Member Reviews

This was a good read for me, I liked the story, Blake was a bit of a puzzle for me though, a bit inconsistent. The story is fast paced with lots of drama and plenty of emotion. The chemistry between Blake and Tiffany is plenty steamy and the story help my interest throughout.

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4.25 STARS

Having fled her abusive husband and the dilapidated trailer she once called home, Tiffany Edwards is struggling to make a new life for herself and her 3 kids. But Tiffany--who is fiercely determined and independent to a fault--is set in her resolve to do so on her own terms. So when the devil from her past, aka Blake Edwards, suggests a monetary arrangement that would help her current predicament, Tiffany is hard-pressed for a reason to turn him down.

Blake Edwards is Tiffany’s cold, callous brother-in-law, who’s typical “MO” is to throw money at all his problems. In the past, one of Blake’s “problems” included Tiffany. Initially distrustful of Tiffany’s claims, Blake comes to realize the truth behind her words and assumes tremendous guilt over having misjudged her entire situation. In fact, Blake comes to admire Tiffany’s inner strength—just one of her many attributes that Blake finds himself unabashedly attracted to.

Despite their differences, Tiffany can’t deny the constant pull she feels towards Blake. And Blake has made it quite clear that the attraction is mutual. But Blake is quite proficient at compartmentalizing his life, and when it comes to relationships, he prefers to keep emotions out of it. Still, Tiffany has a way of bringing out the caring side in Blake, a side of himself he often tries to conceal.

In Blake’s experience, money helps to keep things simple. So, in his attempt to give them both what they want and need, Blake proposes a monetary arrangement for a “no strings attached” sexual relationship. And while many would find this suggestion abhorrent, both Blake and Tiffany seem to be of the same mindset. Tiffany has no desire to jump into another relationship, especially with Blake. But giving into her sexual desire for him is another matter altogether. And the monetary part of their arrangement would give Blake the detachment he requires while giving Tiffany the financial security she desperately needs.

Both Tiffany and Blake were victims, left irrevocably damaged at the hands of the same man. Tiffany became emotionally hardened; distrustful; guarded. She became a shell of the woman she once was. And though the effect on Blake was more subtle, it was no less damaging. Over the years, it became Blake’s role to pick up the shattered pieces left behind by his selfish, self-centered brother--a role he perpetually falls back into, despite his resolve to no longer do so.

While I found neither character to be completely likeable, it was those pesky flaws that made them all the more real. Two perfectly imperfect people, finding love under the most unlikely circumstances. And while I did not always agree with their choices, I did appreciate the fact that they strived to do better; to BE better. They knew their limitations, but wanted to reach beyond that scope. Emotions are raw, sexual tension is thick, and character flaws abound.

Although “Wait For It” is the 4th novel in author M. O’Keefe’s Everything I Left Unsaid series, it most certainly can be read as a standalone. Despite not having read the preceding books in this series, it did not detract from my overall understanding or enjoyment of this book.

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If Molly O’Keefe isn’t on your auto-buy author list, she needs to be.

Wait for It is the fourth and final book in the Everything I Left Unsaid series. Unlike the other books, this is a standalone read. The story features Tiffany Edwards and Blake Edwards. Tiffany is the sister-in-law Blake and his mother, Margaret, never knew about.

His whole life, Blake has been taking care of his younger brother, Phil, and fixing his problems. That pretty much ended with the death of their father. Each brother moved on with their lives. Blake went on to make millions with 989 Engine, the company he founded with family friend Dylan Daniels. Phil went on to continue his mean, destructive, degenerate life. He met a young and naive Tiffany Britton and proceeded to turn her life upside down. When her family turned their back on her, after becoming pregnant, Phil married her. He claimed his entire family was dead and proceeded to make Tiffany his punching bag.

The Everything I Left Unsaid series has this six degrees of character separation going on. Dylan met and fell in love with Annie McKay, who lived in the same trailer park as Tiffany and occasionally Phil. Through Annie, Tiffany discovers that Phil does have family. Annie convinces Tiffany to meet with Blake, but the meeting doesn’t go the way either thought it would. Not believing Tiffany has children like she claims, Blake offers to pay Tiffany off to never contact his mother or him again. Tiffany accepts and goes on to have a good life with her children, until Phil finds them. Now, in the middle of the night she travels to Dylan’s house to get help from Annie, only to run into Blake.

