Member Reviews

Tiffany Edwards is a 26-year old mother of three children under the age of seven and is separated from her abusive husband. Until recently, she lived in a dilapidated trailer in an equally squalid park but managed to make some very good friends. When her brother-in-law discovers her, Blake Edwards offers her money to disappear. Hurt and desperate, she takes the money and moves on. They have a chance meeting one year later when she shows up at Annie & Dylan's Christmas party and it's a game changer.

I've been hungering for this story since the last book ended on that Christmas party cliffhanger and it was definitely worth waiting for. Tiffany may have been down but she's definitely not out. I didn't know much about Blake other than his insensitive first encounter with Tiffany but he proved to be an enigma.

This was a gut wrenching story on every level as both Tiffany and Blake were well defined, layered characters and struggled to find a way to relate to each other. Talk about walls, these two had mountains to scale. It's honest despite their fears and the way they persevere is admirable, not to mention off-the-charts steamy.

I've loved this series with its troubled and unconventional characters who somehow win your hearts in the long run. This story grabbed me from the first page and never let go. Yes, I had to wait for it but the payoff was huge.

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Wait For It by Molly O'Keefe, is a unique and compelling love story. The fast-paced plot immediately pulled me in, while the intensiveness of the characters kept me engaged and wanting more. This is the fourth book in the author's Everything I Left Unsaid series and it can be enjoyed as a standalone.

Tiffany is a twenty-six year old wonder woman, striving to make ends meet in order to keep her three young children happy and healthy. She is the victim of an abusive husband, uncaring parents, and a brother-in-law that believes it is best to pay her off in order to keep her away from his family. Tiffany's husband Phil creates havoc wherever he goes and both she and her children are afraid of him. Tiffany no longer knows how to trust, so she has erected barriers around her soul in order to survive.

Blake is Tiffany's very rich and arrogant brother-in-law. Up until a year ago, Blake had no idea that he was an uncle. However, when he found out about his estranged brother's family, he dropped in on the now single Tiffany at the trailer-park. At the time, he believed giving her twenty grand to stay out of his and his mother's life was a sound decision.

Phil has been a violent and malicious thorn in Blake's side for years. In order to keep Phil out of his life, Blake has given him money on a semi-regular basis. Blake has no idea that Tiffany is almost destitute and afraid, due to his brother's actions. Once Blake truly believes and understands Tiffany's troubles, he wants to fix her and her situation.

Tiffany and Blake make an odd couple, yet the lust they feel is undeniable. Their sexy times are a bit bizarre, but that is because they are both beginning to experience a true sense of belonging and real love. Tiffany learns that Blake is a good guy and nothing like his brother. Blake learns to be patient, while letting go of the guilt he has held onto for so many years.

There is nothing like a hot, intriguing read in the middle of the dreary winter season to boost up your spirits. Tiffany and Blake are likeable, realistic characters that kept me engaged throughout the story. Their banter is both amusing and emotional, in addition to being heartfelt and flirty. Ms. O'Keefe does an excellent job of describing Tiffany's plight, which only adds realness to an already interesting plot. Overall, a solid read.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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Wait for it is another good book by M. O'Keefe¸. I absolutely loved this story. It is emotional raw real heartbreaking full of hope and love. Everything was just right from plot to speed of happening and great develop characters. At first Blake is like some villain negative, but when you discover that he wears one thick mask and that underneath is passionate man that will do everything for the one he loves you fell in love with him. Tiffany o boy I liked her so strong independent her sarcastic way of humor I instantly loved her.
This is a story from haters to lovers. Really great really hot and highly recommended.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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Oh. My. Good. Gravy.

I don’t even know where I should begin with this review because this book was that good.

Blake was a jerk (to be Amazon PC). A huge jerk that I wanted to kick between the legs when he was introduced in the first chapter. He had to have some big ones to try to pay off his brother’s wife to disappear with her 3 kids. Huge gigantic ones. But when more of his back story is revealed and I got to know him, I kinda felt bad for him. It must have sucked to live the way he did….thinking that money could solve everything.

