high high. I hope to see another Everything I Left Unsaid book and more of all this series’s characters in the future because I’m not ready yet to give them up.

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First book that I have read by M. O'Keefe and I was enthralled by the well written storyline and the well defined characters in this book that just kept me hooked from page 1.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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Since the beginning of this series, I have been intrigued by Blake and his eventual interactions with Tiffany. With every new book, readers got to see this woman stay strong for her kids, deal with her dirtbag husband, and all-in-all be a stand out mother. So, I was very excited to see how M. O'Keefe would give Tiffany her HEA, and she did not disappoint.

Readers will absolutely respect Tiffany with every fiber in their being. She does whatever she needs to for her children. She is willing to sacrifice every bit of her soul, her respect, and her safety in order to provide for them. As a result, she is broken, emotionally and physically, making readers want to see her heal and take back her life, and she does with the help of Blake. Blake is a tad different, as he is very cold and dismissive at first, but readers will warm up to him. Underneath his cyborg exterior, he truly does care for people, and if a character falls into his inner circle he protects him or her fiercely. What will really make readers fall for him as a hero is all the ways he helps Tiffany. He makes her life right again, he "fixes" her, and they find peace and love with each other.

With all the books in the series, M. O'Keefe integrates suspense and romance flawlessly. Her characters, who are often broken, struggle with an outside force that generates conflict within the story. This conflict, of course, also has an impact on the main characters and the development of their relationship. While balancing the conflict, Ms. O'Keefe is able to focus on the romance as well, as she writes some of the steamiest scenes, not just for what these characters physically do but also because of their emotional connection.

Wait for it delivers on the romance and the suspense. Readers will be enraptured by the suspense of the story enamored by the romance.

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I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this book because it does cross some lines but when I sighed contentedly at the very last scene, I knew I'd made the right choice. Tiffany has hit whatever is below rock bottom and the introduction of an entitled, hard Blake is not what she needs. She's proud but practical. She's hella strong but fragile in so many ways. She's fierce but sweet. She's flawed but still manages to make you believe.

Blake is a hard man that hides a soft center. He is cold, yet warm towards those he loves. He protects, but hurts. He makes many mistakes here. Yet, the growth for both was exceptional. The plot deals with some sensitive issues but I was enthralled with how the story unfolded. The writing was just fantastic.

One would think that with all the obstacles, even the emotional ones brought in by each of them, that these two would never work, but there's just something magical about reading it all coming together. Yes, some very sensitive lines are crossed but I am wholeheartedly grateful that I didn't let it deter me because I would've missed out on an incredible story.

Safety: Yes to abuse both physical and sexual but more with an emotional component to the latter. <spoiler> Heroine IS married and not to the hero. Actually, it's his brother she's married to and has kids with. I know. It makes me cringe but I honestly don't regret reading. </spoiler>

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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I don't think M O'Keefe can do anything wrong. This was another compelling book.

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This is the fourth book in a series of exceptionally good erotic romances by Molly O'Keefe which I have enjoyed a lot.
From the bits we got from the previous books I was prepared to hate Blake and love Tiffany and it did start that way but the lines between love and hate got blurry pretty fast.

This is a very character driven story focused on character growth and change, exploring one's potential to be a better person, to live a happier life and feel more fulfilled.At the start we have two broken people, both hurt a lot by the same person, Paul, her ex and his brother. Their coping mechanisms have not the the healthiest ones. Blake was emotionally shut down, pouring his emotions into fights in the ring. Tiffany had shut down her body (along with her heart), not letting herself think of her needs, focusing on surviving abuse and taking care of her children.

Their second meeting (after the disastrous first on in The Truth Abut Him) started a long process of getting to know each other, overcoming misgivings and doubts and outright hate initially. It got mixed up desire pretty fast. And there was a dark edge to it, both of them not really denying it but rather making it as impersonal as possible. The whole paying situation did make me uncomfortable a time or two and I think the author wanted the readers to feel that way. M' O'Keefe did an amazing job at conveying the mixture of pleasure and shame it caused them both and how it forced them to re-examine their preconceptions about desire, sex, love and ultimately themselves.

This is an intense erotic story, with the same high level of heat as the previous in the series. And with the same emotional depth. This is a story of facing your demons, of standing up for yourself, of daring to hope. I loved how strong Tiffany was, and even more, how he recognized and admired her strength. All this with him being so strong physically, resilient, taking a brutal beating in the ring, just to make himself feel something other that the emotional scars of his past/present.