When Blake discovers that Tiffany was telling the truth about being married and having kids, he vows to protect her and the kids from Phil. But the question is, can he protect her from himself?

I’ve loved all the books in this series. But Wait for It is handsdown my favorite. Tiffany is a strong woman and a true survivor. Not only did she endure abuse from her husband, but also her parents. There were plenty of times she could have broke, but she didn’t.

Blake is one of those characters who is misunderstood. He feels he has to take care of others, and does what he thinks is best for everyone, without considering their feelings. He sees a problem and he fixes it. Whether it’s throwing money at it or making it disappear. He truly is a loving and caring person, but this isn’t a side people see. His whole life he’s taken care of his family, with no one to take care of him.

Against his better judgement, he falls hard for Tiffany. Unfortunately, at the same time, he makes her feel like a lesser person. There isn’t anything he won’t do to make sure Phil doesn’t hurt Tiffany and the kids. If it means he has to kill Phil himself, so be it. Blake awakes parts of Tiffany she thought were dead and buried. She just isn’t sure she can or should trust another Edwards after Phil. These two are explosive together, but it’s the tender moments that make these two truly special. Add in Tiffany’s kids and this love story gets even better.

Wait for It is the perfect title for this book. Blake, Tiffany, and her kids have been waiting a lifetime to have a true family; one full of love and acceptance and they find it. I loved watching Tiffany grow as a person and obtain her determination and self confidence back. I loved watching Tiffany and Blake find the courage to let go of the past and allow themselves to be happy. The story ends on a wonderful moment, but I really wish there was more to it. I literally did not want their story to end.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Kris – ☆☆☆☆
I have read books 1-3 already in this series and I’ve really enjoyed them all! This installment is about Tiffany from the trailer park. The woman with three kids and a husband that is never around. When he is, she’s wishing he wasn’t. Abusive and drunk, her husband, Phil, uses Tiffany as a punching bag and the kids as weapons to keep her down and out. She’s alone and isolated from her family and friends, no car, no money, no way out. Blake is Phil’s brother, he’s spent his entire life cleaning up after his drunken jerk of a brother. After meeting Tiffany in the trailer park and realizing she’s his brother’s hidden wife and these are his nieces and nephews, Blake does what he always does, he throws money at the problem to make it go away.

Tiffany, in a desperate situation, takes the money Blake offers her, finally getting herself out of the trailer park and away from Phil. After trying to start her new life, Phil ends up finding her again and comes back to claim what’s his. Fleeing the apartment with the slippers on her feet and her ratty sweater, Tiffany makes her way up the mountain to where Annie lives. Annie has told her she was always welcome if she ever needed help. Unfortunately, Blake is at Annie’s Christmas party that’s in full swing when Tiffany pulls up for help.

Blake cannot believe she’s shown up here; after paying her off, he expected to never see her again. He deserves her anger and when he’s a bit too callous, Tiffany punches him! Blake finds there’s more to this scared little trailer rat, she has balls of steel!

There’s some perfect character strife between Tiffany and her husband’s brother. This arrogant man, who tried to pay her off to go away. Tiffany finds she’s very attracted to Blake and he seems more vulnerable that she ever thought possible; maybe, they both need saving.

This book contains some well written heartfelt angst, hurt feelings, and miscued moments between Blake and Tiffany that make a romance story great. You know, those groan worthy times where the character misunderstands or plays their feelings off while their heart is being stomped on. Blake is written very well, and steamed up the pages when the two did come together. I did find this book a bit on the wordy side (kind of like this review) and it may just be a bit longer than the story needed.

All in all, another very solid installment of the series.

Shelby – ☆☆☆
The first three books in this series have been fantastic! I was sucked right into this world and the characters; add in romance, action, and hot erotica, and you have the recipe for the perfect series.

The fourth book in the Everything I Left Unsaid series was Tiffany and Blake's story. If you've read the previous books, you're familiar with Tiffany. Phil, her abusive husband and father to her three children, has left her destitute and hanging on by a thread. She's been cut-off from her own family and never accepted by his, she is doing everything she can to provide for her children while being terrorized by him.

Blake, on the other hand, has worked for every dime he's ever made and is proud of it. Proud and cocky, Blake has spent his entire life cleaning up his brother's messes. When he finds out his brother, Phil, has a wife and children. Blake does what comes natural and tried to BUY them away from his family (mother/sister).