I really liked Tiffany and felt a huge connection with her. She was the only one in the book, well besides Blake’s mother, who stood up to Blake. I absolutely loved it when she talked him up to $20G when he tried to pay her to disappear. She was a mother who was trying her best to let her children have normal lives, even though their father was an abusive jerk who terrorized them.

I wanted to cry when she said that she felt broken during the masturbation scene. It just showed how fragile she was and how low of a self-esteem she had. I mean, she was married to a man who enjoyed belittling her. That takes a toll on your self-esteem. I don’t care who you are, it does.

Tiffany’s parents were awful. Who turns their back on their daughter when they see that she is in an abusive relationship? At least Bea was there for her but still. A pretty crappy thing to do to your daughter.

The chemistry between Tiffany and Blake was out of this world and that first sex scene, it was out of the world. I got kinda mad when Blake offered Tiffany $500 for one night. How degrading. But what surprised me was that she took it up. WTH????

The end of the book was pretty good and I am glad to see that Phil got what he deserved.

How many stars will I give Wait For It: 4

Why: This was a fast paced romance with enough hot sex to ignite the pages. The underlying theme, domestic violence, was discussed in a way that is realistic. I got really attached to Blake and Tiffany and I can’t wait to see if there will be a book 5 in this series.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex, violence and language.

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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Fans of gritty, blue-collar romance will enjoy Wait For It, a dark and sexy look at a woman emerging from an abusive relationship.

Tiffany married Blake’s abusive brother Phil, whose messes Blake has been cleaning up for decades. Blake is wealthy, thanks to managing the racecar inventions of his friend, and the first time he meets Tiffany he cuts her a check and considers his obligations discharged. They cross paths again a few years later, as Tiffany, now the mother of three small children, tries to leave Phil, and Blake realizes things are going to be more complicated than he wants them to be.

These are two people with a lot of problems, and the author doesn’t gloss over them or how difficult they are to resolve. Sometimes this means that Blake is a complete asshole, because that’s who he’s been for years. But I liked that Tiffany stands up to him, and Blake starts to like and respect her for it. More importantly, Tiffany starts to like and respect herself. Their chemistry is well-written.

At the same time, neither of these characters is terribly memorable. I’ve read a lot of Blakes - working-class guys who hit it rich through some sort of manual skill - usually involving vehicles - but keep it real with their street connections and tough attitudes. While I’ve read fewer Tiffanys specifically, nothing tremendously original or detailed is done with her emerging-from-domestic violence storyline. The author is sensitive in dealing with some of the sexual scars and strategies that Tiffany has acquired, and what it means to her to, for instance, associate oral sex with rewarding her husband for not drinking his entire paycheck. Beyond coming out of her life with Phil, Tiffany’s major defining characteristic is her motherhood, and I did like her in that role. I liked her practicality in accepting money from Blake. I also liked that she doesn’t have angelic children, and that her oldest child shows realistic scars from the violence to which he’s been exposed.

In other areas, the domestic violence plot wasn’t what it could - or should - have been. All characters place faith in restraining orders, which are not magical force fields but legal punishments that often kick in after it’s too late. Custody isn’t presented as a major issue. I know Phil didn’t like his kids, but going after them to hurt the mother is a typical abuser move. Worst, the book ignores guns completely. Blake and Tiffany act as if teaching Tiffany some fighting, which will allow her to hit Phil back, is going to be satisfying and safe. Nobody asks about what could happen if Phil is carrying a gun when Tiffany hits back, or if he’d use it before getting close enough to be hit, or if he’d come back with one to escalate revenge. For a book that is so meticulously thoughtful about examining the mental and emotional impact of domestic violence, omitting this horrible reality on top of legal generalities is a major oversight and letdown.