I liked how the sorry mixed family relations in the whole romance plotline, a feature of the series which I appreciate a lot. The complexity of having a difficult family, how it shapes you and hurts and saves you at the same time. And how there is no magic cure for everything. how love is not always enough. how some people change and become their better self, while others just can't do it. and that's real, that's how life is (in my experience at least) and prefer seeing this in a contemporary romance over a manufactured, cheesy HEA where everyone ends up being the good person in the story.

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Tiffany Edwards was bent on fixing her past mistakes. Mistakes that brought her to her best friend's mansion in the middle of a party to beg for help. As if hitting rock bottom yet again wasn't enough, he had to be here. The devil himself. The man who paid her twenty grand to disappear. Bet he was feeling foolish just about now… But being scared out of her mind and with three kids depending on her, she couldn’t let pride get in the way of the help she needed. Still, she needed to regroup and restrategize more. Blake Edwards couldn’t believe his sister-in-law had been telling the truth a year ago. She did have kids after all, and didn’t that just make him feel like crap. She needed help, that was obvious, but the woman was fierce and protective of her children. She would not accept any help from him. Not if she could help it. So, he would just have to take charge and fix everything on his own. Like he's done all his life, righting his brother's wrongs had been his métier. Except now, he needed to fix some of his own mistakes too. Tiffany and Blake are like magnets, complete opposites but so attracted to each other, every response they gave was electric. Fighting it was necessary in order to keep safe. Tiffany had gotten into her messy life because of such feelings. Blake on the other hand, kept those feelings at bay because love didn’t exist and lies were unacceptable. Their story is intense, filled with rejection, pain, betrayal and hopelessness. They both need help and together they will discover that redemption is easier achieved with love. A really intense and sexy read.

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This book was a great continuation to one of my favorite series of 2o16. Like the previous books this one was a non stop ride with complex characters and brilliant writing. From page one you get sucked into the story and won't want to put it down.

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Ever since Blake first hit my radar in The Truth About Him I've been itching to get my hands on his story. It's no secret that I'm a sucker for the assholes, and let's be frank, there's no other word better to describe the man. He's cold, ruthless, and will spare nothing and no one to get what he wants.

While you could technically read this book as a standalone, I wouldn't recommend it. The author does an incredible job giving the reader plenty of backstory that you wouldn't be lost, however, the intricacies of these characters that was slowly developed as the series progressed would be lost on you. I just don't think you'd have the same appreciation for who they are and what they've been through without at lease reading the first two books.

Tiffany was a woman I didn't click with until this book. While a part of me felt sorry for her and her situation, her actions at times made her easy to dislike. But somewhere beneath that loathing and pity, there was also a small beacon of hope that this is a woman that's hiding her deeper layers, and boy did I get them here.

He stood there with the street lights throwing an icy light across him. He was beautiful. In a perfectly cold way.

Having survived an abusive marriage and having no one to turn to for help has turned her into a shell of the woman she once was. But even though she's frail, she's no where near broken. And when her husband's estranged brother questions her morality and the paternity of their kids, she doesn't hesitate to give as good as she gets.

To say that these two get off to a rocky start would be an understatement.

And I deserved both. Her want and her hate. It was the currency I’d dealt with. It was the currency I’d created. Because I could not figure out what to do with anything else.

Molly O'Keefe is a master of serving her readers up with characters that are almost irreparably broken and twining it all around a raw emotion that's so gripping, it's as riveting as it is heart rending. She really brought her A game with the story of Blake and Tiffany.

These two are as far from perfect as it gets. Both have a troubled past and demons that they hide from. They should be toxic together, and yet, there's something about their individual broken pieces that almost...just barely...makes something whole.

I kissed her like she was the solution. My solution. Like she was everything I needed. And right now that was the truth. And I longed with my naked soul to be her solution.

Their means of getting together aren't exactly orthodox, but knowing their backstories, it also made a certain kind of sense.

This is not a story of black and white, it was somewhere deep in the gray and it certainly wasn't a light hearted read. It was painful, emotional, raw, gritty, everything I've come to expect from this amazingly talented author.

Wrapped in all of that was a sexual chemistry that was so hot, it was damn near explosive.