As I said before, I like the characters in this series, but I found this book lacking. I just didn't feel the chemistry between Blake and Tiffany. Not to say I didn't like them, I can totally relate to Tiffany being a mom and trying to find herself. I just didn't feel like they (Blake and Tiffany) were acting as adults. They both never talked of their feelings, they hoped the other could guess what they wanted, which would be okay if this was a Young Adult book.

Overall, I love this series. The fourth book wasn't my favorite, but I did like watching Tiffany and Blake grow up and grow together. I had high expectations for their story and it was certainly HOT at times, but it was also frustrating and immature.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the fourth book in the series and I have enjoyed them all. I highly recommend that you read them in order, as the story is ongoing, although this concentrates on another couple to books one and two, and book three. Even though it was a while since I read the series, I was quickly re-immersed in the situation and delighted to be back.

Tiffany was a very sad character in the first books, and Annie so wanted to help; she gives rise to the first meeting between Tiffany and Blake. Blake has been sorting out his brother, Phil's messes for years – but never did he expect him to have a wife and children. Even less did he think of his brother as a perpetrator of domestic violence. That first encounter does not go well, but a year later, Blake has to rethink some of his assumptions, and cannot help but want to give Tiffany some support.

As the uncomfortable chemistry between them causes them both to rethink some of their previous preconceptions – about both themselves and each other – we get to watch a most unusual romance develop. Blake, whilst seemingly in control of himself, is indeed flawed; his reaction to Tiffany forces him to think about what he will do with his anger, and how he should deal with his brother in future.

It was addictive reading, thank you Ms. O'Keefe.

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The blurb was what caught my attention, it had that Beauty and the Beast feel to it and is one of my favorite tropes so I gave it a go and though I found it to be an easy and overall enjoyable read I didn’t fall in love with it like I’d hoped I would. It really does have all the pieces of a great story and yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was lacking from Blake and Tiffany’s romance and that ‘something’ is what kept this book firmly in the ‘like’ category instead of bumping up to the ‘love’ category.

Blake is a cold SOB. He wants to protect those he considers his, but goes about it in such a manner that ensures he’s absolutely separated from the situation and won’t be touched in any way. I got why Blake felt he needed to appear cold, driven and even callous to the world, but I couldn’t empathize with him over it because instead of rising above all the B.S. he willingly wallowed in it and used it as an excuse for his behaviour. That didn’t show me a man, it instead showed me a little boy trying to play at being a man. Thankfully he does have a “Come to Jesus” moment and I can say that I liked seeing the man he could become if he let go of the reins.

Tiffany’s first true act of teenage rebellion hit her like a Mack truck and her world has never been the same, but despite all the difficulties that one act brought her and how it’s made her wary and cynical, she still fights to give her kids all the love she can. I liked Tiffany from the start. Her fire and determination to do right by her kids were something that I admired. Some of her choices, and the reasons behind them, had me going “mmmmm.” but considering all that she went through I couldn’t outright fault her for. She’d been put through the ringer and needed to work through things to find herself once more and thought it was a struggle she does finally figure out who she wants to be.

As for Blake and Tiffany’s relationship. I had no problem with the sexual chemistry between them, because it was hot or even with how their ‘relationship’ progressed. When you have two people who are unable to trust, whether it be others or themselves, choices are made where the logic behind them is faulty at best. I just felt that there was something missing. All the right pieces were there, but they just didn’t fully click together where I had the lightbulb moment where I could envision their HEA. The good thing that comes out of what they put each other through is that the walls they’ve surrounded themselves with for so long are gone and they finally figure out who the kind of person they truly want to be.

The writing was engaging, the story well paced and the dual first person POV’s done well. I loved the kids and the heart they brought to the story. The other characters were fun and liked how they rounded things out. This was my first read by the author and though the romance part of it didn’t really do it for me, I still found the story to be an enjoyable one and will be checking out other books by the author in the future.

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From the first paragraph of this book, I was pulled in to the raw, complex situation of two lost and very broken souls who take the difficult road to healing and love. But then… that’s been how it was for each story in this series. Gripping, rough, and emotional, but oh-so worth it.

Wait For It was the fourth book in the Everything I Left Unsaid series. It follows up tightly with the earlier books so doesn’t work well as a standalone.