O’Keefe is a very good writer, making her point with simple, straightforward prose that suits her regular-person characters. At one point, as Tiffany starts to come into her own, she says “My life had a new center. My kids yes. And maybe… me. Maybe I could be in the center of my own life.” That’s not only great for a recovering abuse survivor, but also for any story about a mom of three on her own. There is a lot of profanity, but I would have seen a character like Blake as unrealistic without it.

There is a “type” of darker, borderline erotic romance, and this book is a perfect example of it. If you like that type, then definitely give Wait for It a try.

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I gave this book 4 stars because of Tiffany and her backbone. I loved the way she grew and took no crap from Blake. It took me 75% of the book to warm up to the guy. I know all about him and his boxes and his need to fix and throw money at things because that's what works for him. Keeps him from engaging and risk being vulnerable. Until he meets Tiffany x 2.

The second meet, a year later is when she shows up at Annie's unannounced and there's a Christmas party in full swing, Annie is living with Dylan. Tiffany watches people coming and going. She needs Annie's help. The kids are in the car and she's on the run from Phil. She runs into Blake. No love lost between these two and he makes his feelings known once again and she tries to leave and he stops her. He finally sees the kids and realizes she actually has kids. That she didn't lie to him a year ago.
This man is so cynical and bitter. Tiffany had more balls in this one than Blake did. What a disappointment he was. Picking fights and trying to alienate his best friend. But really doing his best to look after Tiffany and the kids, his only saving grace in my opinion. He does get her a lawyer and a restraining order and Phil has disappeared. Since she won't take financial help from him, what does he do? Pays her to go on dates. Yep. Way to go Ace. What a total a**. They do sleep together, but only with his rules in place, so she adds a couple as well.

This has been a great series and Molly can write them. But I have to say Blake just pulled on every chain I have, which is the sign of a good writer. One who can bust chops the way Molly can.
So, this is a must read because it's the 4th book, you need to find out what happens with Tiffany. Can she escape the threat of Phil and raise her children in peace. And what happens with Blake?
4.5 Stars from me.

**arc from NetGalley and Publisher in exchange for a fair review.

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My 4 star review is up on Goodreads and will be posted on blog and social media upon release and links will be updated at that time.

Blake Edwards is Dylan's business partner. He is rich, ruthless, and likes to be in control. He throws himself into work and gets a thrill out of breaking people. Deep down he is angry, resentful, guilty, and a masochist who sometimes needs physical pain to help overcome the pain he hides deep. His brother, Phil, is a source of some of the negative emotions. A year ago, he had the chance to help Phil's abused wife and kids who were in dire straights...but in true form he threw money at them to go away.

Tiffany got sucked into a hopeless and frightening life with Phil, and she's got three kids to protect. She is doing her best to take care of them. and keep them all safe from her volatile ex. She has hit rock bottom and cannot seem to escape Phil's reach. She has walls up, she's stubborn, lacks hope, and is fearful, and anxious. But underneath she is a survivor, and is strong and determined to make a better life for her kids.

When she reaches out to her old friend, Annie, she unknowingly step back into the sights of Blake. But this time, Blake is not telling her to run...he is actually chasing after her. He says he wants to help now. He is even willing to admit he was wrong about her. He is used to fixing his brother's mistakes and is willing to jump in to help and protect her and the kids.

But there is also a simmering sexual tension and attraction brewing between them. But she is untrusting and scared of getting hurt. And he is not well versed in how to actually care for people or to show any weakness. He is used to controlling every situation, so he tries to find a way to control their desire and keep feelings out of it as he would a business deal with rules, exchanges, and emotional distance. This part of the book was kind of hard to take, but it made sense in relation to how the characters saw themselves. But it also brought out a host of other issues and problems.

What happens if one of them wants more?

This is really the breaking down of Blake and finding his hidden vulnerable core. He was a man who always acted like he did not need anything, but he really did. And this is the building up of Tiffany as she begins to find a reason to want to hope and trust again. It is about them both needing to let go of fear and to allow themselves to open up and let down their defenses. Because only when everything is out in the open, will they be able to forgive themselves and each other and look towards finding happiness.