I can’t wait to fuck you,” he said. “I can’t wait to put my cock inside this hot greedy little body. I can’t wait to feel every inch of you against me, your pussy milking my cock until I can’t give you any more. I want you to scream and bite and claw. I want you to come so hard it hurts.”

There's so much depth to both of these characters and their story is one of many layers that at first shouldn't make sense, but yet, they do. It's a story that may not click with every reader, but it definitely did with this one.

I would have loved for the hate lust between them to last longer, but that's because I'm a glutton for punishment and loves me some angst.

If you're looking for a romance full of raw emotion and sexual chemistry, this is one series you need to check out. I've been waiting a long time for Blake and Tiffany's story, and I can say it was very much worth the wait.

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Grade: C+

Wait For It is the fourth book in Molly O’Keefe’s emotionally gritty Everything I Left Unsaid series. It’s also the story I’ve been waiting on. We first met the MCs, Blake and Tiffany, in book two and the meeting was not pretty to say the least. Blake comes to Tiffany’s trailer and is shocked to learn his brother Phil not only had a wife the family knew nothing about, but also three children. Phil has disappointed his family his whole life. Blake attempts to protect the family from more heartbreak by offering Tiffany money to disappear and never contact their family again. Tiffany is no fool and knows this money can help get her and her kids out of Phil’s abusive reach. A year or so later, Blake learns how wrong he was handling that situation and his attempts to redeem himself opens up wounds he thought long closed.

O’Keefe has an addictive rich voice that effortlessly paints erotic fantasies while stripping away the artifice and deals directly with the heart(s) of the issue. While I always enjoy her stories overall, felt there was a curious sense of disconnection here. Both protagonists are old souls who will always sacrifice themselves for the good of those they care for. O’Keefe does a fabulous job of dissecting them as individuals so she can put them back together as a couple but I never felt them became a couple. Their chemistry was delish and I loved the role playing of sorts but I never bought the step from lust to love. The hint of suspense through Phil was admirably done and am I the only one wondering about the mysterious J? Wait For Me entertained but just didn’t blow me away.

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The fourth book in author Molly O'Keefe's blisteringly sexy Everything I left Unsaid series is aptly titled, as the heroine is a woman who was introduced as a secondary character in the first book in the series and we've had to wait along with her for her chance at a happy ending.

Tiffany is a single mom in her mid-twenties with three children under age 7. She's in the middle of divorcing her abusive husband Phil, a man who once charmed her but turned out to be very different once they were married and had children. A year ago she fled him and the trailer park where they lived and branched out on her own, but he's found her again. She flees her latest apartment with her kids to seek out safety with her friend Annie, not knowing where else to turn.

Annie's partner Dylan is business partners with Blake – who just so happens to be Phil's brother. He's got no idea if Tiffany's as shady as Phil, and their first and only meeting happened back at the trailer park when Blake paid her off to stay away from him and his mom, unaware of just how bad her situation was. When Tiffany turns up with the children at Annie's party, clearly afraid for her and her children, Blake realizes that he's made an error in judgment. He's been cleaning up Phil's messes since they were kids, and he feels obligated to do so again. He's used to throwing money at problems to avoid emotional entanglements. But while he can do some things for Tiffany like pay for a lawyer to help her get a restraining order against Phil and replace the locks on her doors, he doesn't know what to do with the searing attraction he feels for her. Paying her to spend time with him is his way of keeping himself from getting emotionally involved, and Tiffany is in enough of a financial bind that she's willing to accept the money with conditions. Money doesn't buy happiness, and Tiffany isn't looking for a man to fight her battles or pay her way. Will Blake realize the key to Tiffany's heart is paved with kindness and not with gold?

If anyone deserves a happy ending, it's Tiffany. Raising three children with an alcoholic, physically abusive husband, she comes to the conclusion that it's up to her to take the steps she needs to get out of her situation. I loved seeing her strength and resilience. She's a fierce mother, willing to do anything for her kids. Once Blake offers to help her, she has him show her some self defense moves so that she will be ready for any future physical attacks. Her attraction to Blake is inconvenient but unavoidable, especially when he makes some intriguing offers that will do a lot to help her redeem her sense of self and her sexual well being. The result is some super steamy and intense scenes between them, ones where they let down their guard and reveal some of their deep seated secrets to each other.