Tiffany made an excruciating mistake back in college when she trusted in the charm of a guy. She got pregnant and they married before she figured out that he was a controlling, abusive fiend. Her family turned their backs on her when she married Phil and she had no one else. Things went from bad to worth before she was able to break away with her three kids and start over. Her kids are terrified of Phil and life is hard for them all, but he keeps crashing back into their lives and she just needs it to stop- the pain, the fear, and the desperation for even basic needs. Going to one of her few friends, Annie, who had it rough and finally found her happiness, is a huge step. Annie promised to help and Tiffany desperately needs help.

Unfortunately, in seeking out Annie, she encounters Phil’s ruthless brother who treated her like trash and bribed her to stay away from the family the last time they met. Now, he offers to help and claims he thought she was as conniving as his brother. Trusting him is out of the question and believing he’ll come through and he’s helping without an angle is impossible. What is truly terrifying is the attraction and need to believe in him that is worst of all.

After a year, Blake gets one look at the trembling and terrified Tiffany and her kids and this glimpse tells him he screwed up when he drove her away with the money. Her taking it hadn’t been proof that she was like his rotten brother; it was evidence that she was desperate to take care of her kids- his nephew and nieces. Phil is terrorizing them and he has to fix it. Blake has always been the one to clean up after Phil and take care of the family and he wants to do the same for Tiffany. But he has to do it on his terms. He won’t let any messy feelings or that unaccountable need he feels for Tiffany get in his way. Strictly business. Only Tiffany won’t let him put her neatly in a box and challenges everything he believes.

So, yes, this is not an easy or a light romance. Not even the characters are all that easy or likeable. They are flawed and their romance is raw and gritty. The story has some exciting moments, but for the most part it is a steady and painful back and forth between two people who live in the dark and struggle to believe in the light. They start out giving in to the magnetism of their attraction both being ugly about it even as they can’t seem to walk away.

Tiffany is an abused wife and abandoned by her own family. She doesn’t even know how to trust and believe in good things anymore. Blake is the brother of an abuser and son of a man who couldn’t connect with his own children so he has issues of his own. They both have coping mechanisms that push people away and keep people at a distance. Because of their issues, they see through the walls they have each put up and connect on a fundamental level. This story is scorching hot and the pair have something that starts out ugly at first. But it is the unwanted attraction they think to appease through sexual encounters that shows them what is really happening and makes them want to try for something more even as it terrifies them.

So, this last story in the series was just as engrossing and compelling as all the rest. It gripped me and had me all twisted up in the feels for this pair. I loved the peek-ins with the characters from the older books. I would recommend this book/series for those who enjoy spicy hot, but never easy contemporary romances.

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M. O'Keefe is seriously the best at writing down and dirty wrong but oh-so-right sexy novels! I did not like Tiffany when we first met her in Dylan and Annie's story. She seemed the wrong type of bitchy (not Joan's right kind). I could never be more misinformed. I knew that Phil was a bastard; any man that hits a woman just is. I felt for Tiffany for having to go through that with three little angels and the emotional abuse from her family.

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Blake. I knew he was powerful and made of money. He doesn't want anyone to see down to the truth of him; that he's really a good guy in a bad guy's world. These two melt into this money driven relationship that had me on the edge of my seat; knowing how bad these two wanted one another. Blake's instinct to protect Tiffany was EVERYTHING. But his willingness to let her be strong and find her own way out from the bottom was so damn inspiring.

All Blake knows is how to fix problems but Tiffany isn't so easy to solve. She has so many different facets to her that Blake needs to spend his time, and money, to figure them all out. Tiffany knows how hard it is to trust others and that trusting Blake isn't something she can take lightly. But she shows him no fear when taking on his need to help her. I loved the feeling of suspense as to whether these two could figure one another out and I wasn't disappointed!

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Final Score - 5 #AllTheFeels Stars!!!

This book was a roll-a-coaster of emotions - laughter, anger, joy, sadness, etc. Simply put, I loved the HELL outta this book!

When the story starts, we see Tiffany (who was introduced in the first book in this series) and we already know her backstory of the abuse she's and three kids have suffered. As it turns out, that husband is the brother of Blake (Dylan's business partner).

Blake has shown up at her trailer as he wants to protect his mother from Phil's misdeeds. So Blake does what he does best - he tries to buy Tiffany off, but she ups the ante. An agreement is made and it's a whole year that goes by before she returns. Tiffany can't escape Phil, no matter where she goes he follows and uproots/disrupts her life and the kids. The man is a menace! She decides to go up to Annie and Dylan's house to ask for help, not knowing they were having a party and Blake is there - but so is his mother, Margaret. She still has no clue as to who Tiffany and the kids are.

