Member Reviews

In Molly O’Keefe’s latest, a hero with a hardened heart and a heroine with a will of steel face off against each other. Tiffany is a struggling mother of three young children who is trying to divorce her abusive husband and keep her kids safe from his abuse and destruction. When said shitstain ex tracks her down after being served with divorce papers and trashes her apartment, she’s at rock bottom and needs to ask for help. When she inadvertently runs into her ex’s brother Blake, the last person in the world she wants to witness her low point, life gets even more complicated.

Blake and Tiffany do not have a pleasant history. The last time they met, he was in full asshole mode, assumed she was a con-artist using her kids to fleece him for cash, and paid her off to keep her from hurting his family. He’s spent a significant portion of his adult life cleaning up after his shithead brother and trying to shield the rest of his family from his brother Phil’s bullshit and he’s unapologetic about it. Seeing Tiffany again makes him realize that he may have screwed the pooch where she’s concerned and he becomes determined to fix things.

Blake is one seriously fucked up dude. He compartmentalizes the people in his life and makes everything transactional so that things don’t get messy and emotions don’t get in the way. This is a shit way to live and a shit way to treat people. His loved ones put up with it because they know why he does it and they genuinely care about him but even they are approaching the end of their ropes. If he wants happiness and joy in his life, he needs to unfuck himself and he needs to do it fast.

Tiffany is a phenomenal heroine. When she’s offered money to disappear and never bother her ex’s family again, she of course takes it. That money will keep her babies safe. Who gives a shit what those assholes think of her? She does not put up with Blake’s shit and it’s beautiful. Tiffany is a great mom who is struggling to keep the reality of her life and her shitty choice in spouses from hurting her kids. When she can’t stop it from affecting them, she really aches. It’s easy to root for her to be happy and safe. It’s a little less easy to root for Blake but he works for it.
Tiffany and Blake’s unlikely romance is messy and raw and complicated. They’re undeniably attracted to each other but there’s so much conflict to deal with – Tiffany’s abuse history, Blake’s insane need to control everything, the animosity and pain between them. Somehow, though, Molly O’Keefe soldiers on through and delivers yet another emotional, complex, and intense novel with flawed difficult characters.

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Although it is a standalone story, Wait For It is the final chapter in the series that started with Everything I Left Unsaid and M. O’Keefe ends the series with an absolute blockbuster! I met the Tiffany and Blake in the first two books and just knew they had to have their own book—probably because they didn’t like or trust one another.
Wait For It does an amazing job of bringing these two damaged people together. It’s not insta-love but a believable, and not always easy, journey to healing and happiness.
I loved this story every bit as much as the one that started this series! Although you can read Wait For It by itself, I suggest you start at the beginning with Everything I Left Unsaid and see exactly how far these characters have come.
Brava Ms. O’Keefe!!
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for a review.

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***4,5 "Money can't buy everything!!!" stars***

This was a wonderful ride!!!! I liked very much the previous book of "Everything I left unsaid" series and i liked this one even more!!!
Mrs. O' Keefe knows how to write stories that would keep your interest in high levels and i'm enjoying to spent some time in the company of her heroes!!!

The book started from the moment that we had already witnessed in the epilogue of the third book "Burn down the night"...
If you have read all the previous three books, you already have seen Blake and Tiffany and their connection with the previous characters, but honestly, i haven't read the first books, but i had no problem to follow their story...
It can be read as standalone!!!

"She was the miracle I was trying to hold on to."

What's the connection between Blake and Tiffany??? He is her brother in law and she is his brother's wife...
What's their history??? Before a year, Blake found out that Tiffany was married with his brother and he bought her up to stay away from his family...
But now, the present has come and everything is about to change...

"His hand touched my leg and I grabbed it. I held it with both of mine, like he was a lifeline and I needed saving. Or maybe I was the lifeline and he needed saving.
Was it possible we could save each other?"

