Member Reviews

This book was good! It was hard to get into at first but after awhile it got much better. The characters and story were dark but definitely light at the end. Once it got better, I loved everything about this book. Definitely worth reading just stick with it.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy.

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Wait for It is the fourth book in the Everything I Left Unsaid Series. Although you can read this book as a stand-alone, I highly recommend reading the entire series from the first book to grasp the depths of these character relationships and circumstances. Wait for It is the story of Tiffany and Blake. Both Tiffany and Blake have been present throughout the series, and it is finally their time to shine.

We know Tiffany as Annie's best friend. Living in the trailer park with her three children, Tiffany has been running from her abusive husband. Blake, Dylan's best friend, and business partner happens to be Tiffany's brother-in-law. When Tiffany comes to Blake to try and get some help, Blake does what he always does and pays her off.

When Tiffany and Blake's paths cross once again, Blake begins to recognize Tiffany for the strong and independent woman she is. He also realizes the damage her brother has done to her. Blake devises a plan to get to know Tiffany better, and because he has spent his life cleaning up after his brother's messes he decides he wants to make Tiffany (and her three kids) his to fix! With passion, betrayal, and family on the line, Blake must learn how to let go and love. Before any match can be made, Tiffany must learn to trust again. Is Blake strong enough to break through her brokenness and make her feel right again?

Told in dual POV, Wait for It is another stunning addition to this series. I have been completely captivated by these complex characters and combined with the rich writing style of this author; I will be a forever fan! The plot in this one was slightly predictable, and yet, the execution was made unique with Blake and Tiffany's "special arrangement." The sensuality scale is off the chart, and the addition of the kids amped up the "family love" factor to an entirely new level. I especially loved seeing the transformation and growth between Dylan and Annie and I adore Blake's mom and her strength throughout! The pacing flows naturally, and as the plot unfolds, I was highly entertained by each and every interaction between Tiffany and Blake. The story arc is thoroughly developed, and although I would have liked more time with these two in the end, it certainly left me wanting and waiting for more!

I am a huge fan of Ms. O'Keefe and this series. Wait for It is sure to please contemporary romance fans who like edgy characters with stunning dialogue and plenty of steam!

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I keep waiting for it, waiting for this story to get interesting. I get that Tiffany has been through a lot but it just seems as though sometimes a character can be to strong and complex and with the three kids I just see she had to much going on in her life. It was hard to like Blake. So complex and harsh and tried to fix everything by throwing money at them.

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3 STARS. This was an awesome book. I could really connect with both of the main characters, Tiffany and Blake. Both with their own struggles that lead back to the same person. I loved how it can be a stand alone read but also is the 4th book in a series. Very good internal monologue for both characters. But a little more detail between the relationships of the other characters would have been good. Since this is the 4th book, and I'm reading this series for the first time, a little background is always helpful. I'm a person that likes to read a series from the beginning. I will be getting the other books because I liked the characters in this book and I'd love to learn more about them from the 3 previous books.

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"You want me. You want maybe as much as you hate me"

Blake is a hard man, used to using his money to fix any problem he thinks is his to fix. He wants to protect his family, mostly his mother from his estranged brother Phil, and the wife and kids Phil claims he has. So he does what he knows will work and he pays the wife off to never contact him or his mother.

Tiffany has had a hard life since she met and married Phil, all she wants is to provide for her kids and to live her life without fear or disappointment.

When Blake and Tiffany meet again, Blake begins to realize that maybe he was very wrong about Tiffany and what kind of person she is, and that maybe she is a victim of Phil, just like everyone else. He also starts to have some very pesky feelings about Tiffany that don't fit the way he lives his life.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, while Blake tries his hardest to be unlikable, Tiffany is brave and strong and the perfect catalyst to change Blake's life. I received a free copy of this book for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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Rated 4.5 Stars

I love all the previous books in this series but I think this one just might be favourite of the bunch. I'm not sure exactly why that is, maybe the author dipped it in extra special sauce nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved both Blake and Tiffany and watching them fall for each other. I loved watching these two damaged souls create something so beautiful out of an ugly situation. I think the author did a great job of portraying growth and change within the characters within the period of time the story takes place in. I also enjoyed the taboo element to the story.