Just the first two chapters and so much has happened, it just kept getting better from there. This is a definite page turner, I could not put it down. The entire series is a definite #MUSTREAD!

The only thing I didn't care for was the ending - I felt there should have been more of a finality to it. Instead, it kinda felt like an "up in the air" ending.

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This is the 4th book in this series and I have loved each and every book! This book was a standalone but probably more enjoyable because I had read the others.This book met every one of my expectations. Blake, in previous books was Dylan's partner and the money maker of the company. Tiffany was part of the trailer park gang, a woman who had three children by an abusive and often absent husband. Blake is the absent husband's brother who is always rescuing Phil, the absentee husband. This is a book about a man who totally changes for a woman who is worthy of him. I enjoyed every minute of this book. It never dragged for me and kept me captivated until the end. This was a great series, and although each book is standalone, I loved the continuity of the entire series. Ms. O'Keefe gives the reader a wonderful series and I am so glad I read all the books. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this books for an totally honest review. I loved it!

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► WAIT FOR IT was an extremely beautiful & erotic & exciting lovestory. About two broken & lonely people who might have finally found the one person in the world who could make them start enjoying life again. Hurry to your nearest amazon for your own Blake - this one is MINE!!! ◄

If you're not suffering from Booksalzheimers, like I do, you should remember Tiffany and Blake from the first 3 books. It's not necessary to have read them, but you should, because they were super-amazing! And it might help explain a thing or two!
BUT - this book is a complete standalone, so you really don't need to know about the other books! ☺

Tiffany is a young mom to three kids. Kids she had with Phil. Blake's good-for-nothing brother. He's never been there for Tiffany and the kids. He's an angry, mean and violent idiot. Tiffany can't go on like this anymore, she wants a divorce.
And she needs help. Her sister is trying to help as much as she can. But there's Blake and his mother too. But Tiffany doesn't want their help. Not if they're anything like Phil. But they're not. Well, Blake is an ass. But he still wants to help. And the more he gets to know her, the more he's intrigued...

What will happen when a trailer-park mom of three falls for an asshole millionaire??


As I mentioned before, I didn't really remember who everyone was when I started reading, but once you've read a few pages it all comes back. The trailer park, scarred Dylan with his Annie from the first two books et cetera!

I really enjoyed this book. It's all a bit dark-ish....
Tiffany is such a strong person. She should be crying in a corner somewhere. Her life sucks. She only has her kids and nothing else. And it's hard to raise three little kids on her own. And then this mega-rich asshole starts to interfere in her life! The nerve of the guy!!! She's been ok on her own ever since her parents threw her out! But she can't deny the horrible attraction to her idiot brother-in-law!

I looved how those two fought and argued and flirted ... lots of foreplay! ☺ It's all so sad and adorable and moving and sweet and ... I just loved it!
Amazing romance with a bunch of amazing but very broken characters!

► WAIT FOR IT was an extremely beautiful & erotic & exciting lovestory. About two broken & lonely people who might have finally found the one person in the world who could make them start enjoying life again. Hurry to your nearest amazon for your own Blake - this one is MINE!!! ◄

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Wait for it by M. O’Keefe is a story about second chances and nothing is ever as it seems.
What a read! This is my favorite book of this series. It's raw, suspenseful, and sexy. These characters are one of a kind and I've fallen in love with them all. They were real and gritty. Many emotions were felt as I was reading. From happy to crying to anger then back to crying. It was awesome! This story didn't turn out the way I thought it would and that's what I really loved about it. I give this 5 stars!

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*thank you to the author and publisher for providing an arc*

Wait For It is definitely worth the wait! I fell for Blake in book one and could not wait for his own story to be told and M. O’Keefe did not disappoint! Blake has a certain pull that you cannot resist and just when you think he has no redeeming qualities, he does the smallest thing to pull you right back. And when you mix him with no nonsense Tiffany, who is just trying to get back on her feet again, they are explosive. The sexual tension between them is in every page and you can’t help but root for them.
Blake likes to be in control of everything in his life and if it’s not going well he will do what needs to be done to make it go his way. But when his ex-sister in-law shows up at his doorstep, everything he thinks he knows gets put into question.
Tiffany doesn’t know whether to trust Blake, run the opposite way or kiss him. All she knows Is that she needs help and Blake just might be able to help her. Each day they spend in each other’s company they can’t ignore the sparks that are between them and when they finally give into that attraction will they be willing to give each other a real chance?