Dylan and Annie are also featured in this one, as is Blake's family. The kids were adorable and the interactions with them were heart melting. Blake was a hard guy to like at times and he made some poor personal choices. But he really was a lost soul in need of a true connection. And Tiffany was stubborn and hated to ask for help, so she was good at pushing back at him. Their past connections in some ways hurt them, but in others ways helped bond them. They just had to figure out how to deal with it all and determine if they could fit into the other one's life and if they were really wanted there. And that takes work, stepping out of comfort zones, and patience.

I was glad to get both of their points of view. I would have liked to see a bit more at the ending and maybe an epilogue. But it did make me stay up late to finish it so I was obviously invested in the story of these two damaged characters that were tying to find a way to be whole again.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
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I liked this book from the beginning; when a book grabs my attention and is compelling from the start I have to say it can be the best part of every book. This one did it for me, it was very well written, no jealously or suspicion of cheating like so many books. At the beginning, when Blake and Tiffany first meet there is suspense and intrigue that makes for a page turner. The one thing I didn’t care for was how the heroine had self-esteem issue to the point that she cheapened herself but as the story progressed you can see how she developed strength. The overall story was good and I like how she had three children and she protected them throughout the book. I was fortunate to receive this free book for a pre-release ARC review. This is one that I will read again – I definitely recommend.

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It’s hard for me to rate Wait for It. Honestly, there’s nothing about this book that’s particularly bad. There’s nothing that makes it stand out either. I suspect my current book funk has colored my opinions. For what it’s worth, here goes.

When someone says, “Do you want the good news first or the bad news?” I always choose the bad news. The problem is that I can’t put my finger on what didn’t work for me. What I do know is that throughout the first 40% of the book I must have picked it up and put it down a half dozen times. It just did not sustain my interest.

I couldn’t connect with Blake and his initial coldness. He’s a wealthy man who throws money at problems and carefully conceals his emotions. He is quick to callously dismiss and threaten Tiffany in the beginning without even attempting to understand her situation. Later, his transformation into a concerned caregiver seems abrupt. His kindness is overshadowed by a refusal to pursue genuine, fulfilling relationships. I couldn’t entirely relate to him.

Tiffany is a survivor who is easy to admire. For all intents and purposes she is a poor single mom that protects her three kids at all costs. With virtually no support, she fights to dig them out of a hellish situation in living in a trailer and provide them with of a normal life. She is fiercely independent and leery of accepting help, fearing that help comes with strings. However, her sense of pride seems skewed at times. Tiffany has an intense connection with Blake, but their relationship comes with an odd sort of monetary strings attached that I never fully understood.

The supporting characters add nice interest to the plot. Tiffany’s kids are absolutely adorable and sure to win you over. The antagonist, Tiffany’s estranged husband and Blake’s brother, brings some drama and suspense.

Although I didn’t find Worth the Wait to be absorbing, there is a tenderness that will likely appeal to other readers. If I read this book another day, I probably would have enjoyed it more.

Recommended for fans of:
Single mothers
Characters overcoming odds
Cute kids

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ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Tiffany's life hasn't been easy. For years she has fought for survival for her and her children. Her husband has been cruel and evil and every woman's worst nightmare. Then, when she is at her wits end, she goes looking to a friend for help. Only, she doesn't find help...she finds another nightmare.

Blake has been dealing with his crazy brother for years. He's been cleaning up his messes, keeping his sweet mother in the dark and generally trying to hold it all together. But when his brothers wife shows up after he specifically paid her to stay away (yes you read that right) he's pissed.

Slowly Blake comes to realize that Tiffany isn't out to hurt him but instead only wants to survive and be a good mom to her children. She didn't ask for her lot in life, she fell in love with a monster and is trying to do the right thing. These two people circle each other for quite some time. I enjoyed Tiffany's character. She was strong and such a good mother to her children. Blake was also trying to do the right thing and protect his mom but not at the expense of his mother's feelings.