Tiffany made a mistake once upon a time....
She fell in love with Phil and now, she is alone, with three kids and an abusive husband that he comes and goes all the damn time but not for good reason...
And yes, she took Blake's money, but only for the reason to make her children's life slightly better...

"Rock bottom may come in different forms, but here’s the trick—it always smells the same. Like panic and tears. Like regret and vomit. Fear and blood."

Blake from the other hand is used to buy everything up.... He has money and he knows that with them, he can make his life easier.... But you can't buy everything!!!
Blake, from a very early age, had to clean up the messes of his brother and at the beginning, he saw Tiffany as Phil's mess...
But then, he started to realize that this woman was different and he wanted to help her....

"You can’t make this right...
Tiffany’s words were true. But I still felt compelled to try. To change some of the shit Phil had left her dealing with."

As you can understand a weird connection started between them...
Why weird??? Well, in the beginning the things were awkward between them...
Tiffany didn't trust Blake and he didn't trust her either and then, they started to feel things for each other but they thought that they could keep their distances, especially in the matter of heart...
And they made many mistakes, especially Blake and this obsession of his with money!!!
Will they survive those mistakes??? Will they manage to get free from Phil, both of them???

“Whatever this is…this impetus you have to help me right now, I know it’s a lie. You’re not kind, Blake, and I’ve had more than enough lies in my life. I don’t want any more.” {Tiffany}

"I kissed her like she was the solution. My solution. Like she was everything I needed. And right now that was the truth. And I longed with my naked soul to be her solution." {Blake}

I really liked Blake and Tiffany!!!!
Tiffany was a true fighter and she was loving her children so much... She could do anything for them... But she had to take her life in her hands and to be finally free from Phil and his big hands!!!
Mostly for the sake of her children, but hers too!!!

"I’m scared that the way I want you will tie me to you when I know that’s not what either of us wants. Or needs. But I’m just so…” I trailed off because there were so many words that could fill in that blank.
Lonely. Needy. Broken."

Blake from the other hand was trying to stay untouched from many things in life...
He was a little bit of an asshole, cruel and ruthless...
But deep down inside, he was much more than that....

"Please see me. See Everything I've hidden for so long in fear of scaring everyone I love away."

Those two together were so perfect!!!
They had wrong beginning and they kept doing mistakes, but they were fitting so good together...
They just had to fight away their demons and to not be afraid to live and love...

"It wasn’t sex. It wasn’t just sex. It was her.
I wanted her and I wanted the honor of being wanted by her.
And fuck if I hadn’t made my whole life about getting what I wanted."

I have to add that i liked very much Blake's mother and the three kids!!! They were so cute!!!
In their short life, they had lived too many shits and they deserved something better...
All the secondary characters were really good, except a minority!!!

***ARC kindly provided via NetGalley for the exchange of an honest review***

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The first book of M. O'Keefe that I read was "Burn Down The Night" and let me tell you that it was truly memorable. Steamy, edgy and raw. I have been waiting anxiously to see what was to become of Tiffany. A woman who has had a really rough life - to put it mildly. With an abusive husband, barely enough money to feed her three little kids and parents who have turned their back on her, the only people she can trust and depend on are her friends and her sister.

After another abusive encounter with her husband, Tiffany decides that she has had enough and along with her three kids goes to her friend Annie. She wants to divorce her husband and start a new life for her and her kids. The last person whom she wants to run into is her husband's older brother Blake. The last time that she saw him, he had bribed her to stay away from him and his mother. And although Tiffany isn't the kind of person who can be bribed, she had no chance but to accept the money in order to take care of her kids. It's been two years and she definitely doesn't want to see the man who obviously wants nothing to do with her and his nieces and nephew. But luck has never been on her side and she ends up confronting Blake. She may try to deny it as much as she wants, but after losing so much of herself for such a long time, the last thing she expected to find was life and hope with a man that she is trying so hard to ignore and keep away from.