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I wish I had read the other books in the series. I was lost through the first part of the story..

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Wait For It is undoubtedly the best I've read from Molly O'Keefe. I have been engrossed in this series from the start and honestly did not think it could get any better. But with each new book, I am continually blown away by the utter brilliance this author creates.

I've been curious about Tiffany since I first met her in Everything I Left Unsaid. The battered wife, stuck in a miserable existence with 3 kids and an absent husband. She reeked of desperation but had a fighting spirit about her that I wanted to know better. She is one fierce warrior, always making sure her kids have what they need and giving her all as best as that can ever be. Watching as she stands up to Blake Edwards, her husband's brother, taking what she needed the first time they met in her dilapidated trailer and he leaving, knowing this woman would somehow get under his skin.

There is such raw emotion pouring out of both Blake and Tiffany. He just wants to help her and her kids, protect her from his brother Phil, the black sheep of the family but he never, ever expected her to be the worthy opponent that was needed to shake up his well-ordered world.

They are both so closed off. Tiffany afraid to trust anyone when her own family turned their backs on her, the wild child. And of course being stuck in a loveless marriage with barely enough to keep her family fed. Sensing her frequent apprehension at any kind of help broke me at times. I literally had tears in my eyes more than once at her longing to do right by her kids but her pride not allowing her to get hurt any further.

And Blake. Oh my what can I say. I fell for Dylan and then Max in the prior books and now Blake has captured my heart as well. He is as stubborn and resistant to change as Tiffany is yet there is a soft spot deep inside that is he is so reluctant to set free. He is hard in business and can be as cold as he needs to be. But something about Tiffany touches a part of him he deemed unworthy and getting to witness firsthand the thaw around his heart was truly wonderful. Neither he nor Tiffany make it easy on themselves and there is much frustration and despair on both their parts. Like two moths to a flame they are drawn to each other in a way no one else could even understand. Their journey is gritty and intense and powerful. The infrequent times of joy are perfectly juxtaposed with an harsh need to hurt in order to protect not only their hearts but their souls.

I have clearly found one of THE best reads of 2017. As sexy as it is brutal, Wait For It will quite simply put, take your breath away. I was never fully sure of their outcome but the author does not disappoint with the love story that is Tiffany and Blake. Sure to be a ride you won't want to end, I can't imagine giving this book anything less than 5+++ stars!

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A woman who has had a hard life meets her husbands brother. He is a complete jerk, money is his means to solving everything. The two are brought together because of her worthless husband and from there begins a rocky and electric relationship between the two that leaves them both changed.

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I really enjoyed this story of redemption. Tiffany learns to make it on her own but also comes to the conclusion that letting people in can be a good thing too. Nicely fleshed out characters you will truly care about!

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This is a story about the aftermath of domestic violence. You get a glimpse into the lives of not only the wife and kids, but the damage it has played to the family of the abuser.

I like to read these kinds of stories because I love to see people overcome such tragedy and not only heal, but thrive in a way they never thought they could. It's such inspiration and motivation to know life can get us down, but can't keep us down unless we let it. The power is in our hands, not someone else's to pick up the pieces and make something out of ourselves. The author did such a good job with this story in that respect.

It's not easy reading about a 6 year old boy so hardened and cynical because of what his father has done to his family. Despite this being mainly about Tiffany and Blake, the abusers wife and brother, the son is what made the most impact on me. I think a lot of people who have never been in this situation don't understand how someone "let's" another treat them so horribly. I think the author did a great job of showing how Tiffany was vulnerable to Phil, the abuser, and how he took advantage of that to pull her into his life.

<I>"I never expected it to hurt," Annie said,
"What?" " Being so happy."</I>

The end is what makes the journey beautiful. This is book 4 but can be read as a standalone. The other couples are in this book so if you want to know more about them first, then I would recommend starting at book 1. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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Don't wait for it that is. Just click "buy now".

This is one of those books that just works. That grabs you by the front of your shirt and pulls you in. I really shouldn't like Blake. And yet, for ephemeral reasons that I simply cannot pin down, I just did.