I'm feeling a bit bittersweet as I loved the book but I'm sad that it's the last book in the series. I highly recommend this book and series.

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WAIT FOR IT is a pretty accurate name for this book. It is the fourth installment in the series, EVERYTHING I LEFT UNSAID and we had to wait patiently for Blake & Tiffany's story. Let me tell you, it was worth every minute of the waiting. I LOVED this book! I think I enjoyed it more that the previous ones. As always, Molly allures us with her amazing writing and with all the feelings she can bring from us when we read her books.

This was a quick read for me because it was impossible to put the book down. The story is so addictive and that's thanks to the situation the main characters are involved in. Their relationship is kind of forbidden and it makes it that much more appealing.

Tiffany Edwards has had a rough life. Her husband abused her both physically and emotionally for years. She was broken and damaged, but she is also strong and she gets up every time she's pushed down. She needs a change in her life, she has three kids depending on her. She needs to give them a life they deserve. The safety and comfort they deserve. And in order to accomplish that, they need to be as far away from the man who was supposed to take care of them, but only hurt them instead. She’s desperate now and the only way she'll successively protect her family is to ask for help. She has to receive help from no other than her brother- in- law, Blake, again.

Blake Edwards has spent his life solving problems, one of his biggest problems was his brother Phil. A year ago, he found out that his brother, Phil, had a wife with children, and in order to help, he payed her to vanish and stay away from his family. Now, when he saw her again, he realized he made a mistake and now he wants to make it right. He wants to help Tiffany and her children. He wants to give them what they deserve and to erase all the bad that his brother Phil did to them.

Tiffany doesn't want to trust Blake. She’s tired of putting trust in people and then getting hurt, but she has this undeniable attraction to him and despite what she thinks is wrong, her body betrays her whenever she’s in Blake’s presence. He is her ex-husband’s brother, but she thinks she deserves some happiness in her life.

Blake wants Tiffany for the wrong reasons. He wants to make her feel good and desired, but he doesn’t want more and he can't hurt her again as his brother did. But he wants her.

This story was totally gripping from page one. You will want to know what will happen to these two main characters. They are living their passion in a wrong way, they think they need to surrender to their carnal desire to feel good, but what they really need is to change. They have to break down the walls they have built. They are good for each other and they need each other to be happy, they just need to realize that before it's too late.

I’m positive that you will love this book. It's very sexy and erotic with a beautiful ending.


Review will be posted on the release day

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I'm not able to review as I DNF. I could not get into character, Blake.

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Seriously love this series. I love all the characters and I get so sucked in I can't help ignoring the world. Tiffany and Blake have it all crazy backstory, whole lot of drama, tons of chemistry, pride and baggage. But all in all it's the chemistry and push and pull they put eachother through that made this one such a good read. I love seeing this little family of characters have even more happiness.

Great Read!

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I'm a big fan of Molly O'Keefe & read everything she writes. That said, though I loved the first two books in the Everything I Left Unsaid series, I struggled with book 3, Burn Down the Night. I fell hard for the cover model (come on!!!!!!!!!), but not for either of the principals. I was also biased against it because I wanted more of Blake & Tiffany and I'm not crazy about motorcycle clubs or their members. But! This is a review of Wait For It, and truly, I'm so glad I did - because it more than makes up for my disappointment in Burn Down the Night.

Quick note: if you haven't read the first two books in the Everything I Left Unsaid series, this review probably won't make much sense to you. You could read Wait For It as a standalone and enjoy it, but you'll be missing quite a bit about the shared history between Blake & Tiffany. Also, they're terrific books & you should just read them for that reason anyway.

Blake is closed-off, controlling, and angry. He's Dylan's business partner (we got to know a bit about him in the first two books) - and Tiffany's brother-in-law. When the story opens, he's just learned his COMPLETE LOSER/ASSHOLE/DICK + ABUSIVE HUSBAND brother, Phil, is married and has three children - or so she says. Phil's gone when Blake pays Tiffany a visit (at Annie's behest) and before the visit is over, he's insulted her, insinuated she's lying about the kids, and paid her off - warning/threatening her to stay away from everyone else in his family. For Blake, Tiffany is just another problem he has to solve. But Tiffany shows a strength he doesn't expect, and when he finally does leave, he's not sure who had the upper hand in the conversation.