Blake Edwards doesn't trust Tiffany at first. Knowing what a manipulative and deceitful man his younger brother is, Blake wants to keep Tiffany away from himself and his mother. But even he can't deny the attraction that he feels for the woman who is nothing like he feared her to be. She is strong, determined, kind and beneath all that strain and anxiety, the sexiest woman that he has ever seen. There is nothing he wants more than to protect her and her kids from his mean brother and do anything to help them. And with the constant energy that seems to sizzle between them, it's only a matter of time before they succumb to lust ;)

O'Keefe burns the pages again with this scorching romance. And even though I don't enjoy the premise of brothers or sisters getting it on with their siblings' exes, the story is structured in such a way that you find yourself cheering for Tiffany and Blake all the way to the end. Not to be missed!

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Wait For It

I can't believe I kept putting off reading this one. I thought I needed to read the other ones in the series first. And didn't realize it could be a stand alone.
Tiffany, the mother of 3 children, has an abusive ex and has finally left him for good. Blake, the abusive ex's brother, wants to do anything to keep Tiffany and her children away from him and his mother, including paying her off.
Now that her ex has found her and destroyed her apartment. She snuck her kids out the window and went to her friends house where she runs into Blake.
Now Blake has seen the real Tiffany and not the money hungry whore he thought she was. He wants to help her. But the only way he knows is with money.
Both Tiffany and Blake have many walls to break down and lots of trust issues to overcome in order for them to work.
This was such a great read. Tiffany is such a strong woman to have gone through everything she has and has kept her children safe.
Loved the ending. I'm so glad I picked this one to read.
Thanks NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

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3.75 stars--WAIT FOR IT is the fourth installment in Molly O’Keefe’s contemporary, adult EVERYTHING I LEFT UNSAID erotic, romance series. This is successful entrepreneur/inventor Blake Edwards, and single mother Tiffany Edwards’ story line. WAIT FOR IT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Tiffany and Blake’s story line has been building throughout the series. We were first introduced to our heroine in book one as the abused and broken trailer park tenant whose life was slowly spinning out of control; Blake Edwards is the business partner of former racecar driver Dylan Daniels (Everything I Left Unsaid #1 & #2).

Told from dual first person points of view (Blake and Tiffany) WAIT FOR IT follows Blake Edwards as he attempts to ‘clean up’ his brother Phil’s mistakes. We were first introduced to our hero at a time when the appearance of Tiffany in his life left much to be desired. A young woman with three children, Tiffany revealed that she was Blake’s sister-in-law, and the children are the result of the relationship and marriage to his brother Phil. Believing the woman was only looking for money and revenge, Blake pays off our heroine to keep away from his mother. Fast forward one year, Tiffany and the children are struggling to stay one step ahead of the abusive man they called husband and father, and it is Blake Edwards who steps in to help the woman with whom he will fall in love. What ensues is the building but questionable relationship between Blake and Tiffany, and the secrets Blake keeps hidden from the family he loves.

Blake is a bit of a pr*ck; a man whose need for control results in his desire for suffering and pain. Cleaning up his brother’s messes has left our hero with a chip on his shoulder, and a need to protect the people he loves. A cold and calculating man Blake goes into every situation ready for a fight but his quick turn about with Tiffany is cause for concern. Tiffany knows betrayal, pain and heartbreak first hand. From the family that pushed her out of their life to the man who has broken our heroine’s spirit and soul, Tiffany set out to protect the children she loves even if it means ‘selling her soul’ to the devil himself. Learning to trust again comes with painful memories and forgotten feelings. The $ex scenes are erotic; the intimacy is questionable when Blake makes Tiffany an offer she cannot refuse.

We are introduced to Tiffany’s sister Bea, as well as Tiffany’s children Danny, Amber and Sienna. Dylan Daniels and Annie McKay (book 1) play secondary and supporting characters-Blake’s partnership with Dylan continues to struggle.