This relationship is somewhat unconventional and fiery. The characters are strong and full of attitude. And I loved it.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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Wow, I'm at a loss for words to describe this book. Every heartbreaking moment of this book made you grateful for what you have, and hopeful for those who have suffered at the hands of abuse, especially the kids. Blake and Tiffanys story was unexpected for me, those of us who have read the series (and I highly recommend you read them) know what an asshole Phil was, and what he left in his aftermath of hate was heartbreaking for his victims, his family,, all of them. What this author does with this difficult subject is amazing, you come away with a few tears, but also with a huge smile and warm heart. I loved this book, and believe it's the final book In the series and what a way to end it! Loved the characters in this book, except Phil (jerk), loved the authors writing (flawless), and loved the perfect ending. I will definitely be adding Burn Down the Night and Wait for it to my hard copy library. They will sit right next to the first two books in the series, you definitely need to add this to your tbr list of incredible books.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book..

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4.5 Stars - Top Pick

I was in tears 5% into Wait For It. That’s when I knew this book would hurt my heart; that it would elicit ugly wrenching emotions. Those are the best kind of books.

Blake. Sigh. What can I say about our hero? He’s heartless. Quite ruthless. He’s the kind of hero you want to see fall, and fall hard.

I know how to break a man. I’m not proud of it, but it’s a skill. And a useful one in a fight and a business negotiation.
It’s a pretty simple science, really: find the hidden and secret place where they hoard all their weaknesses, and then apply the right pressure.

This is how he goes into his first meeting with Tiffany, his no-good brother’s estranged wife. A woman he’s never met and one he pays to stay away from the rest of his family, specifically his mother.

A year later, a desperate Tiffany piles her three children into her car and inadvertently breaks her promise by showing up at her friend’s house where Blake and his mother happen to be. The nightmare that is her estranged husband drove her from her apartment. Needless to say Blake is not happy to see her and she’s surprised and then filled with dread when she realizes he’s there. And it’s this scene that broke my heart in two. I cried for Tiffany. I cried for the love she has for her kids. I cried because although she acts tough and independent, she knows all too clearly how physically vulnerable she is at the hands of brutal man. *Just writing this is makes me choke up.*

Their relationship unfolds nicely from then on. It’s a gradual getting to know you. Blake learns that Tiffany is not at all like his brother, and Tiffany comes to know the same thing. Blake and Phil are not alike. Her husband’s brutality doesn’t run in the family. But Tiffany values her independence and is reluctant to take any more money from Blake as much as it would help. He’s already given her twenty grand to leave his family alone and that money’s gone. I would love to say I admire that about her, but personally, I wouldn’t have thought any less of her if she’d taken it.

I really liked being inside of Blake’s head. Without that I think I would have hated him. Maybe that’s too harsh. I wouldn’t have liked him nearly as much. I needed to know what made him tick and the events that shaped him into the man he’s become.

The first time I thought about killing my brother was at my father’s funeral. He showed up on the third day of a three-day bender, a bottle of Jack in his pocket and smelling of cigarettes and strippers. My mother’s face when she saw him…that keen mix of hope and fear, combined with all that grief… I swear to God, any last bit of feeling I had for my brother just turned to ash.
As I indicate above, Tiffany is one of those tough-talking but vulnerable heroines. She’s completely relatable to any woman who’s ever made a bad romantic pick. And frankly, to even those who haven’t. Suffice to say, she jumped into her relationship with her husband before she knew the “real” Phil. The real Phil is a selfish, drunken brute. Then of course there’s her family. Her younger sister is cool, but her parents—especially her father? Ugh. Not exactly the through thick and thin kind of parents.

I’m glad Blake and Tiffany found each other, even though it’s not under the best circumstances and the situation they find themselves in is far from ideal. But he needs humanizing and she needs to know that all men aren’t like Phil. Sex, which had once been enjoyable, is not any longer. I love that day by day, and with coaxing and patience, Blake helps change that. His methods are—er—interesting, but I’ll let you judge for yourself.

Now, I will admit that through almost the entire book I was waiting for Phil to show up. Really, I wanted him to get his ass kicked, and I wanted her to divorce the damn man. I wouldn’t have blinked twice an out-of-control had caught him crossing a street. I’m not saying that’s what happened, but I wouldn’t have minded that kind of solution. I’m still not sure I feel he got his just desserts but then I can be fairly blood thirty when it comes to abusive men.

All in all, Wait For It is a wonderful, emotional love story with top-notch writing. I enjoyed if from beginning to end, and look forward to whichever book comes next.

~ Beverley

Review will also go up on the blog Feb 27th.

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