The story jumps forward and this time we're in Tiffany's PoV. She's on the run, once again, from Phil on a rampage. He's tracked her and the kids down and she's only barely escaped through a window with the kids. With nowhere else to run she heads to her friend Annie and inadvertently interrupts a company holiday party. Flustered, she tries to leave but not before Blake catches sight of her and follows her to her car.

Tiffany is a mess. Five years ago she was a freshman at college in Florida when she met Phil and fell for him. When she wound up pregnant, she dropped out of school and left her family behind to marry Phil and raise their son. But life didn't turn out like she hoped. After five years dealing with his abuse she's used the blood money Blake paid her to create a new life for her and the kids. But Phil's found her again and though she's escaped him - for now - she's nearly broke, on the run from her horrible husband with her kids, and face to face with Blake, whom she both fears and hates.

So that's the set-up. I don't want to spoil the relationship between Blake and Tiffany except to say that despite my doubts about them ending up together, Ms. O'Keefe does a remarkable job developing their relationship. Their shared and individual past history casts a long shadow and affects nearly all their interactions, nearly derailing their relationship before it ever has a chance to begin. But spending time together seems to help both of them heal the scars in their past, and allows them to cast off the chains tying them to Phil and his destructive influence.

Ms. O'Keefe does an excellent job with Tiffany's story arc - watching Tiffany discover her own strength and open herself up to Blake's tender protectiveness after years of abuse is truly inspiring. I particularly loved how she linked Tiffany's sexual awakening with her emotional growth. A date/hook-up in a hotel room is intense - through their individual PoV's we know how deeply it affects both of them, & their chemistry is off the charts hot/dirty/fierce and sexy. I read this sequence more than once because it's just so delicious. Oh Ms. O'Keefe - you really know how to write the sex in sexy.

Blake is appealing - I love how Ms. O'Keefe slowly peels away the layers of his personality to reveal a tender, vulnerable, NEEDY man who just needs the love of a good woman to let down his guard for good. He's sexy & a terrific match for Tiffany. I loved his careful and protective feelings towards her and his willingness to do whatever it took for her to feel safe and ready to accept his love. I also liked his interactions with her kids - and his awareness of just what they needed to feel loved as well.

I did have a few problems with this story. First, there didn't really seem to be a middle - when the story opens Tiffany and Blake are enemies. It doesn't take long for them to transition from enemies to lovers and then to partners. Though I enjoyed the lead up to their relationship, I felt like the story needed a bit more relationship building; I also struggled with the final few scenes featuring Phil. I kept expecting him to reappear & when he didn't even try...well, it just didn't ring true to the character for me. And lastly, Tiffany's family history clearly troubles her but Ms. O'Keefe doesn't fill in enough of the blanks. Her parents are jerks - but why? Why was her dad so dismissive of her and her sister? What's the root of his disdain for them? Why did the mother cowtow to him - did she always? I had so many questions and not nearly enough answers.

Complaints aside, Wait For It was indeed, worth the wait. I still think Everything I Left Unsaid is my favorite in the series - but it's close. This one is similarly excellent.

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I think this is an incredibly sexy, short and sweet book. I loved both the characters immensely. I wish the heroine would've communicated her concerns a little sooner, but other than that the progression of their relationship felt realistic given their circumstances. Though, I did find the hero's epiphany a little quick-paced, but not quick enough that it felt forced, rather if you re-read earlier scenes, you see he was hiding what he was feeling, giving away to the insta-love.

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Tiffany makes a deal with the devil. She takes Blakes twenty thousand dollars and promises never to come back. Blake doesn't want his mom to know about Tiffany but sometimes your brother is to messed up and you need to fix his problems.
Tiffany knows she can turn to her friend for help. She needs a lawyer to get Phil out of her life for good. So her and her kids can be happy. But when life throws Blake at her even though he's Phils brother the chemistry is sizzling and pulling them towards one another. Can th we two stay out of each other's way? Because really, Tiffany doesn't like the man very much since he paid her twenty thousand dollars to disappear.
Can Blake let someone in or will he buy his way out of Tiffanys life?

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Right off the bat, you want to hate Blake, but you can't b/c of his honesty. You know what you are getting right from the start. But then....