The world building focuses on domestic violence, and Tiffany’s struggle to free herself from the past. I did had some misgivings with Blake and Tiffany’s ‘ongoing arrangement’-an exchange for money that didn’t’ sit well with this reader.

WAIT FOR IT is a heartbreaking story line of one woman’s struggle against domestic abuse, and one man’s battle to control his life. The premise is challenging; the romance is controversial; the characters are colorful and passionate.

Copy supplied by Netgalley




B&N: (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted

KOBO: (Sandy Sch) posted

CHAPTERS/INDIGO: (Sandy_at_The_Reading_Cafe) posted

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Wow this is an awesome contemporary romance. Blake is a millionaire yet protects himself and sees all relationships as weapons. He also uses his money to shield himself. Tiffany gave up college education to quickly marry. Unfortunately, her husband, Blake's brother was controlling and abusive. All the characters did what they had to and could to protect themselves from loving relationships. The story gets intense at times and challenges the reader to understand where & why the situations that occur and happen. I received a complementary copy of this book via NetGalley and chose to write a review. I look forward to reading future books by this author.

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4 stars

Wait For It was a quick, heartfelt and steamy read and I loved it!
I connected with the writing, the storyline held my interest all throughout the book.
The characters Tiffany and Blake were passionate, smart, frustrating and I loved watching their relationship unfold.
This was one of those books once you started reading you didn't want to put down.

Wait For It is the fourth book in the Everything I left Unsaid series, each book can be read as a standalone and I highly recommend them.

*Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the advance copy*

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Blake, Blake, Blake. Oh, how I despised him in the previous books in this series. He’s such an a**hole! Cynical, rude, arrogant, and so sure in his belief that everyone has a price. He’s proud of his ability to read people, to find their weaknesses in order to break them to his will. I had no idea how Ms. O’Keefe was going to make me like him, never mind love him. But…she did. Tiffany broke my heart from the beginning. Young, abused, and abandoned by her husband in a NC trailer park with their three young children, I had mixed emotions about her. I wasn’t sure I liked her, even when I hoped with all my heart for her to find a way out of the poverty and abuse. Wait For It takes place about a year after the last time we saw Blake and Tiffany. Blake is still an a**hole, but Tiffany is working to build a better life for her kids. Ms. O’Keefe’s beautiful words evoke so much emotion, and are simply perfect. Tiffany and Blake experience a wide variety of emotions on their journey, and the reader is right there with them—truly experiencing it, not just reading words on a page. The words are gorgeous. Ms. O’Keefe’s word choices, anecdotes, and the memories and thoughts of these characters are so perfect, succinct, often harsh yet beautiful, painting such vivid portraits of these two broken, imperfect people who seem so different from each other, but who need each other to recognize and accept their own value. Blake and Tiffany have been hurt so badly in the past, the walls they’ve built to protect themselves are well-fortified. Watching the two of them break down those walls, letting themselves be vulnerable was a painful, hopeful, terrifying experience. With her beautiful words, flawed characters, and interesting storylines, M. O’Keefe has quickly become one of my favorite writers.

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This is the fourth book set in the Everything I Left Unsaid series by Molly O'Keefe. Wait For It follows Tiffany and Blake's almost unreal connection which was first introduced in the first book. The characters are all intertwined in some ways despite the unconnected story line so its still best to read from the start of the series.

Wait For It tugs the readers heartstrings with what both TIffany and Blake have gone through because of Phil. Both Tiffany and Blake's journey into finding their HEA despite the circumstances does speak of hope during and after the dark times and Ms. O' Keefe will have wrung out every bit of emotion from her readers with Wait For It.