This book was a bit strange to me in that Blake is Tiffany's husband's brother. Once I got past that, it was a story of redemption and forgiveness. I enjoyed the healing that took place in this book. The fierceness in which Blake came to protect Tiffany with. All in all it was a solid read with lots of feeling I've come to expect from Molly O'Keefe.

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Here is the link to my review at Goodreads:

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First I will preface this by saying I have not read the other books in this series and found it to be a total stand alone. I'm sure had I read the others, I would have gotten some good backstory on the side characters in this book.

I adored Tiffany. She's a little rough around the edges and not perfect. But she loves her kids and is willing to do whatever she needs to to take care of them. I love when you can feel the love a female character has for her kids and I felt it. She's in a really rough situation and working to make a better life for her family because of her horrible ex/current husband.

Blake is her estranged brother in law and he thinks Tiffany is up to no good and wants nothing to do with her. But it doesn't take long for him to realize Tiffany and her kids may be worth taking a risk. Letting go of his guilt and his hardened heart and trying to love is his ultimate task in this book.

Overall, I enjoyed the characters and the story. I felt a few places were a bit slow but then it would pick up. I kind of wish the sex scenes were slightly cut back but then again, they played a part of these character's personalities.

I recommend giving this author a try whether it's with this book or perhaps the first in this series!

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When Blake first met Tiffany he was trying to take care of a situation involving his brother's wife. Now Tiffany is divorced from Blake's brother and back in the picture with Blake still trying to help out, but now in a different way.

This book showed how strong Tiffany was as a single mother of three children. It also showed that one should never make assumptions about other people before getting to know them and you shouldn't enable other's behavior. I thought this was a great read. I liked that although Blake was an ass in the beginning he gradually became a person that Tiffany felt safe with. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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loved this book

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I've been a big fan of this series. Books 1 & 2 were 5 star reads. Book 3 was 3 stars and now we have another 5 star read. Tiffany was a character who I wanted to know what happened to and she had a fantastic story to tell. I gave this 5 stars -- no review on Goodreads

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Wait for it is a soulful story of two people's world's colliding from the pain caused by another. You get to share in their personal growth, set backs, achievements, and breaking from personal chains to find true happiness. This story is well written, it grabs you by the heart and takes you on a emotional journey of self discovery.

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A sweet, hot and tumultuous love story- Tiffany and Blake made you work for it and wait for it, but it was well worth it.
"I was a glass covered in hairline cracks. One touch and I'd shatter." O'Keefe has a way with words that makes you thankful for the English language. Her descriptions are creative and spot on, and she has a way of reaching you in your everyday reality which makes reading her stories a true pleasure.
The plot unfolds rather naturally, the only part I really cringed at was the money changing hands, but O'Keefe ironed that out well by the end. I totally enjoyed this installment of the series from start to end.

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I really enjoyed this. Just enough cheese and fluff to keep things from getting too heavy. But man, Molly O'Keefe does broken characters so bloody well. Kudos.

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This is the story of Tiffany, who has had a hard life, raising 3 children and dragging herself out of her trailer park life. She is stronger than she knows, but she is distrustful. Her husband, Phil, is a piece of work. Abusive and absent. Then there is his brother, Blake. Blake has spent his life fixing the messes Phil makes, trying to protect his family from Phil's choices and actions. This is just what Blake does - has always done. He uses his money, his power, and his own actions to bend people to his will and put them in their neat little boxes. As such, before Blake really knew her, doubting that the kids she said she had were even real, he offered Tiffany $10,000 to stay away from his family, his mother in particular. She talks him into $20,000, the deal is made, and life goes on. Until a year later, when Tiffany has hit rock bottom and she ends up unwittingly in Blake's path once again. Except this time, there are a few chinks in Blake's frosty shell. He has moments of kindness...ohh, but he still only has one way of dealing with things - throwing money and brute force at them. And Tiffany is fearful, stubborn, not sure how to let anyone in to help her. Assumptions happen and mistakes are made. So, how will these two fare? It's a ride worth taking for sure.

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