Tiffany is running from her abusive husband with her 3 kids in tow. The LAST thing she needs is to run into her soon to ex's over bearing, cocky, attitude laced brother. But of course that is exactly who she finds.

This is an intense at times read, where you want to reach through the pages and shake both Blake and Tiffany. It makes you want to scream at them to wake up and see what is right in front of them. It was a non stop read for me. I finished it in one setting as I found it hard to put down.

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I really enjoyed this book. I was emotionally drawn to Tiffany and Blake's characters right away. Such a great story.

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Wow. this book I couldn't put down. Blake always cleaning up his brother's messes. Dealing with his brother's ex-wife by paying for her to leave, comes back to haunt him. This book is a must read.

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Read the first 2 pages and found that this was not the book for me. Sorry.

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Interesting and amazing read, I will have a review posted on ibooks on release week!

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This book hooked me from the very beginning. This book deals with abuse but at the same time it shows how one can rise above the lingering effect it leaves behind. The main characters are Blake and Tiffany. When we first meet them there is instant dislike between them. Tiffany was married to weasel Phil who happens to be the brother of Blake. She has 3 kids with the dbag and was emotionally physically and mentally abused by him. Cold ruthless Blake meanwhile, didn't know any of this at the time and thought Tiffany was just trying to con him and his mom for money ( the m.o of his brother) hence offering her 20k just to go away. But they meet up once again a year after when Tiffany flees in the middle of night scared out of her mind, taking with her her kids and going to her friend Annie's place for help. Blake happened to also be in the house and a discussion takes place between the both of them. Both of them are suspicious of each other but what they don't realize is that they're exactly the same- both of them were drowning and there was no one around to save them - Tiffany from her husband and Blake fixing things with his money. Tiffany was one strong woman - she managed to take care of her 3 children without any help from her family but with the support of her small group of friends. While reading this book, I was thinking, will all of them (children included) get their happy ending? Find out and read it...

Thank you to Netgally, Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept and Ms. M. O'Keefe for providing me with this ARC.

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O'Keefe is a brilliant emotional author taking readers on a roller coaster ride with a beautiful satisfying ending. Tiffany and Blake got the story and ending they deserved. I would've loved even more at the end, but I was happy for the series wrap up we received.

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WAIT FOR IT is book 4 in the <i>Everything I Left Unsaid</i> series by M. O'Keefe. This is the erotic alter ego of Molly O'Keefe, who writes contemporary romances. Both pens names share the strong use of characters at rock bottom. Any book of O'Keefe's will drag you through unbelievable heights of seduction and crashing emotional lows, leaving your angst-ridden heart sobbing on the floor as you turn the pages, desperate to know how the characters will reach their Happily Ever After. I adore that! While this book is part of a series, it is not necessary to be familiar with the other characters before diving into Wait For It. The characters from other books are shown here, but are by no means the focus.

This story is told in alternating first person points of view by Tiffany and Blake. We first met Tiffany in book 1, Everything I Left Unsaid [please make this a hyperlink to my review of the book:], when she was living in a run-down trailer part with her three children, trying to stay away from her abusive and spendthrift husband. Blake is her brother-in-law, and when Blake first finds out about Tiffany and her purported marriage, he assumes she's out to scam his family. He pays her off with $20,000 to stay away from them. Since Tiffany is barely scraping by, she grits her teeth and takes the money so that her children don't starve. I really like Tiffany- she's no nonsense and practical. She is honest, a hard worker, and would prefer to make it on her own if she could. Her unfortunate life brings her back into Drake's orbit, however, and he realizes that he needs to make up for his past sins.

There is raging sexual tension between Blake and Tiffany, which is so delicious. Blake behaves in the lifelong patterns that he has set for himself, trying to control everything with money, including sex. This makes him a prime horse's ass, in my opinion. While I understand why Tiffany sleeps with him (think How Stella Got Her Groove Back), I do wish for her to stand up for herself more in the beginning. Wait For It is not as filthy as previous books in the series, but the bedtime antics will still leave you breathless.

In this series, O'Keefe brings us bad boys who meet their destiny in the broken women who teach them to love while they stretch their own wings and learn how to fly again. O'Keefe always makes me cry bitter tears of disappointment that lead to relieved sighs of profound happiness when the dust finally settles. WAIT FOR IT is a solid entry in this erotic romance series, full of angsty goodness.

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