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It was a beautiful book to read
We meet Blake , his is so hot

Then we first meet Tiffany
Who will be ex wife of Blake brother

It was written amazing

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I was captivated by this book’s description and was not disappointed. Tiffany is a young woman who has three children with her husband Phil. Phil is an abusive man who treats his wife abysmally. Tiffany lives in a trailer park and is at her wits end. Her good friend Annie is dating Dylan, the business partner of Phil’s brother Blake. Dylan sets up a meeting for Blake to meet Tiffany. At the meeting, Blake attempts to buy Tiffany’s silence and her promise to steer clear of his family for the sum of twenty thousand dollars. One year later, Tiffany is driving up Annie’s driveway to ask for her help as Phil has trashed her apartment. When she arrives, she realizes that there is a pre-Christmas party going on and tries to leave. Before she can sneak away, she is confronted by Blake. The sparks fly between them because Tiffany wants nothing to do with him but he does not let her leave. Blake is starting to realize that there may be more to Tiffany and that she is not like his brother. Can Tiffany learn to trust Blake to help her? This is a spellbinding, moving story that will captivate you from the first page and keep you enthralled until the end.
I volunteered to read an arc and was provided a copy from the publisher via Netgalley.

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Wait For It by Molly O'Keefe......OH MY GOODNESS!! AMAZING!! I COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN!! Everything about this book had me wanting more. I loved the characters, the backstory all of it. I loved watching the story unfold between Tiffany and Blake. I can't wait to read more by Molly O'Keefe. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book from publisher via NetGalley.

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Tiffany : After fighting for a new life, I don’t want to play the victim anymore. However, with three kids to raise, I’m getting desperate enough to make a deal with the devil. My estranged brother-in-law, Blake, says he just wants to help, but he’s been trouble since I met him. I don’t know if I can believe this kinder, gentler Blake, and there’s a friction between us that has turned into the sweetest chemistry. He could be my salvation . . . or my downfall.

Blake : I haven’t always had Tiffany’s best interests at heart but I’m ready to make up for my sins. Besides, I can’t help admiring her: The girl’s a genuine survivor, tough and lean, with eyes of steel. But the more I get to know Tiffany, the more I want her. Every inch of her. Which means I’m about to make a bad situation a hell of a lot worse.


First I have to say I did not like Blake to begin with, but the more I read the more and more I began to love him. He is at heart a protector even if it comes off as harsh sometimes. Tiffany is such a strong female lead. She stands up to an abusive husband, a jerk of a brother-in-law and then takes care of three young children on her own. Being strong personalities, this made for some tension filled scenes between Tiffany and Blake, which for me made them interesting to read. It also made for some red-hot intimate scenes when that chemistry reaches a boiling point.

I have not read this Author before and I really enjoyed her writing. She made an interesting story out of such complicated characters. Now, I want to dive back in and read more of her writing. I have not read the other books in the series but at no time did it make a difference when reading this story. Reading the reviews from the books in the series kind of make me glad I read about Blake in his own story before I read the other.

Great romance about two complex people.


*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the publisher.*

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3.5 Stars!

Source: eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of Loveswept via NetGalley

My thoughts on Wait for It. . .

Blake has been a raging asshole throughout the whole series but there had to be a reason for it. Finally in Wait for It we get to find out the why's behind Blake's asshole exterior.

"You don't want to help. You want to control. You want your fingers in all the pies, pulling all the strings. You want to use her to find Phil, or something."

Blake may have been an asshole but I got to admit that Phil takes the cake for douchebag compared to Blake.

Because of Phil, not all are on board with Blake, especially because he's Phil's brother.

"I don't intent to hurt Tiffany."

"That's good. Because I'll slice you open if you do."

I lifted my eyebrows. "And yet, Phil still breaths. You'll excuse me if I doubt your fierceness on your sister's behalf."

" . . . And you think you can control everything with this money of yours. But all you do is hurt people with it by trying to control them with it. In the end, it is what will hurt you the most. Because you'll use it as a weapon to push everyone away. You'll be alone, Blake. But maybe that's the way you want it? Because alone is simple, isn't it?"

Blake's turnaround was down with a neck breaking speed and the insta family at the end happened way too fast for me. Sure, did I want that outcome, yes. But the speed it happened made it too unbelievable. Two visits with the kids and then Boom. HEA. Not likely.