Blake is a complex man, with a hard and cold facade that masks his emotions. I really liked seeing the different sides of his character. He takes out his frustrations over his brother's actions on a punching bag and in illegal fights at his gym. Once he's decided on a course of action, like protecting Tiffany at all costs, he stops at nothing to make it happen even if it means he will personally stand guard outside her door. But for all his bluster, he's gentle with her children (his nieces and nephew) and has a warm relationship with his mother. His feelings for Tiffany go from suspicion to admiration and respect as he discovers she's nothing like he first thought. And of course eventually he realizes he's in love with her but might have screwed everything up by bringing money into the equation.

From the start to the finish there is an underlying suspenseful atmosphere created by the knowledge that Phil is out there and could show up at any time. This adds plenty of drama to the story as Blake and Tiffany go from enemies to lovers. Intense, sexy, and emotionally satisfying with a surprisingly sweet touch to the ending, this romance is already on my re-read list.

This review has been posted at Straight Shootin' Book Reviews and feedback updated with the link. It will be posted on sale sites and goodreads.

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OMG. This book consumed me. I fell hard. I can't say enough about it. It touched me so, so much.

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I don't know why, but I wasn't particularly looking forward to reading Wait for It. I know...not something the author wants to hear. I think I read a review somewhere over the past week or so, that gave the book some negative vibes. I wanted to read the book, as I believe it's the last in this super dark, but hopeful romance series, but I was worried I was gonna drag my feet through it. That maybe I wouldn't like Tiffany and Blake.

Fortunately, I actually really, really liked this book. I think, out of the whole series, Wait for It was my favorite. I really liked Tiffany. She was strong and brave and she overcame so much throughout the story. Blake, who I think some readers didn't like, I found very likable. Despite the fact that he had his own issues to work, he was a good guy. I did feel like the falling for each other happened a bit fast. But other than that and a few times that I wanted the two mcs to get their heads out of their asses, it was a great read, that I didn't want to out down.

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This is Tiffany’s story (we met her in Everything I left Unsaid). She was the battered wife, who was stuck in a horrible situation- had 3 kids , with an absent husband who when he did show up would only beat her. She still had a fighting spirit. I am so glad that this is her story.
Blake is Tiffany’s estranged brother in law. The first time they met, he offers to buy her off. Well that set her off and she went off on him. They went back and forth and finally realizing this is what she and her children need to have a new life, in return for an eventually agreed $20 000, she agrees never to contact him or his family again.
Go forward to a year later, Tiffany is on the run majority of the time due to her ex. He chases her and keeps her and her 3 kids afraid. This last time, Tiffany goes to her friend Annie (heroine from the previous book) and there is a party in progress. This is where she comes face to face with Blake. She tries to avoid him but this time he realizes that his brother has done a number on Tiffany and he wants to help but she wants nothing to do with him after what happened last time. Blake still comes across as cold and remote but he really isn’t. He is attracted to Tiffany and hides his feelings which make him seem more unapproachable. But he wants to help protect her and her children. Blake admires her strength and appreciate how , no matter what, she is willing to fight him to fight his brother but he is going to do what it takes to protect Tiffany and her children and if he has to corral her to get her to agree, so be it.
It takes these two broken souls working together to find that they fit each other perfectly. The author writes a beautiful story that is full of emotions, full of angst and pain yet at the same time of love and passion. This is about piecing together hearts after they were ravaged and how new love can bring you back to life after the most painful period of your life only if you are open to love. I enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read what this author has next.

My rating: 4.7 stars ****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

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Molly O'Keefe is a safe bet for an interesting and engaging romance and Wait For It was both. I have enjoyed the Everything I left Unsaid series and was happy to see Tiffany get her happy ending at last.

The characters in the book are well written and believable even when they are not exactly charming. Blake could easily be categorized as cold and calculating from his behavior in previous books. At the beginning of Wait for It he is at best indifferent and severe. He is not what I would call an open and likable guy. Eventually, of course, Tiffany does break through his initial distrust and he slowly become a much more accessible and more likable character.

I liked Tiffany from the start. She is sweet and her character did definitely grow and get tougher than when she was first introduced in the series. I really liked that she was willing to do whatever it took to get herself and her children to a better place in life. She wasn't waiting around for some guy to save her, she was in the long process of saving herself when she met Blake. And although Blake is rich and could make her life much easier, I never felt like she was attracted to him because he could save her. I also liked that she found the strength to ask for help when she needed it.

The support characters in the book were also well developed and most of them are from previous books in the series so it was nice to see them again in this book.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary romances that are a bit edgy.