"But I want to tell you, I want to . . . make it clear," he said. "There's this spot in the very center of my life and I'm keeping it open for you and the kids."

I did like this book but like I said Blake's turn around was too quick to be realistic. However, I did like Blake and Tiffany together. And it was nice to see a different side to Blake then what we have seen of him in the past. Did I love this story compared to the others? No, but I did like it and if there is more in this series I will continue with it.

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It is no secret that I have been addicted to this series since book one. Literally, could NOT put down Dylan and Annie's story. Molly O'Keefe has a way to suck me in completely. Make's me loose myself in a book. Loose hours of sleep just to finish her stories.

So this is Blake (Dylan's friend ad business partner) and Tiffany's(Annie's former neighbor from the trailer park)story. To say that I had my reservations about Blake would be an understatement. I mean, he gives you no indication that he is anything but a class a jerk who is used to getting what he wants b y way of money, intimidation and possible beat downs. I was worried for Tiffany. Sure, she's all mean and tough on the outside but what about the girl on the inside. The girl who has been rejected. Abused. Ignored? Would I be able to see Blake as worthy of being a man Tiffany and her kids deserved? The answer is yes. Blake surprised me. And I was thankful that he did. I loved this story. It was the perfect conclusion to a series I have been in love with from the beginning.

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I have been an avid fan of the books set in this world (Everything I Left Unsaid, The Truth About Him & Burn Down the Night) and was thrilled to learn that Tiffany and Blake (who both appear in the first book) would be getting an HEA. When we first met Tiffany, she was living in a trailer with her abusive husband and her children. Her situation was hellish. Blake is her abusive ex-husband’s brother, one who immediately thinks that Tiffany is angling for family money. Their relationship is more than contentious, mostly because of Blake’s attitude. I admit to wondering if O’Keefe could make me believe that things would work out for these two.
Much like the other books in this series, Wait for It is filled with hot and steamy erotic tension, especially given the discord between Tiffany and Blake in the beginning of the book. Blake isn’t happy that he wants Tiffany and is less happy when he realizes how poorly he has treated her and her children - who are his family. Many of their initial sexual encounters have a bit of an angry feel to them. As a result of Blake’s internal strife, this story is full of angst - and darkness. Much of the darkness surrounds Tiffany’s life situation which is at times starkly bleak.
Wait for It is an excellent addition to this series that has dark overtones, but has happily ever afters that make the pain worth the effort. I do want to caution readers that Tiffany’s situation with her ex-husband is awful and painful to read about. And Blake is rather nasty to her at the beginning of the book. I felt as if he redeemed himself well, but know I had questions about his personality while reading. M. O’Keefe has written a powerful, tension-filled and sexy romance where the main characters have significant hurdles to overcome in order to find love.

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This series is my guilty pleasure. I can always count on this author to take me on an emotional ride that is equal parts gritty, a hero who has a hint of darkness and a strong heroine who takes no guff.

We've had snippets of Tiffany in previous books so I was looking forward to getting more of her story. My first impression is I really liked her. She is one tough chick! Dealing with the hand she's been dealt, Tiffany is just trying to keep her head above water. Children to take care of have left her in survival mode every day.

Blake is carrying so much anger. He's got a hair trigger temper and doesn't think twice at lashing out. His demons seem to rule every decision he makes.

Blake's initial encounter with Tiffany brought out his need to protect his family from what he perceives as just another person wanting money, yet also an undeniable attraction that he's determined to fight. For someone who needs to control everything in his life, Tiffany could be his undoing.

When emotions collide with anger, and mistrust, Blake and Tiffany are left with an attraction and pull towards each other that is combustable.

I really enjoyed this book. Both Blake and Tiffany were complex characters with real issues.

My only small issue was the ending. Bit too quick but perhaps I'm greedy and wanted more.

ARC received via NetGalley for an honest review

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