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An amazing story that I could not put down. Full of emotions. Tiffany has hit bottom, when Blake her brother in law offers to help her out, but soon finds out that money can't buy everything. Tiffany is so broken in many ways but is a survivor, she only wants what is best for her and her kids but does not accept help very well.

I fell in love with Blake, such a big heart and soon finds out what it takes to have Tiffany has his own.
Tiffany is a very independent person and does not accept help very easily. The sexual tension is this book is gripping!!! This book is part of series but can be read as a stand alone. I highly recommend this book!

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I don't even have the words to tell you how absolutely amazing this story is! Heartfelt and emotional from start to finish, I couldn't put this story down. It's raw, it's real, and your heart will ache. A powerful story about strength and survival and will with so many moments that broke that my heart, yet full of courage, hope, and love.

The writing is phenomenal, making you feel every moment, every emotion, that each person was going through; Tiffany, Blake, Margaret, Danny. I cried, I smiled, I laughed, I felt it all; how a simple hug can unravel you, how hard it is to trust and open your heart when all you've known is hurt, how much just a smile can change your outlook of someone and see the pain and fear they are hiding behind.

"I never expected it to hurt."
"Being so happy."

An intense, deeply touching story full of raw emotion that held me captive from the start and never let me go.

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A year ago Tiffany took money from her husband's brother under the condition to stay away from his family otherwise he would do everything in his power to take her kids away from her. Now she is sitting in front of her best friend's house about to crash a Christmas party. She is in dire straits and in need of help. Her abusive husband has found her and she fled with her kids through the bathroom window. Soon she will learn that the man she despises, the man who bought her absence from her kids' family, is there as well.

"It was barely a glimpse. More a . . . sense, really. An impression. But the chill in my bones told me who he was. It was like I had some sensor buried in my brain that warned me when he was close. Blake Edwards. My hate was a wrecking ball against that big beautiful red-brick wall that held me up. My unadulterated loathing for that man took my wall down in one swing."

Blake simplifies things with money. If you can pay for it you can put it in a box and it keeps you outside of your walls. You don't have to deal with feelings because money speaks a clear language. This is the rule Blake lives by. He categorizes people and puts a prize tag on them. It is what he thinks he can do with Tiffany when she shows up after a year with her kids in tow. She needs help and Blake knows that he treated her despicably a year ago. He wants to do right by her and make her and her children safe.

"But you are lying to yourself if you think your money makes things clear for other people. The only person it clarifies things for is you. Everyone else? Just pawns. Dylan . . . a pawn. Me, a pawn. Tiffany . . . a pawn. And you think you can control everything with this money of yours. But all you do is hurt people with it by trying to control them with it. In the end, it is what will hurt you the most. Because you’ll use it as a weapon to push everyone away. You’ll be alone, Blake. But maybe that’s the way you want it? Because alone is simple, isn’t it?” She left, taking what felt like my guts with her."

Tiffany is a survivor but behind all the bluster she shows her husband's brother she is broken. Often times her pride gets in her way and then her steely backbone makes an appearance. She is hell bent to not need anyone but the longer she has to deal with Blake, the more she sees behind his walls but she knows she can't trust her own feelings so she shies away from letting him in.

Blake seems cold and calculating but deep down festers a hurt so bad that he has built brick walls around his heart that are impossible to breach.

"I said nothing, because all I’d ever done was hurt. And make sure no one saw it. It was my true skill. Well, making money and making sure no one knew how I felt."

But Tiffany comes with a wrecking ball and bit by bit she wears him down. Yet, they both have a long way to go until they find common ground.

I ADORED these thoroughly flawed characters. Both of them are so broken and hurt by their respective past that it was delicious to see them come undone by the other one. It was also hard to see them so desperately longing for the other one but too many years of unresolved issues and feelings lie buried inside of them.

"God! Yes. Please. Please like me. Please see me. See everything I’ve hidden for so long in fear of scaring everyone I love away. See it and stay. See it and love me."

When Tiffany finds her self esteem and worth again it is glorious and finally Blake and her are equal. Their growth was nothing short of painful but also so rewarding in the end. And holy hell they were hot together!!

This is my first Molly O'Keefe book and it definitely won't be my last. I love her writing, it is gritty but fluid. With Wait For It she gives us an angst-filled and emotional story. I read it in one sitting and couldn't put it down. Now I need to catch up with the previous books in this series!

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